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Beloved Community Incubator
The Beloved Community Incubator received its first-ever grant from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) in FY 2020-2021. The grant was for $50,000.
The Beloved Community Incubator (BCI) was created by a protestant church called the Luther Place Memorial Church. The idea was conceived in 2016 and then formally proposed as a project in 2018. A month after being proposed, it received a $50,000 grant from Luther Place, where it is still headquartered.
At issue is the fact that its parent organization, Luther Place Memorial Church, is both pro-abortion and pro-homosexual. This ideology is carried through the leadership of the organization and trickles out through the organization itself.
Created by Luther Place Memorial Church
BCI states on the “History” portion of its website that Luther Place Memorial Church launched what it called a “listening campaign” after the 2016 presidential elections. After two years of testing the waters, BCI was formally launched in 2018. In February of 2018, Luther Place published an FAQ on the idea of an “incubator” organization, indicating that while financially separate from the church, Luther Place “Provides talent, space, and catalyst for the project,” while the Incubator would provide “soft relationship building for Luther Place.” While it is written into the organizational flow-chart establishing the relationship between Luther Place and BCI, there is a disclaimer that says: “Increasing Sunday morning worship attendance is a welcome consequence, not an intended benefit”
On March 6, 2018, Luther Place announced the $50,000 grant for the launching of BCI.
On December 22, 2019, Luther Place’s bulletin listed Bianco Vasquez, BCI Director, under Luther Place Staff.
Luther Place’s 2020 Annual Report stated on page 21, under the heading “Finance” and “2019 Activity” that “Luther Place served as the fiscal agent for the Beloved Community Incubator.” Beginning on page 30 is a 3-page report on the activities of BCI, at the end of which, the BCI report states, “We are so proud of the work that we have been able to complete under these trying times and are grateful for the continued support of Luther Place Memorial Church.”
BCI was also included in Luther Places’ 2021 Annual Report. BCI executive diretcor, Bianca Vasquez, provided three pages of reported activities and progress made by the organization, ending with the announcement of its new grant from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development:
“We are so proud of the work that we have been able to complete under these trying times and are grateful for the possibility of partnership with funders such as CCHD. “
The address for Luther Place Memorial Church is 1226 Vermont Ave Nw, Washington, DC, and it is interesting to note that not only is BCI headquartered at this address, but so is DC Jobs with Justice, an organization that is stridently Marxist, pro-abortion, and pro-LGBT (including same-sex “marriage“), and Metro IAF, an Industrial Foundations Initiative, which was founded by the notorious Saul Alinsky.
Pro-Abortion and Pro-LGBT Ideology of Luther Place Memorial Church
As you’ve seen, not only was BCI the creation of Luther Place, but BCI’s executive director was once established as a Luther Place employee, BCI is still headquartered at Luther Place, and Luther Place itself continues to illustrate the symbiotic relationship BCI has with Luther Place. It was necessary to establish the deep connection between Luther Place Memorial Church and BCI because Luther Place is pro-abortion and pro-LGBT.
In October of 2021, Luther Place posted about “banned books week,” spotlighting several books for children about “consent,” as well as other books on “reproductive justice.” The post celebrates marches “in support of abortion access,” and “reproductive justice.”
In a 2021 broadcast of what Luther Place calls “vespers,” the woman in vestments giving the sermon starts talking about the debate on Roe v. Wade. During the sermon, she provides the 1991 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (of which Luther Place is a member) statement on abortion, which gives the following declarations:
- “An abortion is morally responsible in those cases in which continuation of a pregnancy presents a clear threat to the physical life of the woman.”
- “A woman should not be morally obligated to carry the resulting pregnancy to term if the pregnancy occurs when both parties do not participate willingly in sexual intercourse. This is especially true in cases of rape and incest.”
- “There are circumstances of extreme fetal abnormality, which will result in severe suffering and very early death of an infant. In such cases, after competent medical consultations, the parent(s) may responsibly choose to terminate the pregnancy.”
- Because of our conviction that both the life of the woman and the life in her womb must be respected by law, this church opposes:
- the total lack of regulation of abortion;
- legislation that would outlaw abortion in all circumstances;
- laws that prevent access to information about all options available to women faced with unintended pregnancies;
- laws that deny access to safe and affordable services for morally justifiable abortions;
- mandatory or coerced abortion or sterilization;
- laws that prevent couples from practicing contraception;
- laws that are primarily intended to harass those contemplating or deciding for an abortion.
In addition to being pro-abortion, Luther Place is also promoting transgender ideologies for children, and LGBT activism.
In this November 2021 post on facebook, Luther Place celebrated “Trans Awareness week” by posting a video read aloud hosted by the pro-same-sex “marriage” organization, Human Rights Campaign. Luther Place’s posting, and the read aloud, promoted transgender propaganda a book directed at children titled, “Calvin.” The book is about a young girl that believes herself to be a boy, and when she announces to her family that she’s a boy, her “loving family” take her to buy boy’s clothing and get her a boy’s haircut.
In November of 2019, Luther Place welcomed “GenOUT,” a DC-based high school chorus of LGBTQ+ students.
Beloved Community Incubator and Leadership
Again, it was necessary to establish where BCI came from in order to see what it is now. BCI itself promotes homosexuality and transgenderism on social media, and its leaders are involved in promoting grave moral evils as well.
On July 16, 2021, BCI posted a call for people to “support trans Latina street vendor’s gender affirmation surgery recovery and petcare.”
BCI’s own website states that it works toward “freedom and liberation for … queer and trans people.”
Bianca Vazquez is BCI’s Program Director, and she has several posts promoting homosexuality and transgenderism.
In October of 2016, Vazquez posted fundraiser in support of LGBT youth.
In March of 2017, she posted a promotional poster for “Queer South.”
In August of 2017, she posted a pro-abortion, pro-LGBT poster.
In October of 2017, she promoted a course directed at LGBTQ people.
Megan Felix Macareag is BCI’s Organizing Director, and goes by the pronouns “they/them.” On social media, she actively promotes homosexuality and transgenderism, and even “likes” revolutionist, transgender, and satanic entities on facebook.
Macareag’s “likes” on facebook include revolutionist, transgender, and satanic groups.
In July of 2021, she posted an image declaring her pride in being “non-binary.”
In November 2020, Macareag posted an image from Poland’s “abortion-rights” protest, declaring that if anti-abortion laws are passed in the United States, there will be a revolution.
In February of 2017, Macareag posted in support of “Trans Awareness,” declaring trans-people as “comrades.”
Geoff Gilbert, BCI’s Legal and Technical Assistance Director, is a self-professed socialist and supports government pay-outs to sex workers.
In January of 2016, Gilbert claimed that “Democratic socialism is the full answer” to solving many of societies problems.
In May of 2016, Gilbert again promoted socialism.
In July of 2021, Gilbert claimed that “sex workers,” among others, “work hard and pay taxes–and therefore deserve $200 million!”
Beloved Community Incubator was created by, and is currently in a symbiotic relationship with, a pro-abortion, pro-LGBT religious institution. This ideologies from this relationship trickle into the leadership of the organization, as the leadership also displays pro-abortion, pro-LGBT, and even socialist attitudes. And this, in turn, is expressed in organizational support for transgenderism.
Any Catholic institution worthy of the name “Catholic” would completely avoid any sort of support for such an organization, and would certainly not provide Catholic funding to it. However, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development has need fit to give BCI a $50,000 grant, which is just another reason why the CCHD should be terminated now and forever.
Sad to see such an amazing organization like Beloved Community Incubator get attacked by a know-nothing, do-nothing far right attack rag like Lepanto. All BCI does is come alongside immigrants and people on the margins and work to protect their rights and dignity. They truly do incredible work that reflects the biblical Jesus; something Lepanto would know nothing about. Terrorist groups like Lepanto are a dime a dozen. They get funding from Scaife or some other useless foundation to attack solid organizations like BCI. They get money for internet clicks in other words. And what a truly horrific way to exist as an organization. One thing is for sure, if I want to see Jesus today I go to BCI. If I want to see the baseness of human depravity, I go to Lepanto.
Is this you?
And this?
And this?
If so … you rushing to BCI’s defense just helps to build our case.