Plan International distributes, promotes and markets contraception to young people in impoverished nations all around the world.
Capitalizing on the Zika virus scare, Plan International’s website actually established a donation page whereby a donor’s gift is $250 is assured to be spent on pushing contraception and contraception counseling on young women.
Plan International actively promotes the use of contraception, and has increased the use of contraception in Guinea from a low 6% to a whopping 76%. According to page 16 of Plan’s 2009 Annual Report, it’s work to advise children on contraception:
has been spread to secondary schools via leaflets and radio broadcasts. Health centers have also distributed contraceptives, provided advice, and encouraged community dialogue on sexual health. The number of people choosing contraception has grown from 7,474 in 2006 to 13,916 in 2009. Plan trained local groups to continue this work.
According to Plan’s 2012 Annual Review, it set up reproductive health centers in Cambodia, where it trained caregivers to provide contraception. In fact, on several different articles about its programs throughout its website, Plan International highlights is work to push contraception on youth in impoverished nations around the world. For instance:
- In an article titled, “Improving children’s well-being through family planning,” Plan explains how it is “working with partners to improve the well-being of children by educating parents on family planning and sexual and reproductive health” in Cameroon. More specifically, it says, “Plan International also ensures mothers are well cared for and undertake a series of medical tests. Later on, they are provided with free family planning methods and contraceptives.” In fact, Plan explains just how committed it is to the spread of contraception by explaining, “Plan International is committed to ensure all refugee children of Minawao settlement assess their right to a healthy start in life, and uses mobile clinic operations, house to house sensitisation on family planning, counselling of women by medical personnel, and campaigning for the promotion of modern contraceptive methods.”
- In another article regarding it’s work in Cameroon, Plan International says, “we are working in partnership with the UN and the Cameroonian government to equip community workers with key skills to promote the use of modern family planning and contraception.”
- In an article on its work in Nicaragua titled, “Preventing teenage pregnancy through sexual and reproductive health education,” Plan boasts that “Our Sexual and Reproductive Rights Programme enables 2,430 adolescents and youths to access training on safe practices regarding their sexuality, information on delaying the onset of an active sexual life, the use of modern contraceptive methods and the use of sexual and reproductive health services.”
In 2015, Plan International produced a video titled, “Young Love: It’s Complicated,” for it’s “Because I’m a Girl” campaign. In an article about the video and the campaign, Plan made its promotion of contraception very clear. It said, “Plan International’s Because I Am A Girl campaign is calling for increased knowledge of contraception and sexual health for girls and boys, which can help reduce the rate of child marriage.”
Plan’s Annual Review for 2011 says that Plan instructed thousands of people in Peru on the use of condoms and “sexual and reproductive rights.”
Plan International is marketing contraception to young people, perverting their minds and poisoning their souls.
Because of Plan International’s unwavering promotion of these grave moral evils, no Christian could ever, in good conscience, support, provide funds or a clean image for this organization.