According to some reports, the final version of the Synod document calls attention to the need for “certification systems for Catholic websites, to counter the spread of fake news regarding the Church.”[1] Apparently, this certification will be a form of a denial of approval from some Vatican official or other. Juan Perón, the Argentine dictator that was once the hero of Pope Francis, would have approved of such measures while rubbing his palms and smiling, as it was his custom. During his reign in Argentina in the pre-television age, he exercised total control of all newspapers and radio.
Imperatives drive policy
It is obvious that there is a portion of the Vatican curia that feels threatened by the influence of a growing Internet commentariat. Among the many authors writing in blogs and websites, there are many that are theologically informed and capable of guiding the public honestly. Among the Catholic authors, some are priests or religious with inside information not normally accessible to Catholic laity or the general public. Truthful and honest information coming from such sources do not threaten the eternal truths or the mission of the Catholic Church. The truth threatens the power of those groups that have infiltrated the high circles of the hierarchy. Truth uncovers the narratives that those groups try to impose on the Church at large. The ungodly goals of those powerful groups currently steering the Church are: to force the Church to approve the principles of the so-called sexual revolution, and the acceptance of Marxism through the teachings of the Theology of Liberation.
The Church has always dealt with fake news. In former times we called them heresies. Are those groups that so obviously oppose the permanent, orthodox teaching of the Church going to put the “fake” label on someone who tells the truth? Now hold that thought, because many of us have seen that happen in the political realm. Political correctness began exactly in that way. The cultural Marxist first projects his own fault towards the opponent —i.e. the Marxist’s own blatant racism—and then labels his opponent as a “racist” to gain the high moral ground. From that moment on, the Marxist will be the judge of everyone’s actions, labeling that person racist, that other a “sexist,” the other a “homophobic,” and so on. The process starts with a Freudian projection and ends with a label on some poor chap’s forehead. That technique is meant to divide people. People are more easily dominated if they are divided while the unscrupulous leader controls the political narrative.
No longer informed by truth
Too many leaders of the Church have abandoned the truth of the Gospel. Ever since the days of Vatican II, ambiguity and theological novelties have taken precedence over the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20.) The consequences of that mistake are now evident.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is powerful enough to gradually move believers to live according to the truth. The mission of the Church is to constantly give witness to Christ, shepherding souls towards salvation. If truth takes a second place, the message of the Church loses force and it has to be replaced with raw power. Benedict XVI expressed that clearly:
“Without truth, without trust and love for what is true, there is no social conscience and responsibility, and social action ends up serving private interests and the logic of power, resulting in social fragmentation, especially in a globalized society at difficult times like the present.” (Caritas in Veritate 5.)
Some wise soul left us this wonderful counsel: “The truth is like a lion. You don’t have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself.” In times past, when ideas were disseminated either by public speech or books, the Church wisely maintained an Index of heretical books, saving the faithful the time and expense of reading such heresies. That Index became impractical as the world gradually entered the information age. Like that proverbial lion, the truth of Christ prevails very well on its own devices, not because of the power of the Church to censor heresy.
We have to conclude that this idea of labeling Internet sites is an intent to sustain (by force) the narrative of certain postconciliar currents of the Church. In the absence of Divine Truth, raw power has to be exercised.
Dialog with the world?
It seems to me that our present crisis began when the Great Commission was replaced by a misunderstanding, a new imperative to “dialog with the world.” Benedict XVI warned us:
“Truth, in fact, is lógos which creates diá-logos, and hence communication and communion. Truth, by enabling men and women to let go of their subjective opinions and impressions, allows them to move beyond cultural and historical limitations and to come together in the assessment of the value and substance of things.” (Caritas in Veritate 4.)
Pope Benedict wisely places communication before communion because the Church is not seeking to find the truth through dialog. Why? Because the Church has received the fullness of the truth in Christ: “And he has put all things under his feet and has made him the head over all things for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all.” (Ephesians 1:22 NRSVACE.) When we communicate the Gospel, we avail ourselves of the power of Christ to fill souls with his life, like the ocean waters that can easily fill an empty cup. The filling of that soul with the truth of Christ is what we call communion. For that simple reason, communion can never precede communication. We cannot foolishly enter into a two-way communication with the world intending to find the truth.
Christ instructed the Church to go and preach the Gospel. (Matthew 28:16-20.) That is to teach to others what we have received. The Church has received the whole truth necessary for the salvation of mankind. That truth is unchangeable; it is part of nature itself. Neither a Pope nor a council of the Church can change it. Since Christ came into this world, nothing can be added to the truth; nothing substantial can be appended to our faith.
The Church is both a mother and a teacher of truth. Error has no right to stand before truth. There is no valid dialog we can sustain with error or darkness. “Do not be mismatched with unbelievers. For what partnership is there between righteousness and lawlessness? Or what fellowship is there between light and darkness?” (2 Corinthians 6:14 NRSVACE.)
New voices for an ancient message
The new electronic media caught many by surprise. Huge media enterprises like leading radio and television networks, newspapers, and news organizations are still trying to adapt to the new reality. So far they have reacted with all the agility of an elephant trying to catch a fly. The forces that are currently trying to steer the Church away from her God-given mission are no exception. The myriad of pages, blogs, email and social media aggregates of faithful Catholics who know their faith well are constantly pointing at their mistakes and the mediocrity of their message. The postconciliar “church of nice” leaders have managed to silence the truth to some extent but they could not dumb down the entire Church. With the arrival of the Internet, many new voices are asking the obvious questions: “Isn’t homosexuality a grave sin?” or “Didn’t Jesus himself say that those who divorce and remarry are guilty of adultery?” just to mention two examples out of many.
As the Synod of Young People progressed, those Internet warriors of truth were able to expose the efforts of the postconciliar heretics to cover up the crimes of the infiltrated homosexual priests. The revelations of complicity among those in the higher echelons of the Vatican curia flew around the world at the speed of light when Monsignor Viganò revealed them to … faithful Catholic bloggers!
Truth is indeed like a mighty lion that can no longer be kept behind bars in the Roman zoo. It is roaming the streets of the Holy City and soon will devour those who wanted to suppress her. All we have to do is set her free.
“In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I solemnly urge you: proclaim the message; be persistent whether the time is favorable or unfavorable; convince, rebuke, and encourage, with the utmost patience in teaching. For the time is coming when people will not put up with sound doctrine, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own desires, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander away to myths. As for you, always be sober, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, carry out your ministry fully.” Words of St. Paul in 2 Timothy 4:1-5.
[1] Vatican looks to censor lay Catholics, by Michael Voris, published in Church Militant, October 28, 2018.
Evil…sorry, but the proliferation of good, orthodox Catholics who are writing and popular, is already like the cat out of the bag…we do not need this control from any source
I agree. The current crew are no guardians of orthodoxy.
Well written!! Thank you!!! The just completed Synod has exposed those who are willing to proclaim the Truth and those who are working to water it down. No censorship by the Vatican…the Holy Spirit will keep us. Come Lord Jesus!!
God bless, C-Marie
Wow like the Gestapo in WWII controlling everything someone reads. The sins of the Church would never be exposed if the Vatican has its way
The best way to counter the spread of fake news regarding the Church is not to try to silence the Church but to live and proclaim the Truth, you, Vatican bureaucrats. Fake news would never fool anyone if the news from Vatican, especially the words of Holy Father were clear and faithful to Gospels.
This proposed “seal of approval” will stand as a warning to beware, Holy Father. So thank you. It will be far easier to spot compromised doctrine, and collect up names of who is promulgating it, by way of a seal.
Great job!
The Dictator Pope is going to become the totalitarian pope. When this happens he’ll cease to be Catholic and will be only one thing, a cult leader. This rubber stamping procedure will also do something else, further create an echo chamber for these already detached from reality prelates, thereby really making themselves enemies to the Truth, because now not only will they have ignored it the warnings but have actively tried to silence it. Likewise, we will now know what hideous thoughts and plans they have cooked up in their depravity when they speak through their “approved” sites.
Schism is coming.
Schism is inevitable.
Schism is needed.
Unless God does something soon, I can’t see how the center will hold out. Plus, with the prospect of a RICO Investigation on the church and the Left trying to gain victory as much as possible in every small way as possible up to 2020 and the Midterm Elections, things will create a perfect storm if we don’t have some backup plans in order right now.
The sign is the crisis, the crisis is the sign. When I was researching the material to write Guadalupe a River of Light, I noticed a meaningful synchronicity: the crisis in Mexico (1531) the prayers of Bishop Zumarraga, and the apparition of Our Lady at Tepeyac Hill … all converge into a single moment. Allow me to paste the quote to avoid having to type the whole thing again.
That is why Our Lord said: “When you see all those things happening, raise up your heads because your liberation is near.”
We don’t have to fret but be steady in our faith. That is what our times demand.
The Holy See would be better inspired in granting certifications of catholicism to a number of Catholic organizations, schools, universities which are catholic but only by their names.
Well, I now know to only go to the sites that do not have the Vatican certification. If you see the Vatican certification run the other way because the certification means you are being lied to.
good move by the Vatican, at least now the viewers will be guided if the channel or site are in Full Communion with Church Authority. There will now be accountability.
For those whose goal is to spread fake news and deceive weak believers this is not good.
but for those whose mission is to report the TRUTH, then it will be a welcome development as viewers now can easily identify which channel and site are not credible.
In response to Jong:
It is hard to see how the Vatican will be able to revise hundreds of thousands of sites and determine their purity. How those who are struggling with various official investigations will be able to discern who’s “clean” and who’s not? Considering the present situation, and some precedents like the recent condemnation of various Catholic journalists and others, one could say that this is going to be an instrument for revenge and persecution. I fail to see how this would be a good move leading to accountability. Labeling to protect the truth? The Truth is not a thing, it is a person, Jesus Christ, the Logos, the Word Incarnate. Since when is he protected by those who obscure and deny the doctrine He left us?
You would think the Hierarchy should be more interested in Exorcising and Re Consecrating sacred places .
As a child ,I remember we all knew our parish church was Exorcised/Purified AFTER a person sexually attacked a teen aged girl in it.
It was a big deal ! NO MASS THERE UNTIL IT WAS DONE.
Sunday Masses were all in the school auditorium until the church was purified.
Just a few years ago even modernist priests were recommending exorcisms and generational healing Masses of those who had an element of evil in their family background.Special prayers and Blessings are still being recommended.
My question is why these Prelates are NOT seeing to it that sacred places are purified especially since they know altar servers, adolescents and children , were molested by priests in confessionals and sacristies?
“The Catholic Church teaches that sacrilege occurs when sacred objects are used for an unworthy purpose. This includes the profane use of sacred vestments.
Church law also teaches that defiling a sacred place by sexual acts is sacrilege.”
At least , it USED to be , but now they seem to just worry about people reporting the TRUTH !
Oh good. So does this mean they’ll also certify the Catholicity of Universities and Colleges claiming to be Catholic?
As Jesus had to die before he was Resurrected (and his Apostles fled), the Church will have to die before it is Resurrected. Mary has made this clear. It’s her time, now because her Priest sons have failed in the task. We are left with the choice of flight, too. But where are we to go? The Church has the key to Salvation. It is not elsewhere. I am going nowhere. I will not flee. A glorious time is awaiting. Hold fast. Pope Francis? I pray for him, but frankly, even his orthodox musings have been said better by other Pontiffs. Pray for him and the others, and hold fast!
Ever since this story broke, I have been searching other catholic charities to see what other ones do not comply with the values of our faith. There seems to be more.
Can we have an update of all of the charities. It is time to let the faithful know so we do not add to funding contraception, abortions or the LGBT movement.