It’s amazing how quickly attitudes and ideals can change, especially when money is involved.
In 2008, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) wrote a joint letter addressed to the US House of Representatives, strongly urging them to “delete all references to ‘reproductive health’ and family planning services” in a proposed measure to integrate such things into the programs of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). The joint letter from CRS/USCCB said:
we are deeply troubled by provisions calling for the integration and coordination of HIV and AIDS prevention, care and treatment services with “reproductive health” and “family planning” services and the possible diversion of much-needed attention and resources into the provision of family planning services. Radically shifting the program’s focus, to make it address what the draft bill calls the “dual threat” of HIV/AIDS and pregnancy, could undermine the effectiveness of the ABC prevention program, endanger the acceptance of PEPFAR’s life-saving programs in host countries, and marginalize the vital role of CRS and other faith-based and community organizations that cannot “integrate” with comprehensive family planning, “reproductive health” and abortion providers.
That particular measure ultimately failed for a time, as “reproductive health” was removed from the text of the bill, but it should be noted that PEPFAR has always included condom use as one of the funded methods for fighting the spread of HIV/AIDS. That said, it was edifying to see CRS and the USCCB making an effort to limit the contraceptive scope of PEPFAR’s initiatives in 2008.
However, no such reluctance is present in CRS and the USCCB’s latest request to Congress regarding funds for government AIDS-prevention programs. In a letter to Chairwoman Granger and Ranking Member Lowey (both members of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs), CRS and the USCCB requested massive, unqualified funding for both PEPFAR and USAID. As the numbers in this request are in thousands, CRS and the USCCB requested that Congress allocate $330 million to USAID’s HIV/AIDS programs and $5.67 billion to PEPFAR’s.
There’s nothing in the letter from USCCB/CRS indicating concern or objection to the contraception-pushing programs of both USAID and PEPFAR. In fact, there doesn’t appear to be any documentary evidence online of the USCCB’s objection to USAID’s contraception-pushing programs at all.
Here’s a quick look into what PEPFAR and USAID promote.
Just a few short months before the USCCB and CRS begged Congress to provide hundreds of millions of dollars to USAID, USAID celebrated “World Contraception Day.”
This shouldn’t come as any kind of shock to anyone, considering that contraception is at the top of USAID’s list of priorities. It’s so important, in fact, that USAID has a list of 24 family planning priority countries. As USAID has decided that the reduction of fertility rates for those countries is a top priority for USAID programs, this is nothing short of population control. In a 2010 USAID document on a Tanzania Social Marketing Program, USAID identified Tanzania as a “Family Planning Priority Country,” and then said:
USAID family-planning programs aim to reduce high fertility rates by supporting: (1) long-term and permanent methods of family planning; (2) social marketing of short-term family planning methods; (3) contraceptive security through provision of commodities and technical assistance; and, (4) advocacy for policy makers, providers, and clients.
In fact, USAID boasts that it is “the world’s largest family planning bilateral donor” with the goal of helping to achieve “Family Planning 2020’s goal to reach 120 million more women and girls in the world’s poorest countries with access to voluntary family planning information, contraceptives, and services by 2020.”
Since 1965, USAID has helped increase the use of modern contraceptives in 27 countries from under 10% to 37%, and because of its programs, “the number of children per family has dropped from more than 6 to 4.5.”
USAID even has a slide-show presenting its supported research in contraceptive technologies.
Make no mistake, large amounts of the $330 million CRS and the USCCB asked Congress to provide to USAID will be going to contraception-pushing programs.
USAID’s key partner in its HIV/AIDS programs is PEPFAR.
In October of 2015, PEPFAR’s Scientific Advisory Board met to discuss the provision of Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) to people living with HIV (PLHIV). Two of the recommendations are as follows:
- Ensure the availability of improved, low side effect, first-line ART that is also compatible with hormonal implants and other long acting reversible contraceptives (e.g. IUDs and rings)
- Redefine and emphasize comprehensive HIV care. For example, contraception, vaccine status, TB screening, and INH for latent TB should be included in all care programs.
A 2010 policy brief on PEPFAR’s website states the explicit intention to integrate the management supply chains for contraceptives into its Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) programs. The policy brief says:
As part of GHI, PEPFAR will work with countries to create comprehensive access to health services for HIV-positive women, including the following:
- Linking commodity management efforts to create secure supply chains and ensure PEPFAR service sites have reliable sources of medications, contraceptives, and commodities;
- Co-location of reproductive health care and HIV services;
- Expansion of health care worker training to ensure that clinic personnel are able to provide quality reproductive health, HIV and primary care services; and
- Integration of HIV prevention and education messaging into family planning counseling and other reproductive health discussions.
In 2012, PEPFAR published a Technical Considerations for FY 2013 which specifically identifies the integration of condom use and family planning with PMTCT programs.
Page 9 states that PMTCT projects in PEPFAR-supported programs include condom education, promotion, and distribution.
Page 10 indicates that PEPFAR’s integration of family planning into PMTCT projects includes contraceptive services.
Another program of PEPFAR’s that integrates contraception into its programs is called Positive Health, Dignity and Prevention (PHDP). PEPFAR’s 2011 guidebook for programs directed at the prevention of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases explains that the implementation of the PHDP interventions have a minimum set of services that includes condoms and lubricants.
More recently, PEPFAR’s 2013 Technical Considerations for FY 2014 outlines the framework for Positive Health, Dignity and Prevention (PHDP) programs. More specifically, section 1.2 indicates that PHDP integrates condom education and distribution, as well as family planning counseling and services into “all clinic and community settings.”
This is just a snapshot into the depths to which both PEPFAR and USAID push abortifacient contraception and condom use on poor people around the world. The point of all of this is to simply ask the question of CRS and the USCCB, “What’s changed in 8 years?” Why are the USCCB and CRS calling for mass amounts of funding to these two agencies without even raising one objection to the fact that these two programs are heavily involved in the spread of contraception world-wide?
In all likelihood, CRS and the USCCB are lobbying for more funding for USAID and PEPFAR because this is where CRS gets a large pile of money. For instance, according to PEPFAR’s regional operational plans database, CRS has received $747 million from PEPFAR since 2007.
It’s hard to say for certain how much CRS has received from USAID over the years, but in 2011, USAID reported that in one year it provided CRS with $187,358,411.00. In 2014, USAID reported providing CRS with $152,773,119. Between USAID and PEPFAR, these two agencies make up a large portion of CRS’s annual budget.
With this kind of funding from the government, it’s no wonder CRS is so quick to ask for massive funding for these agencies; it’s lobbying for its own payday. The reality is that Catholic Relief Services is looking more and more like an instrument of the federal government than an agency of the Catholic Church seeking the salvation of souls. Why else would CRS ask for unqualified funding for two of the most notorious contraception-pushing agencies of the Federal Government? The time has come for CRS to choose where its loyalties really lie. Is it Catholic, or is it simply another implementing agent of a Malthusian government?
I try to be understanding…..but what these people are doing in the name of the Church and Christ is evil, pure evil. Thank you Lapanto for again shining the light on those in the church who choose money and power over life and love.
Please leave a comment for them. Fill out the form and they will usually answer:
CRS has lied to the USCCB FOR THE LAST TIME!!! Someone should call the USCCB and tell them what CRS is doing!
I have written to them (USCCB) for years. Never got a response. Maybe if more people were informed.
Hi Jean,
It has been my experience that the USCCB will answer your letters, IF you use their form. To my knowledge, this is the only way to get through to them because they direct your letter to a corresponding department. You may use this link. In my recent letter, it was forwarded to a
Dr. Stephen Colecchi of the Office of International Justice and Peace, USCCB, 3200 Fourth St. N.E., Washington, D.C 20017.
It would help if everyone wrote to him. Thanks.
please do just that by filling out their form at:
I am an American, retired and serving in Nigeria as a missionary. By the Grace of God I am teaching courses in canon law at Good Shepherd Provincial Major Seminary. I have not donated any money to Catholic Relief Services or to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development for many years now – ever since I learned about the immoral things these organizations are doing with the money they receive. Please keep up your good work Lapanto. Thanks for being a voice in the wilderness crying out the truth!
Thank you, Lepanto. I hope that everybody reading this report will contact his/her bishop as well as USCCB and protest.
Hi Mary. You may contact the USCCB by completing their form at:
Thank you, Tess
On a related note, CRS is getting 10% of the sales of the new Vatican cookbook as well as a plug from Pope Francis encouraging donations to CRS as THE organization to lead the campaign against world hunger. Not that this will result in a huge sum of money for CRS, but I’m outraged that they “sneaked” this into the cookbook. No mention of the 10% donation in any of the promotions (but you can read about it here:, and you find out about the Pope’s glowing endorsement on the last page of the book.
Who would want a cookbook from the Vatican. I used to want to go there but now not so much. Maybe when we get another Pope Pius. Thanks Michael for all the work you do. I quit donating to CRS and Campaign for Human deviancy or development a long time ago.
As a Canadian Catholic, I am in a position to know something of the dishonesty of these “Catholic” relief organizations. The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (D&P, for short) has been funding quite a few pro abortion organizations in the third world for many years. Every year, dioceses in Canada collect for ShareLent, or Share Life. D&P gets a good chunk of the proceeds of the appeal. Bishops from the developing world begged D&P not to partner with pro abortion organizations. The pro abortion links of D&P were exposed by LifeSite news, and the upshot was that there was an “investigation” of D&P, where they basically led a bishop around by the nose to what they wanted him to see. The directors of this organization then authored a document in which they cleared themselves of any wrong doing, and the bishop signed it. Another, a bishop who was head of D&P, then stated that there was nothing to see here, folks. Except, that the archbishops of Toronto and Ottawa refused to allow this to be swept under the rug. The former cut all funding to D&P, and then only gave them funds to operate in overseas dioceses where the local bishop approved of the partner organization. The latter would not allow members of D&P partner organizations to collect funds in his diocese if they were pro abortion or birth control.
Meanwhile, a series of articles were published in Canada’s largest Catholic newspaper, whitewashing D&P, praising its director.
Many of our bishops are not men of faith. What about yours?
I am sure that you Michael have supplied the CRS and the USCCB with copies of this report. Have they responded? This continues to be very troubling to the average Catholic who really cares about the Church and serving the poor. I feel so ashamed that our country and our Church are imposing birth control on the poor people of third world countries who are seeing medical help. Where are the consciences of those who are making these decisions? We continue to have this agency along with the CCHD thrust upon us at the appropriate designated time by our bishop asking for our generous donations. I am sick and tired of it all. My husband and I don’t contribute. But there are those Catholics who say just give a donation, put all in God’s hands, and leave the judgment up to Him. This is terrible when you read of the intention to thrust birth control upon helpless and poor women, as well as supply condoms to AIDS patients so they can continue to have sex. I am horrified by it all. They are intent upon decreasing the populations of the poor countries, and aiding those who are sick in such a way that death will come sooner rather than later. Where is the teaching of what the Church has always taught about sexual relations? Those in power have been led down the wide road to hell, and we who are complacent about this are in danger of doing the very same.
Mary, you make some excellent points. Please contact the USCCB using their form below and let them know of your objections:
Thanks, Tess O’Neal