Catholic leaders joined the Media Research Center (MRC), the Family Research Council (FRC), and the American Family Association (AFA) in a national campaign to educate the public about a Disney ABC sitcom pilot based on the life of anti-religious bigot Dan Savage. MRC and FRC sent a letter to Ben Sherwood, president of Disney/ABC Television Group, nearly four weeks ago urging him to pull the plug on the new show but have still not received a response.
Dan Savage’s vulgarity and violent rhetoric is well-documented. Savage is unapologetic in his promotion of filth masquerading as humor. His new show, “The Real O’Neals” is a platform he does not deserve. Even so, Disney ABC continues to remain silent as pro-family and pro-faith organizations call for it to reconsider its decision to promote this bigoted, hate-filled man.
“Disney ABC continues to circle the wagon and ignore the anti-religious bigot in their midst,” said MRC President Brent Bozell. “We will not relent in exposing Dan Savage for the vile hate he spews at conservatives, Catholics, and evangelicals. Disney ABC’s silence is shameful.”
“Disney sold out years ago, but to produce a show based on the life of a radical bigot like Dan Savage is a slap in the face to Catholics across the country. The Lepanto Institute is more than happy to join in the campaign against this program. Anti-Family propaganda like this must never see the light of day.”
Michael Hichborn
President, Lepanto Institute
Statements by others joining Media Research Center’s campaign can be viewed at MRC’s website
Dan Savage has made numerous comments about conservatives, evangelicals, and Catholics that offend basic standards of decency. They include:
- Proclaiming that he sometimes thinks about “f***ing the s**t out of” Senator Rick Santorum
- Calling for Christians at a high school conference to “ignore the bull***t in the Bible”
- Saying that “the only thing that stands between my [male organ] and Brad Pitt’s mouth is a piece of paper” when expressing his feelings on Pope Benedict’s opposition to gay marriage
- Promoting marital infidelity
- Saying “Carl Romanelli should be dragged behind a pickup truck until there’s nothing left but the rope.”
- Telling Bill Maher that he wished Republicans “were all f***ing dead”
- Telling Dr. Ben Carson to “suck my [male organ]. Name the time and place and I’ll bring my [male organ] and a camera crew and you can [perform felatio] and win the argument.”
Dont destroy Disney reputation by backing out his foul mouth man
Filth and sewage are realities of life. For the nasty, dirty, foul stuff they build pumping stations and prepare carefully, with marvelous feats of engineering skill, an entire infrastructure designed to accept all of it and yet remove it from dwellings, offices, arenas, civic areas, and all places of human habitation, dwelling, and commerce.
Using public facitilties like the broadcast media to literally pump such human waste as hateful pornography into homes, apartments, condominiums, children’s rooms, internet devices, and so forth …. it’s a complete collapse of hygiene and sanitation!
With any foul human reprobate there has to be terrible crime yet to see the light of day. It happened recently in San Francisco and the perp is in jail, I understand. Dig, and likely you’ll find enough to silence one or two, or a dozen, more fiends!
It is time for “all men of good will” to oppose this culture of death. I am not a Catholic, but let’s be reasonable: The Catholic teaching on contraception cannot be faulted. Whatsoever is not of faith is sin. Think it over people.
Prayers for Dan Savage & for Disney as they surely need it. Blocking seems to be a good thing as parents need to use all of the resources available to them to keep this satanic show from impressionable children and others who would be adversely affected. (We all could use more prayers!)
I remember the day when Disney stood for wholesome entertainment for all ages!