Since July 14 of this year, the Center for Medical Progress has released five under-cover videos revealing Planned Parenthood’s potentially illegal trafficking of the body parts of fetal children. Each video illustrated more and more of Planned Parenthood’s moral depravity as executives haggled over the price of tissues and organs harvested from aborted children. But even though from the National Headquarters of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, and, and despite the fact that Cardinal Dolan is the chairman-elect of the USCCB’s Committee on Pro-Life Activities, he has said absolutely nothing about the scandal or the Senate vote which failed yesterday to ban Planned Parenthood from Federal Funding.
Instead of leading Catholics around the Country in driving a spear right through the heart of the nation’s largest retailer of abortion and harvested fetal organs, Cardinal Dolan chose to write an op-ed about one of 23 declared presidential candidates. And while abortion and same-sex “marriage” are at the top of social concerns in this country, especially for Catholics, Cardinal Dolan didn’t even go there. Rather, he focused his attention on the immigration policy of one presidential candidate.
Cardinal Dolan’s silence about one of the biggest shifts in momentum against Planned Parenthood is strange, to say the least. But this isn’t the first time Catholics have witnessed odd behavior from the Church’s Prince of New York City. Earlier this year, Cardinal Dolan acted as Grand Marshall of the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade in New York, allowing for the first-time-ever an openly homosexual organization to march in the parade. But allowing an openly homosexual organization to march in the parade was only part of the issue. In addition to this, the parade also banned a pro-life organization from marching, even though Catholic League president Bill Donahue was promised that a pro-life group would be allowed to march.
While controversy surrounding the St. Patrick’s Day Parade was swirling about, Cardinal Dolan gave an interview to Meet the Press, where he gave a hearty “Bravo” to NFL draft candidate Michael Sam, who had just “come out” about his homosexual lifestyle.
Going back just a little bit further, Cardinal Dolan invited the nation’s most anti-Catholic president in the history of the United States to the prominent Al Smith dinner, even though previous pro-abortion candidates had been barred by former prelates of New York.
This is a very difficult reality for Catholics to grasp. Shepherds carry a staff for two reasons: 1) keep the sheep from wandering off, and 2) smack-down wolves when they get close to the sheep. However, what is happening in New York looks an awful lot like the exact opposite. For the chairman-elect of the USCCB’s Committee on Pro-Life Activities to call out the immigration statements of one out of 23 contenders for the 2016 presidential election while completely ignoring Planned Parenthood’s trafficking in baby organs is a slap in the face to the entire pro-life movement. While we may never know why he is doing this, what is abundantly clear is that Cardinal Dolan needs our fasting and our prayers.
Shepherd? Huh!
It is sad to say and admit that I never had much good consideration for the church i the U.S.A
the bishops often gave headaches to Rome.I do not say we pray that the Good Lord should call an e arly summon for Cardinal Dolan but surely a sincere change of his way of acting for the good of our Church in our Beloved America.
Good Luck on that one!! Look around, do you see an upheaval of resentment from other Bishops?
Do you see the Vatican concerned?? Do you hear any papal criticism?? Would you suspect any complicity?? Do you believe this is the Catholic Church of “Archbishop Fulton Sheen??
When is it timely to complain, when the last “Catholic” abandons the Church??
Thank you for this article. We need to be aware of this sad situation.
Someone sure picked the oddest of photos to accompany the Cardinal’s op-Ed as well.
Pathetic. Just pathetic. He is neither a leader nor a shepherd.
Does anyone else on this site know anything about this? I think it would appropriate to contact Cardinal Dolan for an explanation!
All mail to Dolan is critically reviewed and disregarded apparently, as dozen’s of E-Mails/”snail mails”, are ignored! his “Publicity”/”Spokesperson” team insulates him from the flocks requests and concerns!
He loves the “RAINBOW” apparently, but surely has dropped his shepherds staff for a socialist pen!!
Dolan is a complete embarrassment at this point. He has obviously bought into Bergoglio’s humanitarianism heresy agenda. Dolan has only one person he has to meet face to face on this….hoping it’s going to be more sooner than later.
That’s not very Christian of you to say that. He is still a prince of the Church and you are basically saying you hope he dies soon. Shame on you!
No! Be good or be gone! Dolan is not a prince of the Church because he’s an apostate – a proven enemy within. He is leading souls to perdition when his DUTY is the opposite. Sue is right!
Yes, he is one of the princes of the Catholic Church, but is he infallible?
We should not comment on the facts and on the actions a bishop might do?
Respectfully, I disagree with you. Simply, he should not participated in the Parade if the homosexual were marching. We do not condone any abomination. Period!
Pray for him if you want.
Sadly, it seems “Political Correctness” would deny a voice from the feckless.
I however choose to “admonish” actions that indicate an acceptance of “…sins that cry to heaven for vengeance…”!!!
Jesus Christ died a lengthy, agonizing death, though blameless and sinless, to demonstrate to me, that speaking HIS truth, is worth public distaste and anger!! Remember “Catholics are born to die”!
Yes I pray for Dolan, and I pray for the conversion of our most recent POPE, and I pray that his influence is not similar to the shameful period of the ignoble, but papal Borgia’s’
As You may judge we have to pray for those in high places so that theHoly Spirit inspires them to make good judgements.
Why do I sense there’s a horse pushing a cart here???
If your heroic “Prince” is all you sadly think of him, then my comment should be viewed as a more immediate reward for his “Christian” efforts and dramatically “Catholic” performance!!
I am thankful to God, my judgement will be based only on those I have had any influence upon!!
As a Catholic layman, my Christian duty is to “admonish” sinners! Should i do any less for the noble “PRINCE”???
Thank you!
We must speak out about Planned Parenthood, the biggest abortion provider, and like the videos expose Planned Parenthood’s trafficking in baby organs. Horrendous!
Ask Michael Voris about approaching him. He will get his henchmen to dispense with you. He is corrupt. Read The Rite of Sodomy by Randy Engel. You will learn more than you want to know about the corruption in the Catholic Church commencing way back in the 30’s. But, our prayers have at least kept the Church afloat and Christ said He would, so we can rely on that.
It seems that Cdl Dolan uses his staff to pull wolves into his fold and to keep the wolves from wandering off, and to smack the faithful sheep across the head.
Some bishops seem to feel their appointment is a political and social achievement that has nothing to do with being a shepherd. Cardinal Dolan appears to be one of them.
I can’t think of anything more dangerous than a homosexual lobby in the Vatican with the goods on bishops everywhere. The genuflection before all of this madness screams “blackmail”. I don’t think it’s about being political. It’s about “set forth our agenda, or else.” And with Benedict in retirement, they can do as they please to whomever they please.
And that’s the most charitable explanation I can come up with.
Cardinal Dolan could have been threatend, blackmailed, or both. Unless he tells us, we will never know. If that were the case, I pray The Holy Spirit guide him.
It saddens me terribly that he has not severely denounced Planned Parenthood. He could also speak publicly on prolife resources for women who are considering abortion such as priestsforlife. The longer he goes without commenting, the more worried I become.
Dolan, (note: I refuse to give him the respect for his Clerical positions) has NEVER demonstrated any proficiency as a Catholic Cleric, and is a huge embarrassment to the R/C Church here in the USA!
His performance as head of the “USCCB” only led to continued conflicts of Catholic Doctrinal understanding, and widely disbursed interpretations of the Catechism thru-out the nation, with the anticipated confusion in the pews and confessionals!
The man postures, and “glad hands”, as the pews empty, and churches are sold and destroyed!
Just TODAY, August 5th (after feeling pressured) Dolan wrote about it on his blog. Thank you for all your work at Lepanto Institute!!!! 🙂
Your work here at Lepanto is working! Dolan FINALLY spoke out!! GOD BLESS!!! 🙂
Thanks for the link to his blog. Please consider thanking him. Maybe he needs to see the support of the Faithful…as opposed to the lauds of the creatures of that city. I’m relieved to read his blog post! At least, right?
Dolan’s archdiocese is in meltdown – Mass attendance, school enrollment, seminarians in free fall. Last Sunday weeping parishioners attended for the last time Mass at 40 churches being closed. Yet in his annual report (“Catholic New York” July 23, 1015) his opening line is:
“The Archdiocese of New York is joyful, alive, and growing.”
Dolan’s greatest accomplishment is his “Joyous” decimation, of a once thriving Catholic community!
Yes HE is joyous, because he’s still “sheltering” the remnant!
He seems to be totally disinterested in a solution to and reversal of, church abandonment!
I fear judgement, and work to survive it!
What I cannot understand, is, Just what is HIS goal?
“My sheep know my voice.” Dolan acts on behalf of himself, not the Church! His voice is not the Voice of his Master, Christ Jesus The LORd! Thus, he is a Goat, not one of the Flock! If he repents publically and never repeating the same! Our merciful God is also a Just God. He is no Wimp that He could be manipulated by the baseness of the human will!
With all the respect as a Catholic I have to say the Cardinal Dolan should never accept the homosexual groups to be part of St. Patrick Parade or he should have refused to participate.
We need outspoken bishops to stand before the abominations promoted by this administration.
I do not know the other details about the pro-life group being barred from the parade.
In this time it is hard to accept what the mass-media says.
“AMEN” To that!!!
“…A fish rots from the head first…” gross, but tragically true!!
It was my pro-adoption organization, The Children First Foundation, that applied and was officially rejected and banned by the NYC St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee from marching with our “Choose Life” Banner in the 2015 St. Patrick’s Day Parade. I have the rejection letter that was sent to me by the parade’s president, Mr. Dunleavy. Mr. Bill Donohue, President of the Catholic League, blew the whistle, withdrew forever from the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, and explained exactly what happened in great detail in his e-newsletter and in the media. His outrage was not just the inclusion of the gay group and its banner; it was the committee’s deliberate double-cross and their orchestrated exclusion of a pro-life group that had been a key condition of the “change in policy.” Their deceit was as “stunning as it is indefensible.”
Here is the link:
I know we’re not supposed to criticize Church leaders, but Dolan is a dolt who refuses to shepherd his flock, and he deserves criticism. He is a total embarrassment to the Church, and should be defrocked.
In a letter to Cardinal Dolan last fall protesting his being the St. Pat’s Day Parade Marshall knowing a homosexual group would be carrying its banner, I ended the letter with this statement: ‘Cardinal Dolan, you are the consummate politician instead of being the consummate bishop/priest.’
Cardinal Dolan has blasted PP in his August 5 column:
Yes he finally responded! As the rocks began bouncing off his windows!! I suppose his polling was delayed! Note how quickly he responded to a potential diminution of his target “newbies”, from our southern borders.
A simplistic, vacuous response, to the SAVAGE grinding and mutilation of the most innocent of God’s greatest creation!
I guess his “cross”, was a potential reduction of the “Collection for Human Development” this Fall!!
Singularly unimpressive, as usual!!!
Cardinal Dolan Plays ‘Trump’ Card on Pre-Born Babies – gloria. Lepanto Institute by Michael Hichborn Since July 14 of this year, the Center for Medical Progress has released five under-cover videos revealing Planned Parenthood’s potentially illegal trafficking of the body parts of fetal children.