Today we start the novena to Our Lady of Fatima, counting down the nine days to the 98th anniversary of Her first appearance to three children. As many contemplate the messages of Fatima, while referring to the miracle as an affirmation of the messages, what may be lost is that the miracle is a message in and of itself. Let us consider three basic elements of the miracle at Fatima, Portugal on October 13, 1917.
Most Catholics know the story well. Throughout the night of October 12 and all during the morning of October 13, a cold, heavy rain fell, saturating the ground and the 70,000 pilgrims who had come to see the foretold miracle. Once the sun had reached its zenith, and after Our Lady appeared to the children, the rain suddenly stopped, and the clouds parted without even a breeze. At that moment, many witnesses described seeing a world of colors around them, as if they were inside a rainbow. Then, the sun appeared to fall to earth as if it was going to destroy the world, only to return to its own position, leaving everyone, including the ground and their clothes, perfectly dry. Eyewitness accounts of this give us an idea of what they saw:
“[T]he sun turned everything to different colors—yellow, blue and white. Then it shook and trembled. It looked like a wheel of fire that was going to fall on the people. They began to cry out, ‘We shall all be killed!’ Others called to Our Lady to save them. They recited acts of contrition. One woman began to confess her sins aloud, advertising that she had done this and that… When at last the sun stopped leaping and moving, we all breathed our relief.” – Maria Carreira
“During those long moments of the solar prodigy, objects around us turned all the colors of the rainbow. We saw ourselves blue, yellow, red, etc. All the strange phenomena increased the fears of the people.” – Father Ignacio Lorenco
“Suddenly the rain ceased, the clouds separated and I saw a large sun, brighter than the sun, yet I could look at it without hurting my eyes, as if it were only the moon.”
“This sun began to get larger and larger, brighter and brighter until the whole heavens seemed more brilliantly lighted than I have ever seen it. Then the sun started spinning and shooting streams of light, which changed it to all colors of the rainbow… At the same time, it started getting bigger and bigger in the sky as though it were headed directly for us, as though it were falling on the earth. Everyone was frightened. We all thought it was the end of the world.” – Mary Allen
In a more succinct way, the Miracle of Fatima can be described like this: Intense rain, followed by a rainbow of sorts, the sun falling to the earth as if to burn it up, only to have the sun return to its proper place, leaving the witnesses and the ground perfectly dry. This sequence should sound familiar. In the book of Genesis, we read that God sent a flood to wipe out all mankind save for Noah and his family. Then came a rainbow, as a covenant that He would never again destroy the world by a flood. But what of the sun descending upon the earth as if to destroy it? In the 17th chapter of Luke’s Gospel, Jesus explains to His disciples:
“In the days when the Son of Man comes, all will be as it was in the days of Noe; they ate, they drank, they married and were given in marriage, until the day when Noe went into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. So it was, too, in the days of Lot; they ate, they drank, they bought and sold, they planted and built; but on the day when Lot went out of Sodom, a rain of fire and brimstone came from heaven and destroyed them all. And so it will be, in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.” Luke 17:26-30
It’s rather curious that Jesus would tie in the flood of Noah with the destruction of Sodom. Even more curious is that He would mention marriage. St. Matthew gives a similar account, and while some of the details are different, he also mentions what Jesus said about marriage in relation to the flood of Noah and the return of the Son of Man:
“When the Son of Man comes, all will be as it was in the days of Noe; in those days before the flood, they went on eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the time when Noe entered the ark, and they were taken unawares, when the flood came and drowned them all; so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.” Matthew 24:37-39
On the face of it, it seems that Jesus is simply saying that people will just be carrying on about their business as usual when disaster strikes. But the connection of the destruction of the world by flood to the destruction of Sodom by fire is a theme repeated by the Miracle at Fatima, and again (as you will see) at Akita, Japan. Because of this theme, Our Blessed Lord’s mention of “marrying and giving in marriage” seems to be more euphemistic, and the understanding of the ancient Jews with regard to the Flood of Noah may provide a clue.
The Jewish commentary on Genesis known as the Midrash says that God sent the flood to destroy the world because perverse marriages (male to male and man to beast) had been legalized.
“The generation of the Flood were not blotted out from the world until they composed nuptial songs (until they wrote marriage deeds for males and beasts — i.e. they fully legalized such practices) in honor of pederasty and bestiality.” – Midrash, GENESIS (BERESHITH) [XXVI. 4-5] p. 213
In addition to the Midrash is the apocryphal Book of Enoch. The Book of Enoch is believed to have been composed sometime between the second and first century BC, and was regarded as authentic by Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Tertullian, and St. Augustine. While the text is not considered to have been inspired by the Holy Spirit, it is worth noting that the Book of Enoch also affirms the idea that the reason God sent a flood to wipe out the earth for wide-spread practice of sodomy:
“For I know the wickedness of mankind, how [they have rejected my commandments and] they will not carry the yoke which I have placed on them. But they will cast off my yoke, and they will accept a different yoke. And they will sow worthless seed, not fearing God and not worshiping me, but they began to worship vain gods, and they renounced my uniqueness. And all the world will be reduced to confusion by iniquities and wicked- nesses and [abominable] fornications that is, friend with friend in the anus, and every other kind of wicked uncleanness which it is disgusting to report, and the worship of (the) evil (one). And that is why I shall bring down the flood onto the earth, and I shall destroy everything, and the earth itself will collapse in great darkness.”
It should also be noted that Emperor Nero, largely regarded by the Church Fathers as a prefigurement of the Anti-Christ, is the first ruler of the Western World to have legitimized same-sex ‘marriages,’ participating in at least two himself.
In light of this, it would appear that the cause of the Flood may have been the legalization of perverse marriages. So when Our Lord recalls “the days of Noah,” mentions “marriage and giving in marriage”, and then also recalls the destruction of Sodom, it would appear that the punishments for such crimes against nature are quite severe. It is also interesting that the miracle of Fatima appears to recall the deluge with heavy rains dissipated by a brilliant display of the colors of the rainbow, followed by the sun threatening to burn up the world. But it doesn’t end there.
In 1973, Our Lady spoke to a deaf nun in Akita Japan. On the anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun, October 13, 1973, Our Lady said:
“My dear daughter, listen well to what I have to say to you. You will inform your superior. As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by My Son. Each day recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and priests.”
“The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres…churches and altars sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.
“The demon will be especially implacable against souls consecrated to God. The thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of my sadness. If sins increase in number and gravity, there will be no longer pardon for them”
“With courage, speak to your superior. He will know how to encourage each one of you to pray and to accomplish works of reparation.”
These are incredibly sobering words if we take them in the context presented above. Again, our Lady recalls the deluge, and then speaks of fire falling from the sky, which harkens to the destruction of Sodom. If homosexual acts were the spiritual cause of both cataclysms, then the recollection of them in regard to our time bears a striking significance. Even more disturbing is what Our Lady said at Akita about bishops opposing bishops and cardinals opposing cardinals. Can it be a coincidence that the upcoming Synod on the Family, which has already opened the door to discussion on “irregular” relationships and homosexuality, will be held in October, during the 98th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun? Can it be a coincidence that the symbol that self-professed homosexuals have claimed for themselves, recalling the great deluge, is the rainbow?
The book of Genesis tells us that 100 years transpired from the time that God told Noah to build an Ark to the day of the Deluge. As the 100th anniversary of Fatima rapidly approaches, let us not be found outside the Ark, but remain safely aboard the Ark of the Church. So, as we begin the Fatima novena, let us commit to pray the Rosary daily for the salvation of souls, reparation for sins, and for the restoration of All things in Christ.
The Holy Rosary is the only weapon. It is the manifestation, with Holy Mass, of supernatural faith which can save. Thank you for this article!
The article was great, thank you!
I also wanted to take the time to thank you, Father for your vocation bringing us the Great Sacrifice.
Thank you for the timely reminder. Im with you in prayers and in the recitation of the Holy Rosary evryday.
The blood of Jesus. There is power in the blood alone. His sacrifice, our salvation.
In the six-hundredth year of the life of Noe, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the floodgates of heaven were opened: And the rain fell upon the earth forty days and forty nights. Genesis 7:11-12
In 2017 – the year of the 100th anniversary of Fatima – the 17th day of Iyyar fell on May 13th. I do think that is a meaningful coincidence.
Great article, thank you!
Sobering doesn’t even begin to cover it! More like terrifying…
Thank you kindly for such a sobering article and a good comparison between both events and the apparitions of Our Lady of Akita. I will be sending this article to other parishioners and friends and hope they will join us in the novena to Our Lady of Fatima. God bless. Peace.
While gay marriage is definitely a sin that we have to work to address, and secure our religious rights against, I think there are other sins that range higher on the horror scale…like human trafficking, cultural rape, slavery, etc.
I follow the teachings of the Church. But I read articles like this, and I think, “Can we PLEASE stop scapegoating gay people at treat the sin with the gravity it earns, NOT the gravity we’d like to give it?” Gay people aren’t concepts to be railed against…they’re PEOPLE, and they have souls that can still be saved. Scapegoating them makes it much less likely that this will happen.
Or if it is, indeed, this serious, then we need to treat other sins that break down marriage with the same kind of horror. Like divorce, masturbation, fornication and remarriage without an annulment.
How do you save someone’s soul without correcting them? No one is scapegoating, this article is discussing historical fact. There was no mud slinging. Yes the sins you mentioned are horrible and should be fought against but that is not a mutually exclusive proposition. You are making a grave mistake in judging what you perceive more sinful. If you want to rate then though the Bible and Church teaching are pretty clear that sodomy and perversion are near the top of the list.
BTW: human trafficking, rape, slavery, divorce, masturbation, fornication and remarriage without an annulment, etc are all perversions of nature states; they all separate us from GOD; they all put our wants/desires before His. And what is “Cultural rape”??
Fornicators, Rapists, Traffickers, slave-owners, divorcees, masturbators, and racists are people too. People do bad things sometimes.
Katherine, you have missed the point of the article. No one is scapegoating the gay population, yet that is the customary response the world likes to focus our attention on. God has already drawn the line on marriage in Genesis 1 and 2, and all we want to do is to wake up our deceived brothers and sisters to the truth. In the final showdown, I do not want to be standing on the wrong side of the line drawn by God. It is no small thing to spend eternity without God.
I think Katherine got the point of the article exactly. Perhaps she noticed that Nero was thousands of years after Noah. Perhaps she noticed Enoch is not part of the holy bible for a reason and perhaps she knows that pederasty is the sickening practice of grown men raping little boys & not indicative of homosexuality as a whole.
I believe all the above. And I think its instructive that in Isaiah the sin of Sodom is described as, “What were the sins of Sodom? Pride, selfishness and not caring for the poor among them.” ANd that’s what it says (I don”t have the exact CHapter and Verse but you can trust me, I’m not making it up.
Second point, from St Hypolytus on, many saints said there will be a rescue of some kind. Even in the Bible, its mentioned, like in Rev 3:10, “Because you have kept the word of my truth, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation which is coming upon the whole world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.” Suppose its like this, we seem in Scriptures to suffer the sin and wickedness of man in the last days, BUT he principle is firm from cover to cover in the Bible that God will not pour His “bowls of wrath upon his own dear ones: he never has, He never will.” This is affirmed by the Fathers of the Church in many places, starting with St Hyppolytus, who lived so near the time of St Polycarp and St Ignatios who knew St John the Holy Apostle of the Revelations. After all, what happened at Sodom? Even though Lot and his family kept procrastinating, the Angels showed great patience with them to make sure they made it out of the city. ANd ditto for the flood; God Himself drew closed the door of the ark after the animals and Noah’s family were safe on board, and at that very moment it began to rain in a deluge. “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man!” SO there is hope even in the Great Tribulation, at least for God’s people! ANd He waits even now to increase that number, perchance that some will see the Light and turn, “Even now” said Joel in Chapter 2:12 “if my people will turn to me with all their heart, with weeping and fasting and I will turn to them.” I Imagine Him waiting right now, this very hour, until perhaps counting every last soul that shall be saved, before He strikes, as He says at the end of Malachi. “AND I will send the prophet Elijah, before that great and terrible Day of the Lord, to turn the fathers to the children and the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the Earth with a curse!”
Last: I suspect the Lord’s saying that to those who have received much, much more shall be required, than those who never received moral teaching or training. In fact I imagine that The Lord is more at wrath with this pretend Pope arrogating to himself the supposed conceit that he has the right to violate two thousand years of consistent Magisterium on the Holy Sacraments of Marriage and the Eucharist! Antipope Jorge Bergoglio may be lower in hell than Judas unless he repent! He may end up discovered as the biggest fag of them all! Just saying its possible, you never know, with all the deceit and subterfuge he is employing to achieve his wicked ends, replacing honorable emeritus bishops with fags, modernists & down right commies! Deliberately! Woe to him!
Katherine, I appreciate your comment even though the other commentators clearly think you’re wrong. How refreshing to see an actual Christian comment.
This whole article seems crazy to me. Same sex marriage is responsible for the entire destruction of the world??? I do NOT believe same sex marriage possibly existed and IF what you say about Nero is true (which I do not believe), he existed several THOUSAND years after Noah. THIS is the authors proof???
I’m not sure if the author is aware of the meaning of pederasty, but I assume he is.
If the pope says “who am I to judge?” Who are we to judge. I completely disagree with forcing the Catholic Church to marry anyone they deem should not get married, but I don’t think that’s the case.
Comment awaiting moderation…I thought there was a rather small number of commenters.
My apologies … I have been away on travel overseas, and have not been able to access the website.
First of all, I am tired of hearing about so called “Christian Charity” there is no charity in ignoring sin and just being “nice” and the article is not claiming that it is responsible for the destruction of the world, but that when society has gotten to the point that it is lauded as a great and noble thing that there WILL be repercussions. There is a difference between judging a person, which only God can do, and judging an act to be evil, which is what the church already has done. At the risk of being trite, we are actually called to love the sinner but hate the sin and that doesn’t mean we should support the sinner in their sin. My brother has declared that he is gay and has rejected the Church’s teachings, do I now suddenly hate my brother? No. Do I feel he is, unless he realises his error, walking down a path straight to hell? Yes. Some things are simply sins (ie. adultery and theft) they’re things that are undeniably wrong, should be stopped and have serious repercussions but then there are sins against nature, These sins do not just violate moral law that we have been given by God through the church and it’s rabbinical predecessor but also goes counter to our very nature. Sins of that variety are far more severe. The belief that same sex marriage is some new and unheard of idea is frankly disingenuous. It’s new in this era but remember, abortifacient drugs are relatively new in this era but the Roman Empire used a herb for that purpose so extensively that it is now extinct. Late term abortions are considered new, but the Romans kept a bucket of water next to the bed during birth so the father could decide if the infant looked strong enough to be a Roman Citizen and the Spartans threw them off cliffs. The Roman Empire had sewage systems and public baths and piped water from springs to cities, when did we regain that technology?. Things are lost and forgotten and then rediscovered all the time. Nero’s actions are documented by contemporary sources and the link was that he was utterly ruthless in his persecution and hatred of Christians, he was an enemy of Christianity and supported Same Sex Marriage. Sodom and Gomorrah were wiped out for a reason, even if you disregard the pre-flood you can’t deny that God found those sins so offensive that he wiped out two whole cities.
James is totally correct. There is a hierarchy of sin. Sins against the first three commandments are more offensive to God than the other sins. But sins against nature are right after those. There have been entire civilizations brought down by sodomites and I fear that the United States, and the West in general are really asking for God’s punishment.
Besides Sodom and Gomorrah, name one civilization that fell solely through sodomy or homosexuality.
Please don’t ever get tired of Christian Charity brother. Some think Christianity is a religion. It it not. It is a by-product of the one true religion of Catholicism.
Don’t tell me about Catholicism it was a catholic prist that raped me in the church when I was 9 yrs old and when I got lose and ran out of his office there was a nun in the hall and se said what were you doing in there and I was crying hard and she called me a dirty little boy and get back to class….my life has been hell ever sence……
While a priest and nun may be responsible for the horribly reprehensible act committed against you, it is not the faith that did it. In fact, what they did was so against the faith that they cut themselves off from the Our Lord the moment it entered into their minds to perpetrate such a thing. I’m terribly sorry for the pain you have endured for the evil actions of this priest, but the Church is innocent.
Sodomy is not long any mortal sin – it is against nature, a direct defiance of God, and one of the sins that cries out to heaven for vengeance.
There is no such a thing as “a gay person” – that is offensive to God. This is evil propaganda, that goes against natural reason and man’s experience across the ages. How right reason has been corrupted. Long-term sin leads to darkening of the intellect and hardening of the heart against God and His Holy Will, against objective truth. All men are male or female, made to procreate through the marital act. To identify oneself against one’s God-given nature is to defy God, and nature, and all the goods that flows therefrom. We are to fight against temptations to sin, in thought, word or deed, and we have a positive duty to avoid anything that is an occasion of sin. To choose to identify one’s very person with an objectively-evil desire to do intrinsic evil – is a mortal sin. It kills the soul, and sets oneself in opposition to God and his graces.
Anyone who has sinned by engaging in support of egregious intrinsic evil, especially publicly (manifestly) and deliberately, needs to repent, with firm purpose of amendment, etc., in order to return to a state of grace.
The public sin is worse than the private sin, because it leads others into error and sin, is more pertinacious, and makes one more entenched in one’s sin. Sodomy and its public endorsement is destroying whole societies; the attendant evils are beyond words, particularly in respect of the spiritual, moral, intellectual, emotional and physical abuse of children, and the innocent.
Katherine, I guess you have not been paying attention. We have been fighting against all that has led to the destruction of the family….artificial birth control, abortion, spouse abuse, child abuse, human trafficking, wars, etc. But all those horrific sins continue and now we have legalization of sodomy. This just is an example of just how far off the path of Godliness that we are in our modern world. Things are spiraling out of control even further despite the efforts of so many good people for so many decades. So this does not mean that homosexuality is the only and/or worse sin….just a culmination of everything Our Lady spoke of as the “culture” is blessing this sin by normalizing it and legalizing it.
Homosexual sins violate the laws of nature. They are abominations just like the Jewish commentaries say, they renounce the uniqueness of God, His essence and nature as the Trinity. They cast bad seed, not fruitful like the Trinity. Homosexuality is worship of a false god because it denounces God!
I think I understand you. MAny people stop at the judgement part and do not try to see their humanity. There needs to be acceptance of the fact that Jesus loves sinners above all others, and that he stands ready to forgive and provide graces to overcome sim.
Since when does Our Lord Jesus love sinners above all others?
“Since when does Our Lord Jesus love sinners above all others?”
From the moment He was conceived and through the moment He died on the Cross. Romans 5:8.
God does indeed love us miserable sinners, but He loves us in spite of our sinfulness, not because of it. The human person whom God loves beyond all others is the Holy Mother Mary, who is and was a complete stranger to sin. We sometimes make the mistake of thinking that sin, somehow or other, serves as a catalyst for God to pour out His love on us. Such is nothe the case! Sin prompts God to pour out His mercy on us. “Love” and “mercy” are not synonymous. In heaven, we will be the recipients of God’s love, not his mercy. Love is eternal, whereas mercy is a “time-limited offer” available to sinners up to, but not after, the final reckoning. This distinction is vitally important.
There is no such thing as hierarchy of sin. Sin is sin and it separates US from God.
Now in défense of thé validity of this article, i’ ll want to mention that Homosexuality as opposed to all the others sins, is the very one that people strive to legalise.
“human trafficking, cultural rape, slavery” are indeed evil and appalling BUT, at least in the West, they are all ILLEGAL and are not receiving enormous cultural and legal support to be made legal. I think in general, cultural rape and slavery are rare, in the West, and human trafficking is receiving enormous support from organizations that oppose the Church, such as Planned Parenthood.
No one that I know of, does these kind of sins and then proclaims them to the public and later called a “brave hero” who “loves” for their confession of these sins. Why? Because they KNOW they’ll be crucified in the public square. NO one will hail them or come to their rescue. NO ONE. Society still deems these crimes horrible. Therefore, there is no comparison between these sins and the rampant sodomy going on.
Also, it is FALSE the Church speaks more about the sin of sodomy, than about the sin of fornication, adultery, self-abuse, contraception, lust, etc. The Church has been EXTREMELY LENIANT with sodomy. I’m not sure if you know this, but people who practice sodomy are everywhere in positions of LEADERSHIP in the Church. So, come on, be real. The Church, in general, has been extremely weak and pitiful in it’s condemnation of the push to change the state definition of marriage.
Not all sins are equal. CCC 1867: “The catechetical tradition also recalls that there are “sins that cry to heaven”: the blood of Abel,139 the sin of the Sodomites,140 the cry of the people oppressed in Egypt,141 the cry of the foreigner, the widow, and the orphan,142 injustice to the wage earner.143″
Cities have been destroyed because of the “sin of the Sodomites”. So, I think you still don’t quite understand the gravity. No doubt, the battle was lost years ago with the introduction of no-fault divorce and contraception, but that doesn’t mean now we should pretend it’s not such a bad sin.
No one is denying that gay people are people…in fact it’s because they are first and foremost people that we need to tell them the truth about homosexuality. and frankly, seeing how the legalization of gay marriage is already corrupting any understanding that the younger generation has about good and evil, I fail to see how homosexuality is better than slavery and “cultural rape” whatever that is…The normalization of the LGBT agenda has allowed the media to parade Bruce Jenner’s body mutilation as a heroic act…now OSHA is about to require organization to allow the gender confused to use whichever bathroom that they wish to us. How is that worse than slavery and all the other things you mentioned??? Aside from women being raped in bathrooms in for women in the future, young kids are being told at school and in the media that they can mutilate their bodies and that is a good thing…that’s deeply corrupting of the soul of the child…
Katherine: you forgot the SIN of abortion – post-abortive mothers are right up there with gay sodomites. Over 57 MILLION mothers have been “scapegoated” into becoming the mothers of DEAD children, doing irreversible damage to human families that we will never know on this earth. Now that an entire industry is based on the practice, perhaps breaking Our Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart more than we will ever know, God have mercy on us!
Even remarriage with an annulment – because catholic annulments are fake before God
Like the 100 year time limit given to Noah to complete the Ark before the deluge, a similar 100 year time limit was given to the Kings of France to consecrate France to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Given at the height of the King’s reign known as the ‘Sun King.’ But they ignored it and delayed, and 100 years to the day, the evil enlightenment errors had spread and the French Revolution killed the king and the clergy. Our Lord gave a similar warning to Sr. Lucia that the Pope should not delay the Consecration of Russia, least he follow the example of the Kings of France. Today all the prophecies of Fatima have been coming true. The entire Western world is consumed by Communist errors of all sorts and is steadily pounding the drum to isolate and attack Russia. The clock is ticking. Undoubtedly, God and His Holy Mother also take marriage very seriously. All this is not an accident. We are running out of time. I believe 2017 marks the 100 year period. We can still turn this around! Pray and Fast!
Yes, we have often thought about the 100 year span. The Fatima miracles in 1917 suggests 2017. On the other hand Our Lady told sister Lucy She “would return” to request the consecration of Russia. That happened in 1929. The question mark is 2017 or 2029–if it is our place to name dates in advance?
Just thinking out loud…
We have to be cautious that it is people that make evil happen, through the influence of the devil. Therefore, we must not give the idea that sinful actions should be softened because we feel sorry for certain people. They must be made to understand why certain acts are sinful and one must especially fight against radicals who force evil ways on people who do not want them. Especially, when people’s businesses are threatened by individuals who go in and sue or use the government to force compliance to gay marriage, etc. We must not give in to the government who has been mesmerized by the radicals of evil causes–gay marriage, abortion, etc. Evil happens when good people do nothing but just sit by and allow anything to go on, no matter what.
And yet I see catholics with bumper stickers that say “Catholics for marriage equality ” . It has already begun.
Yes, how unfortunate. Many of my Catholic friends and relatives have sided with the world’s views in normalizing the homosexual lifestyle. I think it has been the absence of teaching and the silence from the pulpits that has contributed to the loss of faith and the spread of so many errors. It is rare indeed to find even one priest today who has the courage to speak the truths of our faith on today’s issues. Is it fear or lack of conviction that holds their tongue?
Louis I totally agree with your comment. We need to pray very hard for our priests as they are being called to go against what society says is right and they should be talking about these things as people are very confused.
This is a pretty terrifying thing, if it is indeed correct. If the author doesn’t mind, I will be linking to this article on a post on my blog this week, possibly tomorrow.
I’d be honored if you linked to this article.
God bless,
Michael Hichborn
@ Michael
Thank you very much!
The gay lobby, not gay individuals, the gay lobby is the jackboot of Satan. It is pressing down hard on the neck of Western civilization.
It sure would appear we are living in time leading to the “end time”. And with the world and the Church itself falling all around us we need to pray the rosary daily to Our Lady of Victory (named after Lepanto by Pope Pius V) that Faith in God and HIs Church will be restored and that His servants will have the courage to withstand the coming catastrophe.
this is a very big text to our christian faith but with GOD ON OUR SIDE VICTARY IS ASURED
Yeah, but He didn’t say it would be easy.
Thank you for this article, Mr. Hichborn. I was surprised to learn of the Rabbinical and apocryphal (Jewish) sources commenting as they did on the connection between unnatural lust and the deluge.
I wonder if there are Church fathers who connect our Lord’s words about “marrying and giving in marriage” to this. That the reference “seems to be more euphemistic” strikes me as unlikely, because of Our Lord’s clarity. However, I’d be curious to know if there is any tradition for this.
To those who object to “scapegoating gays,” I can say a couple of things: (1) You’re using the language of the enemy, proof positive that their skewed “anti-bullying” campaigns and similar efforts at achieving victimhood have an effect. (2) God apparently “scapegoated” aberrosexualists when the book of Genesis, which He inspired, gives the account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. (Even the CCC makes it clear that homosexuality was the sin of Sodom — contrary to certain chic but incongruous theories about inhospitality). (3) It’s not just homosexuals (“gays” sic!) who are being considered here, but all those who practice perverse sex, as the article makes clear. What the lavender lobby is pushing is not only homosexuality, but sexual chaos, and they’re recruiting the young. (As is documented, e.g., here: )
And can we PLEASE stop calling them “gays”? See “A Gay Man’s Manifesto” by Joe Sobran:
Ohmygosh! What a terrifying wake-up call! We have to ALL let as many people know about this as possible. Thank you, Mr. Hichborn for this excellent, but scarey and much-needed wake-up call.
The Lord has spoken, how can we deny?
I know of the Fatima Message, and believe everything in this article. I sense, something is going to happen in the year 2017, the hundredth year of Our Lady of Fatima. I believe, ‘The Three Days of Darkness’ that has been Prophesied, will be a reality. God, help us all!
I am confused where the 100 years between the flood and the warning by God came from. Not sure how explicit that it but it may very well have been 100 years.
This article and information are indeed sobering. I just had a conversation this morning with a dear Catholic friend who still just isn’t sure how she feels about the whole gay marriage issue. I tried to reason with her in a charitable manner, but was ultimately left perplexed by her inability to discern right from wrong. How do we deal with those unwilling or unable to do the work of intellectual reasoning that follow the laws of God and nature? Help!
Our Lord tells us that sin and attachment to sin darken the intellect. If you can’t reach someone with reason, I highly recommend fasting and praying for that person for a period of time, and continuing the conversation. You will be amazed at what Our Lord will do with such prayers and sacrifices.
This article opened my eyes. I didnt know that the two manifestations (Sodom &Ark) of God had in common evil and perverse behaviours that we find again today. I’m defininately praying the rosary to the above intentions. It’s scary that some nations have already legalized same-sex mariage, some others decriminalized bestiality, etc. What’s next, mariage between relatives such as brothers and sisters, fathers and daughters? Oh Lord Jesus have mercy on us.
America has turned its back on God and the so called modern nuns and priests are teaching the wrong things about the Catholic church, their own personal beliefs and not what the church teaches and what the Holy Bible says. Our president and our surpreme court justices vote to kill babies and have more concern for the rights of the homsexuals the the life of a human being. I wish God would bring this world to an end right nowand end all of this evil. Ronald Nichols
An understandable feeling. As an old man, having seen too much of the darker side, I only pray that our Lord takes note of our weaknesses and aspirations to want to do better. This applies, moreso, to my two homosexual children, whom I love dearly, but abhor their “lifestyle”. I don’t condemn, but offer instead, the pain I carry about their neglect of the wishes of God. I get close to despair for them, but my wife reminds me, that, God will take note of our concerns, and even though the time of mercy is dwindling, I must trust He will intervene. I can attest that there is nothing “Gay” about homosexuality, but perversion at its most public face. As for 2017, be it in the ball park, is as frightening as it painful. God bless all.
You are so sweet! I’m so sorry that your children live in such sin. Become a soldier on your knees….that’s where the spiritual battle are won! Prayers to the saints, rosaries, fasting, increased mass attendance to offer up the sacrifice of the mass for their sins…and Don’t despair, keep loving them by telling them the Truth, in true love and humility! God Bless!
Thank you Michael for a great article. Re: Fatima, the preparatory appearances of the Angel also have much to teach us. After all, what the Angel taught the children (reverential postures in prayer, receiving Communion with great reverence etc.) together with the fact the Our Lady appeared on the Feast of the Blessed Sacrament show us how to worship.
Father Apostoli’s book ‘Fatima for Today’ is very thorough and also there is a talk by him on Fatima on Youtube – perhaps some of your readers would enjoy it if they have not already seen it. We used it as the basis for a ‘Fatima Film Night’ recently. God bless you and Lepanto.
Fr Gruner on Fatima is the ultimate traditional Fatima expert. Look him up.
A most appropriate and sobering article, particularly in light of the Irish vote, the first in the world, to “legalize” sodomite “marriages”. It is shocking and terrifying to see the advance of evil right before our very eyes. The lights of Christendom are indeed going out around the world. For those faithful Catholics left, we must do as Our Lady asks: pray the Rosary and make the Five First Saturdays of Reparation. For those poor sinners who cannot be reasoned with, the following quote is of great encouragement: “The most holy Virgin in these last times in which we live has given a new efficacy to the recitation of the Rosary to such an extent that there is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, whether temporal or, above all, spiritual, in the personal life of each one of us, of our families, of the families of the world, or of the religious communities, or even of the life of peoples and nations, that cannot be solved by the Rosary. There is no problem, I tell you, no matter how difficult it is, that we cannot resolve by the prayer of the holy Rosary. With the holy Rosary, we will save ourselves; we will sanctify ourselves; we will console our Lord, and obtain the salvation of many souls. –Conversation between Sr. Lucy of Fatima and Fr. Fuentes, Dec. 26, 1957
Amen Amen
Deo gratias . A timely great article, thank you very much. Things can’t be otherwise . Let us simply obey our heavenly mother with all our strength.
Just a quick correction to some of the commenters above. Gay marriage is not the cause of the end of world over all other sins. It is a sign, or part of a sequence, that the end is coming.
Also, Nero was brought up, separately from the flood, as the precursor (or prefigure) of the eventual antichrist. He was saying that, again, gay marriage (though I’ve never personally seen evidence for it) was a factor, or part of the pattern…
Sodomy in thought, word or deed is against nature. It’s public endorsement creates destruction of whole societies. It is against nature, which is obvious to right reason. To identify persons in their very being with an objectively evil desire to commit mortal sin against nature, is an even greater mortal sin, with terrible ramifications for all with knowledge thereof. Tyranny and persecution are necessary sequelae of public promotion of intrnsic evil and enforcement of same. In Christian societies, buggery, molestation, pornography, corruption of morals, especially the young, were always against the man-made law, as against Divine Law and Natural Law.
@Michael Hichborn: Incredible synthesis! Thank you and God bless you and his work at your hands.
Noah and the Ark; Mary, the Ark of the Covenant; 100 years … you may have something here.
I was wondering if it would be ok for me to repost your article on my blog. Thanks for the reminder of Our Lady of Akita. There is something in the tsunami of 2011 that caused me to look further into Our Lady of Akita, and I had mostly forgotten about her until I read your article…God bless you and thanks for posting it!
God bless,
WHEN one reads NOAH AND SODOM TOGETHER WITH FATIMA AND AKITA, SIX THINGS seem to be clear, whatever be the way GOD will punish ERRING HUMANS in THIS WORLD itself. Namely : (1) Although HE is THE infinitely merciful GOD, PUNISH THE SINNERS HE WILL. (2) All sinners will be warned and given the opportunity to REPENT AND LIVE RIGHTEOUSLY. (3) The UNREPENTING will all be DESTROYED. (4) WHEN all this purgation is done there will be THE REPENTED AS REMNANTS,with whom GOD WILL RENEW THE FACE OF THE EARTH. (5) This upcoming cleansing,will not bring the END OF THE HUMAN WORLD, and (6) PAROUSIA MAY STILL BE FAR FAR AWAY. LET US PRAY AS THE CENTENARY OF FATIMA NEARS THAT WITH TRUE REPENTANCE MEN AND WOMEN THEMSELVES WILL HELP CHANGE THE FACE OF THE EARTH.
Let me put this bluntly: Michael Hichborn commits a grave sin when he (1) attacks private individuals who are doing the work of the Church through CMS or thrid-party vendors who are contracted to perform a service for the Church; (2) publishes their private information and home addresses for the express and implied purpose of encouraging his readers to attack these private individuals, humiliate them publicly, seek them out at their home addresses that he publishes, physically or emotionally attack them, hurt them and, yes, Michael Hichborn wants other perople to kill them in my opinion.
That is why he publishes home addresses. That is why he publishes the names of private individuals. Michael Hichborn, in my opinion, wants to incite his fellow travelers to commit murder. He would be thrilled if that happened in my view. There is no other reason why he deploys this sinful tactic.
Look at these comments! All of you immediately respond by spewing hate at the persons Michael identifies. Guess what. This is how Al Quaeda and ISIS came into being.
Jesus weeps when he views this website.
Matt, You have copied and pasted your comment at least half a dozen times. Instead of spewing lies, please Seek the Truth! If you spent as much time looking for the Truth as you do insulting righteous people,, then you could be on your way to heaven, too!
1. There was no word, even by the time of the Apostle Paul, to describe homosexuality. To read more into what is said in the bible is very very easy, especially if you don’t understand how it is translated and the genre of the book in question. You also need to understand the context in which the various statement were written, and recognise that they are a million miles from the way things are today. For example, St Paul was talking about exploitative sexual relations prevalent at the time of the Romans, and the idolatrous activities of the Greek pagan practices when worshipping their deities.
2. The Church does not hold homosexuality as especially serious, on a par with sexual activity outside marriage, the avoidance of which is an ideal of behaviour held up to the world that few peoples and times have lived up to. If you listened to some of the right-wing nuts on TV, you’d think it was tantamount to murder, or stealing billions from ordinary citizens via banking fraud, a crime and a sin about which they don’t get nearly so upset or worked up about, which is strange to say the least.
3. Christ said nothing about gays or gay marriage. He only stated that when a man and woman marry, the man shouldn’t simply dump her for another woman and leave the kids to starve, which is the context of the trap the Pharisees laid for him when they asked him about marriage. Marriages were breaking down and were in a worse state than they are now at that time, and women and children were being left to starve to death, with increasingly chaotic social implications. Christ was saying a big no to that behaviour, but he had to do so by way of restating the Judaic Law to avoid being arrested.
4. Jesus said not to judge. The Church has no power to condemn anyone to hell and neither has any follower of Christ. Besides, there are far worse things, even if you accept that a committed homosexual relationship is a sin, which I do not believe it to be. There was no concept of long term gay relationships in Biblical times. They simply wouldn’t have had a concept in their heads such as that to consider it. The most they had were the exploitation of children which I think everyone is agreed on as being a very bad thing.
5. Jesus said love thy neighbour. He didn’t say love them unless they are gay, in which case I will destroy the world by fire.
6. I could go on, but you get the gist.
Wow, if social implications are what defines a sin for you please look up the CDC’s reports on increases in STI and other since 1960 and which groups of people are most affected. I promise you this, you will find that adults, in monagomous relationships, for life, have no infections.
These infections have huge “social implications”
So, maybe, the laws are advice from a loving God on how to live a peaceful life free of “social implications”
Categorically wrong. Doctors of the Church have written on this subject and the “social implications” of the “gay lifestyle” are written about extensively in various MOH and CDC reports. So if bad “social outcomes” defines sin for you, unnatural sexual practices may actually be a sin in your opinion.
Should we even consider anything from the Talmud?
What they’re tryna say is Obama and Ne(g)ro were both the anti-Christ, and both guilty of marrying men. I concur.
I question the accounts of Fatima, which so many Traditional Catholics have put so much faith in. The apparition basically conveyed the message that it has the power to admit to heaven or hell who it wants based on whether certain pious acts were done, or met. This sounds like the pelagian, works based, heresy. Also, Russia is more Christian today then most historic Catholic countries. Orthodox Romania, Georgia, etc. rejected gay marriage, did Italy? Ireland? Also, there were many martyrs in Russia at the hands of the Bolsheviks, that were declared Saints and where miracles happened. So now we get 100 anniversary fear mongering and the image of an angry God.
Yes to this article, a great synthesis. However there is even more, perhaps it is just to obvious but there had to have been a reason God told Noah to Frontload the ark with male female pairs. And how ironic that homosexuals chose the rainbow as their icon. They can have the teddy bears but the rainbow belongs to true marriage.
Just a passing observation in regard to the rainbow: The rainbow was given by God s a sign of His covenant and it consists of seven colours. Seven is the number associated with the Sacred in Scripture. The Angel of The Lord in the Revelation is also surrounded with a rainbow around his head.
The “gay movement rainbow” consists of six, the number associated with man, the finite order.
I do not believe this choice to be any accident.
Just a thought.
If there is a chastisement of the world, same-sex marriage will be one of the reasons. The other reasons will be legalized abortion and pedophilia–in particular, satanic ritual abuse of children. There is evidence of an international elite pedophile ring or rings, which is being covered up. David Icke has talked about this for years, and now there is evidence that he was right. I just watched part of a video on Youtube in which a woman testifies about being a victim as a child of satanic ritual abuse. This is something that is going on and is being covered up. I don’t think that God will put up with these sins for much longer. We all need to repent and pray, and put an end to child abuse as well as human trafficking.
Food for thought:
Same-sex marriage first became legal in California on June 16, 2008, when the State began issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. (halted temporarily after passage of Proposition 8 in November 2008)
The weekend of June 20-21, 2008, there were 25,000 to 26,000 dry lightning strikes across Northern and central California, igniting more than 2000 wildfires. The air quality in Northern California was affected due to the dark smoke covering the area. At the height of the fire period in 2008, there were over 3,596 fires burning. The number of acres burned was 1,375,781.
I cannot prove that there was a connection between gay marriage being made legal and wildfires in California–but there could be. It is true that there had been a drought in California.