On October 10, LifeSiteNews reported on one of the listening sessions held by Bp. McElroy at Our Lady of Grace Church in San Diego. During this session, one attendee was removed because of the concern she expressed over “an openly homosexual man ‘running the show’” at St. John the Evangelist parish. According to LifeSite:
After the woman alleged that the parish of St John the Evangelist had an openly homosexual man “running the show,” the Bishop cut her off, saying, “Alright, you’ve gone far enough now. You’re not going to stand here and disparage an employee of the diocese. You can leave if you’re going to do that. The other things you can say—you cannot attack an employee of the diocese…I owe it to the employees of the Archdiocese [sic] not to let those calumnies be said.”
In a comment on the article, the woman in question said that the guards at the event rushed her and tried to haul her out.
The openly homosexual man identified as “running the show” at St. John the Evangelist is Aaron Bianco. According to a September bulletin for the parish, Bianco is the Pastoral Associate and runs the Young Adults & Pastoral Outreach ministry.
In 2015, Dignity USA quoted from a Wall Street Journal article on facebook (which you can only access through a paid subscription), indicating that Bp. McElroy was fully aware of Bianco’s homosexuality and assured him that his diocesan job is secure. Given that Bp. McElroy was aware of Bianco’s homosexuality, it is unclear what he meant when he said that he would not “let those calumnies be said.”
LifeSiteNews, Joseph Sciambra and Church Militant have already written extensively about Bianco’s pro-homosexual activism and his connection to the heretical Call to Action. But concerned Catholics from the San Diego diocese have contacted the Lepanto Institute claiming that Bianco is in a same-sex “marriage.” What follows is the result of the Lepanto Institute’s investigation into this claim.
In 2017, the San Diego District Attorney’s office acknowledged Aaron Bianco as a “Citizen of Courage” for keeping his cool when a deranged man entered the offices of St. John the Evangelist parish and threatened to kill a priest. The DA’s office interviewed Bianco for this acknowledgement and to recount the ordeal.
At the end of the video (4:06), after explaining what happened, Bianco expressed the thoughts that run through his head and says, “I thought of my husband.” As he says this, an image of Bianco and another man flashes on the screen.
Another image of the same man appears at the 3:58 mark, when Bianco says, “I have a mom who lives with us.”
According to public records obtained by the Lepanto Institute, Aaron Alexander Bianco formerly went under the name Aaron Alexander Smith, indicating that he took on his sodomitical partner’s last name. Page 14 of this report indicates that Aaron Bianco lives with Joseph Bianco in a condominium in Chula Vista, California, just 20 minutes from St. John the Evangelist.
Records found on the White Pages corroborate this finding, identifying Aaron Bianco at the same address as Joseph V. Bianco.
Apparently, Aaron Bianco has been with Joseph for quite some time. In 2010, both Aaron Alexander Smith and Joseph Vincent Bianco were sued in small-claims court by Maricela Macias.
Given that Bianco is in a self-admitted sodomitical “marriage,” it is the supreme height of irony that St. John the Evangelist parish identifies him as the point of contact for couples preparing for marriage.
Bianco is currently listed as a lecturer at the University of San Diego, which is supposed to be a Catholic university. Bianco is also identified as a speaker at the up-coming Santa Clara Faith Formation Conference, taking place November 29 – December 01. Bianco’s bio says that he is a “professor of Theology at the University of San Diego and is the coordinator for LGBT Ministry for the Diocese of San Diego.” He is slated to give two presentations. The first one titled, “Gender Identity and the Catholic Church, What educators and administrators should know,” is described as follows:
Gender identity and transgender issues have become hot topics. How does the Gospel teach us to serve young Catholics on their journeys? How are we called to be loving in the midst of challenging theological questions? In this session, I’ll share experiences and offer theological reflections to inform a pastoral approach for students who question their gender identity.
The second presentation is titled, “Let’s talk about Gender Identity in our parishes,” and is described as follows:
How can we as catechist and lay leaders bring the compassion that Pope Francis is speaking about when it comes to gender identity in our parishes. This session will focus on real examples of ways Catholic parishes and schools have dealt with gender identity and how can we learn from these examples.
We asked in the beginning what could possibly be “disparaging” or “calumnious” about identifying Aaron Bianco as being an openly homosexual man, as Bp. McElroy claimed as he tossed a concerned Catholic out of one of his listening sessions. It is clear that Bianco is not only an openly-practicing homosexual, but he is in a self-admitted sodomitical relationship he calls a “marriage.” What else is clear is that on at least two different occasions, Bp. McElroy personally defended this man as an employee of the diocese of San Diego.
Regardless of the reasons, the simple fact of the matter is that same-sex, so-called “marriage” is strictly forbidden in the Catholic Church, and as such, Aaron Bianco has no business being employed by a parish, the diocese or a Catholic university. And yet, he is employed by all three. It is unconscionable for Bp. McElroy to defend employing an individual for work within the Catholic Church when this individual’s very life is a testimony against the very core of her most basic moral teachings. What makes it worse is that Aaron Bianco is acting as a representative of the Catholic Church as an “outreach minister” and a “pastoral associate.” And worst of all, his role as a so-called diocesan coordinator for LGBT Ministry is a hypocritical mockery of the Church he represents. It is absolutely impossible for someone living in a mockery of Christian marriage to lead people with same-sex attraction in accord with Catholic teaching. Even if he mouths the Church’s teachings, his own example is a stark contradiction to those very teachings.
The Lepanto Institute has created a petition, asking Bp. McElroy to terminate the employment of Aaron Bianco for causing scandal to the faithful through his gross disregard of Catholic moral teaching while acting as a representative of the Catholic Church.
Please sign the petition at the link here, and ask as many Catholics as you know to sign it as well.
Not much causes more “scandal to the faithful” than this blog. Shame on you!
How does this blog scandalise the faithful?
This blog scandalizes the faithful by pretending to represent the Roman Catholic Church. The views expressed here are opposed to the teachings of Jesus and the tenets of the faith. Catholics do NOT put down any group of God’s people (“lepers”) or judge the sins of others (judgement is for God alone). Also, it lacks the spirit of forgiveness and charity that mark the mission of Christ. The Christian tone is totally absent here. This is a site of hatred and judgment.
Linda, those are not arguments. You are simply stating your opinion. Let me try to help you.
1. Who are the faithful who are scandalized, and what are they faithful to?
2. How are the views exposed here opposed to specific teachings of Jesus? Explain and correlate wrong views with each teaching of Our Lord.
3. Is all judgment reserved to God alone? Explain 1 Corinthians 6:3 and your own condemnations of this blog in light of Romans 2:1-3 and Luke 6:37
4. Explain what St Paul says about approving wicked things thus bringing adverse judgment on themselves. Romans 14:22
5. In 1 Corinthians 4:5, aren’t we exhorted to judge properly?
6. Should we “charitably” forgive wickedness always or act according to the Apostolic counsel in Acts 20:28?
7. How does “the spirit of forgiveness and charity” mark the mission of Christ? Did Christ violate the spirit of his own mission according to what is described in John 8:44-45?
8. When you find fault on the tone and Christian qualities of this blog: aren’t you judging, lacking in charity and forgiveness yourself? Please explain.
9. Who appointed you to judge your brethren in this blog? Why are you so bitter and pugnacious in your comments here while failing to teach even the most elementary part of Christ’s Gospel?
If you were to answer those 9 questions with truth, Tradition and Scripture, you would be adding to the dialog in a positive way here. Instead you are pontificating against things you obviously don’t understand.
Hi Carlos, Here is an article from John Horvat of “Tradition, Family, & Property,” (America Needs Fatima), that I think you might find interesting:
Four Strategies Satan Uses Against Christian Order
12/14/2015 4:00:10 PM
A Christian order presupposes that we believe in Christ and His law. As a result, Christians organize all society in function of this law, and from this comes order and peace. A Christian society also presupposes a fight against evil and all those threats that attack the good order of society. When a society upholds the law of God and rejects evil in all its manifestations, there are all the elements for progress and sanctification.
In modern times, Satan’s great triumph has been to undermine this concept of society. Above all, he has sought to destroy in the minds of Christians the idea of this fight between good and evil. Thus, he employs several strategies to keep Christians out of the good fight.
First Strategy: Deprive Christians of an Enemy
He has sought by all means to cause mankind to disbelieve in him. He encourages a culture which spreads the idea that he does not exist or is not a threat. Once his existence is called into question, it is only a small step to convince mankind that moral evil in any form also does not exist.
Hence, disbelief in Satan destroys the need to fight against evil and our vices. Evil becomes a kind of disease that can be cured by proper psychiatric or medical treatment. People are led to believe that bad things happen because people are ill-informed or uneducated. Others claim that evil deeds are the result of adverse circumstances or oppressive social structures.
Satan does everything possible to promote a society that denies the idea of a fight between good and evil, and therefore between God and himself. He promotes the defect of getting people to not hate evil.
Second Strategy: Deprive Christians of an Ally
To disbelieve in Satan is to be logically committed to a disbelief in God. By this strategy, the devil deprives us of our greatest and most powerful support in the fight against evil. He deprives us of the means for victory since God will always triumph over the devil.
By promoting disbelief in God, it is easy to convince Christians that moral good does not exist. Rather, any good is merely an emotional state without any real value. Good is a feel-good condition for weak individuals. “Good” people must not fight evil but must constantly make concessions and show “compassion” to evil. Above all, society must not promote a concept of a moral good since good is merely a matter of opinion.
Third Strategy: Disguise Evil by Making It Look Good
Even by destroying the notions of good and evil, the devil finds it difficult to get society to practice outright evil since it is so contrary to our nature and good order. Often the devil needs to disguise evil in order to lead Christians and all society to perdition.
Satan is an expert in determining the proper moment to attack. He watches society and understands its dispositions, needs, desires, and circumstances. He knows that he will be defeated if he suggests outright evil to an upright people. Thus, he will confuse his victims by disorganizing their feelings; he will suggest something seemingly praiseworthy as a means for deviating the person to an evil end. He will lead and confuse all society to perdition by proposing that men seek after things that appear helpful but really are not good. He will disguise the evil of abortion, for example, as an act of “compassion” for women.
Fourth Strategy: Change the Order of a Person’s Priorities
Finally, Satan seeks to change a people’s priorities by favoring a culture that encourages people to center upon themselves, even to the point of satisfying legitimate desires.
Indeed, Satan tried to do this with Christ Himself when He suffered hunger after fasting for forty days and nights. “And the tempter came and said to Him, ‘If Thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread’” (Matt. 4:3).
Saint Thomas Aquinas speaks of this action of the devil as a deordinatio, a perversion of the proper order of things. By Original Sin, we tend toward evil and disorder. Satan capitalizes on this tendency by turning things upside down. He suggests to us that the satisfaction of our own needs, desires and ambitions (however legitimate they may be) is more important than doing the Will of God. He promotes a society where the rule of money prevails and God’s honor is put aside and forgotten.
Fighting Back
To fight the action of Satan, we must be convinced that God “will not allow us to be tempted beyond our strength” (1Cor. 10:13). God allows temptation but He also checks and restrains the tempter. By suffering and resisting temptations with God’s help, we can be strengthened and increase our sanctity. When all society resists Satan, it leads to an order that is conducive to virtuous life in common.
When Satan employs these strategies against us, we should immediately have recourse to God and the Blessed Mother. We should engage in this cultural fight that Satan promotes. In so doing, we can humiliate the devil by showing him his powerlessness against the Grace of God. Saint Thomas teaches that God allows the just to be tempted to show them the greatness which grace bestows on them.
In other words, as long as we are engaged in the fight against evil, we can be assured of victory and a return to order. God controls the devil and will assure his defeat.
Hi June, excellent article. I do think that witness of the goodness of Christ is inevitable. Either we have a prosperous and peaceful society with lots of practicing Christians, or we have a chaotic society (such as our present circumstance) and the conspicuous absence of Christian principles serves as a sort of witness in reverse. The way to fix the mess we are in right now is to return to Christ. We have to learn and teach the grand faith we have received. We haven’t done that properly for a long time now. I had a conversation about Our Lady of Guadalupe today. Talking with this faithful Catholic lady, she realized the story of the miracle was much bigger than what she had learned so far. The same can be applied to almost any topic in the faith. Ours is not “just another faith”! Ours is the true faith, a treasure trusted to us to give diligent witness of the love of God! Jesus said: “go and make disciples teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Are we really doing that to the best of our ability?
I agree with YOU, Linda! The reply!
“If you love me, keep my Commandments!” John 14:15
“Heaven will pass away, earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” Matt. 24:35. Luke 21:33
“My sheep hear my voice.” John 10:27
The Commandments that Jesus referred to are the Ten Commandments and the Two Golden Rules! Anyone who does not know of them should look them up and put into Memory!
Look folks two very tolerant liberals who will scream “haters” at you if you dare veer from their gay-fascist line of thinking. They care nothing for the souls that have been destroyed by the queers running rampant throughout the Church. They will just preach “judge not” not caring that admonishing the sinner is work of mercy. The tolerant liberals want nothing less that blessing of sodomite marriage by the Church. Luckily Truth is eternal and sodomite marriage is lie. When the gay filth is finally purge from the Church it will be a great day. Burn the rainbow flag…All of them!!!
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops explains the difference between judging someone and the obligation of all Catholics to correct error as outlined in the Seven Works of Mercy. Please see item 3:
As a Catholic we pract ice: “Love yoiur neighbor as yourself!” Thus, we must share the turth that we know for the sake of our souls as well as for the souls of our neighbors, thus, to sharae what we knw would be a MUST! n If we faield to do that due to our fear of eing disliked or whatever other forms of reasons ight be, the fryit of that is the COMMISSION FO THE SIN OF OMISSION! THE SIN OF OMISSION OFTEN might be GREATER THAN THE SIN OF COMMSION!
Linda, we are absolutely to judge the sins of others. “Why do you not judge for yourselves what is right?” Jesus says to us in the scriptures. How else would you ever be able to tell your children that you do not accept certain behavior? And who is asking for forgiveness? No, it is not forgiveness that is being sought but acceptance of actions which contradict the call to chastity that EVERY Christian is called to. Besides Linda if you are against judging, then why do you presume to judge this blog as “hateful”? But what is hateful about objecting to a person, who lives in ongoing, intentional, public contradiction of the call to chastity, being given a prominent and ministerial role in the church?
When we see a aWRong that is being done, if we do not speak up with the Truth that we know for the correctio of that wrong, we commit the SIN OF OMISSION! The SIN of OMISSION is often greater than the SIN OF COMMISSION! Because, when someone dose something wrong, but who does not nlows that is ,wrong, who will olcnintues to do it, might v even pass it down to others! But you know it is Wrong, but you did not speak to correct that Wrong , that person might contunes to do the same and also passes it to others! Thus, that Wrong spreads, expands! Thus, the SIN OF OMISSION often is greater than the Sin of Commisio! we do not hear that TEACHING of the SIN OF OMISSION today! It is most tragic!
‘Catholics do NOT put down any group of God’s people (“lepers”) or judge the sins of others (judgement is for God alone).’ Linda Johnson
Like most poorly catechized Catholics, you’ve confused the particular judgment of one’s soul – which belongs to God alone – with the judgment of sinful behavior – which is the obligation of all disciples of Christ, just as He exhorted in the Gospel of Luke.
“And why even of yourselves, do you not judge that which is just?” Jesus Christ, Luke 12:57.
Being ignorant and an enabler of sin is no way to go through life, Linda.
Great comment, thanks, Linda
Not at all! The comments you refer to absolutely represent the Roman Catholic Church! It is yours and McElroy’s that are in absolutely opposition! I always appreciate biblical know-nothings claiming only God can judge! That is souls but the comments judge ACTIONS, which we have EVERY RIGHT AND NECESSITY to do! If not, our civilization will fall into utter chaos, destruction and death! Others have pointed out passages explaining that but you refuse to listen! BTW, who are you to judge then since you condemn it? Hypocrite much?
This is so sad! You can try to justify in your head all you want your theological reasons for promoting hatred towards anyone [to save their soul or whatever else you want to do] but I would encourage you to re read Matthew 25 to find out the questions for the “final exam” or “final judgement” to know if you are “in” the Kingdom Jesus came to remind us of. Notice how none of the reasons to be excluded are not the ones you like to propagate [in fact JESUS does not mention them…ummm..interesting]. What does Jesus say. ‘Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, 43 a stranger and you gave me no welcome, naked and you gave me no clothing, ill and in prison, and you did not care for me.’ 44 [r]Then they will answer and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison, and not minister to your needs?’ 45 He will answer them, ‘Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.’ 46 And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.” IF YOU NEED TO REPLY TO THIS LIBERAL….WAIT UNTIL FINAL DAY AND TELL HIM YOU DISAGREE!
QUOTE: — “This is so sad! You can try to justify in your head all you want your theological reasons for promoting hatred towards anyone [to save their soul or whatever else you want to do]”
RESPONSE: There is no promotion of hatred here. It is you who have equated the witness of the truth with hate. 1 Corinthians 5:9-11 and Galatians 5:16-20 are apostolic instructions on what to do with people that make a practice of sin, live in sin, or even promote it as valid. You can conclude that St. Paul was a hateful man but in reality he was instructing other Christians on how to protect the flock thus showing pastoral love for them. Love is charity and it begins with our own. Your thoughts are warped; Paul’s thoughts are not. “But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he has denied the faith, and is worse than those without faith.” 1 Timothy 5:8. This is not a justification “in my head” of my reasons to reject practicing sodomites like McCarrick from getting near my children or the children in my parish or community. This is straight apostolic counsel, not theological lucubration.
QUOTE: — “but I would encourage you to re read Matthew 25 to find out the questions for the “final exam” or “final judgement” to know if you are “in” the Kingdom Jesus came to remind us of. Notice how none of the reasons to be excluded are not the ones you like to propagate [in fact JESUS does not mention them…ummm..interesting]… IF YOU NEED TO REPLY TO THIS LIBERAL….WAIT UNTIL FINAL DAY AND TELL HIM YOU DISAGREE!”
RESPONSE: According to your warped reasoning, the charitable acts described by Jesus here are equated to letting the likes of McCarrick come into the Catholic community, thus sacrificing our children to their deviant appetites. Perhaps you are “Linda” with a different name, but most likely you are one of those deviant ‘religious’ assigned to bother the readers here. I recognize you for your satanic obscuring of Holy Scripture. Am I supposed to give food, drink, shelter, and clothing to the little ones of Jesus? YES! We do that all the time. Somehow you compare that to giving my children to a ravenous homosexual. Have you no shame?
I won’t wait until the final day to reply to you. In fact I pray that you will repent and save yourself because you are twisting the teaching of Jesus to hurt the very little ones of his. That is a grave sin, and if you have taken holy orders, your sin is even more grievous. I don’t know about others but I am not impressed by self-righteousness mixed with bad theology. I suggest you go somewhere else to spread the devil’s teachings. I can recognize your style (pretty boring and predictable sodomite logic of “mercy”). You do not need to keep changing your screen name. Your true identity is transparent to the system. Get lost.
Where in the Bible is it stated that homosexuality is wrong?
A: Gen 19; Lev 18:22 and 20:13; Romans 6:23; 1 Cor 6:9; 1 Tim 1:8-11; 2 Peter 2:6; Jude 1: 6-7; Matt 10: 15. EVERY mention in Sacred Scripture concerning homosexual acts is strongly condemnatory. Every mention of heterosexual acts, within marriage, is laudatory
Bravo, Eva Marie – and let’s also not forget Christ’s condemnation of those who would corrupt the young:
Matthew 18:6-7
6″If anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
7Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!”
So much for heart-bleeding ‘compassionates’.
How so?
If that is the case, you may want to move on to read something that does not scandalize you. Your constant derogatory comments do nothing but show outrage, Linda. It is your Christian obligation to show mercy to those who are wrong and teach them right. You are not doing that because deep down you know you are not in the right. If this blog is wrong, please expose the wrong with kind words and arguments. Otherwise spare us your self-righteous indignation; it is quite boring.
Well said. We aren’t kids who believe our parent-figures are perfect. Rather, as adult Catholics we are called to do all we can to encourage holiness in the Church and point out error when we see it. Not doing this would be the REAL scandal. This seems to me to be a well documented article. Thank you.
“Don’t be startled to see deficiencies, but see the positive side as well. What seems terrible in life is generally not so black. That is why I have said more than once that if you are supernaturally objective you will not be pessimists. If pessimism begins to creep in, you should check things immediately, humbly searching for the reason. That way you will be able to apply the remedy and get back your serenity and hope…The Paraclete will not abandon his Church.” St Josemaría Escrivá
The truth is scandalous….okkaaayy.
@Linda Johnson
The guy is an open homosexual in a homosexual psuedo marriage. He promotes homosexuality inside the Church. He’s doing the devil’s work. Hello? Are you Catholic? Do you understand the grave sin of sodomy? A grave sin that cries out to heaven. A grave sin so bad it’s second to murder if not possibly worst for the scandal it causes. It sends you to hell. Do you understand? The Church is here to save souls from an eternity in hell. Not tip toe around your feewings.
I don’t quite understand why homosexuality is rated so highly on the sin list. It’s not even on the ten commandments.
1 to 4 is about only believing in the christian god, which incidentally comes before respecting parents, murder, stealing, adultery, lying and being generally jealous.
I’m not a christian scholar but the various interpretations and cherry picking (I know this word upsets a lot of people) to keep up with societal changes does not lend itself to the credibility of being a “fundamental” or literal quotations of the bible. Pork and shell fish were bad because the people writing the bible had no knowledge of bacteria, guidelines to treating your slaves well was because slavery was acceptable at the time.
It seems to be a pointless sword to fall upon by sticking to a small part of the scripture and even advocating that homosexuality is worse than offering your virgin daughters to be raped in place of the visiting angels, or the heinous acts of rape, torture, child abuse and rape.
Homosexual acts are one of the four sins which cry to Heaven for vengeance. It is such a serious sin, it was named after a city that was annihilated by fire for it.
“The reproductive force as such is the most sacred thing that we have, because it is directly divine. The more divine what we pull into the dirt, the greater is the sin.” Rudolf Steiner 1 Nov 1906.
Yes,Bishop McElroy, it takes courage to Commit Mortal Sin, GAY UNION is MORTAL SIN! It also takes courage to love to enter Hell where Souls with MORTAL SIN LIVE! Hell is totally dark, icy cold ~ sub zero temp, and demons are there tormenting the souls without stop… the tortures they apply to each soul are not something we could IMAGING, because, they are made of Perfect HATE! Where God is absent, there is Perfect EVIL and Sub ZERO COLDNESS! God alone is Light and gives LIFE ~warmth! Yes, it takes more than courage, to SIN! it is the End for those who LIVED BY THEIR FLESH, thus, they die with their flesh~~ the torment of the FLESH is not something easily managed when there is NON STOP to it! It is for ETERNITY! NO END, Timeless… It takes a lot of Courage to want to enter HELL by giving into the Pleasure of the FLESH!
Not the faithful mam, just practicing sodomites. Wake up and accept truth.
Shame on you for not defending the true teachings of Christ with regards to the 6th commandment as this blog does. Get behind us Satan.
Shame on You Linda!!!
The apostate bishop accomplishes of the sodomites couple are the ones who are causing the scandal, not this blog.
YOU are RIGHT ON TARGET! To enter the GATE of Heacaen, there is NO COMPROMISE! “God is light,in HIM there is no darkness, non at all!” 1 John 1
Where is the petition? Thanks for this information God Bless You.
We just added it at the end.
Dear Bishop McElroy. If you want to advocate homosexual marriage, lifestyles or whatever and please resign from the Church and do it, otherwise, you are an IDIOT if you want to make us believe that this homosexual lifestyle is okay within the employment of the church.
McELroy belongs in the Church of England where he would fit in very well. Sodomy with smells and bells and plenty of silk fancy vestments. Just no magisterium or Christianity!
YOU are RIGHT ON TARGET! To enter the GATE of Heacaen, there is NO COMPROMISE! “God is light,in HIM there is no darkness, non at all!” 1 John 1
The HUGE problem that I see in the disagreement on homosexual activity according to Church teaching is this; There are people that have been taught the TRUE teaching of the Church, and then there are people who have been taught the ‘do whatever your “conscience” tells you the true teaching of the Church is. The Church’s job along with the job of parents, is to pass on the TRUE faith to their children. This has been either woefully lacking or even nonexistent for at least 50 years now, with many a time when parents had to compete with lacking or even faulty catechesis from clergy. When right consciences have been formed it is a matter of accepting the teaching of the Church. According to the Church it is OUR JOB to conform our beliefs and consciences in lock step with the Church….it is NOT the Church’s job to conform their teaching in accordance with ‘individual consciences’ in whatever they happen to believe.
Linda, would like you to respond to just one of Carlos questions.
She won’t. She just had more off topic self righteous statements. But if she answers properly, I will make sure they are published.
She can’t!
Mr. Hichborn, I worry for your idle hands that you have so much time being a busybody. It appears you have spent many hours researching an individual of no particular importance, when his only crime is that he practices his faith in way you deem unworthy of the Catholic church. No one has even accused him of a crime, but yet you see fit to give his and his family’s personal contact details, for reasons I can only imagine are to encourage others to harass him. I wonder how you would react if someone who disapproved of your conduct singled you out and went to all this trouble to research your personal life and publish your personal details.
This “individual of no particular importance” is touted as a parish leader and runs several parish organizations. If living in a sodomite situation is considered “practice of faith”, it is prudent to question just what “faith” he is practicing, for it is clearly not the Catholic faith. He has no business being in a position where he can influence other Catholics and possibly lead them down the hell-bent road that he himself is currently traveling.
I absolutely agree with you, Levant. Publishing this man’s personal photos and going so deeply into his personal life in order to dehumanize him is tabloid stuff. I would argue it constitutes an act of hatred.
If the first rapist of children in the Church would have been widely exposed and condemned this kind of exposure would have never been necessary. Many good men and women are actively persecuted from the shadows by those posing as bishops and priests. I suppose those are not hateful acts in your view.
I guess Linda has no problem with priest having sex with seminarians.
I guess Linda has no problem with priests having sex with seminarians.
If the faithful in the Archdiocese of San Diego will stop donating to all funding requests by the diocese, you would get the Archbishop ‘s
Exactly! Instead, support your local parish or send donations to cloistered religious.
Write to him McElroy as I have done TWICE to Bergoglio our Cino Pope F. and his papal Charities. I told him B. F., NO money until this deviance is routed from the clergy and Vatican plus San Diego . Shame on Mc Elroy and Bergoglio cino Francis on this in San Diego, Argentina and the Vatican itself. Obviously Ab Vigano, Church Militant , Life site news .Lepanto Inst., Ger, Doc. film and Der Spiegel article etc. on Bergoglio etc. in Arg. etc. were Correct. Scandal in San Diego under Brom and now McElroy..
Linda, don’t try to reason with these religious extremists and their weird obsession with sodomy. I know many and they are are deeply self hating homosexuals. Let them sink into the filth and sewage of their hate and wickedness.
“If you love me,keep my Commandments!” John 14:15! The Commandments that Jesus referred to are: The Ten Commandments, the Two Golden Rules and the eautitudes!
The ame Gender Sexual union is the Violation of Caommandment #6! It is also the COmandments of Jesus! He is the Body of God in the HUMAN FORM! The Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity!
Never to miss lead the YOUNG ad the UNTAUGHT!
“Heaven will pass away, the eartah will pass awayk but my Wrods will not pass away!” Matt. 24:35
Bishop McElroy, Please, do not miss lead the YOUNG and the UNTAUGHT! Jesus is GOD IMMORTAL in the HUMAN FORM! “The time is at HAND!” I beleive we are now under the Conquering power of the First. Horseman! Reve. 6: 1….
“If you love me, keep my Commandments!” John 14:15!
If one can not KEEPS the Commandmtns of JESUS, but one says one LOVES HIM, it could only means that one does not LOVES HIM! LOVE ONLY WANTS TO GIVE TO THE BELOVED what the BELOVED WANTS!