In a video report from the Lepanto Institute, new details emerge regarding the removal of a senior member of the Knights of Malta. On the 9th of December, The Tablet, a Catholic newspaper in Great Britain, published a story indicating that the Grand Sovereign of the Knights of Malta, Albrecht Boeselager, was removed from his post. According to the Tablet, “Sources inside the Order say his dismissal was over a row about condoms” while he was in charge of the Order’s charitable work.
From 1989-2014, Boeselager served five consecutive terms as the Order’s Grand Hospitaller, making him directly responsible for the Order’s international relief organization, Malteser International.
The Lepanto Institute had conducted its own investigation of Malteser International, finding that as early as 2005 Malteser had distributed condoms and oral contraceptives, and even now is promoting the use of condoms on its own website. At the end of November, we submitted the results of this investigation to the Order of Malta through the Cardinal Patron. Even though he clearly has not had time to study the findings of our report and respond, the recent action of the Grand Master has prompted us to publish what we found in order to give support to him and to the whole Order. As a highly respected Catholic institution with the duty of carrying out their noble charge of defending the Faith and caring for the poor, it’s very important that a clear case be made that Boeselager’s removal was completely justified.
In brief, what follows are a few of the most pertinent facts.
In a report produced by UNAIDS in 2005 on HIV/AIDS fighting programs in Myanmar, it is abundantly clear that Malteser International distributed tens of thousands of condoms. Page 29 of that report identifies Malteser International as having distributed 52,190 condoms.
A similar report by UNAIDS for 2006 indicates the same thing for that year. Page 16 of the report shows that Malteser was an implementing partner in an aspect of the project regarding “safe sexual behaviors.”
According to the chart labeled “Positive attitudes, safe sexual behaviours and practices in key populations” on page 16, the core indicator for this aspect included the promotion of consistent condom use.
And on page 51, UNAIDS shows that Malteser distributed 59,675 condoms.
Also in 2006, the World Health Organization produced a report on reproductive health stakeholders in Myanmar. Page 45 of the document provides a brief profile on Malteser International regarding its Reproductive Health activities (RH). Identified in this profile is “family planning,” “contraception,” and a future plan regarding “birth spacing.”
Page 91 shows that Malteser distributed oral contraception to 2,500 women in the one region of Myanmar.
In 2007, Malteser International was awarded a 4 year grant of $1.7 million from the Three Disease Fund for a project in Myanmar called “Prevention and treatment of STI – HIV/AIDS.” According to a report produced by the Three Disease Fund itself, Malteser distributed over 300,000 condoms to sex workers, truck drivers, uniformed personnel, and other male and female workers.
In 2012, Malteser International partnered with Save the Children on a grant from the Global Fund to Fight HIV and AIDS. The grant was for a project in Myanmar lasting from 2013-2016, and according to Save the Children’s description of the grant, Malteser was responsible for promoting and distributing condoms.
Even now, Malteser International’s website identifies male and female condoms among the only effective means of preventing the spread of HIV and AIDS.
All of the pertinent facts regarding the contraception and condom promotion and distribution conducted by Malteser International during Albrecht Boeselager’s tenure as its supreme head can read by clicking here.
Our hope is that this report provides clarity about what was happening under Boeselager’s leadership, so as to avoid the destructive in-fighting that could be caused by rumors and assumptions. In the meantime, we urge Catholics everywhere to pray in earnest for the Order of Malta and all involved, for a swift reform of one of the most respected institutions in the Catholic Church.
Friends, Please support Lepanto with your prayers and financial resources. It must take countless hours and resources to expose how some have taken wonderful charitable ministries in the Church and turned them into tools for the culture of death.
I am just an average Catholic like all of you but if we don’t support the soul and life saving work of Lepanto we will only have ourselves to blame went the love and goodness of the Church and Jesus is stolen by those who destroy life. God bless you my friends!
Lepanto shoukd not use half-true statements.
the shown information are just one side.
Poulistic – low hanging fruit catcher!
There was nothing half-true about our report. Boeselager was in charge of Malteser International which, during a 10 year stretch while he was in charge, distributed condoms and oral contraception. This is an incontrovertible fact. There is no explanation that can possibly justify this … not in the least.
Boeselager said that as soon as he got Information about these programs (built up without permission of the Malteser headquarter) they were shut down:
I doubt that you know Mr. von Boeselager personally. Because if you did you would never tell such things about such an honorable person full of faith as him.
If he was as honorable as you suggest, he would have humbly submitted in obedience to the command of his superior, but he did not.
Furthermore, Boeselager claimed that the contraceptives were distributed by OTHER organizations, not his. This is demonstrably false.
Man was removed based on evidence the Pope Not with standing.
Another attempt by the liberal-progressive-modernist culture to destroy babies.
Shinning the light of truth on this evil is a wonderful Christmas present for the Baby Jesus.
We need similar action by Coraid of Netherlands, Cote aid UK, CRS of USA and Salesians worldwide. Otherwise their organization lack Credibility and deserve no support.
If only Lepanto and Lifesite were around in the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s I am sure they would have been able to expose the homosexual sexual abuse scandal in the Church that harmed so many children and teenagers……but we CAN NOW by supporting these groups help save people from the culture of death.
I saw a comment above implying that the Salesians are also involved in this scandal. I would appreciate your information on them as I have been supporting them for many years.
Last year, we revealed that the Salesian missions had implemented a program in South Africa that promotes contraception.
Rather than acknowledge the problem and express contrition for what had been done, Salesian Missions doubled down and defended the program.
And to top it all off, the director for the Salesian Missions’ office of international programs is a pervert:
I hope this helps.
God bless.
…and so, it is a providential move perhaps, that Pope Frances “demoted” Cardinal Burke to this Order?
Speaking of Cardinal Burke it was he who urged Catholic in the US to pray the rosary for 54 days before the US elections. He like others saw all but maybe one democrat in congress were actually rabid supporters of killing innocent unborn children as is Killery, Obamanation, Biden and Kaine but one, and he’s from the Chicago area of all places. As sure as there is a Creator who put us here with a soul and body I would not went to be in their shoes for their claims of being “pro-choice”, a euphemism for condoning murder. Some people like Trump get morality as they age which is the right direction but the libtards and demonicrats are losing their sense of right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and going in the opposite direction so fast that the guy with the pitchfork and horns is just waiting gleefully for them to die so he can prick them into the pit with him. The voters saw through the facade of hypocrisy and decadence and did not want to have any part of the Hillary/Obama’s Culture of Death because their lives and souls and that of their parents, children and grandchildren could be in jeopardy. Thanks again cardinal Burke.
Follow the money and it seems to go back to those excessively wealthy, radical German prelates who are happy to promote divorced and remarried reception of Holy Communion and other sins. This is no surprise as it’s business as usual with these corrupt German prelates.
Cardinal Burke once again is pushed aside for his promotion of traditional Catholic teachings.
Is it true that Cardinal Burke is being punished by P. Francis for his involvement in support for Donald Trump’s election?