The following is reprinted with permission from the editor of Pro-Life Corner.
9-13-2018 – Rockford Pro-Life Initiative – Is it really possible that Pope Francis ignored, disregarded, or dismissed credible sexual abuse charges against Cardinal Theordore McCarrick?
One extremely disturbing incident in Pope Francis’s recent past may explain this situation.
In 2016 Pope Francis called abortionist Emma Bonino “a great Italian”. Emma Bonino had her own child killed by abortion, she viciously and brutally dismembered and killed over 10,000 little girls and boys in the womb with her own hands, and through her political activism is morally responsible for the murder of over six million children.
Pope Francis publicly called her a great person and in 2017 and allowed her to speak in a Catholic parish in Italy because he likes and supports her position on immigration.
Please think about his for a moment – Pope Francis considers an abortionist “great” who proudly murdered thousands of children with her own hands and advocated for the deaths of millions more. She personally tore the arms, legs, hands, feet, and head off of the torsos of countless little girls and boys. She saw the faces of thousands of children she murdered and she kept on murdering. The killing of these children was ignored by Pope Francis when he publicly declared her “great”.
Now we come to the case of Cardinal Theordore McCarrick. It is clear that Pope Francis knew McCarrick was a serial sexual predator – it is also clear that just like abortionist Emma Bonino, Pope Francis likes McCarrick’s liberal political positions.
The facts show that just as Pope Francis considered child killing abortionist Emma Bonino a “great” person and ignored her crimes against God and children by allowing her to speak in a Catholic parish, Pope Francis seems to have excused-ignored-protected Cardinal McCarrick.
Based on what we have seen with Pope Francis ignoring Emma Bonino’s murder of children is it possible that Pope Francis would also ignore the facts that Cardinal McCarrick harmed children as well and that Francis would see no difficulty in considering McCarrick a great Cardinal and allowing him to continue to work in the church as he allowed abortionist Bonino to speak at a Catholic parish.
Is it reasonable to believe that when a person can ignore the murder of millions they can ignore the sexual abuse of thousands?
Most of the remnant Catholics (who adhere completely to Catholic doctrine) have endured shockwaves after shockwaves from this so called Pope. From youth, we have loved our bishops and most especially the Popes, the Vicar of Christ upon earth. Sadly, so many shocks have led to our spiritual demise. We have been bound and placed in our graves, like Lazarus. But is there life for us on the horizon???? It seems Our Lord has arrived at the entrances to each of our tombs and pronounced the words: “Lazarus, come forth.” And though the stench of this papacy and bishops” has covered us deep in the depth of earth, we can discern and hear the voice of the Christ who beckons us to come forth out of our shallow graves and LIVE FOR HIM AND FOLLOW HIM BACK TO THE KINGDOM. This too shall pass. All in this life is allowed for LIFE EVERLASTING. Our fight has just begun again to embrace the feet of our Master and hang on for dear life.
Remember that WE are the body of Christ. Jesus promised that “the gates of hell” shall not prevail against his church. Throughout church history there have been questionable popes but this was always corrected with the help of the Holy Spirit. Personally I believe that Pope Francis is saintly but if he is not, I believe God will take care of it as he promised.
Yes, there is life for us on the horizon. Have faith in the word of God.
That is the problem Eileen. Some are so certain they are the ‘true’ Catholics, that they are willing to ignore Catholic teaching regarding the supreme authority of the Pope. Don’t you know there are people who fully embrace the teaching of the Church and love the Pope? We recognize that there is more to learn, a deeper understanding of complex teaching, and it is our job to search when we don’t understand it, not attack because we think we know more. To treat the Vicar of Christ with such contempt and distain is unacceptable. Knowing and understanding the doctrines of our faith is not the same as living them.
Lisa,- Is it acceptable that the Pope can tear down any thing Traditional?? Or acceptable that he has no concern for his scandals around the issues of Homosexuality in the church.?? That he goes against his own ” Zero tolerance” for child abuse in the church?? Or perhaps his total disregard for the Dogmatic teachings of the Church??….No wait, It must be be…………wait I’m thinking………I got it, it’s because he has no reverence for the Blessed Sacrament [ever see him kneel before the Blessed Sacrament?]–is that acceptable from our ‘Humble, Holy & Supreme Pastor’ ???? Early in his pontificate I came a cross a short video which with clarity, epitomises Francis disdain for any action considered by him as a sign of reverence and/or piety. The video, you can Google your self, depicts Pope Francis coming across an altar boy upon seeing the lad .with his hands in prayerful respect, physically attempted to prise the lads hands apart. Fair play to the lad in this scenario, he resisted Frances action. As is often quoted, ‘ A picture speaks a thousand words.’ The prime and principle responsibility of any given Pope is one of ‘saving souls’ Secondly it is the preservation of Tradition. However, Trust, Love, and Respect, are not, as many believe, automatically givens to any person including The Pope, A bishop, a priest. [ The office of the Papacy, is worthy of respect] Trust, Love and Respect, as they apply to a person, are to be earn’t. Blind obedience is not a virtue. The adherents of the religious sect ‘The Davidians’ are a classic example of what can happen when unwarranted blind obedience is adhered to. The faithful, I would suggest, are more in need of ‘models’ than critics. One such model comes readily to mind, that of the Cure da’ Ars.
“Who is going to save our Church? Not our Bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to the people. You have the minds, the eyes, the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops like bishops and your religious act like religious” – Saint (in my opinion) Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
Amen! (4truth4all)
Michael Hichborn makes a valid point. Leaving me to conclude Pope Francis is more simple minded than Peter ( the 1st Pope) whose point in scripture was to make our rock, simple, child like, faithful and repentant.
While Francis is not simple but more likely very politically clever, as he demonstrated to achieve this office. The Catholic world knows this woman as a mass murderer, (her repentance is unknown) and he never mentions her reputation but offers her as a great person (model) for agreeing with him on illegal immigration, while offering her a forum to teach? A position that in my opinion disputes “FIDEI DEPOSITUM, as detailed regarding to the adhearing to the 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th & 10th commandments as understood in our CCC, with regard to such immigrants in the USA!
To me, Papa Francis reveals himself more as the VICAR of “Parone” than he does “the Christ”, making proclamations about faith while never answering the College of Bishops or the Magisterium as to explaining those positions…his policy of silence, his arrow of choice in matters of his conflict due to his own making..
Bergoglio coddled and tried to get out.of Jail.through a expensive, plus horrendous large effort CONVICTED sex predator Arg. As well.
Yes, there are some terrible sins occurring in the world and one of the worst is this:
Implying that Pope Francis is pro-abortion. Shame on you, whoever you are.
We have no idea of the pope’s motivation in stating that the woman is “a great Italian.” Perhaps he knows that he has a much better chance of converting her by being her friend instead of her enemy. We really don’t know.
Are you against abortion? Well, so am I. Here’s what to do: Find a pregnant woman or women who are in desperate need and help them to keep their babies. There are shelters that save unborn babies in every community and they need our assistance. Get the names of these shelters and ask your readers to support them. Now, that’s being pro-life!
No no no. Just no. Pope Francis condoning this woman and her actions regarding abortion – even allowing her to speak in a church for heaven’s sake – will cause others to err in their judgment of abortion. So many of his flock look to him for guidance in forming their consciences. If he condones it then they will too and will be led into grave sin. This is so wrong.
One should always keep in mind that Pope Francis is a Jesuit. The importance of this is the formation process of becoming a Jesuit. In the mid-seventies I was involved in a Jesuit project aimed at assisting vulnerable young men released from youth institutions and/or prison.During my tenure of working alongside the Jesuits, I became puzzled by their approach to the task at hand. They certainly were well motivated and enthusiastic, yet I sensed something was missing. The ‘light bulb moment’ occurred several months on when, for whatever reason, I recalled Fr Flanagan’s -[Founder of Boys Town]- quote, reference to Social Workers of his day, “They put the cart before the horse” Oh was this so true of the Jesuits I interacted with and so also it is with Pope Francis.
You cannot blame it on the Jesuit charism. Pope Francis has access to all the faith formation works published in the last 2,000 years. It is no excuse to be a “Jesuit poorly formed”.
Oh yes I can! Prior to V2. The Jesuits were held in high esteem by the Church itself and by the majority of the faithful. [were you around then?- I thought not.] The majority of the periti at the Council were Jesuits.They quickly established their influence on the proceedings starting with the scrapping of the original schema’s even though Pope John XX111 had signed off withe original ‘schema’s’. From that point on the Council was in the hands of the ‘revolutionaries’. Following the conclusion of the Council in 1965, the Jesuits were in a strong position, and in the forefront of implementing the changes-according to their lights- agreed upon by the body Council. At the time of the Council the Jesuit Superior General, Fr. Janssen died. The succeeding Superior General, a Spaniard, Pedro Arrupe, was a charismatic leader and served three terms as Superior General. His politics were far- left. Even seen by some, communistic. He was by all accounts, heavily influenced by the horror of the atomic bombing of Japan, where he was the Superior of a Jesuit seminary. His personal charm and drive for change impacted the Jesuit Order to such a degree that little of the original Jesuit mandate remained. Politics became front and foremost especially in South America which experienced the brunt of the Jesuits political zeal, [under the guise of social justice]-which, in reality, resulted in numerous factional wars throughout Latin America. A number of Jesuits had themselves elected to left-wing/communist governments which brought the diplomatic fury of Pope John Paul 11. down on them, but to little avail. So my friend, do you still think that the modern day Jesuits have the Holy Spirit as their guide? Of course they were not the only religious order to ‘modernise’ and change their original charters, they too have a credibility problem. What the church needs, above all else, is the reclaiming of “The Faith of Our Fathers” in which CHRIST is foremost in our worship and in our daily lives. The ‘old vanguard’ of Peace and Justice with man as the centre of its programs and policies has failed. Time to return to the tried and tested formulas and edits of the Council of Trent.
“You shall know them by their fruits.” We’re just looking at the pope’s actions: he is welcoming to the people who offend Our Lord and is mean to the people who are faithful to Our Lord. I don’t find the pope to be very Catholic right now, from looking at his actions. Sorry.
Prolife does not mean silence. The Pope demands silence or gives us silence when he does not want to discuss a subject. St. Paul tells us to test all things, that includes our Holy Father. I pray for him daily and I personally consider many of his actions heretical. Celebrating Luther and the Reformation with the Swedes; allowing Holy Communion to divorced and remarried: allowing gay friendly clergy an unfettered microphone, all things against Catholic doctrine.
Our goal is to get to heaven and help as many as possible to do the same. If someone is hindering that plan, then he must be exposed even if it be the Pope.
how true! Johnathan. If Fr Bergolio is proven to be an anti -pope. He would not be the first!
Congratulations Linda! If each one of us were to do as you suggest, we wouldn’t have the Bonino’s of this world in the first place! Instead of slamming the pope, let’s pray for him precisely because we love the church!
Also, when one knows Jesus from the New Testament, we know that Pope Francis is trying his best to follow Him. Yes, it is time for prayer because whatever one’s beliefs, we need to admit that the church is in crisis.
Linda.> ….”the Pope is trying his best to follow him”???? Oh I wish it was so!!! Frances’s sole aim is all out destruction of what remains of Tradition. Just look at the religious orders he had either forbidden the Traditional Mass to be said and/or closed them down completely. A timely reminder of what St.Pius X [now there’s a real saintly Pope]- had to say: “…the great movement of apostasy being organized in every country for the establishment of a One-World Church which shall have neither dogmas, nor hierarchy, neither discipline for the mind, nor curb for the passions, and which, under the pretext of freedom and human dignity, would bring back to the world (if such a Church could overcome) the reign of legalized cunning and force, and the oppression of the weak, and of all those who toil and suffer. […] Indeed, the true friends of the people are neither revolutionaries, nor innovators: they are traditionalists.”
Hi Linda,
The Pope stands by his words……he called a woman who is glad and proud of the fact she murdered thousands of children a “great” person.
Based on your logic and reasoning we can call Hitler, Stalin, and Jeffry Dahmer “great” people and then say we are just trying to be nice.
So true Linda, being truly pro life means offering assistance, not just yapping about it! Thank God for Pope Francis, I only wish people would recognize the importance of his message.
Amen Linda Johnson! Try this website, it’s wonderful: God Bless you
Lynda, Your retort ;”We have no idea what motivates our Pope” is far from being in touch with reality. He is a Jesuit. The formation of a modern day Jesuit priest follows a template laid down by the Jesuit superiors following V2. for all Jesuit seminaries around the world. In the mid seventies I worked with a Jesuit team setting up a program aimed at assisting vulnerable young men released from young offenders facilities and/or prison. Several months into the program I experienced a sense that something was not quite what it should be with the approach of the Jesuits to the young men. Nothing untoward, I hasten to add, rather a lack of real connection. Time passed when, for whatever reason, the ‘light bulb’ moment hit me. I recalled the words of Fr, Flanagan- Founder of Boys Town- to a reporters enquiry as to why Social Workers of his day were not able to duplicate his success at helping troubled youngsters? He replied;- “They put the cart before the horse.” That to can be said of our Pope today. I hear the same mantras, rationalisations, intellectualization and left-wing jargon, courtesy of his Jesuit training, as I recall of the Jesuits, I knew back in the seventies. One final point. Compare The words of Saint Pius X. ….Restoring all things in Christ! that of Pope Francis quotes that primarily focus is on social inclusion, peace and justice for the poor.
I still believe in the pope and the Catholic Church. I suspect someone is just making scandal to discredit our religion.
Catholic Dogma and common sense to disagree with you. The Italian abortionist is an unrepentant baby murderer, hated by God, an enemy of God and cursed by God. For the Pope to call her “great” is the mortal sin of scandal by the Pope.
Nobody in the Bible was ever saved or forgiven of baby murder. To befriend and honor a unrepentant baby murderer is horrifying to say the least.
There are thousands of crisis pregnancy centers in the USA and every church in America will help a pregnant woman. Where you and everyone else is needed is on the sidewalk in front of the abortion clinic.
You sound sincere but you are in error. Consult someone who is knowledgeable about our Catholic faith. Many people do not know their faith and that is why confusion reigns. Before you respond to this post, take the time to consult someone well versed in the Catholic faith because I am positive what you have written is not consistent with ROMAN Catholic doctrine.
Here are a few basics:
God does not hate anyone and offers forgiveness to all who seek it;
Although we can recognize mortal sin in ourselves, only God can judge mortal sin in another person;
To publicly brand someone as “a baby murderer” is not permitted by Jesus Christ or his church.
Linda, your joking right?……….you are saying that a person like Emma Bonino can murder thousands and thousands of children and Jesus and the Church cannot say a word about it.
That is pure insanity.
No, I am saying only God can judge a person. That is what Jesus taught us. We can judge the sin itself, e.g. killing an unborn child is a mortal sin but we cannot declare that “Jane Doe is a murderer and in the state of mortal sin.” That judgement is reserved for God.
Some of the people on this blog do not know their Catholic faith. For example, did you know that the Church does not consider a homosexual person to be a sinner? Only sexual acts that can not lead to procreation (for all people) are considered sins. (But again we don’t say “John Doe is a sinner.”) Check your catechism and you will see that I am right. Therefore, the constant badmouthing of “homosexuals” on this blog is inconsistent with church teaching. Another basic tenet of the church, as expressed in the Creed, is that we believe in “one, holy, Catholic and apostolic church” and that is the post Vatican II church. In order to defend the faith, you must know it. Some of the people on this blog have renounced the Roman Catholic Faith but they don’t know it.
Linda> I have been holding back from further comment regarding your take on Pope Francis. It has become clear to me that a certain ‘smugness’ on your part is a constant variable in your comments, for example:- ” Some of the people on this blog have renounced the Roman Catholic Faith but they don’t know it.” Paraphrasing the immortal words of Pope Francis, “Who are you to judge?” My advice, for the sake of your own credibility, is one of avoiding coming across as a ‘know all’. Humility is a virtue to often besieged by pride.
Alex J., you are correct. I DO know my faith and I want to defend it. I humbly ask you and all others on this blog: Learn your Catholic faith so you can defend it properly and not cause scandal. And of course you are also right about not judging others. I try not to name an individual person because that person can be totally innocent in the eyes of God (very elderly, unaware, misinformed, ill, etc.)
No one can “know it all” but with the help of our computers, we can check our facts before posting something horrific about another human being. Thank you.
Linda, The current state of affairs in CHRIST”S CHURCH clearly is one of an ‘all out attack by the devil’. Of course old nick has always been around since the garden of Eden and will continue to wreck havoc until Our Blessed Lady crushes his head. However, current events affecting the church suggest we are witnessing the climatic conclusion to the epic struggle. For my part,and that of my wife’s, we try to follow what St.Padre Pio’s advice, to whit, “Pray, Hope and don’t Worry.” [Often a lot more difficult to adhere to than merely saying it.] We look back to the turbulent years following V11, the erosion of faith, the destruction of church’s dismantling of everything Catholic and its culture, the emptying of Convents, thousands leaving the priesthood, Seminaries closing for lack of vocations, convert numbers dropping to near zero, accompanied by more and more calls for dialogue with whoever and whatever. “The smoke of the satan has entered the church.” bemoaned Pope Paul V. The very same Pope went on to destroy the Mass. Signed off on the exodus of thousands of priests and nuns, and for this he was made a Saint. The church continued its quest for ‘everything new’ and in the process not only scandalised more of the faithful, but worse, “Threw the baby out with the bath water.” Man was now central in the new religion, not CHRIST. each Pope since V11 has , however unwittingly, contributed to the continuing demise of the church and the “Faith of Our Fathers. ” Pope Benedict has been the only modern day Pope to have gained insights into the defects of the Vatican 2 documents, yet he cannot bring himself to place the blame on the documents from V11. Perhaps because he, as a theological expert for the German Bishops at the said Council, helped construct the Documents. My wife and family, witnessed and experienced the ‘ravages’ of V11. implementations. Now we have Pope Francis! A Jesuit by formation. A Pope who has made known his abhorrence for all things Traditional. Resorts to ‘bullying type behaviour’ and ‘name calling’, of even his own Cardinals, let alone lay critics. Politically he is also a product of “Peronism” but has ‘morphed’ into a Communist, a disastrous recipe I would suggest, for us all. Yet it is GOD’s will and his reasoning for such a calamity? “How incomprehensible are his judgements, and how unsearchable His ways….” A final comment, knowledge of its self, does not necessarily equate with understanding or indeed, make one a better person, a better Catholic, or a better whatever. One of my favourite Saints is St. Joseph of Cupertino , I’m certain you will get my point.
To publicly brand someone a “baby murderer”, who publicly brands themselves as proud to be advocating for, aiding and conducting abortion? Why do you play such silly games? There is no problem with that, it’s called telling the truth. What, should we lie to make everyone feel better?
Consult a priest and you will find out why we don’t publicly brand anyone a murderer, thief, adulterer or anything else, although it might be the truth. The key word is “might.” Only God knows what is in someone’s heart and only God can judge culpability. I am not playing games; I am trying to do what Jesus asked us to do and what He modeled for us. It’s all there in the Gospels.
There is no need for anyone to lie.
Linda, you are right. We have had thousands of Priest sodomizing and raping children and young men and the Church refused to publicly brand them as abusers and molesters………………..hows that been working out for the children and the souls of the abusers – they both lose.
I don’t need to consult a priest because you’re the one who is claiming it is not permissible but you can’t explain why. It is not in the gospel anywhere. The situation may be different for someone who has not publically proclaimed that this is what they support, however that’s not what we have here. I think you just like to troll Mr Hichborn.
Murder is an objective act. It has a definition in law, a very carefully drawn definition. If one has acted according to the definition, one is a murderer, whether the murder was done in secret or (as in Ms. Bonino’s case) done in public and boasted of.
We must not presume to judge the spiritual state of the criminal, but justice itself demands that we judge the objective nature of his acts. To propose that we are forbidden by our Faith to call someone a murderer, when their act objectively meets all the criteria, is to say that we are commanded to lie, to prevaricate, to conceal the truth behind euphemisms. Whoever it was who gave such a command, it wasn’t Our Lord or His Church.
We need to separate “what is God’s” and what is “Caesar’s.” Jesus taught that judgment is for God alone and that is a basic Catholic belief. That means if a priest molests a child we have the obligation to call the authorities and that man must face our earthly justice system. The main reason so many priests got away with their crimes is that Jesus’ teaching to respect civil authorities was ignored by religious and laity alike. That said, it is not consistent with church belief to publicly declare that man a sinner who is going to hell. That is for God alone.
I am not a troll. I came across this blog by accident and am appalled by the shocking lack of knowledge about our faith. There is an American church called the Traditional Catholic Church, similar to the one founded by actor Mel Gibson and maybe many of you belong to it , I don’t know. But I DO know that many of the remarks written here are not consistent with the Roman Catholic faith. I can’t stress this enough: to defend your faith you must first know it.
wow Linda J who are you? the man didn’t brand her anything. She is self proclaimed abortionist,, thus an open murderer as life begins an conception. Regardless, this person is unworthy to TEACH in church, unless to tell her story of repentance.
In the Catholic Faith one of the Corporal Works Of Mercy is to “Admonish the Sinner”, that would include naming the the sin. Abortion is murder in violation of the Commandment, Thou Shall Not Kill. One who carries out the killing of the unborn therefore is a murderer. One cannot avoid naming the sinfulness of the act and the need to confess the sin without acknowledging what the sin is and the sinful state of the actor. That is what the Corporal Work of Mercy entails. Coving poop with chocolate does not suffice.
Thank you for this article. Sad but we need to know the truth.
The Pope’s Primacy, which is his most important job, is service in service of Unity to the Church based on scripture, Catholic Church tradition, and the Magisterium. HE does this thru clarity not chaos. He is not to go against the word of God! He is to be like Jesus, not change Jesus to his liking.
God Bless.