Prominent Catholics from across the United States have signed an open-letter addressed to the bishops of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), asking them to permanently close down the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD). For over 50 years, the CCHD has been the center of an ongoing controversy as organizations promoting abortion, homosexuality, contraception, and outright Marxist ideologies have received CCHD grants. Since 2009, scrutiny over CCHD-funded … [Read more...]
On the Question of Human Dignity
The word of the week is “Dignity.” Much ink has already been spilled over the Vatican’s new document, “Dignitas Infinita,” and I have no intention of rehashing the articles and arguments regarding it in this newsletter. But there is an essential aspect that needs to be discussed.Pro-lifers are satisfied with the document because it reaffirms the right to life of all preborn children and condemns euthanasia. The homosexualists are satisfied with the document because it affirms “that every … [Read more...]
Abp. Wester Defends CRS Projects Promoting Masturbation, Contraception
On March 6, the Lepanto Institute and the Population Research Institute published a 130-page report summarizing the findings of their joint, year-long investigation into projects that Catholic Relief Services was carrying out in three African countries. Prior to the publication of that report, Michael Hichborn and Steven Mosher, heads of their respective organizations, sent a cover-letter and the executive summary of the report to every bishop, archbishop, and cardinal heading a diocese in the … [Read more...]
Moral Theologian Calls on Bishops to Withdraw Support from Catholic Relief Services
Last Wednesday, the Lepanto Institute and Population Research Institute published an explosive report proving that Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is advancing gravely sinful ideologies in Africa. If you missed the press conference (be warned, it contains material NOT suitable for children), and have not yet read the report, you can do both by clicking the link here.During the press conference, renowned Catholic moral theologian, Dr. Christian Brugger, stated that he supports the … [Read more...]
REPORT: Catholic Relief Services, Government Funding, and Contraception
For over a year, the Lepanto Institute and Population Research Institute (PRI) conducted a joint investigation into Catholic Relief Services projects in three African countries: Cameroon, Zimbabwe and Lesotho. Through a combination of primary resource materials obtained from federal documents, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), and CRS project partners and sources, as well as information and materials obtained by a team of researchers in these three countries, Lepanto and PRI have concluded that … [Read more...]