Atlanta’s Shrine of the Immaculate Conception provides yet another instance of the rainbow fighting to cast its shadow over the Church. In what should be a place of worship and doctrinal clarity, one finds so-called ministries (Shrine Ministries) such as "Pride Outreach," "Pride Potluck Socials," and an affiliated group called Fortunate & Faithful Families (FFF), which describes itself as "Catholic Families Affirming Their LGBTQ Members."FFF enjoys the blessing of the local bishop, … [Read more...]
Open Letter to Cdl. Wuerl and Bp. Malooly Regarding Joe Biden
Please clarify whether Joe Biden has excommunicated himself for officiating at a same-sex "wedding." [NOTE: To add your name to this letter, please fill out the form at the bottom.] Your Eminence and Your Excellency, In 2013, Pope Francis informed Rev. Greg Reynolds of Melbourne, Australia that he had been excommunicated for the sin of heresy. The heresy Fr. Reynolds was guilty of was his vocal support for same-sex, so-called “marriage.” Canons 750 and 751 of the Code of Canon Law require … [Read more...]
National Catholic Reporter MUST be Banned by US Bishops
In its latest bid for "Most Heretical Publication Since the 95 Theses of Martin Luther," the National Catholic Reporter has really outdone itself. Bearing the headline, "Editorial: Our persons of the year for 2015," National Catholic Reporter officially honored the plaintiffs behind the most immoral Supreme Court decision since Roe v. Wade, saying: "For their historic roles as plaintiffs in Obergefell v. Hodges and for their faithful public witness as gay Catholics, we name Greg Bourke and … [Read more...]
The Marxist Core of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development
The annual national collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is this weekend. What many Catholics do not realize is that at the very core of the CCHD is a philosophy of revolutionary leftist ideologies. Over the years, the CCHD has been rightly criticized for funding organizations that are themselves promoting contraception, homosexuality, abortion, prostitution, and socialism. But these issues are only symptoms of an overall thrust that is aimed directly at … [Read more...]
“Satan Must Reign in the Vatican. The Pope Will Be His Slave.”
The bold proclamation in the headline of this article was personally witnessed by St. Maximilian Kolbe, who watched Freemasons celebrate their bicentennial in St. Peter’s Square in 1917. St. Maximilian Kolbe saw banners bearing these words amidst the revelry. It’s a jarring and shocking statement, but it is totally in keeping with the aims of Freemasonry and it bears a great deal of significance for us today.Before we go any further, it must be made perfectly clear that the Lepanto Institute … [Read more...]