The Association of United States Catholic priests (AUSCP) published a statement this month regarding homosexuals in the priesthood, calling it a “statement concerning the AUSCP's support of our brothers in ministry.” The AUSCP’s document, “BEING GAY, ORDAINED, FAITHFUL TO THE CHURCH AND APPRECIATED BY THE CHURCH - Are all these possible in today’s Church?” states that it is offered by the AUSCP’s “Mutual Support Work Group” to be voted on at its upcoming Annual Assembly in June. If passed, this … [Read more...]
Association of US Catholic Priests Highlights “Glittery” Drag Queen Protest for Unknown Reasons
The Association of US Catholic Priests (AUSCP) presents itself as the largest association of Catholic priests in the United States. While they are mainly a collection of aging “spirit of Vatican II” clerics desperately holding onto the 1960’s and 70’s they do have an inordinate amount of dissident influence.We’ve reported on a number of their stated goals including a push for women’s sacramental ordination, homosexual activism and their partnership with international organizations to help … [Read more...]
AUSCP Presents Condemned Teaching About the Eucharist
We’ve reported extensively on The Association of US Catholic Priests (AUSCP), cataloging the many ways this dissident organization of priests is working to subvert Church teaching and practice into what they feel is the true “spirit” of Vatican II, but is just a modernist fantasy.Some of AUSCP’s goals include the sacramental ordination of women, priestless lay-led parishes, homosexual activism including homosexual adoption of children and a host of other deviant ideas and … [Read more...]
US Bishop-Backed Priest Association Helped Found and Lead International Conspiracy to Change Church Teaching, Structure
SUMMARY OF FINDINGSIn 2018, we published a report detailing the Association of US Catholic Priest’s (AUSCP) involvement in a dissident organization called the International Church Reform Network (ICRN) and focused primarily on an alarming conference the ICRN held in Chicago in 2016. We recently conducted a deeper investigation into the AUSCP’s involvement with the ICRN and have established the following points:The AUSCP helped found the ICRN with the help of other dissident priest … [Read more...]
Bishop-Backed Association of Deviant Priests Host Pro-Abortion “Catholic” Group
The Association of United States Catholic Priests (AUSCP), which regularly hosts pro-same-sex “marriage” organizations like the New Ways Ministry and DignityUSA at its annual events, allowed a feminist organization that supports abortion, contraception, homosexuality and women’s ordination to hand out promotional materials at the recent AUSCP Annual Assembly. The organization Mary’s Pence is the first organization listed on the “Vendors & Exhibitors” page of the AUSCP program book for its … [Read more...]