Catholic Relief Services issued a statement this afternoon, indicating that Rick Estridge, the Vice President for Oversees Finance has resigned from the organization. CRS did not disclose whether this resignation came with a severance package or other financial benefits.
In its public statement, CRS said:
“CRS respects Mr. Estridge’s decision and thanks him for his service. He has done a tremendous job during his years at CRS and will be missed. We are grateful that he has agreed to be available as needed for consultation to ensure a smooth transition.”
This is a strange thing for a Catholic organization to say about a departing employee whose actions violently assaulted the very Church for which he worked. Let’s be clear, same-sex “marriage” attacks the very core of the Catholic Faith! And in addition to being in a same-sex “marriage,” Mr. Estridge publicly suggested that an Oklahoma state Representative be sent to “Gitmo” (Federal prison for terrorists) just for filing three bills against same-sex “marriage.” So, with all this in mind, why would CRS find any difficulty in parting ways with an individual acting so hatefully toward Holy Mother Church?
Suppose, instead of being in a same-sex “marriage,” Estridge was moonlighting as an abortionist, killing babies in their mothers’ wombs during his off-hours. Would CRS have given him such a sorrowful send-off? What if he was a member of the Ku Klux Klan, advocating for genocide in Africa. Would CRS have hesitated to remove him from his position? Or would CRS maintain that he merely held a “technical” position, saying that abortion and racism are “complex issues” as Dr. Carolyn Woo recently called same-sex “marriage”?
The fact of the matter is that same-sex “marriage” is at least as much a crime against Holy Mother Church as abortion, and certainly more so than racism.
Attacking the Lepanto Institute, and the organizations who brought this matter to the public, CRS said:
“CRS also wants to express its strong objection to these types of attacks and the tactics of the groups which launch them. This highly personal, public critique broadcast Mr. Estridge’s home address and used derogatory terms that are now part of the online record. This has caused great pain for many people. As a Catholic agency, CRS is committed to treating all people with the respect and compassion they deserve as children of God. We detest hurtful campaigns that do not build up, but undermine, individuals and Church agencies carrying out the mission of bringing the love of Jesus Christ to those who are suffering.”
So … let me get this straight. CRS objects to public campaigns against persons that are hurtful and undermine individuals and Church agencies. So, does this not apply to CRS employees who engage in public campaigns, calling on state representatives to be sent to “Gitmo” due to work opposing same-sex “marriage?” Does it not apply to CRS executives who undermine the Catholic Church with hurtful campaigns to destroy the family by codifying same-sex “marriage” in our society?
This isn’t complicated, folks … when you read CRS’s statement, it’s clear that CRS is more interested in the way the world views things than the way God views them. Possibly, that’s because more than two thirds of its funding comes from the Federal Government. When you take the king’s coin, you do the king’s bidding.
It’s that simple.
I wish he would have had a conversion rather than resign………and I wish CRS took some responsibility for their actions rather than attack the good people who brought this scandal to their attention.
Rick Estridge? A class act! You, Michael Hichborn? Not so much!
Too true, Mr Estridge’s work has supported the betterment of millions of lives in the word. And Mr Hichborn contribution to this world is, this?
Why is Rick Estridge a class act??? What makes him so great and above our 2000+ years of Catholic teachings???
It sure looks like Mr. Estridge at least followed our Lord’s teaching about “whatever you do for the least of my people” That may be more than Mr. Hichborn can claim on judgement day.
I have written to your diocese and the USCCB about your site in hope that our church leadership will begins to monitor and disassociate from individuals like yourself who exit to profit from defaming others. Our bishops truly need to take leadership on this issue before the Church is emptied of all except gossips like yourself.
Icn~ I agree with you. If the bishops don’t speak out loudly against the self appointed “Special Agents of God” such as Hichborn and Vorhees they risk further damaging their creditability with the majority of the faithful.
Stating facts from a puplic record is not a personal attack. Mr. Estredge expressed his homosexual activism in public on his social media pages in both facebook and linkedin. His same sex marriage is a matter of public record in Baltimore. It is wrong to attack a person who speaks the truth, instead of dealing with the issues of what it means to be a Catholic institution in a progressive secular culture.
CRS has a lot to explain about how they distinguish themselves as a Catholic institution apart from any other humanitarian NGO. The lack of moral clarity in Catholic Institutions and dissent from the doctrine of the Magisterium has resulted in the loss of souls, which is a very grave cost, indeed.
lcn, I am hurt by your words. That you would consider revealing that someone is in a same-sex-marriage as defaming them. Isn’t someone in a same-sex-marriage something to be proud of, to be screamed from the roof tops. Otherwise, you can’t have it both ways.
God bless you, Michael Hitchborn, for being a voice crying out in the desert of this perverse and dying society. Question: What is the main objective of the Roman Catholic Church? Answer: THE SALVATION OF SOULS. CRS is not Catholic by any stretch of the imagination. Oh, and maybe this will finally compel the USCCB to bring an end to the CRS? After all, look at how well the bishops have handled most of the heretical Jesuit colleges, CINO politicians, homosexual clergy, etc…ok never mind.
I just got to learn of The Lepanto Institue and could not agree more with their positions.
Keep on keepin’ on!!
By their fruits you shall know them:
CRS: decades of service to those most in need around the world
Rick Estridge: 16 years of selfless compassionate service to those most in need around the world
Michael Hichborn: writes reports and talks a lot [] and has lots of kids
and as for “same-sex ‘marriage’ attacks the very core of the Catholic Faith!” I would suggest that Mr. Hichborn go back an re-read the Beatitudes and Jesus’ own thoughts on what was truly important: Love God first, love others as you love yourself. – all the rest is man-made, not God-given (go read some Church history) and is subject to revision as humanity matures (we no longer buy wives, or have more than one, or have concubines) and science uncovers more of God’s sense of humor.
Mr. Hichborn – go work in a soup kitchen (or better yet be a CRS volunteer). Listen instead of proclaiming, help grow the Church instead of shrinking it.
Enough specious equivocations, TJ. It is not love to allow or even encourage someone in a lifestyle that will destroy them body and soul. You are the one reveling in other people’s destruction because it makes you feel superior and gives you social clout for backing a popular movement. SSM advocates keep throwing around the word love with every intention of invoking a puerile saccharin concept to place in contrast to true love and concern, agape, which asks people to make hard choices. There is a word for liars like you who offer false choices between childish self-love and “hate”: heretic.
Heretics are liars. The choices they present are untrue.
You should be ashamed of yourself, standing of the heaps of the damned you enabled and encouraged, promoting a fascistic and virulently anti-Christian agenda just so you can get a little frisson of pleasure about your perceived superiority.
I might remind you Christ said many things regarding people like yourself:
“Enter ye in at the narrow gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life; and FEW there are that find it!” Mt 7:13-14
“If, when I say to the wicked, Thou shalt surely die: thou declare it not to him, nor speak to him, that he may be converted from his wicked way, and live: the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but I will require his blood at thy hand.” Ez 3:18
I could go on with numerous examples that destroy your impish and heretical spin on what Christ’s love means. By all means, tempt me.
StubbleSpark, hate is a condition that leads you away from God.
Philippians 4:4-9 is the better call to leadership here that the cheap-shot, self-promoting fame-seeking inceitement-to-violence presented by Michael here:
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
Coming to your website, I’ve just read both sides of the story. Lepanto, shame on you and your colleagues for engaging in the character assassination of this CRS employee. You yourselves should know that HR matters are confidential; Gospel values demanded that you should have treat this CRS employee with charity – and, therefore respected his confidentiality – while you lodged your complaint with CRS. Furthermore, you state that this CRS employee made uncalled-for remarks concerning an Oklahoma state legislator. Examine your consciences; someone else’s fault does not justify your own. If I was one of your benefactors, I would demand that you should apologize to CRS and to the USCCB for watchdog research and education that most definitely crossed the line. But I would be most concerned for the future, for you will reap what you’ve sown.
“By their fruits you shall know them:
CRS: decades of service to those most in need around the world
Rick Estridge: 16 years of selfless compassionate service to those most in need around the world ”
I can’t believe you people can’t see the simple facts.
There are GOBS of organizations out there that help the needy (well, so they say). I can support any of them. If I don’t care about that assistance being joined to the promotion of Catholic values, then I have GOBS of organizations I can contribute to.
If CRS wants to be just another organization that helps needy people, then I don’t see the special reason I ought to pay any attention to them instead of all the other secular organizations out there.
Why is this so hard for people to understand? Dammit, I’d just like to support an organization that helps the needy AND exhibits the fullness of Catholic values. What is so hard to understand about that?
I DEEPLY resent CRS promoting themselves as being “Catholic” when it is obvious that the leadership is not. This is deceptive, this shows disdain for me as a parishoner. You know, “Well, we need some money, let’s trot out our photos of nuns in habits to create the impression of our Catholicism so we can get these people to contribute to us instead of to some other helping organization.”
We are all sinners, we are all weak. But, you don’t choose to “marry” a person of the same sex out of weakness. That requires a deliberate rejection of vital Catholic doctrine and morals. And that the leadership of the CRS knew about this and took no action in my view reveals a tepid interest in Catholicism on their part. And, that makes me fear for what kind of morally questionable things are they deciding to spend my contributions on.
And finally, if Mr. Estridge really was devoted to “selfless compassionate service to those most in need around the world”, WHY would he put his devotion to sinful and self-destructive sexual immorality ahead of the needs of the poor? He certainly could have repented of the way he was living, live chastely – like all the rest of us are supposed to! – do penance, and then he would have been an apostle of Christ who could be an even more effective leader of CRS. It seems he made his choice – Leading CRS, or willful (and public) homosexual behaviour, and he chose the latter.
Let me put this bluntly: Michael Hichborn commits a grave sin when he (1) attacks private individuals who are doing the work of the Church through CMS or thrid-party vendors who are contracted to perform a service for the Church; (2) publishes their private information and home addresses for the express and implied purpose of encouraging his readers to attack these private individuals, humiliate them publicly, seek them out at their home addresses that he publishes, physically or emotionally attack them, hurt them and, yes, Michael Hichborn wants other perople to kill them in my opinion.
that is why he publishes home addresses. That is why he publishes the names of private individuals. Michael Hichborn, in my opinion, wants to incite his fellow travelers to commit murder. He would be thrilled if that happened in my view. There is no other reason why he deploys this sinful tactic.
Look at these comments! All of you immediately respond by spewing hate at the persons Michael identifies. Guess what. This is how Al Quaeda and ISIS came into being.
Jesus weeps when he views this website.
Matt you are right, there should be no hateful response, from you or anyone else. Mr. Estredge was very public in his homosexual advocacy and in his same sex marriage. The documents that have his address are public documents that can be discovered on the internet.
There several real issues highlighted by this event. One is what it means to be a Catholic institution rather than a secular institution. Another is whether a Catholic institution or a Catholic for that matter, must follow the direction of the Magisterium. A related issue is whether dissent implies a rejection of the doctrine of apostolic succession.
Catholics and Catholic Institutions will very soon be asked to choose between fealty to the dictates of a hostile progessive secular government or their own core doctrines. This is a choice that has been pressed upon Catholics since before the time of Nero. It would be a good to be clear about what your doctrine is and to demonstrate that doctrin in the form and action of all your institutions before you are asked to make that choice of conscience.
[posted in “Comments” under Story “CRS official resigns weeks after report he was in same-sex marriage” by Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service | Jun. 3, 2015
Posted as 1Truth_be_Known2 • 6-7-15 12:34 AM PST]
Hey Hichborn, in your zeal to unilaterally “search and destroy” the lives of certain officials of Catholic non-profit agencies and/or religious groups according to your interpretation of the Catechism you have, in this case, violated the Church’s teachings on Catholic Social Teaching. I’ll spare you the explanation as trying to do so to a pompous and attention starved man like you would be a waste of time.
Consider the consequences of your prideful actions Hichborn. Under Rick Estridges leadership at CRS many of the millions of poor and disadvantaged people around the world received life saving support and care in an “efficient and effective” manner. The skills required to manage the CRS in such a way are not widely held. Furthermore, finding a comparable replacement for Estridge willing to take the salary & benefits he accepted (lower than other similar non-profits) will not be easy. It could likely be that there will be a leadership void in the management of CRS due to his departure. Therefore Mr. Hichborn if any of the status quo CRS assistance programs as well as fundraising and other revenue programs should become negatively affected as a result of Estridges departure it will be your sin to repent of. I will pray for your soul Hichborn because you desperately need it.
“Furthermore, finding a comparable replacement for Estridge willing to take the salary & benefits he accepted (lower than other similar non-profits) will not be easy.”
Do you know what Estridge’s salary and benefits were?
ive never been so embarrassed to be a Catholic. Whatever it is that you people are attempting to do with this organization … It certainly is not about strengthening the church. You should be ashamed of yourselves! Ive sent a letter to your bishop asking that steps be taken to make sure you do not continue your un-Christlike work.
PS : there is alot more going on in our church to be worried about than lgbt issues! Wake up…,
The homosexual invasion of Catholic institutions is no small matter. It is gravely important that the Church publicly maintain the moral standard.
Michael: Again – and we agree on this – the same-sex attraction (i.e., homsexuallity) as a orientation or condition is not, in and of itself, sinful.
However, if you are advocating a purge of anyone who has come out as a homosexual, explain how you propose the Church go about doing this. Does it include the janitor, the accounting staff, a vendor who provides goods or services?
The reason why folks are emarrased by your tactics was that it was a cheap shot.
You received information about Rick Estridge and decided to conduct a very public shaming of him. The same of the private employee of a conference vendor in Philadelphia. You did not go to any bishop. While you profess to be an apostolate, you did not take an action to work within the Church to address your concerns about these two persons.
In fact, in the Philadelphia matter, this is why Archbishop Chaput was so outraged by your conduct and you were compelled to apologize to him. Yet, you still profess zero respect for him.
The bottom line is that you are prideful. You will not admit that this approach is wrong. It is because the Church never advocates personal, destructive attacks on private persons. Jesus, in the Garden, halted the Aposle who cut off the ear of the Centurion’s servant – even though he had come to arrest and crucify the Son of God.
That is the model. Otherwise, you commit Lepanto to a witch -hunt for sinners in the ranks – destroying many innocents and Church missions in the process. Taken to its extreme, it looks like this:
That is why so many are outraged at your conduct.
Had it not already been written, Michael Hichborn would have been a subject of “The Screwtape Letters”.