In the 1970’s there was a tv show called the Six Million Dollar Man, which was about a man who had a series of body parts replaced by robotics. The tag-line of this show was, “Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to make the world’s first bionic man. Steve Austin will be that man. Better than he was before. Better. Stronger. Faster.”
The very idea of the show was that man could somehow be improved through technological enhancements. We can see this philosophy playing out in many aspects of modern life. In the world of genetics, scientists are tinkering with the human genome in an attempt to improve the human condition. Some scientists have even attempted to splice human genes with animal genes. In the world of entertainment, men and women obtain powers and abilities beyond human nature, whether it be by technology, genetic mutation, or occult sources. And central to this mingling of fantasy with technology is the Trans-Movement.
The very essence of the Trans-Movement is the idea that someone can be that which they are not. The feverish delirium that men can be women or that women can be men has swept the world to the point that civil laws are being enacted that punish people for refusing to go along with these sexual fantasies. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
In 2015, a white woman named Rachel Dolezal was discovered to have obtained a full-scholarship reserved for African Americans despite not having any African heritage at all.
Also in 2015, a 52 year old man was featured in a news story because, after abandoning his wife and seven children, he decided to live as a 6 year old girl.
There are people who have undergone extremely expensive body modifications because they believe themselves to be animals.
In 2012, a man named Dennis Avner apparently committed suicide after spending years living with body modifications that made him look like a cat.
In 2016, a male banker had his ears and nose surgically removed and his body modified in such a way as to resemble a reptile. Also having his tongue split down the middle so as to be “forked,” this man now lives as a woman, calling himself “Dragon Lady.”
Last month, LifeSiteNews reported that a 6 year old boy is being forced to live as a girl by his own mother.
It should go without saying, but merely altering the appearance of a thing does nothing to change its nature. If a rock is painted gold, it is merely a rock with gold paint on it … it does not suddenly become a gold nugget. Similarly, someone who mutilates their body to resemble an animal does not become that animal, and someone who wears the clothing of the opposite sex does not become that sex. But this is precisely what the Trans-Movement would have us believe.
And if all of this seems even just a little bit satanic, it’s because it is. In fact, one could even say that the very first sin … the one committed by Lucifer … was the very foundation for the entire Trans-Movement.
Isaiah 14: 11-15 gives us the account of Lucifer’s fall from grace:
“Thy pride is brought down to hell, thy carcass is fallen down: under thee shall the moth be strewed, and worms shall be thy covering. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, who didst rise in the morning? how art thou fallen to the earth, that didst wound the nations? And thou saidst in thy heart: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will sit in the mountain of the covenant, in the sides of the north. I will ascend above the height of the clouds, I will be like the most High. But yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, into the depth of the pit.”
The portion in bold is a most curious line. Lucifer, in its pride, said “I will be like the most High.” At the beginning of the statement, Lucifer says, “I will be …” which is future-tense, meaning that Lucifer “currently is not.” The very foundation of this sin of desiring to be that which Lucifer is not is the “pride” which brought it “down to Hell, into the depth of the pit.” Lucifer is, in fact, the very first “Trans-Being” and the founder of the Trans-Movement itself.
The drama in this situation is encapsulated in the meaning of the name “Michael.” The name “Michael” is a question that asks, “Who is like God?” Since Michael was a mere archangel who cast the highest of all the angels out of Heaven, it stands to reason that the meaning of Michael’s name is a direct response to Lucifer’s statement that he would “become like the Most High,” who is God. But Michael’s question is not without an answer … man was created in God’s image and LIKENESS. And how is this so? The Church Fathers speculate that Lucifer fell when it was revealed that God intended to become incarnate through the Blessed Virgin, and so with the announcement of God’s intention to possess a human nature, Lucifer also desired to possess a human nature. And isn’t it interesting that devils, in a blasphemous mockery of the incarnation, take possession of human bodies, but angels do not?
Having thus been cast out of Heaven, Lucifer begins to work on convincing Eve to join its Trans-Movement. In the Garden of Eden, in the form of a serpent, Lucifer attempts to convince Eve to eat the fruit of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. After Eve tells the serpent that if she ate the fruit that she would die, the serpent replies, “What is this talk of death? God knows well that as soon as you eat this fruit your eyes will be opened, and you yourselves will be like gods, knowing good and evil.”
There are a couple of very important elements in what the serpent says here. First of all, as with its own fall, the devil says, “you will be,” which is also to say, “you currently are not.” So, Eve is being told that she can become something she is not. But notice also that the serpent says she and Adam will become “like gods.” Notice the lower-case “g” and the plurality of “gods.” Adam and Eve wouldn’t become “like God,” because they already were “like” God, having been made in His image and likeness. They would become like that which they were not … like “gods,” or more precisely, like the rest of the demons.
This temptation to become “like gods” is what led to the fall of the entire human race. In other words, all of mankind fell from grace because of the lure of “transitioning.”
And this philosophy of transition has found a common thread through human history. One example of this is found in the ancient mystical art known as alchemy. This precursor to chemistry, which dropped the mystical and mysterious for the scientific, had a strong focus on transmutation. In short, it was commonly believed that base metals, such as lead, could be transformed into noble metals like gold. So, the idea with alchemy was that elements could become that which they are not.
Also found in the ancient world are chimeras; creatures that simultaneously possessed the parts of one species and the parts of another. Griffins (which were part eagle and part lion), minotaur (part man and part bull), sphynx (part man and part lion) are all basic examples of chimeras. The modern equivalent to the myths of chimeras is Darwinistic evolution, which posits the idea that every species of living organisms are in a state of transformation, eventually becoming another species. Therefore, evolution is the alleged study of living creatures becoming that which they are not.
These ideas of transformation in alchemy and evolution are direct contributors to the trans-identity movement we see today. The reason is simple. If there is no such thing as ontological reality, and the nature of a thing as designed by God is not intended to remain in that same nature, then all things are changeable and fluid. Therefore, if an ant can become a dog and if hydrogen can become iron, then a man can be a woman, a dark skinned African can be a pale-skinned Norwegian, humans can become gods and the devil can become Like God. Every modern aspect of the philosophy of transformation goes back to the first transformationist, who was the very same devil that claimed it could become “like the most High.”
Even the message of Fatima alludes to this.
In the Third Part of the Secret of Fatima, Sr. Lucia says:
“At the left of Our Lady and a little above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendour that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand: pointing to the earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud voice: ‘Penance, Penance, Penance!’.
The appearance of the Angel harkens directly to Genesis. Remember, Eve took the fruit from the serpent after it told her that she would “be like gods.” After Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden, God placed an angel at Eden’s entrance. Genesis 3:24 says, “And he cast out Adam; and placed before the paradise of pleasure Cherubims, and a flaming sword, turning every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.” So, in the vision of the Third Secret, we are told of an angel with a flaming sword who touches it to the earth crying out, “Penance, Penance, Penance.”
In her second memoir, Sr. Lucia explained the penance that Our Lord was requesting. She wrote:
“For many, thinking that the word penance means great austerities and not feeling in themselves the strength or the generosity for these, lose heart and rest in a life of lukewarmness and sin. Our Lord said to me: ‘The sacrifice required of every person is the fulfillment of his duties in life and the observance of My Law. This is the penance that I now seek and require.’“
The lesson here is simple. Because the very first sin was the prideful ambition of the devil to become that which it is not, then the penitential remedy is to humbly embrace the life, plan and laws (especially the natural law) God has established for each one of us. The devil truly is the founder of the Trans-Movement, which very literally marches under the banner of “pride.” So then, let us follow the example of Our Lady, whose humble submission to the Will of God in all things is the path by which the Son of God became incarnate.
Very good article! The diabolical lie of evolution is the root of all evil; its tentacles have spread throughout every aspect of life.
Creation is God’s blueprint, and rejecting Our Lord creates disorder.
My good and holy Priests have always preached that when we do not recognize Christ as King, false idols will take His place. That is exactly what’s happening.
O Mary, Conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee!
Absolutely deplorable and satanic
You have laid it out very well! I see no other explanation now for a person desiring to change their God given gender to the opposite one. The lack of sanctifying grace in a soul leads a mind to thinking this way … all the doing of the devil, who travels with the media, who proclaim this as a ‘right’ What a ‘ right’ it is to have the surgery that ‘changes’ the man! Many have gone back for reversal, which is very complicated. (Dr. Djordjevic). Pity the poor little children whose parents decide for them to change their gender, starting with puberty blocking (altering the flow of hormones) and then on to surgery. God help these poor little ones. Probably many of them were never baptized either.
Having read the first part of this article (regarding the “surgical operations”).i CRINGED! I pray that technology NEVER ventures further.
Magnificent text. Really very good. Unfortunately, the Catholic magazines of my country, Brazil, have long stopped publishing really Catholic articles that explain and defend Catholicism. Today, we rely heavily on the internet. I learned of this article through the Catholic blog Thyself O Lord. Congratulations. God bless this page. Hail Mary, Our Queen! [translated]
Texto magnifico. Realmente muito bom. Infelizmente, as revistas católicas de meu país, o Brasil, há muito tempo deixaram de publicar artigos realmente católicos, que expliquem e defendam o Catolicismo. Hoje, dependemos muito da internet. Conheci esse texto por meio do blog católico Thyself O Lord. Parabéns. Deus abençoe esta página. Salve Maria, Rainha! [original]
This is Transhumanism, which sees the human person as no more than an emergent phenomenon, not as a being.
At this stage, we have Sexual Transhumanism, but that is also leading to Transspeciesism, and every other sort of abomination that the mind — inspired by the demons — can dream up.
Surely, we are seeing the antichrist rising out of the sea, concomitant with the erasure the very image of God in man along with the essential awareness of nature and being.
Now, even human bodies are morphing into demonic, shape-shifting presences. It seems Satan is realizing his (its) parody of an incarnation.
Brilliant article. Pride goes before the fall
I work in a high school and have encountered several young people who are claiming they are transgender. Everyone of them have some sort of mental health issues and the number one is confusion about many things. Well the spirit of confusion comes from……yes, I agree with what you spelled out in your article. I see it first hand and I am not a mental health expert but it is very easy to see how messed up these kiddos are. Lots of rosaries need to be prayed constantly because it is getting worse each year.
Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered
and let them that hate Him
Flee from before His Face.
~Psalm 67
¡Viva Cristo † Rey! ¡Viva la Virgen de Guadalupe!
Si vis pacem, para bellum!
Benedictus Deus in Saecula!
The demon of demons is working overtime, this is the reason for the “Transgender movement” and why this evil movement is so strong and moving at an alarming rate. satan knows his time is running out.
Demons want us to be more like them. They hate us because we have free will, they had only one time to choose which was at the beginning of time when they made a choice to “serve God or not” they chose poorly. They hate us because we have priests to absolve us from our sin Matthew 18:18 The Sacrament of Confession where we are reconciled with God which they can never be. They regret their choice and they hate it when we go to confession because then the graces flow and we can see more clearly what they have done and what they are doing. The veil is lifted so we see clearly.
They hate us because we have a gender “God made them male and female”(Genesis 1:27, Matthew 19:4, Mark 10:6 Haydock Douay Rheims Bible) the demons have no gender. They want to destroy us and they are doing a good job.
They want to destroy Hope by everyone believing in “Theistic Evolution” they deny the Holy Words inspired by the Holy Spirit and they believe that GOD made sin and death BEFORE the FALL which is an evil lie from satan/lucifer. GOD did not Adam and Eve our first parents did this and it was a curse handed down because of the disobedience of our first parents. GOD hates disobedience, He hates it so much He gave death to our first parents and God also cast His favorite angel lucifer and other angels out of heaven to be damned forever by their unwillingness to serve HIM which is also disobedience.
I have done as Fr. Ripperger said to do “Ask Our Lady of Sorrows what demon you are dealing with” I did and at Adoration it was placed in my heart to read Job, I said I have read Job, but again READ JOB so I did. The demon in Job was beaten by St. Raphael so that Tobias wouldn’t die when he married Sara, they offered sacrifice as St. Raphael said and Tobias was saved. It will be St. Raphael that will destroy this demon Asmodeus he is the demon of lust, destroys marriage, chastity and most especially the chastity of the priesthood. This demon is also behind all of the pornography.
Sister Lucia said to Cardinal Carlo Caffarra the final battle will be over Marriage/Family …HELLO, we are there.
Also, the reason this will be and is the final battle is that satan will end where the Sacraments first began that was in the Garden of Eden with Marriage it was also the first Miracle by Our Lord at His Holy Mothers prompting. This makes it especially important for satan to choose this as his final play. We know who wins but how many souls will he take while so many sit SILENT (hear me Bishops?)
We will be held accountable for things we have done and things we have failed to do, like “Admonishing the sinner” a work of mercy not many do because they are afraid not of God but of people of this earth. We are dead a lot longer than we are alive, I think we need to worry more about offending GOD instead of offending those on this earth. We will stand before GOD ALONE! No one to blame. DEATH, JUDGMENT, HEAVEN, AND HELL are knocking on the door, please prepare!
Pray to God and to Our Lady of Sorrows, St. Joseph, St. Michael and St. Raphael we need all of their help in this final battle.
I offer all I do to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of His Holy Mother