On October 11 of this year, Bp. Timothy Senior, the chairman of the subcommittee for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, responded to the Lepanto Institute’s mailing that went to every bishop heading a diocese in the United States. The Lepanto Institute sent copies of four reports on CCHD grantees to the bishops, requesting a full 3rd party investigation of CCHD grantees and for bishops to withdraw from the CCHD collection altogether. Bp. Senior’s letter claimed: “All of the … [Read more...]
Is CCHD Still Funding Pro Abortion Faith in Action Network?
Last September, we proved that one of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development’s (CCHD) most favored networks, Faith in Action (FIA), not only had a history of promoting grave immorality but took a formal position endorsing abortion as a “right,” vowing to defend the “right” to abortion.Formerly called the PICO Network, FIA has 29 affiliate members, many of which collectively receive hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in CCHD grants. Naturally, faithful Catholics didn’t take these … [Read more...]
Priests of the Sacred Heart
We’ve received many requests concerning the Priests of the Sacred Heart (SCJ), also known as the Dehonians, asking if they are safe for Catholic donations. After a lengthy period of research, we must unfortunately report that the Priests of the Sacred Heart as an organization is NOT SAFE for Catholic giving because it supports and promotes causes such as women’s sacramental ordination, homosexual activism, paganistic syncretism as well as contraception and Planned Parenthood sex-education … [Read more...]
Association of US Catholic Priests Undermines US Bishops By Pushing Pro-Abortion LGBT “Equality Act”
The Association of US Catholic Priests (AUSCP) is once again undermining the legislative efforts of the US Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB) and assailing immutable Catholic moral teaching. The Catholic Church formally teaches that all homosexual inclinations are intrinsically disordered, and all homosexual acts are intrinsically evil (and can NOT be approved under ANY circumstances), and yet on July 2, the AUSCP sent an email to all members titled “Assembly Reflection and Upcoming … [Read more...]
World Concern
World Concern is a non-denominational Christian service ministry that is part of the larger family of Crista ministries. Unfortunately, World Concern has a history of condom promotion and engages in non-Catholic proselytism and is therefore unsafe for Catholic contribution.Condom promotion:World Concern is generally pro-life due to its strong Christian background and is sound on its beliefs on marriage. However, it does have a history of condom promotion.In 2009, World Concern posted … [Read more...]