The following Executive Summary comes from the new report, researched, written, and published by the Lepanto Institute, showing that the largest Catholic healthcare network in the United States – CommonSpirit Health – is deeply engaged in gravely immoral activity, including the performance of sex-change surgeries. The complete report can be downloaded as a pdf file either by clicking the link here, or by clicking the image of the front cover the the report on the right-hand of the screen.
Given the findings contained in this report, the Lepanto Institute is calling upon the bishops of the United States to revoke the Catholic identity of CommonSpirit Health and all of the “Catholic” hospitals identified in this report. Furthermore, the Lepanto Institute is calling upon bishops to require their Catholic hospitals to disaffiliate from CommonSpirit Health or lose their Catholic identities, and to lead the faithful in public acts of penance and reparation for the horrifying evil CommonSpirit is committing in the name of the Catholic Church.
Executive Summary
The largest Catholic health system in the United States, CommonSpirit Health, is acting directly against Catholic moral teaching in direct defiance of its Catholic identity. This report will prove that CommonSpirit Health is performing transgender surgeries, providing hormone-based transgender therapies, providing puberty blockers to children under the auspices of so-called “gender-affirming care,” is financially subsidizing the same through its employee benefits packages, is financially subsidizing medical institutions performing these procedures and therapies, is providing all forms of modern contraception (including abortifacients) to patients, and is even performing elective abortions and surgical sterilizations.
Created in 2019, CommonSpirit Health, derives its Catholic identity through sponsorship from the Catholic Health Care Federation, a “public juridic person” whose authority is granted by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. This means that direct oversight and jurisdiction over CommonSpirit Health belongs to the Apostolic See in the Vatican, alone.
This report will provide indisputable proof of gross defiance of Catholic moral teaching on the part of CommonSpirit Health in five chapters. In the first chapter, we provide an analysis of CommonSpirit’s background. In this section, we illustrate the process by which CommonSpirit Health derives its Catholic identity and how it continues to maintain its Catholic identity in the public eye. This chapter also explains the various mergers since 2019 which have caused CommonSpirit Health to become not only the largest Catholic health system in the United States but the nation’s second-largest non-profit hospital chain.
In chapter two, this report provides links to and images of CommonSpirit Health’s very public support and promotion of homosexual and transgender ideologies. Through CommonSpirit’s own stated standards, video presentations, podcasts, symposium presentations, and other sources, what is clearly shown in this section is a corporate-wide attachment to perversion that is in direct conflict with its Catholic identity.
In Chapter Three, this report proves beyond all reasonable doubt that, as a “leader” and “top performer” in the HRC Healthcare Equality Index and through published CommonSpirit Employee Benefits Packages, CommonSpirit is providing health benefits to employees that cover sex-change surgeries, transgender hormone therapies, and puberty blockers for children. In this same section, the report provides proof that the same health benefits also cover all contraceptive methods, elective surgical sterilization, and abortions deemed to be “medically necessary” because the life of the mother is “endangered.”
Chapter Four of the report found proof of CommonSpirit Health facilities performing sex-change operations, cosmetic surgeries to alter the external appearance of transitioners and all manner of other transgender “services.”
In Chapter Five, this report proves that several CommonSpirit locations, including its own Catholic hospitals, are providing all forms of contraception, including abortifacients. This same chapter is proof of one of CommonSpirit’s facilities openly performing surgical sterilizations and elective abortions.
Given everything contained in this report, it is clear that CommonSpirit Health is NOT a Catholic institution and must be immediately stripped of its Catholic identity.
The hospitals and medical centers listed in the following chart have been identified in this report for one or more of the following offenses: performing sex-change surgeries; providing transgender healthcare “services (whether by referrals for or the provision of hormone treatments and puberty blockers); providing employee healthcare benefits that cover transgender surgeries and/or “services”; committing abortions; dispensing contraception; performing surgical sterilizations.
Thank you for exposing these UNCONSCIONABLE ATROCITIES!
I am appalled. I don’t know what to think except God’s justice will soon be served to all. All I can do is keep my eyes on the cross and pray for the Blessed Virgin Mary to guide what is left of the Holy Catholic Church and give of strength and courage to live our fsith in God’s will. Precious blood of Jesus cover us. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us. My heartbreaks. Children’s lives and families are being destroyed. Where are the bishops and priests to speak out on this perversion. Crickets in my parish and diocese.
Become an Orthodox Christian, the real Ancient Faith.
You’ll have better luck at a secular hospital because they retreat if you mention religion. They don’t want the trouble. The catholic hospitals will advocate this crap and justify it by saying everything they do is in keeping with the catechism as they escort you out the door.
Hope that this report was forwarded to the “responsible bishop”.
The problem is that it is a 2 tier system, some of the hospitals are Catholic and follow the ERDs (USCCB Ethical and Religious Firectives) and some of the hospitals are explicitly not catholic and do not follow the ERDs and I have no idea how they square that with the Bishops or with being a “Catholic” system, but they do and are open about that.
What also concerns me is that they recently changed their mission statement from “continuing the healing ministry of Jesus Christ” to be replaced with vague language about God, that I doubt will last long. Call me old fashioned, but once you remove references to Jesus Christ, you are no longer a Christian organization, at best you are a post Christian organization that may or may not be inspired by Christian values.
And all this, while their chief mission officer is – I’m told – a Catholic Priest connected to their head quarters in CA. I’d like to hear his comments on all this!–std–senior-executive-vice-president–chie
Kopfensteiner has an STD degree (Doctor of Sacred Theology). Advanced theology degrees don’t require ordination. Thus he’s likely not a priest which is also why in his photo he’s wearing a regular tie not a clerical collar.
what was CommonSpirits response?
Radio silence.
How does this reconcile with ¶2357-2359 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, including that part which says, “all signs of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided”?
By preceding it with what comes before that quote:
“Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that ‘homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.’ They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.”
Also, take note of the key aspect of what you cited: “all signs of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided.” The operative word “unjust” shows that there is a form of JUSTIFIED discrimination. This doesn’t mean mockery or insults, but that there are circumstances under which discrimination of them is justified. You don’t give an alcoholic a bottle of whiskey, you don’t tell an anorexic girl that she is obese and should starve herself, and you certainly don’t destroy healthy body parts to help someone who is deeply mentally and emotionally tormented to see themselves as they believe themselves to be.
Very well said, as usual, Michael.
Thanks as always for exposing these abominations being performed by supposed “Catholic institutions.” Indeed, their designation as Catholic should be strongly immediately stripped, stricken and condemned completely. Let us not be a party to such horrific atrocities which should legally noted as “crimes against humanity.”
Have you forwarded this material to Vatican’s Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. We should all be forwarding this information to the Vatican. I find it curious that it comes under the dicastery of Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, whose purpose is for those to commit themselves to vows, whether Religious Vows or vows for lay people. What an absolute scourge and blasphemy. So much to pray and make reparation for!!!!!
Not only are these hospitals violating all catholic teachings BUT they also do damage to organizations trying to protect the dignity of human life and persons. When Catholic organizations are so divided and show themselves to be on total disagreement the culture just says this church is confused and not the one true church because they don’t even know who they are…they have lost their identity so why should anyone side with one or the other on any issue including this horrific transgender surgery nightmare being done to children.
Sadly, most of these so-called “shepherds” have failed their mission, abandoned their flocks and have caved in to the culture to get along. They have betrayed GOD on so many levels but as anyone who reads Scripture Ezekiel and Jeremiah have pointed passages directed by GOD to these corrupt and/or faithless clergy–their days are numbered and GOD will deal with them.
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic run by the Franciscan Missionaries healthcare system in Louisiana and Mississippi have a major hospital in Baton Rouge Louisiana as well as stand alone specialty clinics across the state of Louisiana and doctors offices across both Louisiana and south Mississippi.
It has been confirmed by doctors that have previously been employed by Our Lady of the Lake as well as parents that have made appointments for their kids to see endocrinologist that they are treating patients unethically by offering “Gender affirming care”
A website that Dr. Ruston Sanchez has shows he is affiliated w/ the hospital is performing surgeries “gender confirmation” surgeries. Furthermore several of the endocrinologist appear on provider list for the world professional transgender healthcare site as well as the Louisiana trans advocacy site. If a doctor is listed by these advocacy groups as a provider
When I saw the LGBTQ code words, “Hello humankindness,” I knew that it wasn’t going to be good. Anything riddled with the woke code is bound to be compromised and CommonSpirit Health is dripping with them.
The black out line in the 4 pride flags tells it all. Lord Jesus Christ deliver us from evil bring all the real perpetrators of this planned worldwide destruction to justice! Amen
This tells us all we need to know about where the Catholic Church is headed. But we must stop it before it gets out of control! Take the fight to a hospital near you and pray in front of it. This is imperative, if we want to keep our religion intact! We must pray for the conversion of sinners and for the state of the Church.
please send this report to ALL the Bishops
CommonSpirit also paid former CEO 35.0 Million Dollars when he left/retired. All the while CommonSpirit is losing millions, laying off employees. Should be stripped of tax exempt status.
The final straw for me is that CommonSpirit is negating the sacred rights of parents by performing the horrific gender ‘care” without the consent of parents.