CCHD 2020-2021 Grants Report
What follows is a listing of all 66 grantees found to be in violation of CCHD guidelines and Catholic moral teaching. Click the name of the organization to read the full report. You can also sort each column alphabetically, either by name of the organization, by diocese, or by violation type.
NOTE REGARDING DIOCESES NOT LISTED HERE: Most dioceses that take the CCHD collection only retain 25% of the collection money for local use. The other 75% is sent to national CCHD, which then redistributes that collected money to organizations like those listed below.
Excellent work Michael!
Your work led to the Diocese of Lansing ceasing its relationship with CCHD in 2019.
Your reports need to be circulated widely.
What nice names they are. Wolves in sheeps clothing.
We do not grasp the issue here. Catholics support Hershel despite his breaking every Commandment and lies always. Catholic Charities waste zillions on Crisis Pregnancy Centrs–which are very inecfective via many studies. Catholic Bishops support Trump, a serial fornicator. And Pence an apostate. Clergy sex… still do not grasp that girls/women like the pleasures of sex.
The pursuit of happiness is a Lutheran idea, and no Pope ever endorsed it.
Catholic moral teaching does not change, despite personal endorsements or support from individuals within the Church. Either fornication is a sin or it is not. Either abortion is murder (and therefore a mortal sin) or it is not. Either sodomy is a mortal sin or it is not. And the Church has ruled all such things grave sins, so there is nothing to be confused about. What the CCHD is financing is the promotion of grave sin, plain and simple.
Thank you, Michael. Excellent response.
And OUTSTANDING work all these years re: the CCHD, for which faithful Catholics are most grateful (whether certain Bishops sadly turn a blind eye to this travesty or not).
The “we” behind this post also need to understand that Catholic teaching remains true and unchanging regardless of whether individual American Catholics – having to make difficult choices in the course of exercising their civic responsibility to vote – support flawed candidates and office-holders because only FAR WORSE candidates and office-holders are the only alternatives.
Michael, what you said (wrote) is the Truth! I agree with you wholeheartedly! God bless you.
You are a deluded woman. God help the poor man who has to deal with your reasonings.
what a fool you are Susan, all lies you have no evidence must be a typical democrat proabortion Godless woman , what do the democrats want everything the devil does. A woman wants a pregnancy and save her baby and you and the others vandalize the centers, you are a liar and hypcocrit. and Warnock what the hell is he but a wife abuser , proabortion hypocrit as a so called Christian pastor. Trump did so much for all people fair , good jobs, safety ,border safety and MAGS , make America great again, i am all for it . go stay in your crime ridden democrat city and get a taste of the consequenses of defunding the police
I see my good sister Susan, You chose to throw the first stone.
Your comment concerning Hershel Walker is based on mere opinion. Yes, he may have had a slip here and there as a young man like most of us as human have had. But whatever sins he may have committed is between him and God. I would never hire a carpenter to remodel my house knowing he botched up one project after another, not even one who is kind and otherwise upstanding. What we need are capable leaders who deliver good results. Incidentally, I promote pregnancy care centers with my own money and participation in fund raising events. I personally know many women who have changed their lives for the better as a result of assistance from these facilities. You probably are not aware of this but they give material, moral, and spiritual assistance to all women, not just pregnant women. If for one moment I though my contributions were not being spent wisely they would hear from me personally because I don’t take too kindly to abuse. Concerning Trump, I have no idea he’s a “serial fornicator”. I’ve heard that accusation before from various sources that provide no evidence supporting that contention. I can only conclude it’s slander of the highest order.
We grasp very well the issues here. Are you God? Are you perfect??? President Trump and Herschel Walker committed sins, but they do NOT promote the wholesale murder that is abortion, 60,000,000 to date in America. And they do not want Americans paying for abortions worldwide which the devils you support are promoting, as well as euthanasia (more killing in case you didn’t know it), the teaching of sexual deviancies and abominations in primary schools – you alinsky devils (including the so-called Protestant minister and man of God warnock in Georgia) are surely happy with that and then the teaching of racial hatred in all schools and agencies of the US gov’t. And presumably you know that Luther broke his solemn vow to God and seduced a woman to do the same. You have no moral standing; get thee behind us satan and go back to the hole you crawled out of.
Forwarding this to many. Thanks for the discovery on this. We have already taken a hard hit here in Michigan with Prop 3 passage.
Why is there a picture of Saul Alinsky in the icon for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development? I’m reasonably sure he’s burning in Hell right now…
It’s to illustrate the intimate connection between the CCHD and Saul Alinsky.
It would be extremely helpful if you published pamphlets and posters that could handed out and displayed during the cchd collection weekend.
I would be glad to buy them to hand out in front of our Cathedral.
Also, any idea of how many bishops are not participating in cchd?
Diocese of Salina in Kansas is not participating. Good for Bishop Jerry Vincke!
All in involved DO NOT ! have
The fear of the Lord .
They serve Satan .
Our LORD battled satan and won .
Our LORD is on HIS Throne and
He will not be mocked !
The day of judgement is near .
We will all stand accountable for
Thought , Word & deed. . .
This includes
the pope , the cardinals , the bishops ,
the priest and last “ But not least “ the laity .
We have have flipped What is right and made it wrong .
What is truth ?
It Will Never change ……
Society has tried to reverse it ….
Make what is wrong right
Dark is still the dark (satan)
The Light is still the light (JESUS CHRIST)
People have changed
They have
NO fear of GOD the creator of All .
And ALWAYS will be . . .
The Alpha and the Omega ,
All of YOU just wait and see ! !
J E S U S ,
send us your SPIRIT come and renew
The face of the earth .
Indeed, God is Divine Mercy. BUT, be not in denial.. for He is also just in giving each of us what is do! When we stand before the throne of God the culmination of all our sins shall be accounted for (myself included). We must from this moment on use our free will wisely, if we haven’t already been doing so. For by reading all that we have just read we will not be able to plead ignorance and say, ‘oh but I didn’t know that’. How much more will be unveiled to the faithful?! Thank you Michael for revealing the seemingly ongoing deception. You do justice under the namesake St. Michael the Archangel!
First, THANK YOU for this information!!!!
Second, Susan—- the pregnancy CARE CENTER in our county is extremely effective helping educate and finacially supports anyone who comes to their door. They do not discriminate against those who have had an abortion or those who seek abortion. Education and acceptance of people created by God is their main goal. I wonder if you or Elizabeth Warren have ever visited a CARE CENTER??? If not, I invite you to our small town (Canton, Pa.) (Bradford County)
Third, I have “not” donated to UNICEF for years for this very reason!!!!!!!!
Thank you, Rosemary. Excellent points about pregnancy care centers, which do beautiful work, which have saved thousands of babies’ and mothers’ lives, which I, too, have supported all my adult life and with which it seems “Susan” is entirely unfamiliar.
We’re praying for you, Susan.
Rosemary: Who delivers the babies in the pregnancy center? Most centers have a list of providers, who deliver babies. Are they pro-life? Do they say yes to contraceptives and abortion as a part of their services? Usually this is the case.
Do you have any NFP doctors that deliver babies? If you do, are those doctors gagged from promoting NFP? Some dioceses actually teach that condoms may be necessary. Yes, they teach like planned parenthood.
So, check these out. Pregnancy centers that receive grant monies have something that they do or don’t do to satisfy the agenda of the federal gov’t’s agenda.
The bishops who allow the annual collections for the CCHD in their parishes are gravely responsible for funding these organizations and should be called to task for their actions.
Loreto House in Denton, Texas (Diocese of Fort Worth) is a magnificent example of wonderful loving care and support given to any woman and or couple needing help who comes to their door – free sonogram testing, counseling, diapers, clothing, assistance in getting a job – you name it, they provide it. For anyone to slam these dedicated places and the selfless people who staff them is a shame.
Would be so wonderful if this information could be in a printable format for handing out in RCIA when we discuss Catholic Social Justice.
Hi Gigi,
Here is a printable PDF version of this page: