For anyone paying attention to the Pope's first ever visit to the United States, it's painfully obvious that a concerted effort was in play to hijack the entire thing in order to push a homosexual, anti-Catholic agenda. While Pope Francis or the Vatican likely had very little, if anything, to do with the orchestrated attempts to inject sinister ideologies into the Pope's visit, there can be no doubt that in each case we're about to illustrate, someone knew exactly what they were … [Read more...]
World Meeting of Families Honorary Co-Chair Using Position to Push Homosexuality
When you surround yourself with vipers, don't be surprised when you get bitten! At the end of August, the Lepanto Institute learned that the executive cabinet of the World Meeting of Families included enthusiastic supporters of abortion and homosexuality. We sent all of the information to the Archdiocese of Philadelphia ... twice. We emailed and we called, hoping to talk to somebody about this situation, and we even delayed publication of the report in order to give the Archdiocese more … [Read more...]
Executive Members of World Meeting of Families Promote Abortion, Same-Sex ‘Marriage’
Earlier this week, the Lepanto Institute revealed that the president of the World Meeting of Families had donated thousands of dollars to political candidates that thoroughly support abortion and same-sex "marriage. He even donated $1,000 to a candidate who founded a Planned Parenthood facility in Philadelphia, and served as its executive director for 13 years.Even after repeated attempts to speak with Ken Gavin, the Archdiocesan Communications Director, through the phone and by email about this … [Read more...]
World Meeting of Families President Funded Planned Parenthood Director’s Political Campaign
The World Meeting of Families, which will take place in Philadelphia from September 22-27, describes itself as "a week-long international event of prayer, catechesis, and celebration that draws participants from around the globe. It seeks to strengthen the bonds between families and to witness to the crucial importance of marriage and the family to all of society." The WMoF website further explains that "Each World Meeting of Families has a theme that energizes and enlivens the event while … [Read more...]
Statement Regarding LGBT Activist and World Meeting of Families
by Michael HichbornOn the 29th of May, the Lepanto Institute published a brief report indicating that an LGBT activist is the Exhibit and Sponsor Manager for the World Meeting of Families 2015. I wish to begin by expressing my sincere apology to the Archdiocese of Philadelphia for not contacting them or Archbishop Chaput before publishing this article. My intent was not to criticize either the World Meeting of Families or the Archdiocese (which I never mentioned in the original … [Read more...]