The Director and Editor in Chief of the Catholic News Service, which is the official news and information service of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has issued public statements decrying proposed legislation in several states that would protect religious freedom and deny men pretending to be women the “right” to enter women’s bathrooms.
Tony Spence has been the head of the Catholic News Service since 2004. Over the last few weeks, Spence has been publishing statements on his own twitter feed, identifying him as the head of CNS, speaking out against legislative efforts to protect the religious freedoms of individuals, businesses and churches.
On 24 March 2016, Spence claimed that “LGBT protections get flushed as NC governor signs bill over #bathroomwars.”
According to the article linked to by Spence, the bill would have reaffirmed already existing non-discrimination laws for businesses and public services while clarifying that discrimination on the basis of sex was a reference to one’s biological reality, not on one’s deviant fantasy. Furthermore, the new law prevents perverted men pretending to be women from entering into women’s bathrooms.
Spence’s public twitter statement directly conflicts with a 2015 statement made by Charolotte, North Carolina Bishop Peter Jugis regarding a local ordinance to include sexual orientation in non-discrimination policies. Bp. Jugis said:
“I pray that the City Council will provide all of the people of Charlotte with an ordinance that respects our constitutional right to the free exercise of religion. God made men and women different; as a society, we should respect that difference.”
On 28 March 2016, Spence doubled down on twitter, suggesting that the North Carolina governor should have followed the Georgia governor’s example by NOT signing the religious freedom legislation into law. Linking to an article about the governor of Georgia’s veto of the religious liberty bill, Spence said, “Too bad the NC Republican gov didn’t call him last week for a consult.”
More recently, on 7 April 2016, Spence issued a statement calling the measures to protect the religious liberty of individuals and businesses “stupid.”
In his twitter statement, Spence included Missouri in the list of “stupid” “pro-discrimination laws.” According to the article linked to by Spence in this statement:
“Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant on Tuesday signed a far-reaching law allowing people with religious objections to deny wedding services to same-sex couples and protecting other actions considered discriminatory by gay rights activists.”
Clearly, the head of the Catholic News Service has an agenda that is in direct conflict with the teachings of the Catholic Church. Given that he so openly sided with the homosexual agenda, against faithful and practicing Catholics both in the pews and in the clergy, some previous statements of his now take on a decidedly pro-homosexual tenor as well.
In this twitter statement from 14 March, Spence praised the pro-homosexual analysis of an article in The Atlantic regarding the shift in conservative Christian Colleges to accepting homosexuality on campus.
On 10 March, Spence stated that the shift in GOP strategy to move away from fighting against Same-Sex, so-called “marriage” to defending religious liberties “fooled no one.”
On 9 March, Spence published a public statement on Twitter that “Holding it is not an option” regarding a Catholic school’s ban on transgender students. The article linked to by Spence favors the homosexual/transgender agenda.
On 8 March, Spence posted an article regarding the Religious Education Congress in Los Angeles promoting the infiltration of transgenderism in the Catholic Church.
On 17 February, Spence warned that homosexual adoptions in Italy were at risk, calling them “rights.”
In 2010, Spence was presented with the Catholic Press Association’s St. Francis de Sales Award, which is the “highest award the CPA presents to an individual for “outstanding contributions to Catholic journalism.” In light of what Spence has been writing in direct attacks against Catholic moral and social teaching, one has to wonder if CPA will demand its award back.
In a major twist of irony, and now apparent hypocrisy, it was Spence who, in 2013, ended Catholic News Services’ relationship with Adam Shaw, an editor for the FOX News website. Shaw had been working with Catholic News Service as a film and video game reviewer. On 4 December of 2013, Shaw published an opinion piece on FOX News’ website criticizing Pope Francis by comparing him to US President Barack Obama. Two days later, Shaw was no longer welcome at CNS. What is so ironic is that the statement issued by Tony Spence regarding his reasons for severing ties with Shaw absolutely applies for him regarding these statements on twitter now. Spence said:
“(W)hen he penned the recent piece on Pope Francis, comparing him to President Obama, and presenting it as an op/ed, he seriously compromised his credibility as an objective Catholic journalist for CNS. Had Adam merely reported on the pope’s apostolic exhortation, even citing unflattering sources, there would have been no problem. However, Adam’s caustic condemnation of the exhortation and of Francis himself, one of the key figures we cover daily with objectivity, fairness and certainly charity, left me little choice but to end his service with us.”
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. If a low-level reporter at the Catholic News Service is released for issuing his own public opinions regarding the pope, then surely the head of the same agency should likewise be released for issuing public opinions that are in direct conflict with Catholic moral and social teaching.
No wonder we are in the shape we are in with people like this in positions of influence in the Church. Hasn’t sodomy destroyed enough children….this man needs to rethink his support for mortal sin.
Go to confession you bigot!!!! and ask God to forgive your bigotry!!!!!
so he is not lending support to sodomy, ergo he is a bigot… wow, epic response. anymore in the chamber?
Homosexuality is not the same thing as pedophilia–or transgenderism/transsexuality, for that matter.
A homosexual can be celibate, or even virginal, as much as a heterosexual can.
When I was growing up in the South, people opposed the civil rights movement on religious grounds, too, saying their faith was being trampled upon.
There is no such thing as a homosexual “person.” There are only persons suffering temptation and concupiscence. One suffering from same-sex attraction is not defined by their temptations any more than one suffering alcoholism is defined by his or her alcoholism. The glory lies in overcoming the temptation and possessing the humility to suffer without seeking adulation or special accommodations.
this makes no sense how can you have a homosexual that is a virgin and has never involved in any homosexual acts. that’s like saying you can have a thief that never stole anything, or a murderer that never killed. You can have people with homosexual tendencies or same sex attraction but if you have never engaged in said acts but they are not a homosexuals.
Please contact the Bishops about this scandal. We have to stop destroying the church from within.
Thanks Maggie Sullivan. I have contacted the USCCB regarding my concerns about Tony Spence and his comments on Twitter and his obvious disdain for Church teachings.
Thanks Michael Hitchborn for keeping us informed. I feel like a policewoman, rounding up the criminals.
A Catholic’s work is never done!
Reform your own heart, rather than finding dead stones to throw at others. The Accuser is the one who condemns. And those who cast stones of judgment at others–it is because the Accuser is their father.
And be careful of judging others, for with the measure with which you measure, it will be measured back to you–Do you ever err on public policy questions, have you never made a mistake in your understanding of truth and goodness, have you *always* proclaimed the truth of God in its perfection, are you *certain* that you are guiltless and perfectly righteous in all of your own actions?
Tread carefully down the path of accusations, condemnation–for every judgment will come back to you. Be kind to others, so that God may be kind to you!
“Rounding up the criminals” is not Catholic work, nor was it Jesus’ work.
Spreading the Good News is Jesus’ work.
Thank you for bringing this to the public’s attention! WHY is this allowed? Is there no one trustworthy at the USCCB that would stop this? It makes me seriously scared — we need a country-wide exorcism, DAILY, until this evil crap gets flushed, to use Tony Spence’s words.
Open morals, open borders… Babylonian harlotry.
Provided I understand this, Mr Spense should be fired immediately!
We have reached a point where nothing much matters. No fear of sin, only fear of offending people. No defense of Christ and His holy teachings, only an acceptance of the modern culture of death.
We need to pray for Mr. Spence that he turns away from the rainbow road to hell and we need to pray that we are strengthened in God’s grace to speak and live the truth.
Mike, it’s a good thing you archived those tweets. They’re gone now from his twitter page. Lindsay, this is the same bunch who harbor a vice president who’s in a gay marriage (CRS), a CCHD president who worked to elect Wendy “Abortion Barbie” Davis, etc. I regret that “trustworthy” is not an adjective that describes too many people who work for anything related to the USCCB.
Thank you for reporting on this. My hope is you will also do a piece on Fr.James Martin SJ, who is like minded. After the Supreme Court ruling on same sex marriage, Fr.James, wrote on Facebook, “Catholics are hateful”. He went on a rant on this. Then when people protested he posted 3 stories of homosexual couples and even commented how loving they are! No doubt but issue is more than love!
This was my action as I had enough.
I called up radio stations, Catholic Radio, EWTN and called up the Jesuit office in NYC. Wrote to anyone and everyone.
These “rogue” Catholics want to fly under the radar. They want to do as much damage with no “disturbance “, you!
So please investigate these rogues and people, get busy. Enough.
People especially priests need to stop confusing love and lust. Love does not lead the beloved to sin, especially mortal sin.
Keep up the great reporting Lepanto.
Maybe Tony would be better suited for a job as a staff writer for the National Catholic Reporter (the Fishwrap). With these statements made so publicly, would he even qualify for a job as a teacher or administrator in the majority of Catholic Grade Schools or High Schools?
Yep there are bishops who would let him – and “Catholic” students, parents, alumni and deep pocket donors who would throw a public tantrum on electronic media to make sure he kept the job. Just ask Archbishop Cordileone and that poor teacher in NJ!
Mr. Spence,
Are you sure you are not LGBT yourself? Now, we are not sure. One thing, you are certainly not a Catholic. Who are you really?
Who are you to judge
Few Bible verses are as abused as often as MT 7:1. Stop and consider the implications: were we to suspend all “judgement”, no decisions would be made by anyone for any reason, since by definition the act of making a decision – any decision on any matter – is an exercise of judgement. Obviously if no one could make a decision, chaos would immediately erupt, so that cannot possibly be what Jesus’ prohibition contemplates. Perhaps the scope just has to do with religious matters. However, one of the Spiritual Works of Mercy is to “admonish the sinner.” To do that, one would first have to discern that the particular person in question is objectively in a sinful situation, which is again an exercise in judgement. So we make judgements all day, every day.
What Jesus is referring to is final judgement – rendering a verdict on a particular individual’s final destiny, which is reserved solely to God. Of course, one of our greatest temptations is to think that God needs our advice. So we are supposed to observe and respond to objective behaviors (that’s what the criminal justice system does, for example) with charity.
In the present case, it should be clear to anyone, regardless of one’s stance on any issue, that Mr Spence’s comments were scandalously contrary to the mission of his employer. Scandal is the correct word, because he made his comments in a public forum.
If he really holds values and opinions that contrary to his employer’s, he really was doing the wrong thing for them and for himself. How can he make his best efforts with that sort of internal conflict? Please note that this would be true regardless of whether one agrees or disagrees with his particular opinion.
When I am in a public bathroom, I want privacy. From time to time women need to take care of their hygene. NO MEN (born with male DNA) ALLOWED. When is enough, enough? You can come any time Jesus! It would be fine with me.
Restrooms are not a meeting centers for people. Lock the doors and enter appropriate door by gender you born with.
CNS is widely known in traditional circles for this. It is no longer a site any faithful Catholic should read. He should be publicly excommunicated and if Church has any oversight on publication it should be stripped of its connection
In today’s society this is not a surprise. According to the latest polls more than half of so called practicing Catholics support abortion. Perhaps priests need to including in their homilies the obligations of practicing Catholics. We are a minority and it’s only a matter of time before a law is passed stating the Catholics and other faiths are discriminating against Gays and transgenders. Respect them as children of God yes, have mercy on them yes but accept this alternative lifestyle that is being thrown at us as legal — no. Tony Spence needs to step down, resign or be fired now!
The slippage of America’s public morals can be stopped through the stirrings of conscience of Catholic clergy and laity. The Spence position directly contradicts America’s freedom of conscience, and no one, and no agency, dare violate our conscience. His abrupt dismissal should have taken place immediately. Meantime, the voices of wisdom ought to speak out forcefully, condemning any restriction on Americans’ freedom of conscience, so much of it prompted by the illogical positions on human nature promoted by the WH in its ignorance of human nature and the laws of logic that lead it. Those laws have taken major detours throughout history. That is why God initially chose a tribe to reveal Himself to and to show the correct way to live for all human beings. The centuries went on, and God decided that still more was needed. That is why He promised the “Chosen People” that He would send a Messiah, a person who would exceed all expectations of the Chosen People. His life and death would serve as a guide, a beacon and as a human offering to live and finally to die in atonement to God for all the evils that had been or would be committed by humankind. He offered forgiveness, mercy and, to gain both forgiveness, mercy and the very graces of redemption, He instituted seven sacraments, sources into which His people could tap in order to gain the graces He released through His life and death. It is up to us to seek Him through His Church. The Church is the mystical body of Christ on earth today, and it will endure to the end of time.
Looks like he has been asked to leave CNS. Great work Michael and keep it up.
You people are all a little uneducated. Christ never spoke of LGBT or any other sexual preferences. And to quote the Catholic Church the worlds largest pedophile ring in history as the authority on these matters shows that much Like Tony Spence you are all just spewing your political opinions and using the Lords name to prove your points.
Jimmy is there one God or many Gods? Is Jesus God? Is the Father opposed to the son, who is opposed to the spirit. I must recommend that you go back and learn the faith from the ground up because this is embarrassing, not even a protestant would make such a claim.
No pedophile ring. The problem is the infiltration of homosexual sodomite rapists. Get it straight.
Go to confession all of you bigots!!!!! and ask God to forgive you for bigotry!!!!
Who is a bigot? The Church teaches that same-sex attraction is an unfortunate and difficult thing for another person to experience, so what they need is genuine compassion and respect. It is neither compassionate nor respectful to confirm someone acting in a way contrary to his or her nature. The idea that homosexual relationships are just as valid and healthy for society as heterosexual ones is as pernicious as it is false, regardless of what Justice Kennedy opines.
If what I have said above meets your definition of bigoted, then it is you, not I, who is showing the greater intolerance, condemnation, and aversion to real dialogue. If you think I am wrong, then persuade me, but don’t call me names and send me to confession because I happen to disagree with you. That attitude can best be described as “Pharisaical.”
Note that I am not judging Mr. Spence’s soul, that is exclusively God’s job. However, it is entirely reasonable to conclude from objective facts that at the very least, his effectiveness in his post is compromised, and it is not too much to say that he can’t possibly do the job he is supposed to be performing while holding opinions strongly contrary to Church teaching; that is, the organization he purports to represent.
It is sad that you experience religion as simply an opportunity to wield your power to hate and hurt other people who have never wronged you. You are very small minded and cowardly in the evil you perpetrate. I pray that someday you will find peace and mercy in your hearts to replace the darkness that lives there now.
Great work as always Mr. Hitchborn. As always if you ever need a volunteering helping hand let me know,
Hey Michael..Here’s a tip for your next witch hunt ….Today he Pope personally escorted several of “lesbian” families to the Vatican. Go get ’em!
Perhaps your most salient and poignant point was drawing the line between Spence’s actions and the opinion piece by Adam Shaw for a different website that led to a termination of Shaw’s employment with CNS. Spence didn’t seem too concerned about Shaw’s right to freedom of expression and the press. Congratulations to you for pointing out his many hypocrisies.
Why is it so difficult for people to realize these people do not represent the true Catholic Church, and that Jorge Bergoglio along with most of his henchmen are just dressed up laymen. How many posts will you write, emails will you send, or calls will you make before you actually do some research and conclude that the VII church and it’s protestantised mass are not the True Church of Christ. We (I was Novus Ordo most of my life) are to blame for Mr. Spence’s fall. Forget moaning to each other and to your “bishop” and to “father bob”. Insist that these people repent of their Protestantism and come to the One True Faith. One day a real pope will rise from the ashes, if the lord wills it, or God will end it all at his convenience. Either way you must ask of yourselves and others, “is your soul ready”? I have a feeling, “but I put a note in the suggestion box to fire Mr. Spence”, is not going to be sufficient for salvation. I’m scared, are you?
Thanks for your vigilance. Indeed, there is a great need for more vigilance. Mother Angelica said: “If all Catholics will truly be Catholics, the world will change overnight.” The sanity in Catholic Church’s teachings can’t be washed away just because of human errors (in the placement of people as head, etc.) because practical intelligence attests to the Church’s timeless wisdom. ‘LGBT rights’ agenda is a post-modern day world’s experiment on human life and relationships that seeks to please oneself by disregarding reason, and so we can’t ultimately find what we’re looking for. Only in theo-centric self-transcendence way can we find our true selves: obedience to Christ’s teachings is the greatest freedom.