One week ago, the Lepanto Institute and Church Militant launched a petition to the Catholic bishops of the United States, asking them to formally condemn the National Catholic Reporter and deny it access to clergy and Catholic events. The reason for this petition is two-fold:
- National Catholic Reporter poisons its sizeable readership by regularly attacking the very core of Catholic Doctrine
- National Catholic Reporter steals the appearance of respectability and credibility from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops by gaining entry to its events and interview access to high ranking clergy, despite the fact that it has already been condemned by its local ordinary and told not to use the word “Catholic” in its masthead.
We’ve already provided a laundry-list of articles showing the National Catholic Reporter’s perversion of Church teaching regarding women’s ordination, contraception, and sodomy. But what is so incredibly insidious about this publication is how it mirrors the serpent from the Garden of Eden in its quest to turn souls against Our Lord and His Church.
In the Garden of Eden, God told Adam not to eat of the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
“So the Lord God took the man and put him in his garden of delight, to cultivate and tend it. And this was the command which the Lord God gave the man, Thou mayest eat thy fill of all the trees in the garden except the tree which brings knowledge of good and evil; if ever thou eatest of this, thy doom is death. But the Lord God said, It is not well that man should be without companionship; I will give him a mate of his own kind.” (Genesis 2:15-18)
It is important to note here that God gave this command to Adam before Eve was created. Bear this in mind as we read the very first words the serpent speaks to Eve: “Did God really say, ‘You shall not eat from any of the trees in the garden’?” (Genesis 3:1) First and foremost, if we remember that God gave this command to Adam before Eve was made, then we can see that it was Adam who passed on this command to Eve; Eve did not hear this directly from God. So, at the outset, the serpent is challenging Adam’s authority, his competence, and Eve’s trust in him. Secondly, the serpent perverts what God commanded, making His command appear to be absurd. Rather than restate the command as it was, “Do not eat the fruit of the tree which brings knowledge of good and evil,” the serpent asks if God forbade them to eat from ANY of the trees.
National Catholic Reporter employs this same luciferian rhetoric with its dialogue approach to already established Truths. Every good Catholic already knows that women cannot be priests, that use of contraception is a mortal sin, and that sodomitical relationships are abominable acts. Yet, National Catholic Reporter begins its dialogue, challenging the authority and competence of the Church while driving a wedge of distrust between the faithful and the Church Herself, by asking, in its own way, “Did the Church really say …?” And for its own part, National Catholic Reporter doesn’t directly challenge the already-established doctrine, but raises a tangent. For example, instead of directly challenging the Church’s teaching against acts of sodomy, National Catholic Reporter pretends that so-called committed homosexual relationships can be built upon mutual love, asking, “Has the Church condemned family life for those who struggle with their sexual identity?” This is the same script established by satan itself.
But for Eve, this was only the beginning of the conversation. The devil challenges Eve to be reasonable and not to believe everything she’s told! After Eve tells the serpent “We can eat the fruit of any tree in the garden except the tree in the middle of it; it is this God has forbidden us to eat or even to touch, on pain of death,” the serpent scoffs, “You certainly will not die!” Eve had never witnessed death. She had never seen anything die, and after having eaten fruit from other trees, Eve has never experienced any ill effects from the other trees … in short, she had no “reason” to believe that she would die, except that she was told that she would. And here, the serpent is denying the existence of death.
Similarly, National Catholic Reporter and its defenders deny that dissenting against established Church teaching will lead anyone to Hell. It has already challenged the authority and competence of the Church, so the next step is to scoff at the consequences the Church warns about with regard to sin. Just as the devil denied the existence of death, National Catholic Reporter denies the existence of Hell. In its denial of Hell, NCR denies that homosexual acts, contraception and women’s ordination are mortal sins that send people there.
The final blow for Eve was the serpent contradicting God by twisting that which is evil into an apparent good. The serpent tells Eve that if she eats of the fruit, her eyes will be opened, and she will be like gods, knowing what is good and evil. At this point, Eve sees the beauty of the fruit and considers how delicious it appears, and so she takes a bite.
National Catholic Reporter does the same thing by writing puff-pieces on LGBT so-called “families,” the necessity of contraception in an allegedly “over-populated” world, and the liberation of women supposedly “ordained” to the priestesshood.
The devil was a liar and a murderer from the beginning, and it tricked Eve with rhetorical dialogue. The conversation was deadly to Eve, and ultimately to Adam and the rest of the human race. The same conversation is being rehearsed by National Catholic Reporter’s 200,000+ monthly readers, only this time, the death brought about by it is eternal.
Sign and spread the petition asking our bishops to formally condemn the National Catholic Reporter. It pretends to speak on behalf of the Church, but the reality is, it is following the devil’s script.
How much of the Church’s teachings to the existing generations of Catholics has been so polluted to allow the NCR to come about?
Could there possibly be any saints among us emboldened to speak out?
Ever heard of freedom of speech, no matter how much we don’t like what is being said, the news cannot be managed.
Nobody is saying that the National Catholic Reporter should be shut down. However, bishops have an obligation to protect the faithful from grave errors that lead souls to Hell. This is why we are simply asking the bishops to condemn and shun the National Catholic Reporter. NCR can continue to spew its heretical nonsense, but the bishops can also tell the faithful that they are not to listen to it.
It should be required as O’Conner did with Marist col of NY to STOP claiming in its name that it is Catholic. That or shut down as Mahtn. Marymount did after O’Conner Denounced that wayward school from the pulpit years ago. that is up to the AB of Omaha neb. covering for vacant Bishopric in KC where this apostate Rag is published.
First of all, The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph installed Bishop James V. Johnston of the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau as its new bishop on November 5, 2015. So they are not without a shepherd.
Second, the Diocese of KC-SJ is part of the Archdiocese of St. Louis, not Omaha.
Third, it was Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas who was handling the administrative duties (covering) during the time between Bishop Robert Flynn’s resignation and Bishop Johnston’s installation.
This stalemate has been going on for over 45 years. While I applaud the Institute’s initiative, isn’t it a hallow gesture?
Freedom of speech is one thing; however, error has no rights.
The 1st amendment restricts the government from curtailing speech. It has nothing to do with Bishops and Catholics being able to speak their minds to a private enterprise with whom they disagree. Bishops have the right and duty, within our Church, to speak the truth to those who are Catholic and are speaking falsely about the Church and its teachings. So do lay Catholics under their guidance.
Yes, there is freedom of speech BUT when they incorrectly represent Catholic teachings, or run articles that fly in the face of the teachings of the church, something needs to be done. How many Catholics read the Reporter and “think” that they represent the Church?
Shut them down? Won’t happen BUT there has to be something done where they need to let their readership know that they are not a “true” Catholic site.
Well, of course, this is true. However, would you allow a player who wishes to have 4 strikes and 5 outs in a game, call this game “Baseball?” No. It’s something else entirely. No one wants to put a gag on anything the Reporter says, or allows to be said, but there is “Catholic,” and there is “not-Catholic.” The only thing wrong with the “title” of the newspaper is the word “Catholic,” because it is not.
Obviously it is up to AB in Omaha Neb. covering for KC where this rag is published , it is his duty to deal with the problem. Denounce them as Ab O’Conner did for Mahtn. Marymount col. (now closed) or require them to STOP claiming NCR rag is catholic-Change the name as O’Conner did with Marist col also of NY years ago.
It’s a simple case of mislabeling. Mislabeling is misleading. We are consumers and we have a right to know what is Catholic is what is not Catholic.
For example, the satanist Jesse Hughes claims he is being ordained a “Catholic Minister”. In fact he is being “ordained” by the “Universal Life Church”, which is a state authorized ordination mill that churns out state authorized ministers to perform state authorized civil unions. There is a fake organization called “Independent Catholic Priests” (consisting of men and women who are not Catholic Priests) who have sold their name to the Universal Life Church. This is a case of aggravated mislabeling and misleading. It is a crime against the Faith.
Calling NCR “Catholic” is a similar crime against the public. While the name “Catholic” cannot be copyrighted, the USCCB has the responsibility to protect their flock against miscreants who pose as Catholics.
“[NCR] has already been condemned by its local ordinary and told not to use the word “Catholic” in its masthead”.
This article should be edited to prove this by including a link pointing to the document.
That was addressed in this article here:
However, for the sake of ease, here is the link to the condemnation letter:
And here is Bishop Finn reiterating the condemnation: