Your Excellency,
As faithful Catholics, we are deeply concerned about the publication calling itself the National Catholic Reporter and how it presents itself to the Catholic faithful. In 1968, Bishop Charles Helmsing issued a formal condemnation of this publication, requesting that it no longer use the word “Catholic” in its masthead. Since that time, National Catholic Reporter has ignored this request and continued to spread confusion, disunity, doctrinal error and at times outright heresy among the faithful.
Most recently, National Catholic Reporter has named as “Persons of the Year” the plaintiffs in the notorious Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court decision, forcing all states in the country to recognize so-called “gay marriages.” It has also officially endorsed the priestly ordination of women, promoted same-sex “marriage” and has published numerous articles promoting the use of artificial contraception and population control.
Sadly, this publication is given the appearance of legitimacy because it is allowed access to official Catholic events and interviews by cardinals, bishops and priests.
Your Excellency, souls under your authority are being led away from Holy Mother Church by this publication. This is not a question of dissent; this is a question of a well-funded and operative faction operating in direct opposition to the Magisterium and in defiance of the local ordinary. The most recent numbers show that 281,000 souls visit National Catholic Reporter’s website every month; souls that are in grave peril of being poisoned by its blatant defiance of Catholic teaching and authority.
We, the undersigned, ask your Excellency, with the greatest urgency, independently and together with your brother bishops of these United States, to formally condemn the National Catholic Reporter, refusing it credentialed access to Catholic events and refusing all communication with the clergy on all levels.
God bless you, Excellency.
For more information on this issue, click here!
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