Contributions for political campaigns are recorded and monitored, and made available as public information in order to ensure transparency in the political process. The information found in these recorded contributions are closely monitored and analyzed by political parties and research organizations in order to look for trends in certain demographic groups. Oftentimes, when one files a political contribution, the donor provides information on their employer or gives some indication as to what line of work they are in. And when researchers examine various demographic groups, such as by location, job type, sex, or religion, they tend to find a diversity of contributions and opinions within each.
For instance, when conducting a general search on for the search term “Catholic” listed under employer/occupation, we find 6,293 records for listings such as “Catholic priest,” “Catholic Health,” “Catholic High School,” and even “Catholic Relief Services.” As expected, in making a cursory examination of the contributions listed across those 6,293 records we find a widely diverse spread of donations to Democrat and Republican candidates alike. In other words, a statistical analysis of the political contributions by individuals working for Catholic institutions provides a general idea as to where Catholics in general stand with regard to political candidates and parties.
But when narrowing the search to employees of Catholic Relief Services, we see that the diversity narrows to the point of near exclusivity. In fact, of the 191 contributions for which we could find public records, 187 went to politicians who actively work to serve the abortion and contraceptive industry. That’s 98% of all public records for employees of CRS. In total, we have been able to obtain public contribution records for 52 CRS employees. 50 of those employees donated to openly pro-abortion politicians. Statistically, this indicates an overwhelming one-sidedness, with almost no diversity of opinion among those working for CRS.
What this data reveals is that the culture of Catholic Relief Services is not one that is friendly to pre-born babies or the Catholic faith it claims to serve. In fact, as we see that employees of CRS are donating almost exclusively to candidates diametrically opposed to the Catholic Church, we can easily conclude that it’s because their faith isn’t Catholicism — it’s the Democratic Party. And given this, it becomes a little clearer why CRS would annually facilitate tens of millions of dollars to organizations that commit abortion, perform sterilizations, and distribute contraception. It also explains the bevy of other problems found at CRS, such as its publication of manuals and programs promoting condom use, the implementation of contraception-promoting programs like Healthy Choices 2 and Shuga.
The list of CRS employee donations found in the public records is comprised primarily of higher-level employees, including two Executive Vice-presidents, two Vice-presidents, and two Chief’s of Party. The Chief of Party is the one responsible for leading and conducting major projects. Most disturbing of all, however, is that one of the employees contributed over $1,000 to Emily’s List, which exists for the sole purpose of having pro-abortion women elected to public office.
Jennifer Nazaire has worked for CRS for over 19 years. She currently serves as CRS’s Manager for Fellowships, Internships and Volunteers, Talent Development and the Human Resources Department. Nazaire donated a total of $1,100 to Emily’s List once in 2005 and twice in 2007. The ONLY stated mission of Emily’s list is, “We elect pro-choice Democratic women to office.”
Mark Palmer has been with CRS for nearly 18 years, and currently serves as Executive Vice President and CFO. Palmer made three donations to Planned Parenthood ally Barack Obama in 2008, totaling $1,500. In 2003, he gave $250 to “catholic” presidential candidate Wesley Clark, who said, “no one is going to take away a woman’s right to choose when I’m president of the United States. It’s that simple.”
Michael Wiest had been with CRS for over 18 years, ending his career as the Executive Vice President of Marketing and Fund Development until his retirement in December of 2011. It was Wiest who responded to the criticisms of noted moral theologian, Dr. Germain Grisez, who exposed the fact that CRS had an official policy to provide information on condom use in third world countries. Wiest, and his wife Toni, both made substantial contributions to Barack Obama’s campaigns in 2008 and 2012, and to the Democratic National Committee’s Services Committee, totaling $1,300.
Bill O’Keefe is the Vice President of Government Relations and Advocacy for CRS, and has been with the organization for over 13 years. In 2014, O’Keefe told CNN’s Belief Blog that CRS is “proud” that it does not evangelize. This year, O’Keefe contributed $500 to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
Carol Bothwell served as a member of CRS’s executive leadership team as the Vice president and Chief Information Officer from 2007-2014. After retiring in December, 2014 continues to advise CRS on a part-time basis as the Director of Technology Innovation for Development. In 2009, Bothwell contributed $250 to the Democratic National Committee’s Services Corporation.
Melinda Burrell worked for CRS in various capacities for over 13 years, last serving as the Chief of Party for a program in Pakistan. Between 2004-2012, Burrell contributed a combined $6,400 to Barack Obama, DNC Services Corp, Democratic Party Committee Abroad, Tom Perriello (who said, “I firmly believe that abortion should not be criminalized”), and Patty Murray (who has a 100% rating from NARAL Pro-Choice America).
Dane Fredenburg has been with CRS for over 15 years, and is currently serving as its Chief of Party for Malawi. Since 2004, Fredenburg donated a combined $2,250 to Barack Obama and John Kerry.
All other political contribution records we have discovered for CRS employees are as follows:
- Adrian Alvarez, worked for CRS from 2004-2006, last serving as a program manager. Alvarez “married” his homosexual lover in 2014. In 2006, Alvarez contributed $250 to Lee Ardray Harris, who boasted of his “great visit” to “Planned Parenthood Memphis.”
- Alison Judd was the Regional Development Director for CRS from 2004-2015. Judd has made a combined 32 contributions of $632 to Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Russ Feingold, and ActBlue.
- Andy Schafer has worked for CRS for over 3 years, most recently as a Country Representative in Pakistan. In 2008, he contributed $250 to Barack Obama.
- Anson Holzer has worked for CRS since 2015 as a Senior Advisor. This year, he has contributed $78 to the Bernie Sanders
- Benjamin Philips is a 9 year employee at CRS, most recently as a Country Representative in Uganda. He has contributed a combined $3,500 to the John Kerry campaign and DNC Services Corp.
- Bernie Chaves is a 9 year employee at CRS, currently serving as a Country Representative in Laos. This year, he donated $500 to Bernie Sanders.
- Bonnie Green worked for CRS for over 3 years as the Senior Commodity Advisor, leaving in 2006. She has made 6 political contributions totaling $1,800 to Barack Obama and pro-abort Steny Hoyer.
- Charisse Espy Glassman was a legal assistant for CRS who ran over pro-lifers with her car in 2011. Two months later, she donated $300 to the Fairfax County Democratic Committee.
- Charles Paquette is CRS’s director of Family Foundation & Philanthropy, and has been working for CRS since 2005. In 2006, Paquette contributed $250 to pro-abort Victoria Wels Wulsin.
- Conor Walsh is a Country Representative for CRS in Nicaragua. This year, he contributed $25 to pro-abort Michael Bennet.
- Courtney Phelps worked for CRS for 3 years, most recently as the Head of Programming. In 2011, she contributed $1,000 to Barack Obama.
- Daisy Francis worked for CRS for 10 years, most recently as the Protection Issues Adviser. From 2012 to 2016, Francis contributed a combined $930 to Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, and DNC Services Corp.
- Daniel Auger is a Program Manager for CRS. This year, he contributed $500 to Bernie Sanders.
- Douglas Norell is the Director for Legislative Affairs. In 2008 he contributed $250 to Barack Obama.
- Edward Walters worked from 1997-2005, lastly as the Agriculture Technical Adviser. In 2000, he contributed $250 to pro-abort Ralph Nader.
- Name Witheld to Protect the Employee contributed $750 to professed pro-life candidates.
- Heather Dolphin has been with CRS since 2010, currently serving as Regional Technical Adviser in Senegal. In 2015, Dolphin contributed $100 to Bernie Sanders.
- Geoffrey Heinrich is a 12 year employee at CRS, currently serving as Senior Technical Adviser in Zambia. In 2012, he contributed $200 to Barack Obama.
- Jessica Garrels is the CRS employee most recently exposed for “standing with Planned Parenthood.” In 2012, she contributed $200 to Barack Obama.
- JoEllen McGann worked for CRS from 2008-2011 as a Resource Management Coordinator. In 2009, she contributed $200 to ActBlue.
- John Taylor was the Relationship Manager for CRS from 2005-2014. This year, he contributed $10 to pro-abort Tammy Duckworth.
- Kaarli Sundsmo worked for CRS as the Emergency Program Consultant from 2008-2009. In 2008, she contributed $1,000 to Barack Obama.
- Kenneth Wynder worked for CRS in 2002. That year, he contributed $500 to pro-abort Dutch Ruppersberger.
- Kristin Weinhauer, Senior HIV Technical Advisor, has been with CRS for 14 years. This year, she contributed $1,000 to Bernie Sanders.
- Lorraine Pearson is a Senior Policy Advisor for CRS. In 2004, she contributed $250 to John Kerry.
- Mark Schnellbaecher was CRS’s Regional Director for Europe and the Middle East from 2004-2012. In 2012, he donated $250 to pro-abort Keith Ellison.
- Matthew Hochbrueckner was CRS’s Country Representative for Sierra Leone. In 1999, he contributed $250 to Al Gore.
- Matthew McGarry is CRS’s country representative for Jordan, West bank and Gaza. From 2008-2016, he has made 5 political donations totaling $6,800 to Barack Obama, pro-abort Martha Coakley, and DNC Services Corp.
- Mayling Herbert worked for CRS from 2004-2010 as a Senior Technical Health Advisor. Since 2004, Herbert made a combined $750 in contributions to Barack Obama, pro-abort Wesley Clark, and DNC Services Corp.
- Nadjejda Nelson was an Emergency Program Manager for CRS from 2011-2012. In 2012, Nelson contributed $250 to Barack Obama.
- Nancy Hearne was the Head of Office for CRS in Goma. In 2008, Herne contributed $250 to Barack Obama.
- Patrick Obrist has worked for CRS for 9 years, currently serving as a Business Development Specialist. In 2012, he contributed $500 to Barack Obama.
- Paul Hicks has been a Water Resources Coordinator for CRS since 1999. In 2008, Hicks donated $500 to Barack Obama.
- Sara Robinson has forked for CRS from 2005-2014, most recently serving as Program Developer and Manager. From 2007-2008, Robinson contributed a combined $4,537 to Barack Obama and DNC Services Corp.
- Sara Weinstein worked for CRS from 2002-2009, most recently as Deputy Regional Director in Guatemala. In 2008, Weinstein contributed a combined $750 to Barack Obama and the DNC Services Corp.
- Sarah Ford has been with CRS since 2006, currently serving as Director for Partnership and Capacity Strengthening. In 2008, she contributed $250 to Barack Obama.
- Sarah Robbins-Penniman has been working for CRS since 2015 as Senior Advisor for Supply Chain Knowledge Management. In 2013, Robbins-Penniman expressed her support for same-sex “marriage” on facebook. This year, Robbins-Penniman made 8 contributions for Hillary Clinton’s campaign, totaling $233.
- Sergio Lopez has been with CRS for over 2 years, serving as a Relationship Manager. This year, Lopez has made 16 donations for a combined $340 to Bernie Sanders and ActBlue.
- Sieglinde Gassman worked for CRS from 1993-1999 as the Country Director for Albania. From 1996-1999 Gassman contributed a combined $750 to Al Gore and DNC Services Corp.
- Tom Ulrich worked for CRS from 2004-2012 as the Director for Constituency Relations and Support. Between 2004-2012, Ulrich has contributed a combined $1,800 to Barack Obama, DNC Services Corp., and Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte.
- Tom Purekal is a Business Development Specialist at CRS. On June 28, 2015, Puerkal celebrated the Supreme Court decision in favor of Same-Sex “marriage” by placing a rainbow flag overlay on his facebook profile image. This year, Purekal donated $100 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
- Tracy O’Heir was the Assistant Country Representative for CRS from 2006-2009. In 2008, O’Heir donated $200 to Barack Obama.
- Name Witheld to Protect the Employee contributed $250 to professed pro-life candidates.
- Vanessa Tobin has worked for CRS since 2013 as Senior Adviser for Water Supply, Sanitation, and Water Resources. In 2012, Tobin expressed support for a “reproductive health bill” in the Philippines, which would have opened the way to the sale and distribution of contraception. This year, Tobin has made 13 donations totaling $134 to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
The real problem is the silent, gutless bishops who allow this evil to continue.
No the real problems are the people who know these donors and are OK with it or choose to be SILENT. If you know and continue to support CRS they will continue not make their employees accountable. If you know a “gutless” bishop do not support him or his diocesan programs. The dollar speaks very loudly, just ask the corrupt and diseased politicians who bleed taxpayer money. There are many other legitimate organizations who help and live it out loud. Jesus remarks that you did it to the least ones you did it to Him. Please remember that people who are standing in mud shouldn’t be pointing fingers.
Maggie, I think the problem is worse than bishops who are silent. I think we have bishops who are just as progressive, if not more so, than these CRS employees. Remember Bishop Robert Lynch of St Petersburg FL who gave approval to Michael Schiavo as he murdered Terri via starvation? At the time he was board chair of CRS.
CRS apparently does some good in order to justify the “C” Catholic in the name. It’s deplorable and shameful that their directors and workers do not follow the magisterium of the Catholic Church.
Their actions compares to the Canadian organization CCCODP, Canadian Catholic Conference of Developement and Peace, which directors and workers have similar idiosyncracies.
I believe directors and workers for Catholic organizations should pass a test to assure they are truly Catholic.
“Progressive” is a perverted word in this context. These people are evil, serve Satan and are anti-christ. Let us not mince words.
GutlessBishops is a pretty harsh statement! Why all the anger?
No anger. Just the plain truth.
Weak leadership.
the catholic church has evolved into a political organization which has twisted what the catholic church is supposed to stand for. as soon as the church starts to lie to cover up something that doesn’t fit the narrative or hide a misbehavior of a member of the church, lay or religious person, the church proves it is nothing more than a political group. just like most of our politicians now, the church wants you to live a certain way but doesn’t adhere to the same rules.
You are so correct, j paul, the USCCB is “com·plic·it”, fully involved with employees/others in this illegal activity/wrongdoing. contrary to Catholic Church doctrine. They are heterodox in their participation in this evil and are responsible for the souls that can well go to perdition! The above are “all people complicit in this criminal conspiracy”…..SHAMEFUL sin.
Many of those very Bishops are driving away faithful Catholics in many areas. Examples: Not allowing Gregorian Chant, Importing cultural entertainment into the Masses in the name of diversity, Banning placement of the Tabernacle in center while insisting the Chair (his, of course) remain in its most prominent place, assigning “anything goes” clergy to leadership positions. At least one even wants to re-write the Catechism.
What are the salaries for the people who work for a non profit charity but can afford to contribute $1000 + dollars?
Larry, non profit means lavish salaries and cushy gigs. The greediest people I have ever met are in non profit.
Spend enough of CRS money on anti-Catholic issues and cozy up to the Democrats and you can become the U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican, just like Ken Hackett.
I have long suspected the integrity of this entity and now I understand the often ugly attitude of its employees. Perhaps one should be examining whether this charity may also be involved in money laundering and related nefarious acts. How much money does CRS take in annually? And I too would like to know the salaries of those employed there and what percentage of funds contributed actually reach the public they claim to serve.
Our Church is under attack
Please pray
True. But more and more I’m beginning to think that the attack is from within. The smoke of the devil, as one of our previous popes said, seems to have entered the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Let us pray to the Holy Spirit to descend and try to correct this situation which seems to be happening in different circles within our Holy Church. And please let’s keep respecting the office of our holy father and our bishops. We have to remain good Catholics. Don’t let Satan turn us against our Church or its leaders.
It appears that CRS is full of Judases.
Maybe we should ask ourselves, why is it that the faithful actually out doing the Lord’s work are supporting these candidates? What is it that they know that others may not? After all, when the GOP nominates someone like Donald Trump, is it that surprising that people who’ve dedicated their lives to humanitarian aid in developing countries would support Democrats?
Perhaps they will all burn in Hell.
Were any of the abortions this crowd supported their own unborn children?
The bottom line problem is that we don’t have enough real Catholics around to staff organizations like these. The falling away has been that severe. By no means am I excusing the situation. I am just saying that you can’t get blood from turnips. The institutions are full of turnips! Unless or until there is a massive re-evangelization and subsequent conversion of the people, it will be difficult if not impossible to have large institutions in which employees are all, or even predominantly, faithful Catholics.
This needs to stop.
Everybody needs to tell their pastors that CRS does not deserve the name “Catholic” and therefore should not receive any assistance from the parish.
When the annual CRS collection happens (usually “Operation: Rice Bowl” around Christmas and Easter), openly protest – even in the lobby of the Church – telling people that their money will actually go to pro-abort candidates.
It’s time for Catholics to openly, publicly make a stink about these abuses. If we don’t bring it out into the open, it will continue to fester.
9 August 2016
Thank you for exposing the anti-Catholic political donations of the overwhelming majority of CRS employees! Now, all of us need to pledge to write to our local bishop with the message to demand the removal of the name “Catholic” from CRS. Request it be renamed, anti-Catholic Relief Service. And tell the bishop a new organization should be founded that is faithful to the teachings of Christ. Follow up with several calls to the bishop inquiring what is being accomplished.
You’re in Christ,
John Cochrane
this is one of the (many) reasons leave the Catholic Church. And for that reason there aren’t enough faithful Catholics to staff the schools, and agencies. Check out “Mount Carmel Guild” that provides social services in the name of the Catholic Church…you will find even worse dereliction, of that I am quite certain.
The apostasy of others is no reason for anyone to apostatize. 🙂
Don’t leave Holy Mother Church to suffer at the hands of those who mock Her to Her face and slander Her pure and immaculate character. Rather, stand against those who claim Her mantle, but in truth wear the trappings of the prostitute.
Outstanding reportage!!
Thanks for doing such awesome work.
I agree and keep up the good work!
I will be sure not to donate to CRS in any capacity
You cannot be pro-abortion and receive Communion, although you can be pro-abortion and be Catholic. If you receive the Eucharist under such circumstances, you eat and drink condemnation unto yourself. I find a consolation in that, knowing God did not say it to frighten little children into behaving in Sister’s class. He is faithful to every Word. God bless the Lepanto Institute for not being afraid to tell us the truth about things like this. Shaming those who do these things is a prophetic calling. Keep tellin’ it like it is. Ginnyfree.
54% of Catholics voted for Barack Obama in 2008 (72% of Catholic Hispanics). While the aggregate fell to 49% in 2012, Hispanics increased their support to 75%. If you are a pro-‘choice’, anti-family, global warming Catholic, you see why it’s so important to ‘resettle’ migrants into the country. And Muslims? They vote Democrat, too.
I have stopped and never will again give any donation to CRS. It is
despicable that the Catholic Bishops are silent, as usual. They want
to be labeled “tolerant, non-judgemental, forgiving”, etc. But how about
the salvation of souls? Isn’t that their main objective? No, I am afraid.
They want to win popularity contests instead.
May God bless Lepanto for its in-depth expose. Yes, the mail problem is gutless, spineless bishops and priests who cow-tow to the liberal, secular, relativistic agenda and are afraid to put their heads above the parapet and affirm the word of God as He would wish. Every second of every day they should firstly ask themselves “Would Jesus agree with my actions and management in this instance?”
Can we just imagine the gnashing of teeth on the last day as their mis-management is exposed by Almighty God!
Like never before courage and fearless endeavour are required!
Re: CRS being pro-abort wolves in Catholic clothing, I just sent the CRS expose to Catholic Charities of San Jose /Santa Clara county promising not one penny ever again from me for CRS. Abortion = 1 dead, 1 wounded. In fact, this very evening Lila Rose gives a presentation at our church!! I will mention this CRS travesty there.
Please let us know how it goes.
Our Catholic church has been hijacked by many imposters posing as people of God for several decades now and I truly believe that it started on a “fast track” after Vatican II. Many of the Prelates, from the Vatican on down are Catholics who are just going through the motions and we Catholic’s should vote the USCCB out of extinction if possible. They arose to power I believe in the late 1960’s and have been pulling most of the strings to say where our donations go to. I too, have quite giving to most Catholic charities especially if there’s a third party person in the picture.
I’m a revert, came back by the Power of the Holy Spirit, was totally disappointed in the Catholic church of today but I believe this is where God wants me, to fight for her and to spread Her Truth. Let’s not give up but press on. We have the Church Triumphant on our side..!!!
‘EMILY’ is known as a Hyper Militant Misandry Machine with a pervasive endemic Hatred of Men & Boys, Masculinity & Normal Heterosexuality at its core – which is why it is also referred to as ‘Early Money Is Like a Yeast Infection’
The Ephebophile Abuse Bankruptcies from Homosex Infiltration Targeting Boys has been greatly enabled by a ‘Hen House’ mentality that has kept Many Men (save the most self loathing ‘male feminist’) Out of many of the Lay Committees and Paid Lay Positions that regularly push such garbage.
When Men are afraid of being tarred by the Ephebophile Scandals, their absence can be used by Radical Gender Feminists to hijack the Funds from the Faithful – in a most disgraceful manner.
Early Money – or Evil Money (as it is regularly abused) – is what this same Twysted Sisterhood covets it like they do spreading their Hatred of Men.
This is not just Priests failing their duties to the Faithful – but a Pogrom throughout the system, where anyone who fails to toe the Party Line of the Misandry Machine (like at ‘catholic’ universities – Santa Clara, USF, LMU…) are blackballed and marginalized – to the point where putting on pancake breakfasts and weenie roasts is about as much ‘participation in the process’ as they are allowed to do – while garbage like ‘EMILY’ becomes the norm.
That’s why I no longer support CRS or any archdiocesan collection ! I had heard that money was used for abortions, etc. My donations go to Priests for Life!
One can search Open Secrets and find clergy donating to Democrats all the time. One only needs to type “Catholic” , “Catholic priest” , or “Catholic bishop” into the search bar of to see the truly sad state of Catholicism in America.
There is a Catholic Deacon in Worcester MA (Frank Myska) who openly contributes money to the Clinton campaign. Do you think his pastor or bishop care about his scandal?
Until this rot is cut from the vine, and until we truly have courageous bishops, Catholics will continue to vote democrat.
My husband and I haven’t donated to CRS for years because we feel that they do not obey the laws of the Catholic Church. We don’t feel that they are a Catholic organization. Our bishops should not be asking parishes to donate to CRS.
The demoncrat pro-aborts push their evil agenda to KILL God’s pre-born children & emotionally
maul their mothers.
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