NOTE: The following email was sent to both the USCCB and Catholic Relief Services. While the Lepanto Institute never received a response from either, the facebook pages of both individuals identified below have been altered to hide the evidence, indicating that the USCCB and CRS received the email, but chose not to respond.
[email to USCCB and CRS]
Here at the Lepanto Institute, we work hard to investigate and inform our bishops and the lay faithful of dangers facing our Church, especially as it pertains to individuals and organizations aligning themselves with the Culture of Death. While we have a standard set of research in which we regularly engage, sometimes we receive tips, questions, and concerns from our readers, prompting us to look into matters we hadn’t thought of.
What we would like to make clear here is that our focus is primarily on organizations and organizational issues, not individuals. But when a credible problem pertaining to personnel is discovered, we are compelled to follow the leads and make the matter known to the appropriate authorities. When it does not appear that the concern is being taken seriously, our only recourse is to take the matter to the faithful. Such is a situation facing us now.
Until a little over a week ago, we had never heard of a USCCB employee named Kristyn Peck. When someone views someone else’s profile on Linkedin, Linkedin notifies the individual of who has been looking at their profile. Ms. Peck, for some reason or other, looked at Michael Hichborn’s profile, which is the only reason he became aware of her. So, Michael, seeing that she works for the USCCB, wanted to know who she is, and in turn, looked at her profile. Ms. Peck is the USCCB’s Associate Director of Children’s Services. Her profile on Linkedin provided a photo and a work history.
It didn’t take long to find her facebook profile, showing that she had celebrated the notorious Supreme Court same-sex “marriage” decision from 26 June 2015.
On 26 June, Ms. Peck superimposed a rainbow image (the symbol of the homosexual movement) over her profile image with Facebook’s “Celebrate Pride” application.
The next day, Peck posted a rainbow image with the hashtag, “LoveWins,” indicating the victory being celebrated in relation to the same-sex “marriage” Supreme Court ruling.
While much of what Kristyn Peck posts on her facebook page is hidden from public view, this little bit is enough to show that her beliefs and values are not in line with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
But Ms. Peck is not the only individual to come to our attention. Last year, someone from within Catholic Relief Services sent us an anonymous tip regarding an employee alleged to be in a homosexual relationship and promoting same-sex “marriage” on facebook. After giving it some time and thought, and since a USCCB employee is also promoting same-sex “marriage,” we thought it was time to write about this as well.
Michael Wynne is a systems analyst for Catholic Relief Services, so says his facebook page as well as his Linkedin profile.
Again, it didn’t take long to see that Mr. Wynne is actively promoting same-sex “marriage.” And it should be noted and made abundantly clear, he is doing so while publicly identifying himself as an employee of Catholic Relief Services. In other words, his public support for same-sex “marriage” is attached to his public identification with an agency of the Catholic Church.
For instance, in March of 2013, Wynne commented on an image that he posted of a pink and red “equals” sign, stating clearly of the image that “it’s in support of Marriage Equality…”
The day after the Supreme Court’s same-sex “marriage” decision, Wynne posted an image of himself, his mother, and the man he lives with, superimposed by the colors of the rainbow, created by facebook’s “celebrate pride” application.
Among Wynne’s “likes” on facebook are several LGBTQ organizations. As can be seen below, Wynne “likes” the LGBT-promoting “No H8 Campaign,” several “Miss Gay” pageants, several cross-dressing (drag) organizations including the infamous RuPau’s “All Stars Drag Race,” a “gay chorus,” and “Boom Magazine,” which describes itself as a “St. Louis based News, Advocacy and Community Publication Serving the LGBQIA+ and Urban Progressive audience.”
Wynne is a member of the group, “Triangle Gay Men’s Chorus,” and according to his comments on a photo posted in 2012, he was once a member of the chorus itself.
A few weeks ago, the Lepanto Institute published a report on the head of the USCCB’s Catholic News Service, Tony Spence and his promotion of homosexuality. Last year, the Lepanto Institute revealed that a vice-president of Catholic Relief Services was in a same-sex “marriage.” A few years before that, several reports showed the contraception and abortion promotion undertaken by several other CRS employees.
As we said in the beginning, our aim here is not to go investigate everyone working in some capacity for the Catholic Church, but to alert the hierarchy to the fact that there is a systemic problem in their bureaucratic ranks. As they say in Washington, DC, personnel is policy, and when you have a proclivity of personnel who believe and profess the exact opposite of the entity for whom they work, it is an indication of a very serious problem. And at a time when the Church is facing quite possibly the greatest apostasy since Arius, this is a very serious problem indeed.
Thank you so much for this information. As Fulton Sheen stated many years ago the devil is infiltrated in our clergy. Just look at the sexual abuses mostly homosexual in nature. We will not contribute to crs until they clean house and apologize for their misuse of our money.
Fulton Sheen also said “What will happen to our poor Religion? Do not look to your priest or bishop. It is the laity that must make a priest be a priest and a bishop a bishop.” We are being called…..
Most sexual abuse is homosexual in nature? Your ignorance is staggering.
No. The author of this blog is very well informed, chooses his words with precision, and scrupulously checks his facts.
Yes, it is, my friend. The sex scandal which came to a head in 2002 revealed 80% of the sexual contacts were with post-pubescent boys. That’s NOT pedophilia, that’s homosexuality.
I think from my view of the Pew Study, it was over 95% was homosexual issues…still not good, but sorry I did not research this.
I am from South central Pennsylvania, and couldn’t help noticing that Ms Peck went to York College. Coincidentally , there is a Dr. Susan Peck OBGYN in the Hanover, PA area that has a practice and also is the abortionist at York, PA Planned Parenthood.
Might not be related , but certainly worth a little digging?
“You can’t trust kith or kin…If mommy is a commie then you gotta turn her in.”
Live your life and values, do not impose on others.
They have created a false religion.
In national conferences they have established a false hierarchy.
They propound false doctrine.
Let’s stop playing along with their game.
While they may in fact (illegitimately) occupy the positions of authority, they are not Catholics.
A man cannot be the head of a body of which he is not a member.
Organizations like CRS cannot be members of a body who deny the commands of Christ its head.
Catholics, let’s snap out of this.
They’re leading us to hell; we have no excuse.
Fight this. Accuse this. Refuse to participate in this half-century-old fraud any longer.
Thank you again Lepanto for exposing the evil…….
Thank you so much for having the courage to bring this systemic problem to light. I only hope that the church can begin to require more sincere conduct of employees that are fortunate enough to work for its organizations.
How sad. Many devout catholics love their LGBT brothers and sisters. Shame on you for treating them as though they have done something wrong. On the contrary, they are following Jesus. As He commanded: Love one another, as I have loved you.
If they loved the brethren fallen into this horrific vice, then they would admonish them, and offer all manner of prayers and pious works that the same repent of this sin that cries out to Heaven for vengeance.
To confirm another in sin is indeed a most grievous wrong.
To impute to Christ the King a command to confirm a sodomite in the abyss of filth in which they sink indicates either a frightening level of ignorance of the Holy Faith, or it is simply blasphemy.
There are no words to describe how boaduiocs this is.
I’m imepsserd you should think of something like that
Dear John:
Your can certainly love someone without joining with them in an ungodly agenda. If you loved a person who was a hired assassin would you support assassination for hire? Try to focus.
Yours, Hank
” Introibo ad altare Dei, Ad Deum qui leatificat, juventutem meam”.
Now that I have established my “credentials ” as having been an Altar Boy from the days of Latin Mass allow me to say, ” Hichborn, you ain’t nuthin’ but a cheap,simplistic version of Joe McCarthy”.
Nice hate you got goin’ there, real “Christ like” (it AIN’T ).
Go back and read The Sermon on the Mount ,you will see it destroys the entire platform of the Right wing you seem to be a part of.
” I’m going to Bible camp to learn to be more judgmental “.
– Maude Flanders
So you were an alter boy. And….
Oh, you are the authority we look for. I know old Latin Mass (pre Vatican II) alter boys and their apostised opinions aren’t worth the time. All modernists, through and through.
Also you’re telling us Joe McCarthy was wrong?
Defending ourselves from the sickness of the world is well within our duties as Catholics. Just as muslim invaders carried weapons in their hands during the “Battle of Lepanto”, communists and modernists look to destroy from within. The battle is the same and our tactics should be swift and fierce. We’ve seen the rotten fruits of go along get along. Since you feel the need to assess character. Here is the assessment of you.
All the evils of the world are due to lukewarm Catholics.” – Pope St. Pius V
“Liberal Catholics are the worst enemies of the Church” – Bl. Pius IX
Who are YOU to judge ANYONE on God’s behalf? This is nothing but ugly, base bigotry directed at people who are doing good in this world. If you spent half your time following the teachings of Christ rather than this nasty, mean witch hunt, you too could help make this world a better place. But I doubt that is how people like you operate. SHAME ON YOU.
Supporting the vice and most execrable crime of sodomy is a supremely evil act. No one who does so is capable of doing good. The supposed charitable work done while putting forth sodomy as good is a total fraud.
“Who are YOU to judge ANYONE ”
“But I doubt that is how people like you operate. SHAME ON YOU.”
Your statements above bespeak both an obvious and most outrageous hypocrisy.
If it’s a better world you wish to build, then it must start with a rejection of sin and the lies of the devil. The sequence of questions at baptism BEGIN with:
V. Do you reject Satan?
R. I do.
V. And all his works?
R. I do.
V. And all his empty promises?
R. I do.
Sodomy falls squarely in the center of “Satan’s works.” If you do not reject Satan and “ALL” of his works and “ALL” of his empty promises, then the rest of the questions at baptism are moot.
If you want good in the world … help by first stamping out evil.
That’s a knowing answer to a diciffult question
As faithful Catholics, we must speak out when we see the teachings of our faith treated with such disrespect. No one is being “hateful” or “judging anyone” here. We are merely upholding the teachings of the Catholic Church. Anyone who is either in Heirarchy, or working for the Church while actively advocating against its teachings is doing wrong. It injures all of us who give our time, money and treasure to Holy Mother Church whose unchangeable teachings and natural law go back 2000 years. Anyone who “sells out” to a sinful “anything goes” culture is NOT being a faithful Catholic. If you want to jump on the bandwagon of the World, and it’s sinful teachings, don’t hold yourself out as a faithful Catholic. Thank you Lepanto Institute for bring this to attention.
Well said!
I’m wondering who designed the leadin poster at the top? Was this something on a Facebook page or designed for the article? Thanks
This is nothing but a downright witch hunt and you should be ashamed of yourselves. Jesus did not banish sinners from his flock, he did not shame them or make them feel less then. He welcomed them in and loved them. Shame on you. Shame on each and every one of you.
There is something to be said about people having a right to privacy in their personal lives. But once you post information on social media it is now public, NOT private. When you promote anti Catholic positions and advertise that you work for the Catholic Church you are giving scandal as well as your other sins. Also, what you do in your private life affects what you do on your job.
When the Bishops ignore the scandal, try to minimize it or cover it up; they also commit the sin of scandal as well as their other related sins in their lives.