In light of the recent videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of the organs and tissues of preborn babies, the Lepanto Institute interviewed former satanic High Wizard, Zachary King. Zachary was an average boy from an American neighborhood who grew up in a Baptist home. He began practicing magick at 10, joined a satanic coven at 13, and had broken all 10 Commandments by the time he was 15 years old. From his teen years to adulthood he worked his way up to High Wizard in the coven and actively pushed satan’s agenda including ritualistic abortions. Zachary is currently writing about his experiences in a new book titled, “Abortion is a Satanic Sacrifice.”
L.I. – Zac, you’ve got quite the story to tell. Could you give us a little bit of background on how you fell into Satanism?
King – It started with a strong curiosity, wondering if magick was real. This came after watching movies about sorcerers and wizards back in the 1970’s when I grew up. We had a game at school called “Bloody Mary,” or “I Hate You, Bloody Mary,” where you’d go in a bathroom and chant that phrase a certain number of times with the lights off. Every time my group did it, we always saw a demonic face in the mirror. We had no idea that this is what we were looking at, just that all of a sudden there was this scary thing in the mirror and everybody would run out of the bathroom, scared to death … except me. I always thought it was pretty cool. Now, in the same time-frame that I’m doing this, I played campaigns of Dungeons and Dragons every weekend, and I’m always the wizard or the sorcerer in that. Eventually, I wondered if I could do magick for real and tried a couple of spells for money. They both worked, but it could have been just a coincidence so I did it a third time, and the third time I did it, I cast the spell in front of the demon in the bathroom [from the “Bloody Mary” chant] and thought I’d up the ante a little bit to see what happens. I got $1,000 bucks the next day. From that, I was convinced that magick was real.
When I was about 12, a friend introduced me to a group that played Dungeons and Dragons that also believed that magick was real. It turned out that this group was a satanic coven. A lot of people ask me, ‘wouldn’t you run and hide at that point?’ I remind them that I grew up in the 70’s where satanic covens on TV are really scary, but … I love pinball machines, video games, and science fiction, like Star Trek and Star Wars, and these guys had almost every science fiction and fantasy movie you could ever want to see. They had pinball machines, an in-ground pool, a big barbeque pit, and it was just like a boys and girls club, and it was just a lot of fun. Let me put it this way, they knew how to recruit. They knew everything that a kid would want to do, so I got involved with it that way.
That was my first cult. I was in there until I was about 18, and then I joined the World Church of Satan, which is a much bigger, world-wide cult. The position that I attained is called a High Wizard. In a big satanic coven, they are the people who do the magick for the coven. There could be as few as one, and as many as 10. The general number [of high wizards in a coven] is between 2 and 5, and our job was to travel around the world doing whatever spells people want you to do. Now, when I say people, I mean rock stars, movie stars, political figures, rich people … there’s no limit to who will want a spell and what they’re willing to pay for it.
L.I. – So, you were a High Wizard within Satanism … just very briefly, how did you happen to become a High Wizard?
King – Rumor has it that [High Wizards] are hand-picked by satan. I don’t know what the criteria is. I had done magick from the age of 10 and became a High Wizard when I was about 21 years old. I had been in the World Church of Satan for about 3 years. I had seen a High Wizard back when I was a child, but I didn’t know that that is what I was looking at. The look is very unique. It’s a top-hat, a wand or a cane, the face painted like a corpse, and an old-school tuxedo of sorts. If you go to YouTube, and look up Pink’s Like a Pill, there’s a High Wizard that appears in her video four times. The third and fourth time the wizard appears on the screen, you can see that he’s casting a spell. A lot of people seeing that video would see him, but not recognize what they’re looking at. But that’s the look.
Now, satan picks you, and for a cult that big, there’s a CEO and a board of directors. So, the CEO sends word to you, you meet with the CEO and the board of directors, and they tell you that you’ve been chosen. You’re given a book that tells you what your job duties as a high wizard are, and you decide whether you want to do it or not, though I’ve never known anybody to turn it down.
L.I. – So, you were called before a high council of sorts, and they offered you the position, and you became a high wizard at that point?
King – Right, and I did that for about 10 or 12 years.
L.I. – What role does abortion play in satanic rituals, and when did you first get involved in abortion with regard to Satanism?
King – Just after I turned 14, the coven members came to me and said that I was going to be involved in an abortion in about 9 months. There was a sex party with all the male members between 12 and 15 and a female member over 18 and her purpose was to get pregnant, and then she was going to have an abortion in 9 months. When I was told this, I said “cool” out loud, but had no clue what an abortion was. In my family, I think I heard my parents whisper the word abortion once when talking about somebody else, so I thought it was a dirty word because they whispered it and I had never heard that word anywhere else. When I asked about what an abortion was to the coven members, I said I don’t know what I have to do here, they explained that there’s a baby in the womb and you are going to kill it. There will be an abortion doctor there to help you and there will be a nurse because it’s a full medical procedure. My first question was, “is that legal?” The response was, “Yes it is, as long as it’s in the womb. As long as the baby is still inside the woman, you can kill it.”
That’s how it was explained to us. It was also explained that, ‘You are killing a baby.” They didn’t say that we would be killing a fetus or killing some cells in a body. None of that. It’s a baby.
Now, I don’t think I would have been okay with killing a baby outside of a woman’s body, but knowing that I could kill as much as I wanted to if someone was inside the body … in satanism, killing something or the death of something is the most effective way of getting your spell accomplished. As far as trying to get satan’s approval, to give you something that you want, killing something is the best way to go. Killing something is the ultimate offering to satan, and if you can kill an unborn, that is his ultimate goal.
L.I. – Tell me about the first abortion you ever did as a satanic ritual.
King – The first one I did was about 3 months before turning 15. It took place in a farm house that was surprisingly more sterile than many of the other abortion clinics I had done abortions in. There was an abortion doctor and an abortion nurse. There was a woman in stirrups about to have a baby who was surrounded by 13 top members of our coven, which were all high priests and priestesses. I was inside the circle with the woman and the abortion doctor. All the adult members of my coven were there. There were several women kneeling on the floor, swaying back and forth chanting “our body and ourselves” over and over again. Off to the side were several male members of our coven all chanting and praying. The ritual started at 11:45 at night, and the spell began at midnight, which is the witching hour, and the actual death of the child happened at 3:00 am, which is called the devil’s hour.
My whole role in all of this was to insert the scalpel. I didn’t necessarily have to do the actual killing … what was important was that I get blood on my hands. So, I had to get somebody’s blood on my hands, whether the woman’s or the baby’s, and then the doctor finishes out the procedure. In that particular one, which was probably one of the more heinous abortions I had ever done, the doctor reached in, ripped the baby out and threw it onto the floor where these women were swaying. The women looked like they were possessed, and when the doctor threw the baby out to them, they cannibalized the baby.
L.I. – Dear Lord! How many ritual abortions have you participated in?
King – Prior to being a high wizard, I did five. After becoming a high wizard, I did 141 more.
L.I. – Have you ever done a ritual abortion at a [high profile abortion facility]?
King – Yes I have. I’d estimate I’ve done about 20 ritual abortions inside these facilities, but I never counted. I just know that I’ve been in a lot of them. About two years ago, I went inside one to do some research for a new CD I was working on, and that was one very clean and the people were super-nice. But all the ones I went to, doing abortions in them, were terribly unsanitary. They looked like a house of horrors, with blood all over the place, including in some rooms with blood on the ceiling.
L.I. – How did you get invited to do satanic abortions at these [high profile abortion facilities]? Did someone call you call you? How did that come about?
King – As the high wizard, you’re the go-to guy in the satanic coven, so most people either call someone that they know in that coven or they’ll call because we did a lot of work with the Illuminati as well, so they’ll call them. This is all, obviously people that have to be in the know of these kinds of things, but you get invited to participate. The World Church of Satan isn’t the only organization that does satanic sacrifices in [these facilities]. There are other witchcraft organizations, such as wiccans, who are really involved in committing abortions inside these [high profile facilities]. You sometimes get invited to do the ritual abortion by the director of the facility or some high-up administrator, or sometimes the doctor is a satanist and they’ll invite you to come in and participate in an abortion or they will want to do a ceremony at the end of the day.
Now, at the end of the day, every day, satanic groups do like a Black Mass service, usually around midnight, and it will be an extended service that will last about 2 or 3 hours where they dedicate all the babies that were killed that day to satan. It doesn’t matter why women go in for the abortion, all the babies get dedicated to satan at the end of the day.
L.I. – What would happen when doing these ritual abortions? What general events would take place during these rituals?
King – There are kids that come to these events, but they’re generally not in the room when the abortion is taking palace. They’re in a separate room and they have contests to see which one of the kids can stay up until 3:00 am, and the kid that can stay up that late gets a reward. The men who are not a part of the top 13 are doing spells and chanting. They also are casting spells to protect them against anyone who might be praying against them, like a Christian praying against them. Also, whoever we have in our pocket for protection, so if we’ve paid off a sheriff’s deputy or cop or something like that, then no one is investigating us at that time. There are women chanting and swaying. The 13 members are surrounding the woman about to have the abortion, and they are the ones conducting the actual magick spell. In one instance, the one asking for the spell was the mayor of the town. He came to us because he wanted to pass some ordinance for his town, and he had tried it two or three times and it never went through. He had been a member of the coven for quite some time. He had tried every legal avenue to get this thing through, and it never worked, so he got somebody to agree to have an abortion and for it to happen at our satanic coven and during a night where we could do the abortion and do the spell at the same time. Generally, in a small-town coven, which is what that was, everyone would show up to the event. In a bigger place, like when I was a member of the World Church of Satan, you would get the high wizard, the people who want their spell to take place would be there. There would be the abortion doctor and his nurse. Many times, at [high profile abortion facilities], there’s a whole lot of them because a lot of the people that work at those places are witches or Satanists. So, you’ll get a lot of the people there willing to participate in the satanic event.
L.I. – Would you say that [high profile abortion facilities] attract members of the occult because of the opportunity to perform ritual abortions?
King – I would say that yes, that is absolutely a true statement. You know, you’ve got the people that belong to NOW [the National Organization of Women], and a lot of those people are wiccan, and the wiccans, though they profess to have a stance for the preservation of life, they’re allowed to “smite” or “smote” anyone who goes against them in any way, which is to say that they’re allowed to destroy them by any means necessary, which is through magick for them. For instance, as Christians, we pray for their conversion. Well, they see that as open season on Christians. They as well see the female figure, the woman, like Mother Earth, or Gaia. So, they have this womanly figure that they worship and they imagine that she as she is the goddess, a child takes away from that, and so abortion is a satanic sacrament so to speak.
So, just as Catholic men will join the priesthood because they are attracted to holiness and to working for God, an abortion facility attracts Satanists for the satanic priesthood.
L.I. – Have you ever experienced an inability to complete an abortion or the effects of your ritual due to people praying outside of an abortion facility?
King – More than once, we’ve had a baby defy the odds and survive the abortion. One time, I arrived at the abortion facility and there were people on two sides of the street. On one side, there were people praying and calling out against abortion, and on the side I was on were people who were obviously for abortion, and they were yelling all kinds of obscenities at the people across the street. When we went inside and looked across the street, we saw all the people on the other side of the street on their knees. That day, the abortion we had scheduled for a ritual did not go through. I think this happened to me about three times, and all three times … it’s funny, but that never really clicked for me that all three abortions that were thwarted by what can really only be attributed to the prayers that were going on outside.
L.I. – What advice do you have for people that are praying outside abortion facilities, especially if they suspect that there is some sort of occult activity going on inside?
King – First of all, don’t stop! There’s nothing that is happening in that abortion clinic that can hurt you. Sure, there will be demons all around, but you have to think of satan like a dog on a leash; if you don’t get within the leash, he can’t bite you. Be in a state of grace when you go. Take a bottle of Holy Water with you. Don’t spray it on the people that are there or the people that are there to oppose you because you’ll find yourself in court. You know, these people will sue you over the silliest things. But absolutely, sprinkle yourself when you get there and when you leave. Sprinkle it on all the members of your family. If you can receive Holy Communion before you get there, that would be ideal. If you go to Mass that day, after Mass spend a few minutes to ask Our Lord to send His Mother with you. Bring a Rosary with you and beat the devil to death with it. There are things that the devil is afraid of, but mostly, he’s afraid of a well formed Catholic; a Catholic that understands his faith and who knows what spiritual warfare is about. He does not want to do battle with someone who has all their armor on.
In January 2008, while working at a jewelry kiosk, Zachary had an encounter with Our Blessed Mother which changed his life. In the middle of the mall, through the power of the Miraculous Medal, Zachary experienced a peace that surpasses all understanding. That peace was Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. Our Lady’s love rescued Zachary from hell and brought him straight to the Heart of Her Son Jesus Christ. He started going to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church in Vermont and in May 2008 (the month of Mary), Zachary King entered the Catholic Church! After 26 years of involvement with the occult, Zachary has become a warrior for Jesus Christ and wants to share his knowledge for the protection of God’s people. Zachary’s testimony is an inspiration that proves how great God’s mercy & forgiveness truly are and above all shows the depth of His love for us. Zachary King is currently living in Florida with his wife. He is an international speaker spreading the story of his miraculous rescue from satanism anywhere he can. Zachary’s website is //
Powerful…………….. God’s grace is wonderful.
Hi from a real stanist ( me ) u cant think this idiot is being honest right? Lmfao
You worship Stan?
That gave me a belly laugh. Thanks.
Oh my goodness me too!! Too funny!
Hello , Don’t joke about this matter friend . There are very sick and evil people out there in our world without limits or morals at all .Take care and may the love of Jesus be with all of us .
I heard him recite this entre story, as herein written, last night in my church in
laurel, Md. and I came out of the “performance”
thinking it was a complete hoax. I put $4. in the collection box when it was passed around, and I left thinking that I had just contributed to a grand liar and an insult to my Church which had asked him to come and speak. He claimed to be blind, too, but there was no mention in his speech or in this article on line, about how he went from high priest in a satanic coven just a few years ago to becoming blind.
No, he worships satanist I think ????
Sounds like you just admitted to some crimes where’s the local sheriff
It’s like tunnel vision with you people, with the walls all painted like the sky.
There’s two types of Satanists one worships the devil (me) and one doesn’t believe any gods exist and feel sin is justifiable if it allows an advancement (my girlfriend)
Please repent for the kingdom of God is at hand.
I just had 11 demons released from me.. I spent yesterday puking my guts out ALL because someone like YOU did some satanic ritual. I pray that God and the Arch Angels help guide you, and for you to see the light.
Jesus Loves
You! All that pain will wash away with his love!
Jesus Loves
You! All that pain will wash away with his love! You have until your last breath to ask for him to receive you.
The sheriff’s in the dam clinic! ¡!!!
Probably at the Abortion clinic
Unless this happened when late term abortions were banned, unfortunately, no crime was committed. At least not man’s law. And he is forgiven. So what really needs attention is outlawing abortions. I pray for that every day.
Yes it is murder… cannibalizing a live baby… sick!
he just said ripped baby out and ate it! so it was alive formed to be called a baby to eat it
Satan (known by many names) in the torah (books like Job) is NOT anything described here, he is a angel of death and prosecutor for the Almighty, testing a man to see if he is ready for the world to come.
the Satan described here is invented by none other then a christian against abortions.
well well well, i guess its best to ask a jew since Christians seem to live in their own interpreted biblical world
Please remember that your soul NEVER DIES: when your body dies, your soul lives on. Christ loves you and wants to be with you in eternity. However, if you have not turned to Christ in repentance and love BEFORE you die, you will ETERNALLY be separated from His love because ALL good things come from God.
I pray you don’t have to learn this the hard way because ETERNITY is LONGER THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE!!
Please read the Bible for yourself; you have been mis-informed. A very interesting way is to read the gospel of John. You ETERNITY IS AT STAKE!!
If you are a satanist, and your father is the father of lies, you have no problem lying to us that this guy is not legit. I believe this man because we know him by his fruits, and his fruits are saving lives from the clutches of evil. Thank you Zachary for taking such a bold stand against evil. And, thank you, Dearest Jesus, that through your mother Mary, you brought this man out of hell and into the Light of your Sacred Heart!
Um, my fruit is an education, one which includes comparative religion and history. None of what the above gentleman said holds any substance. He’s an individual trying to get attention and is more than likely in need of psychological assistance. If you really cared you would try to get him some help.
Um Your fruit? Open up the King James Bible and READ! THERE IS YOUR SUBSTANCE!!!
You should maybe educate yourself by recognizing the are people men and women care about what hapoens to other people as they may have experienced something that would lend to the belief that the world is inhratentlybevil though you haveva choice to recognize that factual truth is not questionable after being reached, if you would agree. But your mind is under attack 24/7 for the entirety if you life if you don’t know why you why you are here in the first place. Stand for what you believe not yhe staus que. You know something, thosr christians you think are knuckle heads are sitting in mext to you in clasd the only dofference is they don’t relste to a world set to ultimately lead to the demise or redemotion of anything you’ve grown attactched. Maybe yout education will teach you the skills needed to sustain a poditive mental attiude, hopfully that is the case in you situation.
No he’s found his senses when he found God!
Make believe awful stories
To justify yourselves
So you can continue to harrass woman undergoing abortion.
Jesus wouldn’t approve.
Shame on you
& your ignorance.
He is a phony
Praying that God will open your eyes to the truth that Jesus is the only way to come to the Father. Your education is an impediment!
Boy are you in for a severe shock the next coming years.
Amen! For in the end our Blessed Mother Mary will crush the head of the serpent under her feet. Her Immaculate heart will triumph! Satan fears Mary almost more than God Himself!
Matthew King James Version (KJV)
Chapter 24: Verse 24
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
The name of JESUS is powerful and does wonders. Only when one believes. Even Jesus couldn’t do miracles because of the unbelief of people. Because by reason of a free will which God himself cannot violate, demons through those unbelievers stood to hinder miracles from taking place. Jesus working miracles was simply getting demons out of the way of the people so they can receive GOOD. But because they have given their WILL up against Jesus, the demons couldn’t leave them for them to receive GOOD things from God the father through Christ.
That said, the Catholic Church is misleading people. And this so called former satanist directing people towards the Catholic church’s ” ordinances ” is actually MISLEADING people. And because satanism is to divide, destroy and conquer humanity, it’s no surprise that another satanist is laughing at this guy deceiving others.
When the disciples of Jesus asked Jesus to teach them how to pray ( Luke 11:1-13 ), Jesus started the prayer with ” Our FATHER who art in heaven ….”. This simply means if you want to pray, you’re ONLY permitted to pray to God Almighty the FATHER and no one else. Jesus also said in John 14: 13 – 14,
John 14:13-14King James Version (KJV)
13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.
When you read the whole of John 14, Jesus CONSTANTLY laid emphasis on the FATHER. Jesus through the above books, chapters and verses made it CRYSTAL CLEAR that God the father is in charge and everything works THROUGH Jesus. Yet the Catholic church prays to Mary.
The ” Hail Mary Prayer ” is FALSE. The above scriptures has proven you cannot pray to Mary. The Hail Mary prayer ended with ” pray for us sinners “. To pray for someone means to INTERCEDE for them. Someone praying for someone else is simply an INTERCESSOR. To intercede is to MEDIATE and an intercessor is a MEDIATOR,
Look up the meaning of an intercede and intercessor. Intercession or intercessory prayer is the act of praying to a deity on behalf of others.
1 Timothy 2:5 KJV – For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.
Revelation Chapter 19: Verse 10
And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
Revelation Chapter 22: Verse 9
Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God.
The above scriptures described two different times John wanted to worship an ANGEL because of the amazing and overwhelming things he heard from the angel. And the angel stopped him from doing so and stated CLEARLY, TWICE that he’s a ” fellow servant ” of John and his brethren, that is CHRISTIANS. Angels are servants of God to man and also servants of men to God. Their duty is to sort out prayers to God and also bring blessings, basically ANSWERS to our prayers from God to humans. See Revelation 8:3 – 4 and the book of Daniel 10:13. In the book of Daniel, an angel revealed that a demon of the ranks of ” principalities ” known as the prince of Persia tried to stop that angel from giving Daniel a revelation of the end of time, which was also given to John in the book of revelation.
You cannot ask a SERVANT for something because he has NOTHING but SERVICE to render. Jesus made it clear in John, teaching people about spiritual protocols and how to pray and be answered and he SPECIFIED by saying ” whatsoever ye shall ask IN MY NAME, in the name of JESUS, he ( Jesus ) said ” I WILL DO IT “. Only on a condition which is, that the FATHER ( God Almighty ) may be GLORIFIED in the SON. Therefore, the teachings of the Catholic Church are WRONG, FALSE doctrines and false doctrines are SIMPLY SATANIC. Because the patterns will have demons blocking prayers and apprehending answers just like in Daniel 10: 13
Praying to Mary, that is the Hail Mary Prayer is WRONG. It’s FALSE. Praying to angels like Angel Gabriel, angel Michael and a so called angel by the name Raphael that wasn’t even mentioned in the Holy Bible is WRONG and FALSE. The power of God is in the NAME of Jesus. Therefore material things like bringing a rosary to beat the devil to death is a lie. Satan cannot die because he’s a spirit. Spirits don’t die. And most satanic people use so called Holy water. The water is like any other water except you pray the name of Jesus on it and specify what you want that water to do. But the power does not work through the water but the NAME of Jesus.
Same thing with the anointing oil.
False prophets are already on earth working to deceive people and as I stated from the start of my comment, the scripture above shows they would work miracle enough that IF it were possible, the very ELECT, God’s elect shall be deceived. So I do not agree with this so called ” former satanist ” because it’s obvious he’s still in the dark with the Catholic church. Baptism to the Catholic church is sprinkling of water on children. That’s not baptism. Baptism is submerging an individual into water and out of water to to demonstrate the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus without which a man can’t enter into the Kingdom of God. These are spiritual protocols that Satan and his demons are aware of and would spiritually BLOCK anyone without a proper Baptism from entering the Kingdom of God.
The Catholic church has statues of Jesus and Mary that they usually kneel to and pray to. This is IDOLATRY. That’s worshiping of idols which is of the devil and not God. But their members have been badly spelled and find it hard to see the truth. The truth is in the Holy Bible, and the Holy Spirit will help to reveal many things to a believer. Therefore, the testimony of this so called former satanist is ” INACCURATE “.
Thank you for telling the truth boldly in the Holy Spirit. May God continue to bless you and keep you in the powerful name of our savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Glory be to God, and I hope he keeps blessing you to tell this to more people.
All things are done for the glory of God. That means good and bad. God had a Divine plan before the foundation of the world. He is the Almighty, this man could not mess up God’s plan if he tried. Ye of little faith, lift your eyes and hearts, help the rest of us pray for this kind of evil to stop.. A’MEN
Tash- You’re not a satanist, hahahahaha.
Try spelling what you are correctly, Satanist! And anyone who works for satan to go to hell is the idiot!!! I’m one of those Well formed Catholics Zachary was speaking of! Praise Our Heavenlnly Father’! satan is GOING DOWN VERY SOON!!!yul
You dear need to come into the light!! Get over yourself! God’s light and love ❤ can change a person… for the better! Being a Chritian doesn’t make you a recluse. The way you think changes. Your way of life. Your thought process is different. You see things differently. You “want” to change!! Jesus Christ is all love ❤ and light!! Doesn’t mean we think we’re perfect but we are forgiven! Our debt has been paid and that’s priceless!!
Amen to what u said and for zachary
Amen from indonesia…????
You don’t have the truth as you like to profess due to the confirmation bias that’s within the fear-mongering drivel which you more likely have been spoon fed while growing up. Unfortunately this is common among those who are born into your cult and are indoctrinated with the flawed premise that what they already believe in is the “truth” without any observation because they don’t have an objective frame of mind when approaching subjects due to dogmatic programming.
Chrissie, I’m was not indoctrinated into the truth, and obviously Zachary wasn’t. The evidence of God is everywhere apparent. The ones indoctrinated are the atheists and evolutionists which was definitely by design where Satanists and/or atheists have worked diligently to make science the god and new age religion of our youth through their academic churches. I’m all for an education and science based in facts and truth. Our Lord God is the ultimate scientist, which is so clearly manifest in His creation. If yyou worship Satan then you know that God is real and that His Son, Jesus Christ is His enemy and has already defeated Satan at the cross. What’s baffling is why any human bebeing would serve a fallen angel who despises each and every one of us and would destroy us all if he could! He only gives to people who do his evil bidding and at the same time laughs at them because they are damming themselves to eternity in he’ll where he knows he will also be because he tried to make himself a god. If all of the angels who followed Satan were cast down and are destined to hell, what makes human bbeings think they will be spared the same fate? Satan and all demons have just one purpose now, and that is to ruin as many souls as they can before Christ returns! Christ, our precious Savior loves you! He took your punisment that yyou deserve. All you have to do is confess your sins, ask for forgiveness, and invite the Holy Spirit into your heart. I also deserved death. But I am forgiven. Praise God! Jesus paid my debt! And the Holy Spirit lives in me! Jesus’s love is indescribable! It’s a love you have never experienced before. It really doesn’t matter whwhat you’ve done or what the world thinks of you, because Jesus loves you completely! It’s sin He hates. I pray you will see the truth and seek Jesus. Read Lee Strobel’s The Case for Christ. Go to the Institute for Creation Research website. Satan doesn’t care about you And wants to see your destruction. Whatever reward you have received from him in this short life is nothing compared to the eternal rewards that would be stored up ffor you in heaven if your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. And when payment comes due to the devil, the only currency he will accept is your death and your soul! You have no idea when that will be! It could be today! Don’t let that happen. I wowould love for you to be a sister in Christ.
You all are doomed, Lucifer will win???? Sweet dreams!
not scared.
If you are a real Satanist…I pray to Jesus for your soul.
haha dude you cant even spell *Satanist*
You can’t think that the power of the Lord and the Holy Spirit manifesting in Mother Mary and Jesus the Christ isn’t that powerful??? The Holy Spirit is that powerful and creates miracles in people and their lives!
this was the most ridicoulous story, i was actually thinking this is real until I read the end and relaised its a deeply religious person lying and trying to scare people..lmao
Right? I wonder how much they paid him to use his photo and fabricate an entire interview:/
I mean he can be honest
But I never heaRd someone rescue by Mary
I don’t believe that catholic is a church of God
But who am I to judge
None of us is perfect.
But don’t say Mary save you
Say Jesus christ save you himself
He gave you a second chance.
So if I were you
I would have go and worship the only God
Because catholic they worship statue and
Mary can’t talk to God for anyone but herself
And it says in
1 Timothy 2 vs 5
For there is one God, one mediator also between God and men, himself man, Christ Jesus.
Even Mary is waiting for her judgment
God bless all yall
Why wouldn’t Jesus send his Mother to rescue a lost child?
Read just a few verses above 1st Tim 2:5. You will see it says; “pray for one another for this is good and pleasing to God.” My question for you is, once in heaven, would it no longer be good and pleasing to God to pray for those who have not yet made it? Of course it would, we see that in the book of Revelation. If a sick friend ask you to pray for them, would you? If so, are you not making yourself into a mediator? Of course you are. But your prayers go through Christ first. The same can be said with Mary and the saints.
Well Said Michael, You are spot on.
Mother Mary and the saints can appeal to God for us. That is why our Orthodox church has saints and We keep a photo of Mother Mary and Saint George who killed the dragon in our church. Saints can pray to and ask God for mercy on our behalf through Jesus Christ.
Tash is swaying, dont fall for itm Ive read many confessions of High Priests and High Priestess’ and Zach was spot on telling the truth in every way.
Right? I read this and the only thing I could think was “you’ve gotta be fucking kidding.” Wiccans, Satanists, nonchristians whatever don’t perform rituals in abortion clinics. They aren’t specifically funded or funding clinics. Don’t buy into all these overtly evil idea of Satanists.
Except you can find corroboration of this m.o. all over the Internet by survivors of ritual abuse who manifest all the symptoms of trauma and Disociative Identity Disorder—many of whom do not hold Christian beliefs. You can also easily find footage of dead and dismembered children as well as kiddie porn and snuff films on YouTube (or at least you could at the time this OP was made—perhaps they have cleaned up their act and covered their sorry @$$es by now). Simply do a YouTube search of SRA. Then there is also this international commission formed to investigate human trafficking, whose commission members are mostly manifestly New Age, not Christian, so I don’t necessarily believe everything they say (they are, however, real public figures with a searchable track record), but I find many whose testimonies they are hearing (and validating) to be credible.
Ya he is you’re only saying that cause he exposed what your cult does????????
There is a plethora of ex-Satanists all over the internet telling the stories they experienced………… reading Chick Tracts and books. My favorite is Stephen Dollins who swears Anton LaVey ordained him as high priest in the church of Satan. Finally having to face the truth that he lied he now says he was A Satanist and his lack of high priest status doesn’t change things…………….right. ‘Cause lies are the best way to prove your worth as a teacher.
Maybe at your local coven you do not (not yet lol) but at others they do. The death of my unborn brother was by the hand of one such person, so I know that at least to a certain extent, what Zachary tells is true. Also, I was never a practicing satanist, but in my teens I experimented with satanism and occult. It gave me some weird experiences, also my life went bad. Recently though, I found my faith in Christ again. I also had some strange experiences after praying, but good ones this time 😉 I saw some real miracles. I always asked God for miracles to prove to me that he exists – I know you are not supposed to, but I am a weak man. Well, I asked for 3 and I got 3 in the week that followed my prayer. Gave me the chills man. God is real and Christianity seems to be the best road to him. Although I did find Buddhism and some of Hawking’s books to be helpful for understanding certain concepts, like the catechizes. I now study Christianity like I used to study the dark books, but this time everything works and
I feel peace inside.
Um unfortunately sane and educated people who are spiritually sensitive can and do think he is serious. Before you explore deeper in satanism you might need to intelligently educate yourself about the reality of fron whence various magic derives power namely blood rituals of death and intense emotion and releasing and directing it to the occultists will to create intentions. Not only satanic but ostensibly christian and many other sacred occultists have done ritual abuses for power and experience since immrmorial times and that is largely why the inner circles are secreted to avoid being punished or exposed. I sincerely hope you can get a realistic view on the dangers of all cults that use magic before you find yourself in a messy situation you dont understand
SO he went from worshipping Satan and Mother Earth to worshipping a dead woman named Mary and praying to dead men called “Saints?” He traded one cult for another. Christians follow the living savior, Jesus Christ, NOT dead people…
A tad judgey, no? You realize this is a Catholic blog… If you want to read tales of occultists being converted to your branch of Christianity maybe stay in your stream of fellowship?
Isnt all streams of “fellowship” christianity in general. Ive read through this as a now skeptical christian to have found that christians seem to be at war with one another and everyone else.
You’re stil ignorant of d word of God, you still need repentance in ur life by insulting the mother of your God and the saints of God.
If you are a Christian (Protestant, no doubt) then you would know that Scripture says these people are not dead. And who said anything about worshipping them? They are deserving of respect and honor. Do a little research. Real research.
Just to clarify things. Catholics (including me) don’t worship saints or Mary. We ask for their intercession, just like you would ask for your friends or family to intercede for you (pray for you). We only worship Jesus Christ, and we follow the good example of saints. And to say that saints have no place in our lives is to deny the afterlife. Their bodies may be dead (but some are incorrupt) but their souls live on in heaven.
1 Tim 2:5 “For there is one God, and there is >>one<< mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus"
Luke 11:27,28 "As he said these things, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts at which you nursed!” Wouldn't the Catholic response to this be :"Yes! Blessed Mary! We adore and honor you! Guide us and intercede for us!"
But Jesus' response was, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” and so the Christian response should be likewise. Here Jesus had the perfect oppurtunity to teach Christians forever to honor and include Mary in their daily walk of faith. He didn't. He turned attention AWAY from her.
I would like to share this with shawn & others.It is true that Jesus did not at the moment teach christians to honour Mary…Why? The Holy Spirit of God had already done it through the woman who spoke those words (Luke11:27-28) Again,the same spirit had done it earlier through the angel Gabriel in Luke1:28,”Hail favoured one…” Teaching in same continues: In Luke 1:42 , Mary visited Elizabeth & after greeting her, Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit & said, “Most blessed are you among women…” In John 2:1-11,at the wedding in Cana,wine got finished & Mother Mary told Jesus,” They have no wine.”Even though Jesus told her that his time had not yet come, due to the honour he accords to His mother, He performed a miracle & peolpe got wine.We are called christians since we follow his examples.When He honoured Mother Mary he was teaching us to always honour Her,being His brothers & sisters, & more so, His followers.
I used to wonder about this also and read and re-read it trying to understand. Then it hit me: Jesus wasn’t saying “my mother isn’t blessed”. He was saying “my mother isn’t blessed because she gave birth to Me and nursed me, she is blessed because she heard the Word of God and kept it.”
Jesus ws not conceived of eathly means of reproduction. If to you a reproduction is not the real thing but a representation. Jesus was the real deal you knucklehead dim-witted questioing doubters. So go ahead edure pain from some stupid steet person or girlfriend, have sex to release stressn she,ll do whever it takes to gey you to recognixe hrt as god if shr bore thr son of God. The Bible is no for everyone, but its definitely not for you if you believe in education to answer the questions you are looking fot necause you know it is reprrsenative of anything even interpretations and ever heard of a term called a “lie” did I? you are so smart that you can come up with your own answers and dont need interprrtation. Be aware unaware, Mary was the vessel by which Jesus may have entered into the putrid human condtion but he didn’t wallow in its folly.
Yeah, keep it up Protestants! Apart from Satanists, only Protestants would feel sorry that this man turned his back to Satan by the grace of Jesus Christ! If you are honest, take the time to ask yourselves on what side of the fence you stand.
Oh yeah, and from the cross when he said to John; “this is your mother” when he was dying in agony, do you really think that comment was only meant for John?? Get real!
Asking them for intercession is not the same thing, for friends and family members are still alive and on earth. Their is one mediator between us on earth and God, and that is Jesus.
Precisely! Very well said. Lets pray for the healing, convertion and deliverance of all names of those who wrote their comments here.
You all certainly seem threatened by our little prayers!. Wonder why?
Viva Gesu! Benedetto sio Dio e Maria! Amen!
Now shoo!
We don’t worship ‘dead’ people, we ask those who sit in heaven with God to pray for us. Peter talks to a dead girl in the acts of the apostles, and tells her to wake up. And, she does. So, was Peter evil because he talked to someone who was already dead? Also, Catholics do follow Scripture. Part of the issue here is that Protestant cannon of Scripture is different than the Catholic cannon. We have more books in our bible, and our beliefs are found in Scripture. Instead of coming on a Catholic site, and trying to be divisive, how about we pray for one another, that one day, all of Christ’s children will be one in word, deed and truth. May Christ’s peace reign in our heats and homes!
The day will come when Mary’s role in the history of Salvation will be revealed. Oh, wait. It already was. She said “Yes” to God, and Jesus came through her womb. If God is all powerful, why did He chose to come to the world through a humble virgin? Mary did us all a great favor in bearing and raising Jesus. How terrible it is that some bash this ‘woman’… a ‘woman’ from whom came the Savior of the World!!!
Catholics dont worship Mary, rather they love & honour her for being the mother of Jesus Christ, our saviour & the saviour of the whole world.We therefore ask her & the saints to interceed for us.It you read the bible well, it is said that God hears prayers of the righteous ones; the reason for asking for their prayers.Again, Mary is not a “dead woman” She was assumed into heaven.Please respect the mother of God the son.
And where will you go when you die? By your logic, Jesus suffered and died for Himself. There is apparently no one else in heaven then but Jesus? What an absurd argument. Do you ever stop to wonder why Satanists will pay upwards of $15K for a consecrated host?! Or why they borrow rituals and symbols from the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church? Who do you think Satan’s target is? He doesn’t care about you or I! He’s aiming for Jesus Christ–the bullseye. And he’s found Him in the Catholic Church.
Ty Amen
Spot on Mary. I simply can’t figure out why Protestants don’t get this glaringly obvious fact!
I love everyone and I pray God softens our hearts to receive Him. I’m covered by the blood of the Lamb and deem that being a Catholic is far better than Satanic worship. Still, I don’t believe in praying to any dead saints for help. Jesus died so that we may have a direct connection to the Father through Jesus. That said we don’t have to confess our sins to a man who sins himself, nor do we have to pray to saints that have passed on. We should have the living intercede on our behalf. I’m sure the saints in heaven are interceding as well. But our help comes from the Lord therefore our prayers and praise should go to Him directly.
Your 100% right
I’m Orthodox and I get sick of ignorant Catholic Bashers..
Well said St Michael, Well said sir.
Amen! He’s still deceived!
Mary does not save anyone….Catholics are Mary-worshippers who pray to the
dead (dead saints).
All Catholics are deceived….May is not the month of Mary. There is no such
thing as Purgatory (imaginary waiting room), and Mary, saints, and priests
cannot save you from your sins.
We are not disrepecting anyone….Catholics are highly deceived, and we pray
that the scales will fall from their eyes, and they will come to the knowledge of
the Truth…and the Truth shall set you Free!
Maria, I think that you are deceived. No real Catholic who knows the Catholic Faith would give you such a mixed up message.
(a) Mary and all the other Saints are alive and in heaven. Thus, when we pray to them, we do not pray to them as we pray to GOD, the DEITY, but as to humans who have made it to heaven. The Saints are not dead. They are alive in heaven, and they await the general resurrection to be reunited with their bodies, which will be glorified bodies, since they died in Christ and will not know the Second Death.
(b) Mary and the Saints pray FOR us, TO GOD, on our behalf, and at our request. If having a human pray for you is idolatry, you’d better stop asking your fellow church members pray for you, because that make you an idolater, and adding additional mediators beyond Christ Himself.
(c) Mary, the Saints and priests do not save us from our sins. Christ’s blood saves us from our sins. The priest, acting in the person of Christ by virtue of the office of priesthood Christ conferred upon him, communicates Christ’s forgiveness through absolution. When we confess to the priest, we actually confess to Christ through the priest, as if we were confessing to Christ Himself. This is very evident in Orthodoxy where penitents confess to Christ, in the presence of the priest, facing an icon of Christ.
(d) As for Purgatory, there is such a thing, as there is also such a thing as Limbo. You will recall 1 Corinthians 3:10-15:
10/ According to the grace of God that is given to me, as a wise architect, I have laid the foundation: another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. 11/ No other foundation no man can lay, but that which is laid: which is Christ Jesus. 12/ Now, if any man build upon this foundation, gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble: 13 Every man’s work shall be manifest. For the day of the Lord shall declare it, because it shall shall be revealed in fire. And the fire shall try every man’s work, of what sort it is. 14/ If any man’s work abide, which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. 15/ If any man’s work burn, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved, yet so as by fire.
Purgatory burns off the “dross” of our sins that we do not do sufficient penance for, and burns away any disordered attachments we have to any creatures which we possess when we die.
(e) You should stop and think for a minute. All of the “Reformers” were fallen away Catholics. Luther was an Augustinian Monk. Calvin was a theologian. Henry was a Catholic Monarch who divorced and murdered several wives. They all created division, chaos, confusion and loss of Faith.
They denied doctrines of Christ that had been held since the beginning . . . for 1500 years. They broke away from the Church and started their own operations. And some among them may have even lost Christian Faith.
Read history, and if you want to know what an institution holds as Creed, as that institution. Your pastor either never was a Catholic, or was a fallen away Catholic like Luther and does not understand Catholic teachings. And if he is a fallen away Catholic, he is probably filled with anger and hatred and a sense of abandonment. Neither of these three things counts as an argument against the Catholic Church and her teachings, which she received from Christ.
Only the blood of Jesus gives him the right to mediate as High Priest and Mary and the saints cannot intercede for you. Why would you waste time with men when you can go directly to God as the Son, Jesus Christ? Jesus said, ” If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.” John 14:14. We do not need men to intercede at all. Hebrews 4:16 “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence so that we may receive mercy and grace to help in time of need.”
You said Maria has been deceived but you have been deceived also through the doctrines of the Catholic. You have been made to believe that the Saints like Mary who are alive in the realms of the spirit do have an authority to intercede for believers on earth. You completely lost the purpose of Jesus, the Holy Spirit and God Almighty.
The disciples of Jesus asked him to teach them how to pray. And in Luke Chapter 11: Verses 1-13, Jesus started the prayer with ” Our Father who art in heaven…
Jesus taught the disciples to Pray to God Almighty the FATHER. There’s nowhere in the Bible that Jesus or any one else in the Holy Bible taught anyone that men of God or ” Saints ” dead on planet earth but alive in the spirit stand a chance to pray as in INTERCEDE for anyone here on earth. This is a false doctrine from the Catholic Church created by the Catholic Church to brainwash their members. Therefore the ” Hail Mary ” prayer is WRONG and FALSE. Wake up to this fact.
Someone praying for another is an intercessor. To intercede simple means to MEDIATE. And intercessor is a MEDIATOR
Look at the scripture below and see what Paul had to say to Timothy.
1 Timothy Chapter 2: Verse 5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,
The above Scriptures made it CRYSTAL CLEAR that there’s ONE GOD. And ONE MEDIATOR between God Almighty and HUMANS. And the scripture says ” The MAN Christ Jesus “. There’s a reason why Christ Jesus was referred to as a MAN in that scripture.
The reason is in VERSE 6 of 1 Timothy Chapter 2
Jesus is God who came IN THE FLESH and needs to be identified as God and MAN at the same time. And Verse 6 said ” Who gave himself a ransom FOR ALL, to be testified in due time.
Mary didn’t give herself up for a ransom and CANNOT be a MEDIATOR.
The only reason emphasis was laid on Mary was because, first, Mary was a virgin. And for a virgin to conceive and give birth is another shocking mystery. And then second of all, Mary is a woman. Men do not give birth to children but women do. This is why there’s more focus on Mary. There’s a lot more reasons why there’s focus on Mary much more than Joseph who’s the husband of Mary. There’s absolutely no biological connection between Joseph the husband of Mary who played a paternal role to Jesus with Jesus. This is why when Jesus taught people to pray, he stressed it with, Our Father WHO ART IN HEAVEN lest some people mistake it for praying to a human being and an earthly father.
The Saints in the realms of the Spirit have no God given spiritual right to stand in the gap to pray as a mediator/Intercessor for nobody.
In Romans Chapter 8: Verse 26 KJV , the scripture says, “Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.”
And in verse 27 below, it says
27 And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.
The above scripture in verse 27 made it CRYSTAL CLEAR that the SPIRIT makes INTERCESSION for the SAINTS. NOT Mary.
In John Chapter 16: Verse 7, Jesus said, Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
Jesus in the above scripture made it clear it was EXPEDIENT that he departs from earth so the Holy Spirit known as the COMFORTER can be sent to us.
In verse 13 of John chapter 16, it says, ” Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come “.
You can see that the Holy spirit from verse 7 will be SENT by Jesus to us. If Jesus did not ascend into heaven, the Holy Spirit WILL NOT be SENT to us. This spirit is sent to dwell INSIDE of us because our bodies are the temple of God. No more confessions to a Priest like the Catholic Church does. The TEMPLE of God is now our bodies where you can pray directly to God and get answers directly. That’s not to say we’re no longer allowed to gather in a physical earthly made temple called church.
Verse 13 made it clear that the Holy Spirit will not speak of his OWN but informing us what God Almighty wants us to know through hearing God speak or to see revelations. I am speaking to you, not just quoting scriptures but actually experiencing what I’m telling you in these scriptures.
The Holy Spirit of God was sent to us, to help us, by INTERCEDING for us, and also sent to comfort us using revelations , word from God to strengthen us.
Revelation chapter 8 verses 3 and 4 described a ceremony where an angel offered up much incense along with the prayers of SAINTS upon a golden altar which was before God Almighty.
The Bible has shown you what angels do, and what Jesus, the Holy Spirit and God Almighty all stand for.
When John tried to worship an angel who gave him amazing revelations, the angel stopped John and made it clear that he’s a FELLOW SERVANT of John and the Saints. Yet the Catholics pray to Mary and also some angels. This is the biggest error in Christianity. It’s all WRONG and false doctrines from the pit of hell.
Therefore, cut yourself out of that brainwashed up doctrine that has nothing to do with God Almighty. And all that kneeling and praying to the statues of Mary and Jesus of the Catholic Church is pure idolatry and devil worshiping. Just cause you don’t know it doesn’t mean it isn’t so.
Just cause some people don’t believe God exists doesn’t mean God doesn’t exist. You will see from here that you can choose to bury yourself in a Catholic doctrine and be in a spiritual prison void of knowledge while sticking to that doctrine or simply FREE yourself now by following ONLY what is written in the Bible. Otherwise you’ll be on the path of your own righteousness doing the contrary like all the rest of the Catholics hoping they will meet Jesus some day.
God bless.
oh, JESUS!
Ok David. 1s Tim ch2 tells us to pray for one another. For this is good and pleasing to God. David says… it’s worthless!!
Same thoughts
I just like to verify that the same Peter to whom gave the key to his church, and to whom Our Lord said: “Peter you are a rock, and upon this rock, I shall build my church”. That same Peter is buried in the Vatican in Rome. Literally, the St Peter’s Basilica in Rome is built on Peter, which means that under St Peter’s is the tomb of the same Peter to whom Jesus gave the key to his church.
From Peter came all the Popes of the Catholic Church, and branched away from the same church? Perhaps it’s time non-believers in the Catholic Church started doing their research.
God bless all!
2 Peter 1: 20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
Dead woman, maybe your mother? You presume to love and respect Christ and yet insult this mother? Shame on you. You cannot love even a miserable pig without respecting its mother. How spiritually blind and dead can you be. Are you still a Christian or a imitating Satanist? In the Bible, seek understand what does it mean, “the enmity between serpent and woman, the between his seed and her seed” in both Genesis and Revelation. You don’t understand the evil you are spewing out in over-righteous pride, even to trample upon divine persons who God seeks to exalt.
You are unaware that Jesus lives today, you maybe too blinded by temptation around you to know that he is alive and not all Christian are catholic whom may have come to Christ by different means but, you have made a choice to believe the gargbage man will cover the cost to offer you remption by means of prayer. The bedtvof luck and tranquillity.
Quick insert: Catholics don’t pray to dead people (as we believe that those that die and make it to heaven are more alive then ever), which this also applies to the Saints.
Mary and the saints are not dead just like Our Lord Jesus is not dead but are in fact Very much alive in Heaven. There are part of The Church Triumphant. Christians who believe in the false doctrine of “Sola Sciptura ” are the ones who are Spiritually dead.
Mary and The saints are alive there woman….Catholics don’t worship her they ask her to pray for them. when you ask for a persons prayers they mean a lot..
You are probably a Holy Roller……
Only a fool would think Catholicism as a cult!
Dont be so arrogant about what you don’t know. God is the only one Catholics worship. Devotion to the angles and saints is something entirely different. Don’t be so ignorant.
I agree with your comment 1use00 percent. He was still easily decieved by satan. The mary he talks about is not the same Mary who God used as a vessel through the Holy Spirit. He along with millions of other catholics who pray to the mary from hell will join her in hell. They can repent and choose Jesus as the only way and obey Him or they can continue to believe satan’s lies and be tormented in hell for ever and ever and ever and ever. You can search and search any dictionary or Encyclopedia and will not be able to find a description of the torment people will go through in hell. There are catholics who thought for sure they were going to heaven or thought they were going to purgatory and they would say a bunch of useless prayers.
Wow what an awesome testimony!! Praise the Lord!!! I’m so thankful that this brother was saved and able to share his story!!! I’m sure it will lead other to Christ!!!
all fake all lies. stop circulating hype to fuel people imaginations. you did not.
The all merciful Jesus, forgives the sinner
Do you actually believe this rubbish? Then again if you believe a divine being created the world in 7 days just a few thousand years ago maybe it all sounds very feasible…
“for we wrestle not against flesh and blood and powers, and rulers of darkness.”
“Put on the whole armor of God that ye may be able to withstand the wiles of the devil.” He is frightened of the name of Jesus. So in the name of Jesus we have the victory. Xsatan!
Does he have any contact details?
He’s a liar and a sensationalist
The world is white and black… True Satanists don’t do this shit, unlike this so called one. He’s a creep (Spiritual satanist) not not a true laveyan Satanist
Amen!!! Jesus Lives !!
I wanna know where your parents where through all this I knew where my kids where at all times! So either you’re full of shit and lying to get famous. Maybe in 2008 things where not going well for you and all of a sudden you thought hey maybe if I worship Jesus I’ll get better publicity. Your story is totally unbelievable!
Sorry Michael, I believe this man is making this up…why??? $$$$$ & his own “15min of fame”. Just as there is a plethora of “seers” in our Church & the entire Christian Community…This has happened before…Approx. 25-30 yrs ago….a young woman made a lot of money, writing & speaking about her experiences, even made Pat Robertson’s Show….We need to be VERY CAREFUL in our Discernment at this point….It’s NOT GOOD to read long detailed books or Blogs with a Detailed history on satanism….There’s a satanic “Hook” in them for anyone who may be unprotected, for any # of reasons…I’m posting this reply only because of some knowledge & experiences in the area of satanism…Please be careful….I ask, the Protection of Michael & his Angels, I pray for The Blood of Jesus The Christ, YESHUA, for you, your Site, & all who read this….May Our Father Bless & Protect us All…Including this young man….
Kathleen, even if he’s making everything up and never went through any of this, we *KNOW* these horrors happen. His advice at the end is sound, regardless.
So you “know” that there are satanist wizards in abortion clinics world wide performing these abortions to gain power from the sacrifice; however, their abortions are occasionally being thwarted thanks to battle prayer occurring outside the clinics by christians? – Moron.
Kathleen, thanks for this cautionary remark. I’ve seen you elsewhere, on Fr Gordon’s blog. You are a no nonsense woman.
Yes, something here smells very fishy. I doubt this man is telling the truth. Sometimes Christians are gullible, especially when someone claims to have seen the light.
yeah it sounds pretty hokey
I suggest matching the above story with the interviews with him available on youtube, see if it hashes out.
I was involved in the occult, through my father, who was a member of a group of people that called themselves sorcerers.
Bits and pieces of what he says makes me doubt parts of his story-embellishment almost. I do not doubt that he dabbled or was involved in the occult. But,… wiccanism is basically the laughing stock of paganism. We called them trendies and pansies: “do what ye will yet harm none” is their creed. I’m sure true satanists share the same opinion.
Completely possible, but I don’t know about the truthfulness of his entire story.
First of all, holy water and a Rosary? Really? The devil is not afraid of “things”; he fears Christ. What this guy is advocating to “fight the devil” is superstition, not reality. A child of God has nothing at all to fear of the devil. You can dispatch him by telling him that he cannot touch you because you belong to Christ. If you are trusting in holy water and a rosary, you are basically bringing a a bow and arrow to a nuclear war.
What does that have to do with my post? Besides, it is not the items itself he fears, but the prayers of the Rosary. Satan flees from sanctification. These aren’t magic items. The faith is a living faith, a tangible faith–far from an intangible, Gnostic faith-alone belief system.
Blessed items help aid us in responding to grace given to us by God, much like relics of holy men and women are vehicles for grace and of the power of God. The bones of Elisha brought a man back to life on its touch (2 Kgs. 13:20-21), the hemorrhaging woman was healed by touching Christ’s cloak (Matt. 9:20-22), St. Paul’s handkerchiefs were given to the sick to heal them of their diseases and remove evil spirits from them (Acts 19:11-12).
Firstly, I would never try to address the devil myself. He is an angel, and despite the fact that he is a fallen angel, he is dangerous and cunning. I would call on St. Michael, Mary, Christ Himself to protect me for the demonic forces, but would never speak to him myself.
Secondly, I would not underestimate the good of sacramentals. Christ gave us the Church. If you believe in the Catholic faith, you will understand that the sacramentals are important. Water is blessed by a priest who is a representative of Christ. If you are not a believer of the Catholic faith, then these things will most likely seem like superstitions until you have a deeper understanding of them.
Not true Mary. A rosary and Holy water are sacramental. Maybe you are not Catholic and then I would understand your position, but if you are read about what a sacramental is and you will see that they are very powerful in protection against the devil and demons.
Holy Water can drive away demons. The Rosary is so powerful against the devil. The Holy Name of Jesus, His Precious Blood and the Holy Name of Mary all drive the devil away. In the Rosary we say the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary Many times. Yes, they are the nuclear arsenal against the devil.
Whose name must we call on to be saved? Upon whom do the Apostles tell us to call in times of trouble? Who alone defeated Death, Sin, and the Devil?
We all know the answer Nils but i’ll say it anyway, Jesus. That doesn’t wipe out the truth of a sacramental. You are clearly not catholic so I respect you position but for myself I will use them. In fact I have on continually a scapular, a miraculous medal, a st. benedict medal, a relic from st. gemma, a rosary with me at all times. Some might call me a crazy catholic but I don’t care. I love God and he lead me to all that I know now and i’m going with it.
I guess the point I’m making is more in response to the interviewee’s statement that you should have a rosary on your person; his statement implies that the rosary itself will protect you from the Devil. That’s putting your trust in an object, not in Christ.
But yes, you caught me–I’m a Lutheran 😉
You guys don’t really know what a real catholic is, I’m catholic charismatic and I laugh from your ignorance. I’ll pray to our holy mother for you all convertion. Don’t put your eye on things, put it on the spiritual side. And you’ll know what I’m talking about. Many of us humans don’t really know who Jesus and our blessed Mother was. And the treasure that our holy Catholic Church has. First of all the holy Eucharist body, blood, soul and divinity of our lord Jesus Christ and all the sacraments that bring us close to God and make us holy. If you think you are right about what you say and live your life as a pagan! You’re not doing anything ,unlike you fool yourself. God bless.
There are endless testimonies of people who have been saved from temptation, from death, from possession, converted to Christianity…all through Our Blessed Lord, but facilitated or instigated by the use of sacramentals – an act of faith in God, His promises, and His power over the Devil.
As a child, I was plagued for several years by what I used to describe as ‘giants’. I was often woken in the middle of the night by deafening, rhythmic voices only I could hear, speaking words I couldn’t understand, but felt instinctively to be evil. My mother would come to me and pray by my side as I clamped my hands over my ears, and Mum gripped her scapular: “Jesus, Mary and Joesph, pray for us! Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us!” over and over… The voices would soon begin to wane, until they were banished from my mind and I could fall back to sleep. After I was confirmed, I never heard those voices again – and please God, I never will!
Those that love Our Lady, and the Saints, do so not only because they are fellow children of God; but also because they love Our Lord God, and because God so loves them that he invited them to share, in a very real sense, his cross – his sufferings. By lovingly taking up that cross, they inspire, and pray for us.
Our Lady he set apart even more so than the heroic saints: “Hail, full of grace. The Lord is with Thee: blessed art thou among women.” [Luke, 1:28]; “I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.” [Genesis, 3:15].
It never ceases to amaze me that so many Christians refuse to give Our Lady the honour that is marked out for her in the Bible.
I also find it astonishing that non-Catholics can get caught up in worrying about a veneration that leads Catholics closer to Our Lord.
I’m Catholic and I completely see where he is coming from in arming yourself against the forces of evil before you go. Other Christians who don’t understand sacramentals – that’s a shame, because as a former Protestant I am now very appreciative of these gifts God has used to help me grow in holiness. If you’re a “Bible-believing” Christian (as we Catholics 100% ARE), think about it: you cherish and love your Bible because it helps you grow in holiness; we Catholics believe that as well, and we have other items such as the Holy Rosary (that helps us to think about the many aspects of Christ’s life and ministry) and Holy Water that has been blessed (Christ blessed all the waters for sanctification when He was baptized by St. John the Baptist). There are a plethora of other things that help us, but those are excellent examples. The Holy Eucharist is not a materialistic “thing” that we take for granted; it is Christ Himself, fully present in Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. That is THE BEST way to combat Satan – to partake in Christ’s sacrifice and to have Him truly living within you to help you grow in holiness.
Sorry but I disagree with you on this matter. I am a charismatic Catholic, born-again Christian. The rite of exorcism in the Catholic Church involves holy water. If you read the lives of the Saints, one of their biggest weapons against the enemy to keep him away from them was to use holy water. I have been annointing myself daily with holy water from Lourdes France. That is the reason Catholics bless themselves with holy water entering the church and when exiting the church to protect themselves from Satan. I personally believe this whole story. I look forward to reading his book.only people involved and Satanism would be able to work on a daily basis in abortion clinic killing babies all day long. No doctor or nurse who is of any moral integrity or quality in their profession would want to do this type of job.he has answered my question because I always wondered how these doctors and nurses could perform abortions at these clinics on a regular basis. I happen to have worked in the medical profession for over 30 years and recently retired.
Thank you for this reply. I enjoyed reading it. I agree with you 100%. Holy water and holy communion are extraordinarily powerful weapons against the enemy.
i’m thinking a why do you pray through Mary, the bible only mentions her maybe three times. No instruction in the Holy Bible states “pray through Mary as the intercessor to God” Jesus Christ/Holy spirit, not Mary….
And your reasons are?
None of that matters. If there is any doubt he could still be practicing Satanism then you stay away. For me there is doubt, why, simply because he was a practicing Satanist. Whether he is truly a Christian or not doesn’t matter either, the doubt will always be there. So you pray for him and move on. This is only my take on it because I am not going to take the chance of opening myself, or my family to any demonic influence, ever! It’s not worth the repercussions!
Saint Paul frowns upon your logic.
Well Nate if you want to open the door to the other side that’s your choice, I just hope you don’t get burned. Again I will repeat myself, he may be totally converted and he may not, I’m not willing to open that door and no where dies God tell me I have to!! Prayer works, I can pray for him but I need not learn from him. It seems so strange to see people defending an ex-Satanist when you no idea what the real truth is, I don’t either but i have the intellegence to decide I’m not taking the chance. I can learn about the truths of abortion watching fox news or reading it in a religious newspaper I don’t need to hear how many babies he murdered, I just don’t.
Lynn,the holy spirit alot of times moves in ways that we don’t understand in order to accomplish Gods work.Apostle Paul experienced his conversion in Damascus in a moment,that even some of the apostles were skeptical because it happened so quickly,but the almighty does and still does work in the most mysterious ways.Paul is responsible for spreading the gospel throughout most of the New testament.Please try and understand that when it comes to God there is no such things as miracles,its only a miracle to us humans placed into these mortal bodies which is continuously decaying.I believe in this mans conversion.”As some of the apostles came hurrying towards Jesus,they said him lord,lord,they are men out there who are not apart of our group casting out demons and saying things in your name(paraphrasing)and Jesus said whoever is for me he is not against,so in other words,leave this man alone,if he is profiting from this,allow God to deal with him,as long as he is spreading the gospel of Christ,then may God continue to bless him.We must all try our best to stop this division in Gods Kingdom among the various denominations,we are in a war folks,we need to be praying for one another.
Well said Chuck!
NOPE. Not making it up. I happen to know Zachary and know him well. But there will always be people who want to mock the truth.
Hello Laura and GOD bless,
Mocking these truths are the reason these evil events are so prevalent today. It is ignorant to call this man a liar because his experience in the occult is different than what someone else has experienced, there are hundreds of different occultist beliefs and practices. If one loves GOD more than fears Satan they will not be harmed by this knowledge and can help fight it. Thank you for sharing your knowledge on this matter.
Those mockers are actually serving Satan
My b.s. meter was getting some spikes as well…..I don’t mean to say that I don’t think satanists exist and that they do these sorts of things, but I’m not so sure about this man’s conversion. And even if he is truly converted, why form a ‘ministry’ and a website, and go on speaking engagements? After having done so much evil, you’d think he’d have a difficult enough time trying to just get his own soul in order, rather than worrying about preaching to the rest of us. And what’s with his long hair and beard? He still gives off a certain appearance let us say.
I probably shouldn’t be so suspicious, but, what can I say? I am.
Not to mention the legal ramifications of outing yourself confessing to murder.
I agree that it’s unwise to dwell on such a dark topic. I recall reading THE EXORCIST many decades ago, and looking over my shoulder all the time. It gave me the creeps. Another time I read THE DEVIL IS ALIVE AND WELL AND LIVING ON PLANET EARTH, and whenever I put the book down on the table, say, I was compelled to put it face down. I did not want the word DEVIL to be showing. I think it was my guardian angel.
And yes, there are spiritual hooks which give these entities access to readers and dabblers in “fun” stuff like oui ja boards, etc. As a young person I used to be drawn to the occult area of bookstores. It was a phase that didn’t last. Thank God I never progressed into anything satanic. I was very curious. But as I say, I have a very watchful guardian angel.
Aside from that, pedophilia is rampant, and satanic sacrifices of young children is on the rise. I would guess that the author of this book might be telling the truth. I’ve read about this sort of thing from other sources. I just don’t think we should be dwelling on it or the Evil One.
I’m 74 yrs old, & a retired Psychiatric Nurse for 30 years. Before that, I was a “Substance Abuse” Counselor….A Cradle RC, with 16 yrs of RC Schools…I’ve worked with people who were at least, “Oppressed”, & many who were “Possessed” to different degrees… I’m speaking from first hand Knowledge, Observation, &, in a few cases, attempted Treatment by Psychiatrists & Priests. I have NO DOUBT that satan IS PRESENT, up close & Personally in PP…I’ve seen them at work as well. My comment was a cautionary one. One I felt obliged to make. I’ve seen things I wouldn’t “share” with any other person but my Confessor….& I wouldn’t wish ANY awareness of them on my worst enemy….Christ Does & Will Protect us…but it’s still not a good idea to ‘play in the traffic’…..Pax Christi
It’s definitely a thin line. We are to be informed and aware of Satan, but not go looking for him either.
I’ve had demonic experiences before and I know trying to research spiritual warfare can lead you to some things you don’t need to know.
And it’s true we need to be cautious as there is something alluring to human curiosity about Satanism.
Well said. Not everyone is privoy to such knowledge nor will understand your experience. There is no reason to get into a heated discussion with individuals that are ignorant on the subject for you are wasting your time and energy. That is why so much demonic activity is increasing and darkening the earth. While we as believers in Jesus Christ are arguing over apples and oranges and trying to remove a speck in each other’s eyes; the kingdom of darkness which does not have division is destroying the lives of mankind daily. It is a powerful, highly organized system and follows commands without fraction with its only goal to destroy humanity period. Its weapons are various but one that is truly useful is the spirit of error which will have you believe a lie and feel that it is truth which leads mankind to self destruction.
Thank you God bless
Years ago I saw an interview by Father Frank Pavone on EWTN and the person he was interviewing told him that abortionists were doing satanic rituals during the killing. He looked shocked and changed the subject. I believe this story. I pray at abortion clinics on killing Saturdays. At a recent training event, the instructor emphasized that the prayer partner is the most important role and that person should take advantage of the sacraments regularly, receive Holy Communion that day, say the rosary and use holy water and blessed salt. Abortion is truly demonic but God always wins. Join us at the entrance in person and please pray with us.
This is the most sobering article I’ve read to date! I admit to breaking for a few minutes after the mention of “cannibalizing” to cross myself with holy water, reciting the closing prayer of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy (Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us, and on the whole world!). Ever since the attempted black Mass was thwarted, I’ve begun to notice how satanism, in a most ironic way, points out that reality itself supports the Church’s authority coming from God. Think about it: only a Catholic priest can deal with a possessed person, which can happen in such activities as described in the article. They have a “black Mass”, not a “black worship service,” directly attacking Jesus’ institution of the Catholic Mass as the highest form of worship. They try to steal consecrated hosts, which Catholics know to be Jesus Christ (Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity), and not a local Baptist’s supply of wonder bread or whatever brand they use. Keep praying, brothers and sisters! I also recommend having recourse to St Bartolo Longo, who was in a similar situation to Zachary, and was saved by the Rosary.
The Rosary cannot save anyone….repetitive words to Mary and dead saints cannot and
will not save anyone. All Catholics are deceived….and we pray for them, that the scales
will fall from their eyes, and they will accept the Truth…and the Truth shall set you Free.
The holy rosary is a meditation on Christ. Before bibles were widely available, it was a way for Christians to revisit the works of Christ. It is a proverbial “high-light” reel of the bible (for example the joyful mysteries are 1) the angel announcing to Mary that she would be the mother of God, 2) Mary visiting her cousin Elizabeth and John the Baptist leaping in her womb to be in the presence of the unborn Messiah, 3) the nativity of our Lord, 4) the presentation of Jesus in the Temple, and 5) the finding of Jesus in the temple when he was “lost” as a boy). Just like EVERYTHING in Christianity, if you do it without knowing the reasons behinds it, it may not bear fruit. Please, please, please try to see your fellow Christian (Catholics) in a more favorable light. We are all on the same team here.
People need to realize the spiritual battle that is going on all around them. Nothing is worse than hearing a person, especially a Christian, say that spiritual warfare dosent exist. Even if this Zac guy is making all this up and trying to get rich off of it – which i dont believe he is – it still dosent take away from the FACT that this stuff really does happen every day, all the time, everywhere.
Satan is as real as the sky is blue and he want every single soul he can manage to grab. Also, his almost exact mimicry of the Holy Mass with the black mass and everything that is entailed and goes along with it, should be proof enough that the Catholic Church is who she says she is – Satan dosent mimic Protestant denominations. Why do i say this? Because in Protestant theology is where we find “spiritual warfare dosent exist.”
Its about dang time we Christians, all across the board, join together and prayerfully smash this evil.
Very interesting testimony
Listen here;
I actually heard Zachary King give his testimony at a Totally Yours Marian Conference in IL. It was powerful and one reason he goes into such detail is that he wants people to know how serious this is. His conversion gives hope to anyone who may be struggling with evil. There is always hope in Jesus Christ and he very clearly describes this in his powerful testimony. As a CCD teacher in the early 80’s I had to deal with Catholic parents who let their kids play Dungeons and Dragons. I could not convince them of the evil. What may seem innocent may be very evil.
Sorry Sue…That NEDLESS description of satanic acts is WRONG…Even more, it’s especially dangerous to RCs who Don’t Know What the Church Teachings are….like Most RC’S since the 70’s!!! YOUR personal experiences may be different from others, I’ve seen 1st hand the damage done. Did you know that 1 reason St. Dominic, (credited for the Rosary) & the Dominicans gave impetus to the “Crown of Mary Circlet”, was to give the Laity a Tool to protect themselves from the Diabolic Activities of that time?? Basically, because like today, most Laity were NOT EDUCATED in our Faith!! It’s NO accident that the Rosary has become “popular” in our Era…A Culture where the Youth are attacked constantly, & the general population believes Anything that the Media, including the internet, spews out! There are even Self Proffessed “Exorcists” on the ‘Net’!!! The Basic Doctrines of our Faith remain unchanged…A Portion of that Doctrine exists to PROTECT THE PEOPLE…When it’s Ignored, & replaced by “feel good” homilies, Liturgies, ((Like a Priest dressed as a RABBIT, Handing out Chocolate Easter Eggs to kids coming into Mass on Easter Sunday!!! Happened in MY Parish!) & Twisted Theological teachings, especially in the Seminaries…We get what Pope Paul VI describes, “The Smoke of satan” in the Church”. Sorry! We are in the MIDST of an All Out War on Christianity…..
Thanks for the comment on Dungeons and Dragons. I have tried to warn people of this since the board game was out in the early 1980s. The computer game is worse. Some very prominent exorcists have spoken against D and D. The books are trashy as well, full of sin.
Some of us heard years ago of ritual abortions. way back right after Roe v. Wade was passed. This guy strikes me a the real-deal. Especially true is the power of holy water, especially exorcised water, and the rosary.
I saw this guy at a conference about 4 or 5 years ago. Everything inside of me told me to stay away from him, don’t go near him. His talk focused on evil and the horrible things he did, including abortions. It made everyone uneasy and I just couldn’t wrap my head around why he was traveling with the priest and speaking publically. If what the guy said was true why is it pertinent that his story be told?? It didn’t do any of us at the conference any good. It was shock garbage that had nothing to do with God or passing His message along. In fact his supposed conversion equated to about 3 minutes at the end of his disgusting talk. None of it made any sense to me. I was attacked by the occult and it took years for me to be healed and this guy decides to leave Satanism and in short order is speaking at catholic conferences, that’s wrong. I would warn anyone to avoid whatever it is he’s preaching and stick to those who have a loving positive message to share.
With all due respect, Lynn, it is critical for Catholics to understand what Saint Paul said very clearly. Our battle is against the Powers and Principalities. And while it is excellent advice to surround oneself with that which is good, it is necessary in these times of confusion where evil poses as good and good is presented as evil to understand just what that means. Too much dowplaying of the underpinning of evil in our society only aids in perpetuating it.
It is also important that Catholics understand the depth of Christ’s mercy and the role that Our Lady can play in our lives. The talk may not have helped you, but you cannot speak for others. And you cannot know who you will meet in future who you may, by the grace of this talk, be able to help return from the brink of utter despair and evil.
Sanitizing everything so as not to frighten is very often to not prepare the Church Militant. You should read up on Blessed Bartolo Longo. This message of conversion is hugely necessary. And exposing the Satanic ties of Abortion are precisely what is needed to combat the ridiculous notion that Catholics have become ‘too obsessed’ with opposing it.
Ann I didn’t speak for anyone just offered my thoughts as have you. I know who Blessed Bartolo Longo is and don’t dispute that people can be changed and converted. You seem to have taken all that I said personally. I have been attacked by evil, by witchcraft and it was horrible so I know a bit about evil and its immense power to destroy. I do not need to listen to a person who was maybe converted, maybe not, teach me anything. It has taken God ten years to heal me, how is it that this man is healing from the throngs of Satanism in a flash and now he is traveling the states preaching what?? How he murdered babies in the womb, how does this help me or anyone defeat evil???? It doesn’t!
Lynn, your response to Zac’s story is because of your past. Maybe it doesn’t help YOU personally as you can’t get past your past, but this story and others like it need to surface in this age of confusion. People who support (cough) “choice” need to understand what abortion really is. It is a mockery of the ultimate sacrifice on the cross turned upside down as a sacrifice to the devil. YES, this is necessary to help expand the Church Militant.
Laura, FYI, 3/4 of the “Church Militant” are now my age, mid-70’s…sitting in our homes, with our Rosaries, Fasting & Praying for our Church! WE FOUGHT FOR 40 YRS, TRYING TO GET THROUGH TO A LAITY, TO BUSY planning “Interesting Liturgies”, & trying to help Orthodox Priests KEEP his Parish because the Laity had Complained to his Bishop because he was “scaring their kids”!!!
Further-We were on the Front Lines in the 80’s, WENT TO JAIL, Strip Searched, for Sit In’s @ Abortion Centers, with, OPERATION RESCUE!!!! WHY? Be cause we couldn’t Get ANY other RCs to go with us, AND, THEIR PARISH PRIESTS FORBID THEM TO! I personally, accompanied by an Evangelical Pastor, went to EVERY PARISH in a mid size Tx. Town…Total of SIX PARISHS, & the Priests WOULD NOT EVEN ASK FOR PRAYERS IN THEIR BULLETINS!!! You want to talk about EVIL?!?!? GO READ WHAT’S BEEN DONE TO AN INNOCENT RC PRIEST!!! BY HIS OWN BISHOP!! “THESE STONE WALLS”!!! When the Bishops in this Country UNITE TO ADDRESS THIS ABUSE, I may listen to their “Social Justice”…I’ve LOST 3 Kids to the PAP taught in CCD CLASSES IN the 70’s& 80’s….1 an Agnostic, 1 “Born Again”, 1 generic ??. Thats EVIL!! And, it’s NOT PRETTY EITHER!
I’m sorry to say that your view of conversion and deliverance is distorted and uncharitable. I understand you’re sensitive becuase of what yu went through and I have no idea how I myself would be if I were in your shoes. But, church theologians teach that you should never question why someone has such and such lot in life and why another has this kind of lot. Everyone gets converted differently and at different paces…this is by God’s will for our grater good and His glory. It is very wrong to judge and be jealous of someone elses siritual progress. Yours may have taken very long, but other’s take one day. It’s how it is and you have to let that anger about it go.
if your referring to me I didn’t judge anyone but I do have to choice to listen or learn to whom even I choose and I choose not to listen to this person. That doesn’t mean he is evil, or not converted, it means I choose not to learn form his experience.
Ditto! Thank you for your response so I didn’t have to. 😉
My “Ditto” comment was for Ann Malley.
Mary cannot play any role in your life….stop praying to her, worshipping her,
and exalting her. You should be praying to God to save others who have also
been deceived along with yourself.
There is no such thing as Purgatory…it is not in the Bible. There is no waiting room
between Heaven and Hell.
The Rosary is nothing more than a useless relic, used to chant over and over again.
It will not save you, neither will your priest or Mary.
Come to the Truth…the saving power and grace of Jesus Christ…the only one.
Remember…the Truth will set you Free.
These were my thoughts also. The evil one DOES NOT let his captured go that easily.
Or, you know, Christ.
Confronted by Mary?? Seriously??
Mary cannot confront anyone nor save anyone. You are deceived.
Only the Blood of Jesus can save you, by His saving Grace.
Stop praising Mary, and praise Jesus…
The Truth shall set you Free!
Lynn, keep listening to that “Still, Small, Voice”…,Pray the Rosary, & get to Mass as often as tou can…The Eucharist is our “bullet proof vest”!! Mary is Ever Faithful…& a Powerful Intercessor….She Covers us with her mantle, but we need to stand close…Because you may someday be the only Intercessor for those you Love….And, she will bring them to safety in GOD’S own time…I’m watching it happen in my own family…Pax Christi…
Thanks Kathleen
Oops…I forgot…FYI–Lynn, & all: Be CAREFUL WHOM you ALLOW to Place their Hands on you, to Pray for you!! Make sure you know them….I DON’T mean they must be an RC…I’m referring to Healing Prayers in Prayer Groups, & Retreats, etc….I discovered this the hard way….Fortunately, I had a Spiritual Director at the time who told me this, After the fact! He, (a Priest) also warned me about “over reaching Spirituality “….Told me straight forward I became a victim, of sorts, of my OWN, “SPIRITUAL PRIDE”!…As usual, I had to learn the hard way….
Kathleen thanks for your concern you are great. I know all this stuff through years of research on the subject. So many awesome priests have such great guidance for us on the subject. You are right on with everything you’ve said. I go to daily Mass and I sit so far away from others, no one is touching me!! I’m not afraid just extremely cautious. That is why I commented on this post. I usually never post on any website but i flet this was important seeing I had been at a conference this man was at and had such an uneasy feeling about him.
People are unaware of the dangers they put themselves in, but sometimes God allows us to go through these things in order to grow in love and trust for Him. I know my experience changed me forever and I love God in a new way now. I also want to help others learn how to protect themselves and identify or maybe become aware of a dangerous situation so they can protect themselves. We can’t be totally blind we have to try and educate ourselves in order to protect not only ourselves, but our families. Thank you for your concern, I’m gana add you and your family to my rosary. God Bless
If you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles….if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle. we cant fight evil with blinders on…
Yes, the fact that he is speaking so openly about such gruesome and grotesque acts WITH a priest in tow and at ‘catholic’ churches is highly suspect.
Fr. John Hardon preached that the devil always requires human sacrifices. In days of outright paganism, the sacrifices were public, and all could see. However, we are still riding the waves of what was a Christian culture, and outright, public paganism has not yet received acceptance, though I’m convinced it will soon. Anyway, Fr. Hardon preached that the human sacrifice the devil so desires is now accomplished through abortion.
If this does happen in our society, it would begin with volunteer sacrifices. It will be done in the name of freedom. And then….
Whereas, it is openly done in the Islamic states already.
Stop being so naive…..what do you think abortion is? It’s okay under the guise of women’s freedom and reproductive ‘health’ rights. It isn’t healthy for the child who is being ripped out of the womb though. We ALREADY are living through the neo-paganism. Try to wake up.
Sorry Jane…(I promise, this is my LAST post) Paganism is Very much “Accepted” in our society!! Just before the Gulf War, in the 90’s….We lived in THE FT. HOOD, TX area. The Military Gave Permission to the “WICCANS” to SHARE THE ON BASE CHAPEL!!! Thank God the RC Chaplin, Episcopal, Luthren, & Evangelical Chaplins all agreed to hold their services ELSEWHERE. At the same time, I was working at a Psych Hospital that the Army Contracted for Military Personnel…..This Hospital had a Tratment area for Adults, Teens, & Children….Military families made up a large percentage of Clients…ESPECIALLY the Children! I’ll Only Say this, Your VERY WRONG…Paganism is/was practiced by some of the highest ranking Military! And it was Showing it’s “Fruits” in those poor Children!
Kathleen, troops from Fort Hood were used in the killings of men, women, and children in the church in Waco, TX. The tank and helicopter attacks were not from local authorities. The commanding general did not take his orders from Janet Reno, they had to come from the Commander in Chief. Thank you for your information and sharing of spiritual knowledge.
I concur.
Read Dave McGowan’s books on serial murder and the laurel canyon music scene (1960s-1970s) for further information regarding those in high places. McGowan has a website.
Did you just say human sacrifice?
You realize that the religion of Christianity is literally founded on human sacrifice, right? (The crucifixion of Christ.)
A self-sacrifice—not a ‘sacrifice’ forced upon the victim.
Well, there are things that I know are realistic in what he is saying. When I was in my teens and early 20s, I did get mixed up with occult people and activities. When I was 16, I became friends with a Satanist. We met in a 12 step program. We did seances together. Also, after I had been clean for a long time, he convinced me to try shooting up meth. I never used a needle in my life. When we were looking for the drug, we went to some very unsavory places. The whole time I was praying to Blessed Mother to give me a sign so that I would not go through with getting loaded. We went to a bar that he knew as a hot spot to get meth. The first person he went to and asked held up a medal of a saint, I do not recall which one, and said, “I am Catholic, I do not do those things.” Sign 1.
I prayed and begged Blessed mother for another sign, and as we were driving through a neighborhood, we made a turn, and at the very end of the road, where there was a T, there was a very large statue of Blessed Mother, lit up brightly. Sign 2. I am not sure if we had gotten the drugs yet, or just shortly thereafter.
I begged Blessed Mother for one more sign, just one more, and I would not do the drugs. When we had the drugs, and were looking for a place to do them, we parked next to a park. Right after we parked, a man walked up to the window and told us he was working for Satan. The guy I was with answered that he was as well, and explained to the other man that what he did was hang out at 12 step meetings, befriend people, and then get them to get loaded. Sign 3. I shot up meth for the first and last time.
A few years passed, and I had resumed smoking pot, but I listened to Mother Angelica every night on the radio, and always wore my Brown Scapular.
Later, I began hitch-hiking and riding freight trains around the country, and got involved with the Rainbow Family of Living Light. I never became a Satanist. I did spend time with 2 shaman, a Hindu Guru, and an Illuminati wizard. I dubbed myself a wizard, and the spells Working as Zachary mentioned are what first got me too really believe in magick. I would have probably stayed with the Illuminati wizard if I had not had my conversion very shortly after becoming acquainted with him.
The world he speaks of is real, I have experienced it. I literally dealt with real demons, and even had an encounter with Lucifer. He appeared beautiful, and showed me a paradise, told me it was Hell, and that he was simply misunderstood. I never talk about these experiences any more, and have locked them from my memory. I was promised a lot if I were to remain with the goats. My story in that world is short, and it was the Rosary and the Brown Scapular that saved my life, and hopefully my soul as well.
I do not know if this man is legitimate, but the ‘hooks’ that were mentioned are truly there, even when you are sharing your story in a manner to shed light. There are some things that should not be explained about the idea of spells and incantations, or manifestation meditation. These things may work, but it is not a power. It is calling demons to oneself, and having them do your bidding. After a while of this, you will realize that this ‘power’ is not something that you rule over, but something that rules over you. You become a pawn of the Devil, like my ‘friend’ I spoke of earlier.
But, I find it odd that he still holds on to looking like a pagan. That makes him a bit suspect to me. I understand it, but it is still suspect…. I kept my long hair for a while, and I continued to dress in the way that I felt most comfortable. I got sick of people asking me for drugs, though… also, I was very young still. I would not trust this guy a whole lot due to that. I love tattoos, but I am gonna get mine burned off after I have children, and they can see what I experience to get rid of the wrongs of the past. So, for him to be more genuine, I would say he should get clean shaven and dress respectably.
Chris this to me, is the definitive reason I wouldnt trust him further than i could throw him. Long hair on a man, styled with beads, dreadlocks or braids is a hallmark of a new age or pagan lifestyle and a calling card of sorts. A few mo this ago I saw a video of a guy on YouTube speaking to a Protestant audience. He has almost the exact same story. Started young, “hand selected” to be a high priest, participating in orgies with covens…etc. It was the early 90s but also had long hair styled in what I thought was an unusual look. He also wore a suit in dark colors and had more jewelry than the average Christian guy, such as rings on his fingers. This one had all the buzz words too- Pokemon, Harry Potter, Dungeons and Dragons, Illuminati- all the stuff that is sure to have Christian parents wringing their hands in despair. He talked a lot about Satanic symbols in jewelry and spent an hour flashing pictures of them across an overhead projector. What could hold a Catholic audience captive better than telling stories of satanic rituals performed in abortion clinics?
Whether or not elements of the stories are true, I think these guys are laughing all the way to bank, and probably still practicing exactly what they were before. They are also getting us to think about our faith from the perspective of something dark and fearful, which is not true Christianity. It haunts and disturbs us. As Catholics we know these people are out there. But we are not supposed to dwell on evil, death, ugliness and immorality, which is all these morbid stories accomplish.
After my experiences and my conversion back to the True Faith, I became somewhat obsessed with the Illuminati and the Free Masons. Within a year or so of my conversion, I had met 2 other people that were very obsessed with the same thing, but they had become crazy by it, and even were unknowingly devotees to the New Age movement. When I saw this, I abandoned any desire to speak of, read of, or search for anything that was connected to these. I saw how the devil was using them against me, and God gave me a special grace to side-step it.
have you ever heard of Father Don Calloway -with God all things are possible especially when his mother Mary and our blessed Mother lead the way.
Mary does not lead any way…..Jesus is the only way. Stop worshipping Mary, and
praying to dead saints.
no one worships Mary.
We venerate her as the Mother of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.
only satan holds Mary in contempt.
This explains why the Texas State Capitol was filled with chanting crazed angry Satanists when they passed a law limiting abortion a couple of years ago.
Satanists promote abortion rights because they actually worship themselves and the ability to do whatever they want, whenever they want.
“Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law.”
I fully believe that satan would prefer we forget about all spiritual things, even him, and focus completely on ourselves.
One of the greatest accomplishments of satan in the evil age in which we live is to make many believe that he does not exist. In this way, he is able to go about and seduce souls. There is barely anything today spoken from the pulpit of many Catholic churches about evil, sin, satan, hell, last things, etc. Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ has revealed a great deal on these subjects in the Holy Catholic Bible and the Holy Catholic Church and from the Holy Saints and Doctors and various
other lay Catholics as God’s instruments. At Fatima, Our Beautiful Blessed Mother showed the three young children a terrifying vision of hell on July 13, 1917. Why do you think she did that? I know that she wanted to educate all who have eyes to see and ears to hear all which we need to know in order to save our souls. We must be able to see evil, sin, satan,, etc. in order to choose to reject it. Our Lord said, I put before you (eternal) LIFE and (eternal) death. Choose LIFE.
I understand where you’re coming from, but Our Lady gave special graces along with that vision, in order for the seers to be able to handle it. That’s much different than casually reading horror stories on the Internet. I got the same feeling from the latest released Planned Parenthood video. As much as I would love to defund PP, is it ethical to be showing videos of murdered babies for casual viewing? I don’t know. I personally don’t need to read stories or see pictures of rape, murder, homosexuality, etc. to know they are wrong. Reading and viewing those things casually turns them into a curiosity and somewhat of an unhealthy obsession. Like the bible says, don’t go looking for signs and wonders. That can apply to being preoccupied with looking for hidden facts and conspiracies, rather than focusing on prayer, fasting, the sacraments and so forth. I don’t want or need to hear stories about what satanists do behind closed doors or in abortion clinics (if the stories are true) to fully believe that both satanism and abortion are evil.
It does not mean that you must look at anything or read anything that you have mentioned. There is never that requirement of you; however, for others the Planned Parenthood video releases and the story you mentioned are enlightening and need to be revealed for a variety of reasons. Some people have been so desensitized to the atrocities of the abortion industry that they need to be shown the truth. I value very much the courage that it took to accomplish what David Daleiden did. I can see heaven’s seal of approval and blessing on this modern day David and Goliath story that is unfolding. God is so AWESOME, and He is in charge of everything always!
As our Blessed Mother revealed the vision of hell, heaven’s full revelations in the Fatima message were to teach the truths that are needed in order to save souls. She intended all of the Fatima message to be revealed, and She knows better than we do what is needed. The Miracle of the Sun on October 13, 1917, was witnessed by 70,000 people and they were terrified. This miracle is the proof that the Fatima message is meant to be a public (for all) and not a private revelation. The miracle was announced by Our Mother ahead of time and along with the fact that only the will of God could have made the miracle take place, is more than enough proof that the public nature of the Fatima message should be undisputed. The vision of hell was to teach the truth that hell exists, that it is populated with the souls of poor sinners and Her words to the children explained this. The whole message was for the well being of all. How could a vision of hell be for the well being of all? She affirmed all the Truths of the Catholic Faith that She knew would be undermined, and She knew that people would be seduced to believe otherwise. This bears itself out in our time for sure. The TRUTHS of the Catholic Faith are being ravished as is all morality. Our Blessed Mother is a good Mother, and tries all that She can to teach Her children all that we need to know to save our souls. She made many beautiful promises to us that will be fulfilled when the pope in union with the bishops obey Her and consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart. We pray that She will crush the head of satan at some time soon. I would like a front row seat for that!
I’ve know Zac for a few years and he is on the level. He’s no longer a mouthpiece for the Fallen one and doesn’t do this for money. He’s truly on fire for Jesus and remember ALL of us fall short of the glory and have some sin to get rid of, some more than others. Don’t forget St. Paul was once one of the bad guys too but converted.
I have severe doubts about this guy. A month ago I somehow heard about him from some other site. I went and watched several of ‘testimonies’ of his on Youtube. Something is just off. One of the things that set off alarm bells for me is A) How he went in and destroyed the Baptist churches primarily via gossip. He stated he would get a letter of recommendation from the pastor and use that to go to the next town/church. He NOW makes a big deal about getting letter from Bishops. Why? Who does that? Is it somehow to let me think that what he is saying is true? B) As a child of the ’80’s, the Protestants went through major phase of satanism and invited a bunch of ‘former satanists’ to talk. This guys sounds like he is talking verbatim some of the things I heard nearly 30 years ago. Word for word, folks. Like he read it out of a book and he’s repeating it. C) He is very vague about some very important aspects of his wicked life. 1) when he just suddenly was sprung to be high wizard. Saying satan chose. Rigghhht. There is a process you go through that is way more involved. 2) He just flippantly talks about his participation in the murder of 145 children. No words of grief, sorrow, remorse. Very nonchalant. 3) The Blessed Virgin just shows up. Via the testimony I heard, a woman just suddenly approached him, and handed him a blessed medal and viola! He is saved from the pits of hell. Again very vague. There was a link posted regarding this MaryAnn and her ‘testimony’ and she was a former Illumanati.
D) If I want to know more, I am sure I have to buy his CD. E) In the Youtube testimony he just suddenly somehow stops being this rock star wizard and works at a jewelry store. F) He has not changed his look at all. That would be the first thing a saved person by the Blessed Virgin would do, renouncing Satan and anything that reminded him or others of a past life. It’s so vague. That we are all supposed to foolish or unsophisticated people and just believe what a former satanist says, just cause. Nah, bro–I’ve been down this road as a kid as a former Protestant. You smell just like those charltans who fooled the old ladies, and youth pastors just for a hot meal and some money from the collection plate. Great gig for them, too.
It stinks guys. Sure he has all the right words at the end. Somehow that is the hook, not the Satanic stuff. That is his “proof” that he is holy and good and worthy, right? Or that the Bishop letters? Zachary. I wish you the best in life, God bless you.
He said in one of his talks that the small town of 5,000 in Florida that he grew up in was Clewiston, Florida. I went over to and there are electronic copies of all of the high school yearbooks of the 80s available for free viewing, and I didn’t see him in one of them, unless he was either going by a different name, or going to a different school.
A saved person by the Blessed Virgin?? Mary doesn’t save anyone…it is the Blood of
Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit, that can save anyone who comes to
Him and repents!
Stop worshipping Mary, praying to dead saints, and depending on your priests to
allegedly save you from your sins.
You are highly deceived and need to Repent now…or perish.
I have no personal way of discerning if he is legitimate or not. However, does it matter? We know that human and especially baby sacrifice has been very prevalent in the history of satanism and I believe that today is no different. People in abortion centers have to be swimming in the satanic influence to maintain such a gruesome life style. Why wouldn’t these people be attracted to such a place and why wouldn’t they use these murders for their own uses?
We can pray for this man regardless of if he is or isn’t truly converted. He needs the prayers! He is at risk because he is talking about satan. No one is asking us to make him our best friend or for us to become obsessed with study of the satanic rituals.
We should focus on taking the satanic presence and the influence of satanic worshipers seriously and pray for protection for ourselves, for the babies at abortion centers, and all vulnerable people. “Save us from the fires of hell, especially those in most need of your MERCY.”
Keep our faith simple! I hope that this post inspires a great deal of prayer and reliance on The Christ!
We could all offer Masses for Zachary and every abortionist…if we really believe Jesus Truly Is present. The mission parishes connected to your diocese are one way to have Masses offered right away!
I ,Nancy, want to see what former Protestants can help me with. The problem is this:
I have a precious friend who is 89 years old and I am very concerned about her because she seems to me to be influenced by the protestant preachers that she watches on television as well as the fact that she has not been attending church for a long time which means that she is not receiving the sacraments and therefore not receiving sanctifying grace. I am witnessing a progressive decline in her faith as she has recently stated to me that she is a socialist and a communist. I have been told that she knows that ” I will have to take a detour” ( meaning to purgatory) and she repeats this often and I have come to detest this mantra because because our Lord never tells us to shoot for purgatory but heaven, but I’m sure that satan would be pleased with this way of thinking. Also, I have noticed an increase in pride and presumption in the way everything seems to be according to what the ” I ” think in contrast to what our Lord has revealed through the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Catholic Church down through the ages.
It saddens me greatly that the wonderful Catholic family that she was raised in where the Catholic faith was taught and lived is a source that she seems to put aside. She does not want to listen when I refer to what Jesus said in regard to this or that statement that has become for her more relevant. For example, she says in regard to sin that it is “Catholic guilt” and that we have been forgiven. I will respond with something such as this ” we must confess our sins in the Sacraments, be sorry, and have a purpose of amendment, and Saint Paul says that his sins are before us always . ” She has somehow come to believe that speaking to God directly is just fine and we are forgiven. She also says that she grew up in an age of innocence, and she now seems to think she missed out on things like getting drunk and smoking a joint, etc. I had been trying to convince her for years that she should not be using foul language, and she would always tell me that she liked to use it and there would always be a very weird teenagerish giggle to go along with it. What finally opened her eyes to the truth were these words- “It offends God”. She had been married for ten years and got a civil divorce, and whenever she speaks of it, she declares that she did not want the divorce but only a separation. I asked her if it was her husband that wanted it and she tells me no. She will always add that someone recommended that she get an annulment and she said “no way”. She said that she made and stuck to the decision to never remarry as that would be adultery. She also wrote to the Cardinal of the Archdiocese to clarify that she would still be able to receive Holy Communion. He affirmed that she would be able to. After many invitations, she finally came one time with us to the Latin Rite Mass at our church, and during the sermon she commented out loudly, and a parishioner spoke out for her to be quiet. For weeks and weeks she tried to justify that she had to speak out and although I never brought up the subject, she continued to do so and I did tell her that it was inappropriate each time. Also, on that day of Mass she was wearing a t shirt with the peace sign on it, and a woman about the same age as she is informed her the the peace sign was a symbol of the devil. I had no idea and neither did she, and so I asked the priest and he confirmed that it is. I told her this and she did not want to believe it. She had her nephew look it up and he agreed with her. But when I looked it up, I found a great deal of evidence that the peace sign is a symbol of the devil. She has the television on pretty much always and watches Day star and EWTN regularly including the daily Mass probably as a replacement for going. She continues to pray the daily Rosary. She loves our Blessed Mother. I cannot get through to her that the Protestants are heretics, and that they do not please God, but her mantra is “I want to hear the word of God and enjoy their fire and brimstone preaching. She also speaks to me a good deal of a horrifying dream that she had about Hell and another one about my husband and I ,as well as her grandmother, kneeling beside her bed. I pray very much for her, but I am seeing a continual decline. Just yesterday, she stated to me that her faith is strong and that the devil could not enter the screen door of her heart because she is so strong. I asked her if she believed that she was stronger than Adam and Eve who were in a complete state of Grace and Judas Iscariot who was in the presence of Jesus for three years?
At one point, she was meeting regularly with the Jehovah Witnesses who would come to her house. When she would bring it to my attention, I always told her that she should reconsider that meeting with them was an occasion of possible harm to her faith. She always disagreed.
I always remind her that I am a greatest sinner and because of this I have experienced great sin first hand for many years and the control that the evil one had over me has been great. Only God was able to free me, lift me up from the pit of hell, and put my feet on solid rock. I no longer adhere to “my opinion” but only to what God has revealed. My opinion being the god is what got me into the grips of satan in the first place as well as the influences of television, music, movies, the culture of death, rejecting God, His Church, and not receiving sanctifying grace as the baptized and cradle Catholic that I was so blessed by God to be, etc. I believe that she is succumbing to the protestant influence on television on both Daystar and on EWTN. Also, having protestant loved ones in her family both living and deceased are part of it. I also read recently that the terrible thing about losing the faith is that you do not know that you have lost it. I have been able to discern that that she has not lost the faith but that satan is steadily and stealthily working on her as she seems to be declining and compromising in her faith. Thanks for your help. May God Bless and Keep us all in His Care and protect us from the enemy of our souls. May the Consecration of Russia be done soon as the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will bring about a time of conversion, peace and the salvation of souls.
After reading all of these comments, I can PROMISE you, RCs are going to have to learn the hard way, through Persecution! My husband & I can’t get out to Mass, especially in the summer…We live in a large, Parish. It could be called Affluent, but there are also many “Blue Collar”, & Retired people on limited incomes….For 3 YEARS we were unable to have access to the Eucharist, because NOBODY was available!! Finally, In the 4th year, 1 SAINTLY man begin bringing us the Eucharist EVERY WEEK! We did make Easter Mass 2 yrs ago…A total of 3500 PEOPLE ATTENDED MASS THEN!!! WHERE ARE THEY THE REST OF THE YEAR??? I’m talking about 40-60 yr olds….Every WEEK, we have at least 1 Evangelical Team, knock on our door…WHERE ARE THE RC TEAMS, VISITING THOSE REGISTERED IN THEIR OWN PARISH, WHO ONLY SHOW UP ON CHRISTMAS & EASTER?!?!? My guess is, they’re on the Computer or Watching TV…OR, working 2 jobs! Who knows…My Point is, There is NO SENSE OF COMMUNITY!! We NEED to EVANGELIZE IN OUR OWN CHURCH FIRST!!!
I rarely read comments or join in a conversation like this one. However, this has been eye opening. I am shocked about the level of anger and personal judgements being made. It appears that every difficulty that is out there is being aired, regardless as to if it has anything to do with the article. People seem to think that judging this man is more important than adopting an attitude about the subject of our common fight against demonic forces.
I will pray for those who struggle with different issues. Kathleen, I can sympathize as I struggle with the fact that my 88 year old father in law often goes without communion and is too far away for us to remedy it. But still, is there some way for each of us to build community from where we are. When my husband flew out and I flew out another date, we both found that there were people who were willing to help, and the priest was very kind despite the difficulty in trying to get ahold of him at first. It is not comfortable to have to ask repeatedly, but maybe that is what is necessary to make our situation a learning and growing experience. Maybe that suffering is what we contribute to the body of Christ.
Really what I want to say is that the devil is working overtime to separate us, to get us to focus on our own hurt, problems and struggles to the point that we don’t see other people’s. That is his main attack, to make us feel unloved and isolated, discouraged. We must combat that by loving others, creating healing and by surrender. I too have children who have lost their way. I don’t believe that anger will solve the issue. We have to find healing in Christ and unity in His earthly body – the Church. That is how we defeat the devil.
Hi, I’m sure you all are just going to dismiss my comment, insult me, and preach at me, but I thought I would try anyway. I am a Satanist. I am a REAL Satanist. I am the owner of atheisticsatanism dot com. I am also high priest and founder of a new organization called, United Aspects of Satan.
The guy being interviewed here is a liar. No variation of Satanism is anything like that. Even theistic Satanists have a very abstract concept of Satan.
This reverse Christian thing here is a fantasy. There is no type of Satanism like that.
Another thing I would add is that the majority of Satanists are atheistic, including me. Satan is just a metaphor, or an archetype. It is symbolic of certain things.
Satanists do not believe in sacrificing anything. That’s a Christian idea. We believe in a woman’s right to choose whether or not she has a baby, but abortions are done by a regular doctor in the usual way. Abortion rates are low among Satanists by the way. We are pretty good about using contraception.
The lies told by this guy are bigoted, hurtful and serve only to demonize Satanists. I was not born with the name “Damien Ba’al” you know. I use a pseudonym because I fear what “good Christians” might do to me. This interview of lies does nothing but stir up the violent among you to attack religious minorities.
I just want to point out a few ironies in your comment. According to Scripture, Jesus said that the devil was “a liar and a murderer from the beginning.” As a “satanist,” you pretty much fall in that camp of liars and murderers. Furthermore, satanism is LONG-known through history to include animal and human sacrifice, so if you claim that you are a satanist that does not engage in blood sacrifices, then you aren’t a very good satanist … and that’s a GOOD thing.
But here’s what I found particularly funny about your comment … you said, “The lies told by this guy are bigoted, hurtful and serve only to demonize Satanists.” Um … don’t satanists “demonize” themselves by the very fact that they are called “SATANists”???
That’s exactly what I thought would happen. You judge me based on your book of superstitious fairy tales. I happen to be honest, I’ve never killed anyone, I don’t prejudge people. Why don’t you try not prejudging?
Satanists don’t engage in blood sacrifice that’s what I am trying to say. That’s a bunch of Hollywood hogwash. We are even against animal cruelty. You only kill an animal for food, no other reason.
Here are the tenets of the Satanic Temple:
1) One should strive to act with compassion and empathy towards all creatures in accordance with reason.
2) The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.
3) One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.
4) The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo your own.
5) Beliefs should conform to our best scientific understanding of the world. We should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit our beliefs.
6) People are fallible. If we make a mistake, we should do our best to rectify it and resolve any harm that may have been caused.
7) Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word
The main idea of Satanism is that we have an adversarial relationship with traditional religion. It doesn’t mean that we act like the antagonist from your mythology.
I’m sorry … you’re the one who is operating under the assumed name, “Ba’al,” which happens to be a demon-god to whom children were sacrificed. Not a myth, this is an historical and archaeological fact.
Furthermore, you are speaking from the position of personal experience and applying it to a universal. That there are satanists who have committed blood sacrifices (both human and animal) is indisputable. Not only are there historic records of such, but there are also modern police and judicial records as well.
Sources to the claim that human sacrifices were made to Ba’al?
By the way: you realize that the religion of Christianity is literally founded on human sacrifice, right? (The crucifixion of Christ.) And also cannibalism? (The eucharist.)
Thank you for taking the time to comment. I’m glad you did, because a lot of practicing Catholics aren’t up to date about this stuff and unfortunately they are fooled by charlatans. I was actually going to mention the thing about blood sacrifice but decided not to. It’s my understanding that in satanism the concept of sacrifice is distasteful because it refers to worshipping something higher the oneself, which contradicts the satainst/atheist principals. Even something like a black mass or satanic statue is usually simply a tool to provoke response/debate from the Christian community, not an act or “worship”. Is that accurate?
Despite your sincere desire to live by just principals, if you don’t recognize and worship the One who created you and ask forgiveness of your sins, you will be ruled by the powers of hell (subtly, because if they rattle you too much you might realize you need help) and your life will be full of sadness and despair and the afterlife will be an eternity of punishment for rejecting the salvation that was so freely given to you.
I really feel like the people who are attracted to satanism are targeted by satan because they would be the ones to be the best Christians and really be leaders in the Church. They are attracted to things that are beyond they common and everyday and they are smart enough to reject the materialism and pop culture that the majority are focused on. They want something a step above all of that.
Anyway, I think that it couldn’t hurt to study some of the early church Fathers like Augustine and Benedict to get an honest and well rounded perspective on what the Church really is. I will keep you in my prayers.
Yes, Liz, you are correct about Satanism. What you said up to the point where you asked if it was accurate, was indeed very accurate.
As for the rest of that, I was raised Catholic, am very familiar with those church figures you mentioned, and have read the entire bible.
However, as a philosophical skeptic I do not believe any such things exist. There is no supernatural world at all, and when I die, that is the end. I no longer exist at that point.
But thanks for your concern, and showing kindness in your own way. I admire that, it’s an ideal I believe in too.
We all have to live in this world together. We may as well do so in peace.
-Damien Ba’al
Then, Ba’al, you can’t be a satanist. You are a atheist or a naturalist. Even some wiccans say they basically worship the earth, so you could be that. However, maybe not because they believe the earth is some kind of mother god, an intelligent being that goes on. But for sure you can’t be a satanist because Satan is a supernatural being.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but you’re NO PHILOSOPHER! True Philosophy begins with a desire “to know”. You’re trying to BEND PHILOSOPHY to agree with your refusal to believe in anything you cannot see. My question is, WHY??? WHY BOTHER? In any case, you CANNOT STUDY PHILOSOPHY, & Ignore Blaise Pascal…(Who’s Philosophy Describes The Possibility of COMPUTERS!) Or, THOMAS MOORE, a Philosophical CATHOLIC HUMANIST……Your “Philosophical Studies” are suspiciously reminiscent of SAUL ALENSKI….A SOCIALIST in the same Genre as KARL MARX…Whom Even Modern Day Socialists disregard. (MARXX). It was Roman Catholic Priests & Monks who Buried the Dead after the Plagues of the Middle Ages….It was a Roman Catholic Nun, who discovered the CURE for Leprosy! A RC Priest who LIVED WITH & HELPED THE LEPERS, & BROUGHT ATTENTION TO THEIR PLIGHT. It was SOCIALISTIC ATHEISM THAT GAVE US DICTATORS! That & “ATHEISTIC NATIONALIST” that Spawned Hitler….
I SERIOUSLY DOUBT you were raised in Authentic Roman Catholicism…or, ever Studied it for that matter…Our Human Nature DEMANDS that we Seek some sort of Rational for our Existence….. That’s HOW we were Created….The RC Teachers & Professors taught us HOW to THINK…NOT WHAT TO THINK…The Latter is the way of DICTATORS….
If you really believe what you declare,
back to my original question….WHY ARE YOU HERE?!? Waisting what few good years you have, boasting about your lack of belief….”EAT, DRINK, & DO WHAT YOU WILL, FOR SOON, YOU WILL CEASE TO EXIST!” In the mean time, I’ve put you in my daily prayers….personally, by your REAL name, known to Our God, Who Believes in YOU, & will CONTINUE to WAIT for You….:)
The expected insults from both of you are noted. Very typical of Christians, hence my reluctance to post here. I did find one kind, decent human being amongst you lot, so that was worthwhile.
But I take my leave of you now. The credulity, arrogance, and general moral bankruptcy you all display is quite nauseating. I gladly return to civilization now.
Your never get thru to them lol. Small minded people , x
Baal id speaking truth. The. Catholics who point out ancient and continuing sra and other occult abuse speak facts. Facts and truth are different languages. Each mindconstructs its own individual symbolic worldand meaning. Satan does not have to be an evil symbol still the fact remains chikdren havr been and are murdered in satans and names of other entities via magic.
God’s Love for us is more than amazing.
This is for Lynn. I do not think that you are a “crazy Catholic”, and all Catholics must realize that all the sacramentals have been given to us to fight the fight against evil. They are spiritual weapons, and we are blessed to have them regardless of those who do not believe. I make no apologies but instead thank God and our Blessed Mother for their love and mercy in giving them to us. The truth is that they are powerful; and the truth is the truth even if and when another does not believe it. Remember that Faith is a gift from God and those who do not believe have not been given this gift to believe for whatever reasons.
What a load of bullshit. You bible thumpers will believe anything . You believe whats in that book , written by man , as fact .
It was not written by a bearded fellow in the sky . But whatever keeps you docile and unquestioning what goes on around you .
first of all may god bless you all and fill you with the holy spirit, we must remember no one gets to the lord except through his only son jesus christ, he is our lawyer and our only saver, this man whether he is lying or not, the lord knows the truth we are none to judge him, what we can do is pray for him so god may light his way to the truth,prayers are a very powerfull weapon, so pray people not only for this man but to all those who are still lost and need the guidance of the lord, once again may god bless you and let christ and the holy spirit be with you!
Two weeks Mr. King…..Retract this embellished story and spare yourself. You will be exposed.
While he worked at a jewelry kiosk in a mall. You’re kidding me, right, he was a high wizard of a cult, practiced magick to get money since he was 10, and yet he was like selling hot dogs instead of being rich and living on a jacht? He performed all those illegal abortions that included even cannibalism of aborted babies, and yet when he became christian he didn’t report himself to the police and went to jail for like twenty years? C’mon. This is just a new Mike Warnke on the market. He even looks like him, image carefully designed (why not clean shaven, short hair, etc?)…
Perhaps you aren’t aware of the value placed on talisman by satanists? You need to listen to the late John Todd as he very clearly goes over this in detail. Spells can be cast on items, like jewelry, LPs (records), or even movies … which attaches a literal demon to the objects.
Every time I speak something which IS THE TRUTH, it is always a short time before it is proved by the person who is the unbeliever. As is always the case, you do not even know that you do not have the true faith and so what you think you know is your own beliefs, opinions or what you choose to believe from another person’s belief. Maybe you have made your choice between eternal life and eternal death, but you and I can always change before it is too late. I was a great sinner and unbeliever, every bit as hostile as any body else living in the choice to reject the One True God.
I know from both places the misery then and the peace now. The least you can do is not be closed minded. Face yourself and your suffering, and ask to be shown by the God (that you reject) whether or not he exists. It is worth the try, and it could never be worse than how you are living right now.
Why do people use a rosary? Doesn’t the Bible say we have an advocate with the father which is Christ Jesus? The Bible tells us to put on the whole armor of God in Ephesians chapter 6 which mentions nothing about holy water. When Jesus commanded the wind and the rain to be still- He didn’t do it with ritual and holy water. He did it with the spoken word. We do things in the name of Jesus as Christians including praying for help in His name!
Before I became a Christian; I too was involved in the occult. Mine was mainly due to generational and some because searching for God in the wrong way by opening doors I should not have. I saw things I would wish on no one. But when I prayed in the name of Jesus for help before I got saved- I saw those things run through walls like yesterday had no tomorrow. After I got saved (born again) by asking Jesus to come into my heart and be the Lord of my life, then all of those evil manifestations ceased and have been gone from my visual life for 36 years.
This does not mean that I have never been oppressed- I have, but as a Christian I do not have that torment as I once did. As long as I have the whole armor of God – one can withstand attacks from the wicked one. I am not Catholic. I was not raised in a Christian home, but by the goodness and grace of God I was saved by Jesus and have been free from the chains I had found myself in. I never needed holy water. Only the power and goodness of Jesus. They fear the name of Jesus.
Thank You for speaking the Truth….maybe it will get through to every deceived
Catholic on here who believes that Mary, Holy Water, Salt, dead saints and their local
parish priest can and will save them from Satan and their sins….
There is no power in Mary, dead saints, the Rosary and Holy Water. Only the Blood of
Jesus can save you, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
There is no Purgatory either…it is not in the Bible. Stay away from the false teachings of the
Catholic Church. It is pure deception. Come to the saving grace of Jesus Christ of Nazareth..
the Messiah…the true Son of God.
We pray that all deceived Catholics will come to the knowledge of the Truth (the Gospel of
Jesus Christ)…and the Truth shall set them Free!
I have been following Mr King for some time in FB. He is not rich and famous. THIS ABORTION TESTIMONY NOW GET MORE ATTENTION AND COMES OUT BECAUSE OF THE PLANNED PARENTHOOD EXPOSURE. Thanks to this testimony know I know even more why its important to pray in front of abotion clinics and to pray for the nonbelivers and mothers considering abortion .And sacramentals are important. But yes it is important to be precaucious.
Actually, the Bible says not to pray in public. Matthew 6:5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others.”
The bible is telling us not to pray in public in order to appear holy for our own pride. It never says we can’t pray outside if we know there’s a grave evil occurring nearby.
I suppose Jesus shouldn’t of taught the Our Father in public, then.
What a idiot!
Zachary King is a notorious impostor who has nothing to do with satanism. His interview is full of lies, abortion has never been used by any satanic association or ‘curch’ because it is against the fundamental laws of satanism. The terms he uses in his interviews are those of a profane, there is no ‘high wizard’, instead there are ‘high priest’ or ‘magus’; the World Church of Satan he talks about does not exist.
Thank you.
I’d like to add that Satanists are atheists, do not practice occultism or believe in the supernatural. Satan is a metaphor for rebellion against tyranny, nothing more.
You are being very economical with the truth (and you know it).
I highly doubt Satanists are atheists. They know God exists just as Christians know the Devil exists.
BTW Satan goes by many names.
I doubt that there’s anything I can say to make you understand their philosophy. I’m not a Satanist but am an atheist and humanist which to many is probably close enough– my Christian mother takes solace in the fact that I’m not a fence straddler. So there’s something. But anyway, i don’t know enough to feel comfortable explaining their practices myself and would like to urge you and everyone else who reads this to do a simple search and read about what Satanists are and what they believe on wikipedia. You might be surprised. Still won’t condone, of course! But it might shed a little light on matters.
The man in this interview does not represent Satanists or Wiccans.
Your Christian mother takes solace in the fact that you are part of the
Devil’s crowd?
Both you and your mother are deceived….Jesus said “If ye are not with Me,
ye are against Me”.
We pray that you and your mother will come to the saving grace and the
Truth…the Gospel of Jesus Christ…the Messiah…and be saved.
You too are being very economical with the truth. I am not surprised by this. In fact every point you make is error (and you know it as well.
Before making this kind of comments you should at least tell us your experience on satanic rituals. I have studied satanism for more than 9 years and written a book on the matter.
When I was a teenager, I began listening to death metal, satanic metal, I stole a tape from the music store by the band Deicide, when I played it at home that day, I was frightened to the core but kept listening. I began playing electric guitar, growing my hair longer and longer, I knew the devil was real, I prayed to him and hated God, Christians, the church, I would burn bibles etc. I began reading the satanic bible by anton lavey and wrote death metal songs based on the incantations in there, I began using meth, watching pornography and my songs became morbid, talking about killing, mutiliating, that satan was going to rule the earth, on and on. I got a pentagram tattooed on my right shoulder and was close to joining the church of satan but was so broke that I didn’t have the 125.00 to join, it still was a goal of mine for years along with starting up a death metal band. Years later after my son was born, I lightened up on my taste in music, began to feel a deep void inside, again years later, my sons mom left me for someone at her work, I was devastated, fell into depression and bitterness. A year later after I had lost everything I was at a local park with my son (it was October 2009) and a young man came up and shared the gospel with me, I was broken in a million pieces, had been contemplating suicide for weeks but just couldn’t go through with it, I prayed with him and something happened, I knew for the first time in my life that God was real, I finally felt alive, I couldn’t wait to go to church and get a bible. I ve grown so much since then but the old memories come back now and then, the devil will throw my old sins in my face, I cannot change the past but this I know, I am in Christ, a new creation, my sins are forgiven and am so grateful that God did not just leave me in the lap of the evil one, He called me out the kingdom of darkness and into the kingdom of His dear Son. Praise God.
That was a powerful testimony, I give the glory for your life!
We shouldn’t get caught up in the minutea of this man’s testimony. The important point IMHO is that the people supporting, and performing, abortions actually realize that it’s a baby being killed, and not a blob of cells as they like to state publically. Let that sink in please. They don’t do what they do for the health or well being of the mother, they do it because they hate God’s creation and our Godless government has made it legal to murder provided the baby is not yet born. Women please, YOU can stop this cold in it’s tracks. Be responsible with your sexuality, and if you get pregnant remember what this man has said. If you choose abortion your baby, your child, will be murdered by people who know exactly what they are doing.
This is obviously sensational, inflammatory claptrap and the man, Zachary, a self-important liar.
To whoever it was that said this may be lies but that it doesn’t matter because they *KNOW* these atrocities go on– abortions happen that is what you *know*. Anything else is conjecture of minds already sold on the supernatural and willing to believe many things without need for proof. Complex secret societies do, however, exist. Just see for example the Vatican. Rich, powerful and secretive, full of ritual and rites created by men.
And for all Catholics that may read this, righteous in their battles against abortion. Will someone please explain to me what happens to illegitimate children upon death? And the horrors of the mass graves of infants and toddlers recently uncovered on what was Catholic property, a home for unwed mothers?
Clarify your question please about illegitimate children. Do you mean, what happens to their souls? If they die before the age of reason, the Church has always taught they go to heaven. If they die after attaining the age of reason (and yes, that age is different depending on the child because we are each different and that is known to God) then, the Church has always taught that a child doesn’t necessarily go straight to heaven.
Yes, I would agree, by the way, that if this man isn’t telling the truth, it puts an air of suspicion on everything he has said, or says, going forward.
Nonetheless, I think it is, at the very least, ghoulish to be able to do to living humans (baby or otherwise) the things that have recently come to light and been described by abortuary employees, whether they are satanists or not.
I’m curious if the Satanists are feeling embarrassed now that Islam has made the Devil look like a girl guide. Islam is really giving Satan a bad name lol.
Yea i stopped reading after i saw this shit that lowers your IQ for 100 points go get a life morons
pinko, why are you so bitter about zachary Kings confession? Whether he is a liar or not he has exposed satanism in abortion! He has too emphasised the power of prayer against satan & his followers.You too seem to hate catholicism with a passion.Holy water & Rossary are very powerful weopons against satan.Mother Mary is not a dead Woman.Look for the truth & you will get it.May God forgive & claim your soul to Himself.
This guy is indeed full of it. There’s a world of difference between what is reality and what you believe or want to believe. The natural tendency of humans is to believe the most sensational stories about their enemies. It is that blindness that allows fools like this man to deceive and manipulate. Do not think that just because you are Christians that you cannot be deceived. What this man is peddling is pure Hollywood nonsense.
I beg to disagree with Mark.Why would zack make up such a story? All he did was to expose ritual abortion as he knows it.He confirms the power of sincere prayer against satan & his followers.As for catholics & others, Zack is reminding/ teaching you that Mother Mary helps sinners through her intercession.As such, Zack’s confession is a very valuable gift to all christians.For satanists & atheists, if you want to save your soul from hell & this proves impossible for you, ask Mary to interceed for you to her son Jesus Christ. and all will be well with your soul
No one needs anyone to “intercede” for Jesus to do His redeeming work
through the power of the Holy Spirit…
Mary does not work through Jesus or vice versa. The Catholic Church is full
of lies and deception.
Praying to dead saints, to Mary, bowing down to statues, using medals of saints
to ward off evil, believing in Purgatory (there is no waiting room and Purgatory
is not in the Bible), not allowing priests and nuns to marry and have families
(God said to go forth and multiply–remaining single and childless does not make
you more holy and sanctified), Holy Water and Salt, etc. etc….All false.
The saints aren’t dead..They are more alive than you………You are a typical Holy Roller
The saints’ bodies are in their graves. Yes, their spirits are alive, but the bodies lie decomposing. What Maria said was accurate. She is no more of a holy roller than any ‘good’ Catholic who truly knows the scripture.
“we did a lot of work with the illuminati as well”
yeah this guy is definitely screwing with y’all
I’m curious what made him want to change his life and leave Satanism? After all those years of practicing, what made him leave? ….If he really did…
Sally, i want to believe that Zack did away with satanism completely.What would make him change? The answer is very simple: Jesus divine mercy.Jesus delivered him from the powers of darkness, just as he did to Soul.In Jesus, one lives a meaningful & fulfilled life as oppossed to hopelessness experienced in satanism.Hope he sticks fully to God.May he look for God & he will surely have the kind of peace he has never known
I am the Way, the Truth n the Life, no one goes to the father except though Me(Jesus Christ)
Also there is only one mediator n that is Jesus Christ
Not through anyone or anything
Christians let’s search the Scriptures well for we r being lazy in reading it…Lord Jesus have mercy on us all
LOL!!! This is so obviously made up, I don’t know how anyone could believe it!!
Most of the comments here just seem to be Protestants & Catholics arguing.
The devil doesn’t have to do anything really. Just sit back and let you idiots fight each other.
I’m no expert really, but doesn’t the Book of Titus say “do not get involved in arguments over doctrine and geneaology for they are unprofitable and useless”?
Satanists, your cult is safe! The Christians seem content fighting each other til Christ returns.
I would like 1 shred of evidence or proof that this guy was a Satanist before I will even read his opinions Christians are known to lie and say I used to be a Satanist example comedian Mike Warnke, example self professed occult expert Mark Passio, example countless rock bands who use so called satanic imagery yet are Christian, this is why Jim jones did what he did because Christians are idiots and blind followers who believe that anybody who says I have accepted Jesus as my lord and savior means they are total beacons to place your pure trust and bastions of infallible truth. Lets see one picture of this guy within an active church of satan and not a group of teenage want a be’s trying to fit the negative mold pop culture and Christian bed time stories have made up and helped to spawn cults with that are not associated with the church of satan in any way shape or form, but just mislead children trying to rebel by behaving the way Christian society has told them; the same way fake Christian rappers like Bone acted like they were in gangs and satanic and created a whole culture of want a be gang members not connected to any real gang, mafia, or drug cartel.
All that hair still makes him look kinda creepy. Jesus!I dont believe he has changed.
Jesus most likely had long hair. What has hair got to do with anything?
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This is what we call “Pious Fraud”.
It’s a complete fabrication, a lie.
None of what this guy says ever took place, but it plays well with the gullible sheep.
Well said. I really thought this was satire and now that I realize it’s not I’m dumbfounded. I feel angry that this man can so easily lead people astray with this nonsense. The only evil here is a man so eagerly willing to feed the fears of, and profit off of, people whom he professes to love.
This is a 13 year olds idea of Satanism and I am profoundly saddened for anyone who believes it. Looking at the comments though, I feel my sadness is wasted on individuals who likely hold onto an idea of God just as juvenile.
And no, rest assured I’m not a Satanist, so I’m not a victim of ‘the father of lies.’
Soooo, you think a lady with a coin suddenly saved you and just like that you have been forgiven for the murder of 150 babies plus all the countless unspeakable garbage you have done in you pathetic and miserable life? It doesn’t work that way and you know it. You will answer and pay for what you did 7 fold soon.. people, don’t believe what this POS says, he is a snake in the garden or a “wolf in sheep desguise” The devil nor God would be able to save you from the justice you’d get from Man if you were to walk into the wrong place and you were recognized or known for what you have done you fucken cowardly filth
I am not a Satanist but a Catholic but I am good in detecting lies and I could smell some lies in here. Please be factual.
I love being reborn in Christ. He is just love and peace. He does not harm you. He helps you to grow with the HOLY GOAST. AMEN I CAN’T WAIT WHEN JESUS COMES TO FETCH HIS CHILDREN THE TIME IS CLOSER THEN WE KNOW IT AND I AM READY.
May God have mercy on your soul
As an author of Secret Societies Exposed and Cult Investigator, I see many new groups that are surfacing; yet remaining underground for fear of public humiliation, law enforcement intervention, and news media exposure. Presently, according to FBI statistics there are over 4.000 thousand children in America that mysteriously disappear without a single trace. In my professional opinion this is due to abductions for Satanic Rituals and the validation is in the unaccounted whereabouts of its victims! People may feel skeptical about these bizarre events, as sometimes reality is stranger than fiction. Like so, the Culprit can also be attributed to Serial Killers who engage in canibalism or the black market demand for organs . Others are just missing due to Sexual Human Traffiking for the Arab nations.
My priest met this former Satanist at a conference and told us not to believe him.
That is not true
Sorry I don’t pray to Jesus or God, etc. I am 100% loyal to Lucifer and nothing will change that, not even being on my death bed. I’ve been there before, on my death bed, and I didn’t go crying to Jesus or God for forgiveness. I was prepared to descend into hell and either be tortured for all eternity(which I wouldn’t mind). Or I was prepared to help Lucifer and his demons in the war against heaven. So not everyone wants forgiveness, I know I’m a sinner and that I get what I deserve but I also know that I am for one loyal to the rightful lord.
P.S. this is not meant to offend anyone.????
Baal id speaking truth. The. Catholics who point out ancient and continuing sra and other occult abuse speak facts. Facts and truth are different languages. Each mindconstructs its own individual symbolic worldand meaning. Satan does not have to be an evil symbol still the fact remains chikdren havr been and are murdered in satans and names of other entities via magic.
He is a liar and a fraud. Amazing how many satanic High Priests there seem to be. But it may be a good fiction read nevertheless, after all I enjoyed The Satan Seller immensely even though it was a complete fraud.I tend to think this is the same. Anyone who would take him seriously would also take Rosemary’s Baby as a documentary. If by chance he is just one of those renegade lone wolf types who make it up as they go, disgruntled teenagers, he is even more of a fraud. It never happened
The war between good and evil is a long historical narrative.
Liberals are all dying, and yet they act like they are winning somehow. Every one I know looks like death, and they have no instincts for truth or life.
They have bleak futures that will make their disastrous presents look like Heaven.
Wake up/ The Devil does not like you, even though you work for him.
Abortion is a satanic rituals..people are doing it …directly or indirectly…but the truth is they are feeding satan
I declare and decree in the name of Jesus, through His body and blood that this blog and anyone who sees or reads this article or comments is cleansed through Our Lord’s precious blood, that any unclean spirit or unholy spiritual beings be bound and placed at the foot of the Cross of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to be judged by The King of Kings, the Lord of Lords.
Jesus please forgive me for the abortion i had at planned parenthood. I am so very sorry please forgive me. thank you for being my savior. I want to be with you and know you. i am sorry. I love you jesus, please forgive me
As an expert Cult Investigator I can say that many Satanic underground groups are still very active in the USA and UK. Regardless of how skeptical you can be on these secretive malefic lifestyles, these clandestine evil worshipers are highly trained in order not to be detected while abducting children for ritual sacrifices, pedophiles, serial killers and sex trafficking for Saudi Arabia.
The FBI and Interpol are well informed of these dark and malevolent groups who are active in horrific undertakings yet refuse to arrest and prosecute these menacing culprits! As such, I been involved in several search & rescue operations and deprogramming of victims along with their repatriations to their family members. See the below interview to corroborate with evidence such bizarre events.
Zachary Taylor came to the Catholic Church I go to in Maryland and gave a speech to everyone on how Catholics can stop Satan. If you all think he hasn’t come to Christ, then you are sadly mistaken. He really shows people what they can do to beat Satan and up him even more. If more Catholics knew what he knows, then I think more people would be more dedicated to God/Jesus/Holy Spirit and come to a greater understanding of sacrifices Jesus and his Holy Mother, Mary, made for us. Everything good comes from God. Want more goodness in the world? Dedicate yourself to God/Jesus/Holy Spirit by going to Mass and praying the Rosary.