It’s that time of the year again, and the second collection at Masses across the country will be going to fill the coffers of Saul Alinsky’s mechanism for the socialization of the Catholic Church.
Just a couple of weeks ago, the USCCB’s most recent list of organizations funded by the CCHD was published, and on the list are some of the worst offenders I have exposed over the years. Without including any new information (which we will do as we are able to conduct a complete and thorough review … the USCCB didn’t give us much time to work with before this year’s collection), here are some of the organizations we have already exposed, which are continuing to receive funding from the CCHD. This list will briefly touch upon the issues we found with the organization, and then you can click the link for greater details.
Northwest Bronx Community & Clergy Coalition – CCHD grant of $60,000
- Previous report indicated that NWBCCC runs a youth program called Sistas and Brothas United whose web presence shows support for homosexuality and Marxism.
- Recent investigations reveal that Sistas and Brothas United (a project of NBCCC) is still engaged in homosexuality activism
- Recent investigations show that Fernando Carlo, the current leader of Sistas and Brothas United is a participant in the communist-run Left Forum.
Merced Organizing Project – CCHD grant of $25,000
- MOP’s Community Organizer is a homosexuality activist
- MOP is working with Planned Parenthood in a join healthcare project to “identify existing preventive service options and existing models used to provide these services.”
Hmong American Farmers Association – CCHD grant of $70,000
- The founder and executive director of HAFA actively promotes abortion and same-sex “marriage.”
Harriet Tubman Center – CCHD grant of $65,000
- HTC funded homosexual activism in Honduras
- HTC is a founding member of the Michigan Organizing Collaborative, whose policy director has publicly lambasted Catholic bishops for their effort to ensure Religious Liberty by opposing the Obama contraceptive mandate.
- HTC has intimate ties with and participated in the pro-abortion, pro-homosexual Michigan Summit
WeCount! – CCHD grant of $35,000
- Endorsed the Unity Blueprint for Immigration Reform, which specifically states support for homosexual relationships.
- Is a member of the pro-homosexual National Day Laborer’s Organizing Network, which created the Unity Blueprint.
Parent Voices – CCHD grant of $55,000
- Parent Voices sponsored the screening of “La Mission,” a homosexual propaganda movie, which was viewed at an LGBT center.
- Parent Voices boasts its membership on the Coordinating Committee (the decision making body) of the pro-abortion, pro-homosexual California Partnership.
Food AND Medicine – CCHD grant of $55,000
- Member of “Maine Can Do Better” coalition that promotes contraceptive use
- Affiliate of Jobs with Justice coalition, a Marxist, Pro-abortion, Pro-LGBT organization
- Member of Interfaith Worker Justice coalition a socialist organization
Pioneer Valley Project – CCHD grant of $55,000
- Affiliate of pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, Marxist Jobs With Justice
Massachusetts Senior Action Council – CCHD grant of $50,000
- Member of MASS-CARE – a coalition that advocates for birth control and “reproductive health care.”
- Member of Community Works – a coalition of 33 groups which raises funds for pro-abortion and pro-homosexual organizations.
- Affiliate of pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, Marxist Jobs With Justice
Kennebec Valley Organization – CCHD grant of $45,000
- A partner with Engage Maine, a coalition which collected signatures for pro-same-sex-marriage.
- Member of “Maine Can Do Better” coalition that promotes contraceptive use.
New Labor Education & Training Institute, Inc. – CCHD grant of $40,000
- Member of the Fair Immigration Reform Movement that advocates homosexual rights in immigration laws.
- Member of the pro-homosexual National Day Laborer Organizing Network
- Affiliate of the Marxist-run Interfaith Worker Justice
Atlantans Building Leadership and Empowerment – CCHD grant of $45,000
- Affiliate of the Gamaliel Foundation, which supplied false information to National CCHD about its relationship with the Fair Immigration Reform movement
- Member of Human Rights Atlanta, which promotes homosexual rights.
- Affiliate of pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, Marxist Jobs With Justice
As indicated above, we will be conducting a more thorough investigation into CCHD grantees, but this alone is enough to tell the CCHD that it won’t get one red-cent from faithful Catholics so long as it continues to fund the enemies of Christ. So, when the collection plate comes around, be sure to place an Alinsky-Buck in the envelope, sending this message back to the CCHD. Just click here to download the image of the Alinsky-Bucks you see below and print out page of Alinsky-Bucks:
The Bishops don’t care………..because in return they get hundreds of millions from the Government for Catholic Relief Services, Catholic Charities, and other so called Catholic organizations.
The want the money more than they want love, justice, or Christ.
True. Pray for the bishops.
Yes, they are all lacking in Faith…not one heading any U.S.diocese would be considered worthy of his title, as they all teach a Faith foreign to that held by the Church Fathers.
Protestants or Orthodox or Catholics have the same problem. This is what happens when we as God’s people lose our first love and run after other things and they become more important in our pursuit of the kingdom Jesus seeks to bring.
In the states as in Canada the church is deeply infiltrated by communists Marxists lefties free masons illuminati. From top to bottom.
Even the famous EWTN MOTHER ANGELICA program I once adored ( I now never watch) is funded by masons n the masons fund n meet with franciscans n the sisters.
They have interfaith masses while hypocritical l’y stating be catholic.
Sorry can’t happen!! The Salvation Army hates catholics as well as Baptists which call Catholics whores.
Fill in the rest!
….dont forget the Jooos!
Do you have proof of the things that you state about EWTN?
I agree with Chris. Where is your evidence? Until you substantiate, I am compelled to consider the statements about EWTN as calumny. In this case, I’ll stand on the American idea of justice: “Innocent until proven guilty.” I happen to work with an EWTN radio affiliate station and haven’t come across anything even remotely akin to an “interfaith Mass.”
I don’t know everything about EWTN, but the claim sounds preposterous!
(As for suspicions of Marxist infiltration of the Church in North America… there is a lot of evidence that would seem to suggest some Marxist influence, such as what is presented on this website, although I think you overstate the extent.)
The bishops will never see any of the alinsky bucks. The collections are counted and sorted by a bunch of lay volunteers at each parish. They’re the only ones who will see the alinsky bucks and they will throw every one of them in the trash. They may show one to the pastor but that’s about as far as it would get.
The money is sorted and bundled, the checks are stamped on the reverse for deposit, and it all goes into their bank account and distributions to whatever obligations are made from there via check or electronic transfer.
All the bishops will see is the numbers.
USPS will work just fine.
The Alinsky Bucks…Those are great!
The Church is just coming out into the open now. That’s the only difference. It has been infiltrated for decades, as Bella Dodd told us. The Church is filled with sodomites and Communists. It’s going to take a divine intervention to root them out, and I can’t imagine how that would work or what that would look like. Good thing I’m not God.
Alinsky bucks are great. I’m printing them out and putting them in.
This is extremely sad.
I give to many charities, mostly Catholic and Christian.
What does Jesus Christ want me to do?
Certainly not support things contrary to His Life and Teachings.
This is a disgrace! No money for them.
Thanks for the “bucks”, Michael. I have printed them out and will put them in the collection basket. Unfortunately, I had already thrown out the envelope for them. We haven’t given a penny to this collection for years and years and years. I’ll have to use a regular envelope just to tuck a note in with the “bucks”.
I am gay. I am a Catholic. I pray everyday. And I am a convert from the apparitions in Conyers, ga. I don’t care about your crazy dislike of gays, even though it’s bordering on the absurd. But the abortion I vehemently oppose. I will talk to my father on Sunday. We are a pro-life congregation in northern ca.
upholding Catholic teaching relative to gay marriage and the gay life style is not a crazy dislike of gays. Living a chaste life is Catholic teaching. Love the sinner, hate the sin,
Calling yourself a Christian and a homosexual, or a drunkard or an adulterer or a thief or a worshiper of Baal or a murderer or false witness is like calling yourself a vegetarian while admitting to eating meat every day. Remember, THE LORD has said that those “who love me shall obey my commandments” (John14:15) and that hypocrites SHALL NOT be admitted to the kingdom of heaven. (Mat24:45-51)
1Cor6:9-11 “Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, sodomites, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, robbers—none of these will inherit the kingdom of God. And this is what some of you USED TO BE. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.”
Romans 6:2 “How can we who have died to sin go on living in it?”
Mat 7:21-23 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many deeds of power in your name?’ Then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; go away from me, you evildoers.’
Perfection! Thank you for all those bible references!
No one hates gay people Steven, I think you are misunderstanding what these people are against, it isn’t you, it is the propaganda. Love the sinner, hate the sin as they say. We are all sinners, you simply have to reconcile what being a gay man means to you where God is concerned just as we straight people have to with our sexuality and our behavior within those confines.
God bless you for being pro-life, and defending children in the womb from harm.
Steven, glad to have you among the “Body of believing Catholics”. I’m sorry that you feel we Catholics all have a crazy dislike of ‘gays’. I’m sure some do, but not all. We do dislike the gays who are actively making a big deal and trying to push homosexuality on our children and into society, but not otherwise. Gays are accepted in the Catholic church and as far as i know, if not actively engaged in homosexual activities (having homosexual sex), are free to receive the sacrament of Holy Eucharist. There is a wonderful group of gay Catholics. You can find them at
Thank you for supporting pro-life! There are many so-called ‘straight’ Catholics that don’t.
I have not given to the campaign for human development for years. I won’t give even though they clean up their act because I do not trust them
Lo que antes era malo ahora es bueno cada vez me doy cuenta en la mentira en la que estamos viviendo la homosexualidad esta dentro de la cabeza de la iglesia. Un sacerdocio falso donde cristo no se hace presente mucha misericordia y poca fe en la verdadera evangelizacion
An association for Hmong Farmers is directed by one whose obsessive passion is homosexual activism? What has that to do with assisting the farming enterprises of Hmong by (new second generation) farmers?
Not quite clear how the funds are weaponized for homosexuality among said farmers. If the issue is the director’s off-hours homosexual advocacy that’s still a problem. For such a one the war for homosexualism consumes a person every waking moment, every thought and deed. It absorbs all one’s work no matter how unrelated. It’s the nature of the sin.
Shut down the garbage mashers on the detention level.
No! Shut them all down!
Harriet Tubman? What on earth does Harriet Tubman have to do with homosexuals in Honduras or Michigan?
If Lepanto or any other such group want to be an influence on our bishop, it needs to devise a way to unite its readers so that they can in a coordinated way petition our bishops. If there is no large outcry than the bishop will do as they please.
In an attempt to bypass the parishioners’ complaints against the “C”CHD & because we were putting in the 2nd collection baskets notes complaining to the effect that we didn’t want our money to go to said organization, the pastor has been taking our money out of the regular/first collection & then sending it to the Bishop. Could you believe that!? He continues to do it against our wishes & in a sneaky way!
Solution: Give NOTHING at such a parish.
Until Western Man grows a pair, sheds the husk of effeminacy he has wrapped himself in, and puts the lives of others before his own, we will continue to suffer the consequences.
Have you ever reached out to the Bishops and offered to investigate the organizations they are considering donating to?
I am pierced with a sorrow over the vitriolic comments here made by too many – a spewing of fear and anger. Do you pray and make sacrifices for our Shepherds? Do you pray with a loving heart? Without love, even for the enemy, how can you pray?
The Bride of Christ is undergoing Her passion, following in the footsteps of Her Bridegroom. She is marred beyond recognition as was Her Lord.
I am grateful for your research and have wondered why our Bishops do not support you. I attended the Population Conference which was excellent.
Too many of these comments do not upbuild the Body of Christ in love – blanket statements and using the good work of Lepanto to vent.
May Our Lady cover us with the Mantle of Her Humility, Love, and Protection.
Not to worry, thanks to Lepanto Institute we have a newsletter, useful information to identify rotting, running out branches of our Church.
No one has said that it is going to be easy and transparent for every member of laity.
If someone is disgust about death metal bands and think of them as the root source of evil, Satanism I always say in response I would love to see evil forces to be so visible and obvious.
God’s reality is not about aesthetics.
This is a challenge to all of you, according to my theory which I think is in line with what Jesus has said, every next day is a little bit harder. If you think otherwise that it should be easier instead you are doomed.
True Catholics are forged in fire thanks to free will God gave us we can become the best of his servants not Judaizers like YW and other protestant sects that cannot stand free will and in response build new ghettos.
Things are a bit out of control, but please do not ignore laws God has set on us and the world we live in. Things that are weak are going to die out anyway and you have to witness it.
No one has said that the Church is going to recover in convenient “for ourselves” moment of time. Convenience is not for Catholics, it is for protestants.
It’s true that Jewish Marxism is a successful way of destroying Christian world, but who control money supply do also sponsor Marxism, these are two sides of the same coin.
At the very 1st chapter of the Bible there is a story of Joseph who in 7 years turned once rich and resourceful ancient Egypt into Soviet Union filled with weak and hungry people, populace he deceived, he established a welfare state and people thanked him for it!
What you are dealing with at the moment is not something new or something more advanced, it’s the same trick taken from 1st chapter of the Bible.
Mark said: “Even the famous EWTN MOTHER ANGELICA program I once adored ( I now never watch) is funded by masons n the masons fund n meet with franciscans n the sisters.” Chris askd for proof.
I can still appreciate ETWN-text online. But Richard Voris in, well backed up his criticism on the organzation.
I wish I had taken time to read this article sooner. I doubt that we contributed, but we will definitely add this organization to the “Do NOT Contribute” list. And, yes, we do have such a list.
The entrenched bureaucracy of cchd will remain the central problem issue. Marxist activists were put in charge of selecting and training staff to redistribute the contributions of Catholic faithful, to the poor, through like minded agencies, with Marxist hands. How can a church charity wing remain out of church control for decades. Alinsky laughs in his grave at the density of the collegial body.
Contacted my Bishop, he replied and told me to remove his name from my mailing list. I emailed him, not a mailing list. He doesnt care to even communicate about this. Pray for him !
Also, EWTN is great and 100% faithful to Jesus Christ, I have watched them for many years.