What is Heaven? I believe Heaven is eternal life in God, the same life we talk about when we recite the final verses of the Credo:
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy Catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting.
Heaven is life everlasting. Yes, it is also a place where God lives, and a state of perpetual happiness, and many other good things. Notice how the verses are organized. First of all the Love of God, the Holy Spirit, a love so real that is a Person. What follows is the Catholic Church, “catholic” in its universality extending not only in space but in time as well, its center well defined by the Cross of Calvary: day zero, mile zero. The communion of saints is a necessary consequence of the above. “Saints” are “separated” like a vessel is separated for sacred purposes and excluded from profane use. We do not use the word “the elect” much these days but that is the essential meaning of “saint” or “holy” —both when applied to human beings or to the Church— something God selects and separates for His own purpose.
The forgiveness of sins is also necessary. The whole process of making us holy —that is separated from the profane world to serve God— is a consequence of our fallen condition. No one can enter Heaven in a sinful condition. We have to be made new, die and resurrect in the proper condition. The words “the resurrection of the body” mean to be made whole again to the same condition our father Adam had in the beginning. Then and only then comes “life everlasting” that is: living in God who is the “I AM”. The One that really is (by His own will to be) is also the One that wills us to be. Being loved by Him, brought to communion with Him, forgiven, cleansed from our sins, and resurrected to a new life by Him are all part of the needed previous preparation to live in Him.
Our role in that process is to worship, to reverently prepare ourselves to enter into what is holy: a new life that is perfectly ordered to the rest of the universe, a life that is catholic, aligned in every dimension to the divine will. For God must be worshiped perfectly in the way He desires. That perfect worship requires the total obliteration of our desire. We will be made perfectly happy and free by surrendering to God, doing God’s will in all things. And all things mean absolutely all, each and every thing. There is no room for the preferences of the sinful will (voluntas mea) which we must leave behind.
A deceitful spirit
The evil “spirit of the council” began to blow through the Church like a storm, blinding the faithful and obscuring that order, the path that leads to Heaven. Since those days, the so-called “pastoral” approach to leading the Church has not helped anyone reach the ultimate goal. If we surrender our will to God’s will in communion, there is no room left for tactical maneuvers. We cannot contradict the faith because there are no shortcuts available; the faith is the shortest way to Heaven. If we don’t see God, if we don’t fix our eyes in Him as the ultimate goal, we will be lost in the fog.
Please, read this quote carefully and see how men have inverted the very impulse that leads the Church to walk the path of faith leading to God.
“We must strip from our Catholic prayers and from the Catholic liturgy everything which can be the shadow of a stumbling block for our separated brethren; that is for the Protestants.” (Emphasis added) — Archbishop Annibale Bugnini, L’Osservatore Romano, March 19, 1965.
“You shall have no other gods before Me” is clear enough. We cannot look at the Truth straight in the eye if there are obstacles in our way. Those are the stumbling blocks we must remove. No element of the true faith is a barrier for anyone, Protestant or not. If we start minding the thoughts of those straying far, our attention will deviate from the will of God. The Good Shepherd does not take the whole flock to the ravines where the lost lamb is trapped. On the contrary, He takes the flock to good pastures and makes an effort to find and restore the lost lamb to the flock.
The Second Vatican Council intended to reach out to the Protestant by making the Catholic faith clear to everyone. After the Council was over, the promoters of the “spirit of the council” did not go the extra mile to rescue our lost brethren to bring them back. On the contrary, they began the systematic destruction of the ancient Catholic faith. That was accomplished by duplicity. A false ecumenism was the excuse to destroy catholicity. The narrow and firm path of faith was abandoned to join the broad way of the world instead. Our faith –a sacred thing– was diluted with the profane. As a result, Catholic Churches are not filled with former Protestants. It is the Protestant halls that are filled with former Catholics.
The recent Synod in Rome turned out to be a clear sign that is high time to change course and return to “the faith once given to the saints.” Enough of this calling the darkness “light.”
Read also: Cardinal Brandmüller: Silence on Homosexuality in Church Cries Out to Be Broken. Interview by Edward Pentin, National Catholic Register.
Reading the National Catholic Register, Pentin’s interview of Cardinal Brandmüller one cannot deny that the Cardinal is a clear thinking man and who is not afraid of pointing at the real problem. It is also clear that he waits for a supernatural solution as well. There are those who are able to push for a solution and make themselves heard, but I am quite sure there is not a single person or group of people who can correct this evil now installed among us for a long time. “This kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” And there’s the rub. Because the Catholic homosexual cabal are not the only ones that are doing things wrong. The laity have embraced the immoral ways of the world as well, plus contraception, abortion, political lying, earning a living with illicit and evil work, and so many other things. It would be easy to use the homosexuals as scapegoats – even when if they deserve it – but they are a symptom of a deeper sickness, something that has plagued the Church for a long time and will end the moment Christ decides to make the Church whole again. Remember: non praevalebunt.
At last, the blinders on the eyes of some are coming off. Praise God! The false and anti-Christ “ecumenism” which the counterfeit prelates and their “pastoral” blather as a cover to lead souls to eternal damnation, are finally seeing the light of day. The “spirit of Vatican II”, the spirit of Antichrist has done more to re-crucify Christ than all of the previous heresies and apostates and Judas’s combined.