Following on the heels of the Lepanto Institute’s latest analysis of employees at Catholic Relief Services comes the discovery that at least four of CRS’s employees “stand” with Planned Parenthood.
Jessica Garrels has been a Program Quality & Business Development coordinator for Catholic Relief Services, stationed in Mali, since 2012. Prior to that, she spent 10 months working as a fellow for CRS in Niger.
On November 28, 2015, Garrels posted a “#StandwithPP” overlay over one of her pictures, indicating that she supports Planned Parenthood and endorses continued government funding of the big-box retail chain of abortion stores. As is indicated in the image below, there are 26 “likes” of this post by Garrels … three of which came from other CRS employees.
The three other Catholic Relief Services employees who “liked” this post are Nat Pholsena (left), Siia Phetvillaysouk (middle),and Tina Bounmixay (right). With the language barrier, it is difficult to say, but it appears that these three women work for Garrels.
But Garrels’ support for Planned Parenthood isn’t limited to this one post. On January 22, 2016, Garrels posted an article by Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin, which complained that the Wisconsin Senate voted to cut funding to the abortion-giant.
On January 9, Garrels wrote “Well said!” and then quoted US Representative Gwen S. Moore about defending Planned Parenthood.
Given her staunch support for Planned Parenthood, it should come as no surprise that in 2012, Garrels made a $200 campaign contribution to Planned Parenthood’s biggest political ally, Barack Obama.
The problems at CRS are legion, and with employees promoting Planned Parenthood, is it really any surprise that we would also discover things like:
- the vile sex education programs being implemented by CRS,
- CRS’s promotion of contraception through PEPFAR grants (and subsequent cover-up of the program),
- CRS’s implementation of graphic condom-promoting programs,
- CRS’s funding of abortion and contraception providing organizations.
The Chairman of the board of Catholic Relief Services is Archbishop Paul Coakley. Please contact Archbishop Coakley and respectfully ask him to clean house at CRS, starting with the removal of employees who act against the Church. As long as CRS employs individuals whose philosophies are completely against Catholic teaching, this problem will only get worse.
[email protected]
405-721-5651 Ext. 157
Heart breaking…..CRS, helping people with one hand and killing babies with the other.
Oh no. This is terrible. Why are these people still part of CRS. They should be gone. What are they waiting for ??
It is heart breaking and this is what is heartbreaking is the IT IS the USCCB, our Bishops who are supposedly Catholic who support that which the Catholic Church condemns. Heaven help us. Mary pray for us. Jesus save us.
CRS has seen my last donation. I am chagrined to have to admit that I wasn’t aware of their support for PP. Silly me, I assumed a Catholic organization would support official Church teaching.
Why do they hire these people. Abortion should be a litmus test. She probably hired the others. It’s a ripple down effect we don’t need.
I cannot believe it. They belong without jobs! Makes me sick!
I Will no longer support CRS, I will take my donation elsewhere. will not support any one who stands by plan parenthood and the killing of innocent babies, true Catholics don’t support plan parenthood.
Very dissapointed to find this out! ????
And this is why we do not give to Catholic Charities any more, ever since we realized that it supports the butchering of babies.
I will not and have not donated to CRS because of this. It’s a shame CRS is connected in any way with Planned Parenthood.
Sorry to say it is UNlikely he will do anything.
I worked in a DIOCESE that is has laity living corrupt lifestyles, publicly, and the EVIL men in charge, Bishop and his Chief of Staff, do NOTHING. The Church’s doctrine is true- just infested with maggots. These two let leaders run shipshod over employees because they are corrupt like PILATE. Remember, the Church Doctrine is true, just the maggots are not.
I received a “please send money” mailing from CRS and this time,I put it aside. I thought I might send them $25 because my Dad has Alzheimer’s and I might need help from CRS. When I saw this Email, I said to myself, “Self, the CRS letter is going out the garbage!” I shall never support any organization that supports the MURDER MILL known as Planned Parenthood.
I will not be giving donations to this organization, though I have in the past. I cannot support an organization that is in league with Planned Parenthood.
Pray for Jessica Garrels. She has excommunicated herself by supporting abortion, a heresy and sin of grave matter.
I know CRS to be a liberal bastion of anti-Catholic teaching organization. I stopped supporting them years ago knowing that they supported evil! Shame on the USCCB, who know these things and speak not! The USCCB seem to just want to go along to get along, and the money is good!
I didn’t know and will stop the donations from our paychecks
I stopped supporting CRS some years ago, after Population Research exposed them. They appear unchanged.
I will no longer support CRS … I have heard other stories about CRS working with PP. (
We have not given to crs for the last 2 years. We will not give again until they clean house. I prefer to donate to local charities like st Vincent de Paul. This to nothing attitude from the hierarchy is what we saw happened with sexual abuse perpetrated by priests.
I had been a CRS supporter for many years until I heard about their involvement in Planned Parenthood. They are promoting planned barren hood. I’m sure that many who work in the “field” in poor countries, see that people are in need of so much. But a child is a gift from God and to kill it is a mortal sin. Why don’t these “missionaries” teach and encourage abstinence and self-control?
I no longer give any money to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development or to Catholic Relief Services as both of these organizations use funds in a way that goes against the teachings of the Catholic Church. Instead, I give money directly to Catholic Bishops in Nigeria that I know personally and know they will use the funds for works that are in accord with the teachings of the Catholic Church. I am blessed to say that I am retired after working for a Diocese in the States for 22 years and am now serving as a missionary in Nigeria, teaching in a Major Seminary.
obviously this young lady was democrat as indicated by her contributions to Barrack Obama and her obvious support for planned parenthood,offensive statement for conservatives,and economical support to a democratic party.the problem is bigger than we think folks …. it gives me great pain to ask …how many of catholic charities employees are democrats?
I found this a while ago and hope you all will see it. We have a battle on our hands.
So sad. I thought picking a Catholic charity I would be helping within the guidelines of the Church. My donation comes out of my check and is renewable each year. I will not renew. Does any one know if Catholic Charities is truly Catholic?
No they are not. Sister Carol Keehan is on their boar of directors. Catholic Charity affiliates in the Texas area have taken millions of federal tax dollars to facilitate illegal immigration. Other Catholic Charity locations have participated in needle exchange programs and in Richmond VA, CC staff drove a client to her abortion appointment. I’d suggest contributing to a local pro-life charity or to a religious order that is faithful to authentic Catholicism.
NEVER give them a cent! From their big salaries to the support of immoral things, there are better and truer charitable organizations. But they are huge and everywhere!
What does it profit the USCCB to keep a poor person alive only to send them to hell because of the immorality it promotes through CRS? The martyrs were certainly deluded to give up their lives rather than sin. Oh, but they are in heaven awaiting the resurrection and not damnation!
Aid to the Church in Need is a far better charity to donate to.
…………………….. and our bishops
remain SILENT ! Haven’t they heard
Let us continue to pray for those in
charge of CRS. These are very tough times.
I thought what Georgetown and Notre Dame
did recently was bad but this CRS is no help
for the unborn! Our Lord must be deeply
offended by the silence of the U.S. bishops.
I only give to one organized charity after years of sending out dollars into giant black holes.
My advice,: Don’t give to any big-box “charity.”
The root of the problem is institutionalized charity which is highly impersonal and divides the giver and receiver from even knowing one another.
Instead, try finding the lonely, the outcast, the poor sitting in the pew right next to you on Sunday and try to be a friend to them.
Any organization that supports Planned Parenthood is deplorable. Any organization under the guise of Catholicism that supports Planned Parenthood is an abomination, and an Archbishop who chairs this organization and doesn’t clean house should be excommunicated. It is so called “Catholics” like these that put Barack Obama in office for 8 years and is is so called “Catholics” like these who just might be responsible for the coronation of Hillary. We must get vocal and let people on the fence know that what we do in November will determine what kind of a Supreme Court we are going to have for the next 50 or 60 years. We must expose people like these for who they really are. We must do it for life, for our Country, for our Religious freedom.
I totally agree with you — well stated. We are living in an age of rapid moral decay and our youth are being brainwashed by the Left and its lap-dog media.
Thank you. I will stop contributing to CRS. I had actually decided to do the automatic monthly giving until I read this timely information.
Yes, my funds will be diverted from Campaign for Human Dev and CRS to the local St Vincent de Paul.
Contact the Ab in charge of this org. and Maronite Bishop of Brooklyn who are the head of or on their governing board.I have done this and await their reply. NO ORG. with employees like this should be allowed to call themselves Catholic and expect any money from Faithful Catholics. …………..Thank God for Organizations like Lepanto.Inst. etc… Very sadly the Regular catholic press such as The Catholic Transcript of Ct. are still carrying glowing articles about C.R.S. and Ms. Woo its sorry excuse for a leader.
Why do our shepherd-bishops reveal such a lack of common sense and courage when it comes to cleaning up these often blatantly anti-Catholic campaigns? Some shepherds! I’m done contributing to both charities.
This is very upsetting. I have sought out Catholic organizations specifically so that my money is not used for anything that conflicts with our doctrine. I just made a donation to them for Haiti! My suspicions arose when I saw their name affiliated with APHA. APHA is strongly pro-abortion, partial-birth included. Wish I had my last donation back, maybe I will call them and decline the CC charge.
Living the Catholic faith is not always easy. But if you have time to watch this video to the end, the fact that in the end, the 12 apostles were the only ones who could stand to hear what Christ was really saying and that is why we even have the Catholic church, there is a profound truth. We are free to choose to stay with Christ no matter how popular it might or might not be. (Fr. Mike Schmitz) awesome!
Very informative and timely as I will not be making another donation to CRS.
This article is a sad excuse to SHAME someone who is supporting an organization that is responsible for helping underprivileged women receive the healthcare the deserve. PP does SO many things for women on a continuous basis outside of abortion procedures. Most women who feel the need to turn to PP do so because they have nowhere else to go for basic healthcare rights–pelvic exams, Pap tests, cancer screenings. It is so sad to see such closed minded shaming provoked by a ‘Catholic’ blog. This behavior is simply is not Christian.
Planned Parenthood murders children in the womb, perverts the minds of children with filthy sex education programs, promotes sodomy and gender dysphoria, and spreads contraception. ALL of this is 100% against Catholic teaching, and it is simply inconceivable that one could work for an ostensibly “Catholic” organization while promoting such an anti-Catholic entity.