Launching a multi-year, multi-million dollar campaign largely based upon a dubious survey does not instill confidence among the laity.In August 2019, Pew Research published a study suggesting just one-third of U.S. Catholics believed in transubstantiation. The study went on to say: “In fact, nearly seven-in-ten Catholics (69%) say they personally believe that during Catholic Mass, the bread and wine used in Communion ‘are symbols of the body and blood of Jesus Christ.’ Just one-third of … [Read more...]
US Bishops Take Up Anti-Poverty Collection Despite Lack of Transparency
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), the official anti-poverty program of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), formally states on the USCCB website that it “is committed to transparency and continues to publish a list of recent grantees online each year.” Despite this commitment, however, the CCHD has refused to publish its grants list for over two years. The Lepanto Institute has tried for over a year to contact CCHD officials, requesting publication of all … [Read more...]
The Modernist Mission of Bad Religious Art
The Vatican’s decision to adopt cartoonish, trivialized symbols, such as the blue-haired ‘Luce’ mascot, is a symptom of a disturbing shift within the Church. The current trend moving the Church away from Her treasury of glorious art to commercialized trinkets is a mere triviality to many, but the history of this move is darker than most realize.The age-old question of whether life imitates art, or art imitates life essentially asks whether it is the art which impacts society and shapes the … [Read more...]
Seven Organizations to Support for Hurricane Helene Relief Efforts
The disastrous effects of Hurricane Helene have not yet been fully realized. 202 men, women and children are confirmed dead while “hundreds” are still missing. Moody’s analytics says there may be $15-26 billion in property damage, and Accuweather says that the total damage and economic loss could be upwards of $110 billion.Catholic Charities is fundraising on the disaster, but many well-informed Catholics wish to avoid contributing to an organization committed to bring illegals into this … [Read more...]
Report: Political Donations by “Professional” Catholics Heavily Favor Democrats
In 2016, the Lepanto Institute conducted a review of political contributions from employees of Catholic Relief Services, finding that 98% of those employees contributed to pro-abortion candidates and causes.A new analysis of political campaign contributions, conducted by the Lepanto Institute and Complicit Clergy, updated and expanded this initial research to include individuals working for various other Catholic charitable institutions, namely Catholic Charities, Covenant House, St. Vincent … [Read more...]