By David Martin
In an apparent move to rebut conservative allegations that the pope has been denying tenets of the Faith—a crisis that culminated during Holy Week with the pope’s alleged denial of hell and the immortality of the soul—Pope Francis on April 8 issued his newest Apostolic Exhortation “Gaudete et Exsultate“ (Rejoice and Be Glad), in which he bewails the “defamation and slander” being spread online by traditional Roman Catholic journalists and bloggers.
In this newest document, the pope repeatedly mentions Satan, but seemingly with the implication that tradition-minded journalists and clergy who challenge his ideas are guided by the devil. He speaks of the “wiles of the devil”, “the spirit of the devil”, “keeping the devil at bay”, how to “banish the devil”, and “snares and temptations of the devil,” in apparent reference to “defamation and slander” that have “become commonplace” on the Catholic blogosphere.
Praised by Radicals
The fact that Gaudete et Exsultate has been praised by the liberal media and by gay-advocates like the notorious Fr. James Martin—known for the scandal he has caused by his disgraceful sodomite aspirations—is quite telling. “By their fruits you shall know them.” (Mt. 7:20)
This shouldn’t surprise us when we consider that Gaudete et Exsultate is about dismissing doctrinal and moral absolutes. And whereas the document is replete with quotations from the saints and Holy Scripture, this is apparently done for cosmetic reasons to turn the faithful against tradition so that they will be more open to the temptation of change.
According to Francis, those who resist this change are led by evil. “This is all the more important when some novelty presents itself in our lives. Then we have to decide whether it is new wine brought by God or an illusion created by the spirit of this world or the spirit of the devil. At other times, the opposite can happen, when the forces of evil induce us not to change, to leave things as they are, to opt for a rigid resistance to change.”
Any Interpretation Goes
Against the exhortations of past popes, Francis advocates a diversity of interpretations of doctrine. “Here I would note that in the Church there legitimately coexist different ways of interpreting many aspects of doctrine and Christian life; in their variety, they ‘help to express more clearly the immense riches of God’s word.’”
Clearly, the document does not think with the God of tradition. Under the guise of advancing holiness, it discounts the fear of God and the keeping of his laws while advocating a passive flow with the so-called renewal in the Church. The problem with this is that today’s renewal is not from God but from the devil who “entered the temple of God.” (Pope Paul VI, June 29, 1972)
In Gaudete et Exsultate, Pope Francis states: “Not infrequently, contrary to the promptings of the Spirit, the life of the Church can become a museum piece or the possession of a select few. This can occur when some groups of Christians give excessive importance to certain rules, customs or ways of acting.”
So, the pre-Vatican II Church with its set rules and religious customs was a dead museum piece void of the Holy Spirit which catered to the interests of a select few? And were all the saints and popes who subscribed to this religion a bunch of Pharisees too? If so, what does Francis consider a spirit-filled Church, one which foments heresy and runs after strange gods and spirits as seen in today’s so-called Charismatic Renewal?
According to the document, the Church does not have all the answers and shouldn’t tell people how to live. “When somebody has an answer for every question, it is a sign that they are not on the right road. They may well be false prophets, who use religion…to exercise a strict supervision over others’ lives.” According to Francis, any religion will do, evidenced by his constant dictating that we should never try to convert Jews and outsiders to the Catholic Faith.
Luther’s Idea
In the spirit of Luther, Gaudete et Exsultate also teaches that Heaven is not gained by merit. In Protestant fashion, it preaches that man is not justified by works (52-57), even calling “Pelagians” those who obediently exert their free will to please God. “Still, some Christians insist on taking another path, that of justification by their own efforts, the worship of the human will and their own abilities… an obsession with the law.”
Naturally, it is Christ Himself who justifies and saves, but he doesn’t save anyone unless they obey his laws and commandments to the letter. “For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified.” (Romans 2:13) The Savior reminds us that “he will render to every man according to his works.” (Matthew 16:27)
As seen many times, we again see Francis holding the keepers of the law as hypocrites who separate their obedience from a true desire to abide with Christ. “I regret that ideologies lead us at times to two harmful errors. On the one hand, there is the error of those Christians who separate these Gospel demands from their personal relationship with the Lord, from their interior union with him, from openness to his grace.” (100)
What this does is to turn people against the law where they do things their own personal or “Pelagian” way. If Catholics obey the Gospel demands, it is precisely to preserve “their personal relationship with the Lord” and “their interior union with him.” Why suspect them?
Francis continues, “The other harmful ideological error is found in those who find suspect the social engagement of others, seeing it as superficial, worldly, secular, materialist, communist or populist. Or they relativize it, as if there are other more important matters.” (101)
This line is deeply concerning for several reasons. For one thing, it denies that there is an actual “superficial, worldly, secular, materialist, communist, or populist” agenda being implemented in the realm of social engagement. For another, it opens the way for placing all social issues, whether it be abortion, immigration, environmentalism, or homosexuality, on the same equal footing … an opening through which he passes in the very next line.
Hindering Immigration No Less Sinful than Abortion
In the document, Pope Francis abets the global cause of a borderless one-world government and goes so far as to say that the political issue of migration shouldn’t be seen as “secondary” or “lesser” to “‘grave’ bioethical questions” (abortion) and that helping “victims” of “every form of rejection” (homosexuals, Jihad migrants) is just as important as defending the unborn. (102)
So according to Francis, hindering migrant insurgents from trespassing our borders is just as serious as murdering a baby! This would seem to contradict St. John Paul II’s encyclical, Evangelium Vitae, where in paragraph 58, he said:
Among all the crimes which can be committed against life, procured abortion has characteristics making it particularly serious and deplorable. The Second Vatican Council defines abortion, together with infanticide, as an “unspeakable crime”.
Doctrine Can Be Questioned
Clearly, Gaudete et Exsultate is not about allegiance to doctrine, but about advancing a fake mysticism aimed at belittling doctrine and befogging the faithful about their duties in life. Therein, the pope even dubs “Gnostics” those who earnestly seek to know and follow the absolute truth of God. (36-42) According to Francis, doctrine can be questioned. (43)
“Someone who wants everything to be clear and sure presumes to control God’s transcendence.” (41) Francis says, “In effect, doctrine, or better, our understanding and expression of it, is not a closed system, devoid of the dynamic capacity to pose questions, doubts.” (44)
So in other words, the dubia cardinals arrogantly “presume to control God’s transcendence” because they humbly request clarification on Francis’ often ambiguous statements about Christ’s doctrine—a doctrine which they rightfully understand is a closed system of absolute truths which one may never question or doubt.
What is odd is that nowhere in this 98-page exhortation on “holiness” does the pope prescribe the true path to holiness, which is a childlike submission to doctrine and tradition. The document is rather loaded with little digs and resentments against those who humbly stand apart from the world and live only for God.
For example, Francis appears to take an indirect crack at Cardinal Sarah, known for his love of prayerful solitude and his criticism of the busy-body religion advocated by Francis. “It is not healthy to love silence while fleeing interaction with others, to want peace and quiet while avoiding activity, to seek prayer while disdaining service. Everything can be accepted and integrated into our life in this world.” (26)
This radically dissents from Christ’s teaching. According to the Savior, the noise and chatter of this world should never be “integrated into our life,” since “the friendship of this world is the enemy of God.” (James 4:4)
In an apparent attempt to imply that the “hypocrites” of tradition who follow their own will should accept correction from others, Francis quotes St. John of the Cross out of context, saying, “Always prefer to be taught by all, rather than to desire teaching even the least of all” (GE 117), but when the true teachers of humility try to gently correct the pope, his love of being taught suddenly turns to rage as he starts blowing fuses and making insinuations that he is a martyr who is persecuted by the proud.
Unfortunately, the most influential people surrounding Pope Francis are global elitists at the United Nations who murder the unborn and who seek to enslave humanity under a borderless one-world government. His repeated recommendations that we listen to population-control experts like Jeffrey Sachs and Ban Ki moon clearly demonstrate this. In Laudato Si, he even says, “There is urgent need of a true world political authority.”
In Gaudete et Exsultate, Francis—who has abetted anti-life forces, betrayed the underground Church in China, sacked loyal priests, empowered homosexuals, rewarded abortionists, praised heretics, blessed adultery, profaned the Eucharist, and denied dogma—has set out to correct our faults and teach us the way of “holiness.” To him the Lord says, “And why seest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye; and seest not the beam that is in thy own eye?” (Matthew 7:3)
Our prayer is that Francis will first remove the beam of pride from his own eye so that he will better be able to remove the spec from the eyes of others. And if he can bring himself so far, let him make the teacher of the saints and popes his teacher, and let him flow with the same spirit that guided all the saints, popes, martyrs, and holy hermits for 2000-years without change. When this is done, then he can truly Gaudete et Exsultate!
David Martin gave up a promising career as a concert pianist in 1980 so he could commit himself to the defense of the Faith and the propagation of Catholic prophecy. He has authored three books, and has written numerous articles which have appeared in publications like the Remnant and He currently resides in Los Angeles, California, where he lives a single and celibate life.
Laudato Si, he even says, “There is urgent need of a true world political authority.” Didn’t Benedict say the same thing in Caritas et Veritas? I know he was promoting global governance and the UN having sharper teeth!
Excellent analysis David. Thanks for saving us the time of reading this latest of Pope Francis diabolically inspired missives. The question that comes to mind is what is wrong with the Cardinals for keeping this heretic on the job? Are they not concerned that it is there sworn responsibility to protect Catholics from erroneous teaching, especially when it comes from the Pope? Let us pray that Pope Francis amend his ways and that the Cardinals accept responsibility for making that happen or appoint a new Pope.
Excellent analysis. Thank you!
Well said, David. Like you and so many others I am deeply disturbed about the current state of the Church. It is disappointing to see, on the one hand, the confusion caused by Pope Francis, and on the other, to see such a poor response from of our bishops, archbishops and cardinals. Yes, a handful have stood up but the rest either add to the doctrinal confusion or refuse to comment either way. Meanwhile the faithful laity, constantly insulted for their very faithfulness, have to fall back on their catechisms for guidance because their leaders lack the courage to stand with Christ.
Would Mr. Martin please share some exact information about Pope Francis—Can I have the exact quotes (not someone’s interpretation) of what the Pope said has abetted anti-life forces? How did he betray the underground Church in China (please no interpretation of what he said, but the exact words) What loyal priests did the Pope sacked? How did he empowered homosexuals? What did he do to reward abortionists and praised heretics? What are his exact words the Pope said that causes some to say he blessed adultery, profaned the Eucharist, and denied dogma? There is so much fake news going around, going around, please guide me to the Pope’s words or action that I can validate from the Vatican library or other Vatican sources.
Ron, you’ll have to do your own research, but just for starters, Pope Francis’ associations with a) Jeffrey Sachs and Paul Erlich, virulent population controllers; b) Emma Bonino, a known abortionist, yes abortionist (!), as well as abortion activist; c) awarding the Order of St. Gregory to Liliane Ploumen, again a known abortion activist, and d) inviting Katy Perry, a controversial pop star to speak on Transcendental Meditation, which has been condemned by the Church, are troubling to say the least. I can’t imagine for a minute popes of old giving a platform at the Vatican to enemies of the Church. The thought is absurd. At the very least this sends mixed messages. As for some of Pope Francis’ questionable thoughts on adultery, you could see his homily of February 24, 2017, or his response to the Lutheran spouse to consult her conscience, then come forward to receive the Holy Eucharist, even though Lutherans are NOT in communion with Rome. Much of what he says doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, but it seems clear to me that the Faith is being undermined in myriad ways, subtly, or not so subtly.
Pope Francis, guided by the Holy Spirit, is following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ by associating with ALL people (yes, sinners and “lepers”) and offering compassion to EVERYONE. Also, Christ promised possible redemption to ALL people and reserved judgment of them to God. And that is what Pope Francis is doing. People didn’t like it in the time of Christ and many don’t like it now. It’s much easier to highlight and admonish the “sinners.” Jesus frequently and emphatically asked us not to do this.
As Ron said, there is a lot of fake news around. Check it out yourself and read the actual words spoken or written by Pope Francis. Please help to defend the Catholic Church as there are many who are trying to destroy it with false stories and accusations.
Don’t forget, they called Jesus a fake too, yea they killed him out of envy. Real news will always appear as fake news when one refuses to be informed, so open up to the Holy Spirit and learn to close your ears to the spirit of the times.
Unfortunately, this pope guides by the temptation of the world, not by the Holy Spirit that guided the Roman Catholic Church for 2000 years. By their “fruits” you shall know them. He has a coalition of homosexuals running his Vatican and has a number of abortion advocates holding positions in his newly formed Pontifical Academy for Life, the worst of it being that he endorses their work. Don’t forget that Francis appointed Archbishop Paglia, a gay-sympathizer, to head the new Academy. He sells out Christ’s Church for self-gain and then calls it mercy. Did Judas not betray the Son of God with a kiss?
Francis is well known for eulogizing heretics and criminals, i.e. Castro, Helder Camara, Martin Luther, etc. The actual words of Francis: “The Communists are the true Christians.” He told abortionist Emma Bonino, “You’re one of Italy’s forgotten greats.” He told a homosexual, “God made you that way.” He preaches in Amoris Laetitia, “No one can be condemned forever.” This is heresy, not truth.
On the flip side, he censures and punishes the good Catholics who love God and who defend pure Catholicism, i.e. the good priests of the FFI, Cardinal Sarah, Cardinal Burke.
And no, Jesus did not identify with the sin of sinners, but sought rather to save them from sin. This is whole point, CONVERSION. Jews must reject Judaism to be saved, which is official Church teaching proceeding from pure charity, but under the guise of “mercy” Francis tells them that they should stay in their own prison camp and starve. He is dead against the idea of trying to convert Jews or any non-Catholics but is all about withholding the Kingdom of God from the people, which is no mercy. Mercy means extending the beauties and riches of traditional Catholicism to all peoples without being ashamed. As Jesus told the people, “If you don’t confess me before men, neither will I confess you before the Father in heaven.”
You have a right to your own religious beliefs but you have not expressed the core teachings of the Catholic Church. Jesus explicitly accepted “the lepers” of his time. While he told each of us not to sin, he also reminded us frequently to leave the judging of others to God. He also made a point of taking the criminal on the cross into heaven regardless of the man’s crimes. The man believed in Jesus and that was enough.
Are “homosexuals” and “gay sympathizers” sinners? That is for you to decide for yourself and God to decide for others. That is Catholic teaching and that is what Pope Francis is reminding us of. Review Catholic doctrine with an expert and you’ll find that I am right. If you think being a gay sympathizer is a sin, then refrain from sympathizing. But as a practicing Christian, you must not judge others. That is a direct order from Jesus Christ. Personally, I have discovered that praying for insight is very helpful. To be on the safe side, follow your own conscience but never judge another person or treat him unkindly. Whatever you do or say to that “leper” you are doing to Christ himself.
Are there great sins in the world? Yes, and among the greatest is causing division in the Church and taking a stand against a God-inspired Pope who is spreading the word of Jesus Christ. Whether we agree or not, Jesus taught love, acceptance and redemption for ALL people.
Very good response! It’s time to call to account the sophistry of Catholicism as control, Republicanism posing as orthodox religion.
I see people criticizing the Pope and bishops for some words and statements.
These are clearly the ones who want to uphold the Church – the institution.
And these are the ones who forget to have the spirit of Christ.
I see Pope Francis a true representative of Christ, today.
Time will prove.
When Humane Vitae was released, Pope Paul VI was criticized to have expressed in it his personal views. It took 50 years to understand him and accept the Truth.
He is ‘Blessed’ now, soon to be a Saint.
All saints were misunderstood in their life time.
All saints in heaven are only the forgiven sinners.
Yes, Pope Francis is spreading the word and spirit of Jesus Christ. God bless him. His goodness is easily recognized by the faithful. We are seeing the Holy Spirit at work.
Well explained well research David, anyone can agree with you.
Looking forward to seeing more.
I’m so damn confused. One group demonizes thr Pope, another is totally faithful because he is St Peter’s successor. What about the Magesterium? Is he going against that? I’ve read some priests follow him faithfully and will not consider anything else.
I read about fake news……who do I believe? did Jesus not say that there will be false prophets! Do we believe a group who does not agree with him. I mean homosexuality is a sin unless lived in chastity. Some homosexual priests flaunt it.
Please someone tell me what is happening.
Who can blame you for being confused, but Jesus gave us guidance. Follow him and you’ll know what to do. Jesus did NOT condone sin but he did ask us to have compassion for sinners. The first saint was the criminal who died on the cross next to Christ. Because he believed, he was ushered into heaven at this death. Also, very importantly, Jesus explicitly asked us not to judge the sins of others. If he were here on earth, would he condemn the people who hand out condoms or would he praise those who work so hard to saves the lives of the unborn and the born?
Now listen to the words of the Holy Father, Pope Francis (go to see the documentary Pope Francis, A Man of His Word. He speaks directly to us and reiterates the words and teachings of Jesus. At no time does he contradict any basic teachings but, like Jesus, he never calls out sinners or shows disdain for any of God’s children. When asked about a specific sin, he shows compassion and asks “Who am I to judge?” Isn’t that what Christ asked us to do many times? And yes, many of us see him as a modern-day saint, who was chosen by the Holy Spirit. That too is easy to see.
There is a simple way to know what is right: Look at the pictures at the beginning of this blog and read some of the responses. Does it look and sound right to you? Finally, pray to God for enlightenment and you will know. You have an open mind so that’s the first step. God bless you in your quest for the truth.
PF is entirely left to his own flawed and failed wisdom when he ignores the following…
The mass slaughter of prenatal children is the most horrific and vile perversion ever conjured into existence by our species.
The number of lives lost to abortion has eclipsed every other unnatural cause of death in recorded history combined.
All five million unborn babies alive in America today can be killed tomorrow, legally and unstoppably, on the whim of their mothers.
If you want to restore “all things in Christ,” watch the documentary Pope Francis, A Man of His Word. In it, the pope reminds us of the gospel of Jesus Christ as well as the central mission of the church. To be a good Christian is to accept and love ALL men. If they are sinners, our job is compassion and forgiveness. Judgment is for God alone.
Confusion reigns! Clarity will come when the faithful learn the Faith; examine current events in the Vatican in light of the Magisterial teachings; read and study the encyclicals of Popes Pius IX, Leo XIII, and Pius X as related to “The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita” exposed by Pope Gregory XVI; and after this become familiar with the revelations of Our Lady of Good Success concerning the Church in the twentieth century as well as the Marian revelations at Akita and Fatima. Then an understanding will clear the haze of double speak and make clear the attempted reforming of the Church by men.
And most of all, read the words of Jesus Christ, as revealed in the New Testament. First and foremost, Catholics and other Christians are followers of Christ.
Me alegro de que existan estas plataformas para aclarar ciertos que hay verdaderos católicos que denuncian la apostacia
Dentro y afuera de la iglesia catolica y yo era uno que estaba igualmente engañado ..también a causa de todo esto me convertí en tradicionalista ya que después del Concilio vaticano lo la iglesia con el novus ordo se hizo mas luterana o protestanizada. Y si algún ángel del cielo les da otro evangelio que no sea el que le enseñamos. Sea anatema. O sea herejes ex comulgados automáticamente sea. Un papa. O un obispo. Y sacerdote. Que dios padre hijo y espíritu santo se apiade de nosotros. Y la Santísima virgen maria les abra los ojos y oídos. Para los que siguen engañados a un falso clero
Y seguir con la verdadera iglesia volver a la tradicion catolica