Yesterday marked year 42 of the United States’ embrace of the Culture of Death. That’s 42 years of the willful slaughter of innocent children in the womb. That’s at least 57 million babies murdered in the most cruel and horrific manner. It is the 42nd year of the greatest ongoing holocaust in human history. And this tragedy will only get worse so long as those who took vows before God to tend and defend the flock of Christians given to his care, feed the wolves who seek to pray upon the sheep. I’m talking about the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).
On January 21, Sean Cardinal O’Malley, the current chairman of the USCCB’s Pro-Life Activities office, gave the homily at the national Pro-Life Mass in Washington, DC. In his homily, he said, “What must characterize the pro-life movement is a special love for the poor, the marginalized, the suffering, and especially human life that is in danger of being discarded.” On the face of it, this statement is absolutely right. If we are to engage the Culture of Death, we must tend to the poor because they are the ones being targeted by Planned Parenthood and other abortion-providing vultures. A wonderful organization which perfectly integrates these two thoughts is Mary’s Shelter in Fredericksburg, VA. But the problem with this statement is that while the Cardinal Archbishop is technically correct, the “the national anti-poverty program of the U.S. Catholic Bishops” is the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, and the USCCB’s solution to integrating the pro-life movement with helping the poor is to fund radical leftist community organizers through the CCHD. And the CCHD is funding organizations that are led by pro-abortion and pro-birth control activists.
Placer People of Faith Together (PPFT) received a $50,000 grant from the CCHD in 2014. You can read the profile on this organization at the link here. The president of PPFT is Diana Madoshi, who is also a regional coordinator for an organization called the CAlifornia Women’s Agenda (CAWA). As a regional coordinator of CAWA, Madoshi is responsible for networking various organizations and volunteers, using CAWA’s “Plan of Action … as their framework for action on critical concerns and policy issues.”
And what are those critical concerns and policy issues? (From CAWA’s Plan of Action, pages 19-21):
- Securing low-cost abortions
- Ensuring early and confidential abortion services
- Providing condom machines in school bathrooms
- Providing training on abortion
- requiring access to family planning and abortion in the second trimester
Madoshi also made no bones about her support for government and employer-funded birth control on her own facebook page:
I encourage readers to take a look at the full profile on Placer People of Faith Together, but this should be enough to make the point; while the leadership in the US Conference of Catholic Bishops are encouraging Catholics at the March for Life, they are simultaneously funding organizations led by individuals fighting AGAINST the pro-life movement. And they are doing this in the name of “fighting poverty.” If we are to truly defeat the Culture of Death, we cannot allow Catholic funds to go to organizations fighting for it. It’s like a snake swallowing its own tail in order to satisfy its own hunger: not only is it an exercise in futility, but the path to its own destruction.
I support your efforts very much, Michael, but I’m confused on this. You say here that “if we are to truly defeat the Culture of Death, we cannot allow Catholic funds to go to organizations fighting for it.” If I’m following your article correctly, the CCHD gives to PPFT — does this org fight for abortion rights (et al)? I’m reading that the objection is to the other orgs the President of PPFT is involved in. Is PPFT part of CAWA? Is CCHD funding CAWA? If not, I don’t think your closing point is accurate.
I do NOT support the CCHD, in large part due to your courageous diligence in exposing their concerning financial partnerships. I’m just not sure A + B = C as you’ve lined it up in this case. My sincere apologies if I’m reading this incorrectly. And truly, thanks for all you do!
Hi Jenna,
Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. You are correct that CCHD is funding PPFT, but not necessarily the activities of its president. However, when it comes to the leadership of an organization, particularly the top person, such as a president, that individual represents the organization with everything she does, officially or otherwise. For instance, suppose the director of a child day-care center was also a member of the National Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) and actively advocated for decriminalized pedophilia. While the day-care center itself may not have any official affiliation with NAMBLA or pedophilic advocacy, I can’t think of any right-minded parent who is aware of what the director is doing actually dropping their kids off at the center. Make sense?
Absolutely, I just disagree with your closing as it implies that the CCHD’s funding of PPFT is FUNDING the Culture of Death. The point you’re making in your comment is different than the conclusion you’re purporting in your article, IMHO.
Keep up your great and important fight, Michael! God bless!
I agree with Michael. If a group is willing to hire someone while ignoring their involvement in the culture of death, neither employer nor employee should be trusted.
When the sheepdogs run with the wolves, the lambs get slaughtered first.
LUV …. No HATE …. That quote …. So true
Which Catholic charities and organizations can we trust not to be affiliated with pro-abortion groups?
Two very worthy organizations both of which have web sites, are Aid to the Church in Need and CNEWA. They are Papal Organizations and truly help those in dire need.
Only those that are traditional Catholic charities.
Perhaps the only thing to do is STOP funding these liberal bishops entirely. Give to an Orthodox -Catholic bishop and where there is non like in DC, LA , Detroit Chicago, Boston and NYC give to a Maronite Eastern Rite Catholic church such as the Maronite Bishop in Brooklyn NYC who covers NYC and Boston..
You are see it all wrong Michael. She is telling us that there might be a bill in the senate that will pass and if you are in favor of not letting your tax dollars to support abortion that abbamacare has that federal funds are taking our money and paying for abortions. should we support that or tell abbama to not veto the bill and let it pass so that our money will not support abortions as thjey are doing. read that picture again it says do you agree or not it is not saying that she does. And the Bishops are for pro-life and don’t you forget that they are for every single [[person who is alive. we are all miracles from God and we need to pray that God will set us free from that
Catholic Relief Services, I recently learned, is giving far more than 50,000 to organizations who likewise subscribe to the “reduce poverty by aborting the poor” philosophy. LifeSite News has an excellent expose’ (well documented like this one) on it. I’m sickened by this revelation. With friends like this, who needs enemies!
With as big as the Church is, one would think that the Church could easily feed the poor without having to affiliate herself in any way with pro-abortion, pro-contraception, pro-LGBT lifestyle organizations. In addition, with the hundreds of millions of citizens in the U.S.A., there must be plenty of well-qualified people with no ties to these same anti-Catholic organizations and activities that could be put into the leadership/ administrative positions of a good feed-and-care-for-the-poor-and-hungry Catholic organization. In my opinion, there is absolutely no excuse for what the USCCB, CCHD, and CRS have been doing. Thank you, Michael, for all you do to protect the Church.
Very enlightening about the US Conference of Catholic Bishops being connected to the Catholic Campaign of Human Development collection and what they do with the money.
I have to say a similar thing about the former chairman of the USCCB’s Pro-Life Activities office, Bishop Lori, when he was the Bishop of the Diocese of Bridgeport, in Connecticut.
One day after praying and sidewalk counseling at an independent Summit Women’s Center, a full service surgical abortion facility in the poor Black section of Bridgeport, just around the block from The Catholic Center, and St. Vincent Catholic Hospital, I attended the noon mass there with a friend and happened to see Bishop Lori assending the staircase to his office so I asserted myself and asked, “Did you vote yes for the Catholic Hospitals to hand out the Emergency Contraceptive Pills?” and he looked at me rather oddly and said, “Of course I did!”
Very enlightening about the US Conference of Catholic Bishops being connected to the Catholic Campaign of Human Development collection and what they do with the money.
I have to say a similar thing about the former chairman of the USCCB’s Pro-Life Activities office, Bishop Lori, when he was the Bishop of the Diocese of Bridgeport, in Connecticut.
One day after praying and sidewalk counseling at an independent Summit Women’s Center, a full service surgical abortion facility in the poor Black section of Bridgeport, and just around the block from The Catholic Center, and St. Vincent Catholic Hospital, I attended the noon mass there with a friend and happened to see Bishop Lori assending the staircase to his office so I asserted myself and asked, “Did you vote yes for the Catholic Hospitals to hand out the Emergency Contraceptive Pills?” and he looked at me rather oddly and said, “Of course I did!”
Regarding the quote by Bishop Lori, I wish to reply with a direct statement from the Bishops of Connecticut, published in 2007. It explains that the victims of rape treated at Catholic hospitals in Connecticut are given a pregnancy test before being allowed to receive the Emergency Contraceptive Pills so as to avoid the possible abortifacient aspect of the drugs. Since I am not a physician, I can’t say why the hospital would deem that the ECP’s would be necessary after the pregnancy test affirmed that the patient is not pregnant. It may be a gray area where the bishops tend to side with the notion that while the pregnancy test is negative, there is a possibility that fertilization might still take place if the ECP was not administered soon after testing.
Furthermore, if the Vatican has not changed its position, which condemns the use of ECP’s under any circumstance, then what is happening here? Does the Vatican look the other way when the bishops publicly admit to what they are doing?
This statement was issued by the Connecticut Catholic Bishops on September 27, 2007, approving the administration of the morning after pill Plan B for rape victims at the four Catholic hospitals in the state. While the Bishops claim to be in accord with Church teaching on the matter, the only statement from the Vatican on the measure opposed it since the pill can cause abortions. “In accordance with Catholic moral teaching, these hospitals provide emergency contraception after appropriate testing,” says the letter from the Bishops. “Catholic moral teaching is adamantly opposed to abortion, but not to emergency contraception for victims of rape,” it adds. However, the Vatican statement on the morning after pill, issued in 2000, condemns its use outright. The Pontifical Academy for Life states that “the absolute unlawfulness of abortifacient procedures also applies to distributing, prescribing and taking the morning-after pill. All who, whether sharing the intention or not, directly co-operate with this procedure are also morally responsible for it.”
Publisher & Date:
Connecticut Catholic Conference, September 27, 2007
– See more at:
So, the life created from a rape isn’t a life, or isn’t a life worth protecting from the obituary?
So how can the bishops cry and complain about being forced to pay for Obama’s ‘healthcare’ mandates?
Pharisees and hypocrites.
The Connecticut Bishops caved in after their lawyers warned them of a lengthy court battle.
This is so sad and yet so enlightening. God bless you Lepanto and Michael for naming names and shining the light of truth on this evil. Our Lady of Sorrows Ora Pro Nobis.
Michael at The Vortex did a huge expose on the whole issue on the UCCB and every place where abortion funds were used through the CCHD. It is also a known fact too that CRS also uses funds for no good purposes. There are two programs however that you might look into. Aid To The Church In Need:
which is under the direction of the Holy Father, and also CNEWA, which is also a Papal organization:
When you read their sites, you will understand and want to give to them.
Understand that here in the US Federal Monies are given out to ‘catholic’ schools, colleges, hospitals, etc. Where ‘government ‘manna’ is involved, beware.
Heh all, just want to remind all you faithful Catholics that we NEED to support sites like this and the valuable research they do! I just donated $50, who’ll take up my friendly challenge and match me? 🙂
True Catholics should drop kick the USCCB and the CCHD and never give them a single, solitary dime again. In fact, unles and until your parish and diocese is truly Catholic again, you should walk away from it and never give it or it’s apostate bishops, pastors, and priest a single, solitary dime again. Why are you paying for the dismantling of your Faith and your churches?