The Association of US Catholic Priests (AUSCP) is holding its 2019 assembly in St. Louis, and according to the assembly schedule, Archbishop Robert Carlson will celebrate Mass for the AUSCP on June 26.
Over the last two years, the Lepanto Institute discovered that this organization of priests, which claims to be “the largest association of priests in the United States,” is:
- promoting women’s ordination to the diaconate (with eyes on the priestly ordination of women),
- homosexuality,
- priestless parishes,
- married priests,
- and a host of other heterodox positions.
In addition to this, we found that the AUSCP is acting in concert with heretical and condemned entities, such as New Ways Ministry, Dignity USA, FutureChurch, and the International Church Reform Network (ICRN). AUSCP was even instrumental in helping the dissident Fr. Helmut Schuller find a speaking venue, contravening the expressed wishes of Cardinal O’Malley, Archbishop Chaput, and Archbishop Vigneron, who banned him from speaking in their respective dioceses.
We have issued a number of reports on the AUSCP including:
- AUSCP’s Plan for Ordained Women and Priestless parishes
- AUSCP’ Idea for Priestly Formation and Info on Conference speakers
- AUSCP’s Desire to Obtain Funding from Unsuspecting, Pew-sitting Catholics
- AUSCP’s Membership in an International Network of Heretical Organizations
- AUSCP’s Alliance with Heretical, Pro-Sodomy Organizations
- AUSCP’s Keynote Address from Notorious Priest, Fr. Richard Rohr
Instead of welcoming this dissident group of priests into the Archdiocese of St. Louis, we ask Archbishop Carlson to instead firmly show them the door and condemn their false teaching. To welcome this pack of wolves with open arms is a scandal and danger to the faithful priests and laypeople of the Archdiocese. Please sign the petition to Abp. Carlson and ask him to withdraw from any involvement with this organization:
[ARForms id=114]
This group of priests do not follow the teaching of the Catholic Church, especially in the area of homosexual behavior. Please do NOT cooperate with them. Praying for you that you have the courage to stand up to heretical groups.
Thanks for this information. I had no idea there was such an organization. Let us pray, and fast in reparation to what is being done to crucify Jesus again! “Woe to my Shepherds…”
Your Excellency,
Please help lead our Church out of the morass created, in part, by the AUSCP, and please help lead us out from the plague of all modernist influences. Please help restore the Ancient Roman Rite to our church, and help us bid goodbye to the Novus Ordo.
Thank you so much! I hope you are well!
Thank you for your tireless service to Christ’s church.
Gary Boisclair
The Novus Ordo is the best thing to have happened to the Catholic Church in two millennia, so we need to erase the Latin Rite from our Church and prepare for the Second Coming of Christ! Latin is a dead language and needs to remain that way!
Well that’s really a sorry opinion! Latin has been a dead language for a long time! That’s what makes it perfect for the Church, the Church can never have another Council to straighten out the mess the Church is in! The church could not afford to translate all the worlds languages ! Getting rid of Latin has been a horrible disaster!
Please reconsider this action.
Dear Archbishop Carlson,
Please do not say Mass for the dissident group AUSCP on June 26. They are trying to change the Catholic Church to be different from what Our Lord Jesus Christ established.
Please do what you can to keep this from happening.
Thank you very much,
Your devoted Catholics?
Joe and Shari HOETTE
Dear Archbishop Carlson,
Please, do not say Mass for the dissident group AUSCP on June 26. They are trying to change the Catholic Church to be different from what Our Lord Jesus Christ established.
Please do what you can to keep this from happening.
Thank you very much,
A devoted Catholic in Georgia,
Joe Kuppe
Refusing to allow this dissident group a voice in your diocese presents a powerful opportunity for you, as shepherd to your flock and spokesperson for the whole Catholic Church, to proclaim the clear and perfect truth of her orthodox teachings about important issues of the priesthood, morality and sanctification. Please, Your Excellency, have the courage to stave off the wolves at the door who are seeking to scatter the flock. Nothing good can come from allowing the AUSPC a dissident voice in your diocese.
In Christian love,
Barbara Ettner
Et tu, Archbishop Carlson?!! Actions speak louder than words. Please do NOT support this evil organization. Any group not in line with the teachings of Holy Mother Church ought not to receive your blessing.
Dear Archbishop Carlson, please do not participate in the AUSCP’s program in any way as the organization promotes heretical practices and pushes the Church to “conform . . . to this age”. Better yet, do not permit the group to gather in our Archdiocese of St. Louis! The people are hurting, confused and being misled by those who promote the agenda of the AUSCP.
Respectively and Sincerely,
John G. Mantia
Your Excellency, Archbishop Carlson,
We faithful Catholics are expecting you to stand with the Magisterium of the Church and not side with “the world” in the matter of AUSCP! You must not allow such people “in” the diocese spreading scandal and heterodoxy. The RCC is NOT a democracy!
This group is a disgrace and a fraud, and certainly does NOT represent the Roman Catholic church in any way shape or form!
Thank you Bishop Carlson for not encouraging support for this misleading group.
Archbishop Carlson’s association with the AUSCP is the primary reason we did not give a penny to this year’s ACA. We have not decreased our giving overall, we just give differently. We do not support any collection sponsored by the USCCB, nor do we support any initiative of Pope Francis.
We will not support any Bishop’s initiative until they “find their voices” in addressing the confusion and errors of Pope Francis. We continue to pray for our church, our Pope, our bishop and our priests.
How very sad. The Evil One has accomplished his mission of having some of our Priest to place a wedge between them and our Loyal Abiding Catholic Priests and the Altar of the Church. Pope Benedict saw the Evil coming and knew he could not fight him on his own! My thoughts are that there are more Devoted Catholics then these Priests, so I say Pray Pray Pray!!! “St. Micheal the Archangel, defend us in Battle, be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray and do you, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God cast into hell, Satan and all the Evil Spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of Souls, Amen