The amazing story of a miracle brought by faith
At a time when darkness envelops the world and the stench of the devil’s presence permeates nearly every walk of life, Our Blessed Lord makes His presence and Divine Love known to those who cry out to Him in Faith. In the 5th chapter of Mark, we read the story of the woman who suffered an issue of blood for 12 years. After she just touched the cloak of Jesus as He walked by, she was instantly healed. Our Lord said to her, “Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole.” In Mark chapter 10, Jesus meets a blind man in Jericho, who called out to Him. After Jesus called him forth, He asked the blind man what he wanted, and he asked for sight. Jesus again says, “Go thy way, thy faith hath made thee whole.” In the 17th Chapter of Luke, after our Lord gave the parable about the power of faith the size of a mustard seed, He met 10 lepers who were healed. The 10 ran out, but one came back to give Him thanks, to which Jesus replied, “Go thy way, thy faith hath made thee whole.”
Over and over again, we see example after example of those whom Our Lord heals by their acts of faith. But this faith isn’t just mere belief, but a deep relational trust in the Person of Our Lord. He desires us to ask Him in faith for great things, including miracles … and moved by faith, when we ask Him with full trust, He reveals His Glory by answering.
Such was the case for Matt and Kristin Loboda, who exhibited the kind of extraordinary faith that moves mountains.
Just before Christmas last month, Matt and Kristin took their five children to Phoenix, Arizona to visit with family for the holidays. On the evening of December 28th, Matt and Kristin left the children with her parents to enjoy some time on their own. They weren’t due to return to her parent’s house until 5:00 the following evening, but after breakfast the next morning they decided to go back to the kids and relieve her parents.
Matt told the Lepanto Institute in a phone interview that they got to the house at about 1:00. Matt was playing a round of Frisbee-golf with the children before heading out to lunch. They were planning to eat at Chick-fil-A at about 1:30, when tragedy struck.
Matt described on facebook what had happened:
It couldn’t have been a minute and we noticed Joy was missing.
In my heart I knew something was terribly wrong. So, I ran down to the Koi pond on the property. I ran around it 4 times looking between the shadows & fish for Joy. Momentarily I was relieved that danger was avoided. But, I heard the Holy Spirit tell me to run to the pool. The pool is totally gated so I didn’t think to start there.
I sprinted to the pool and saw Joy floating there on top of the water. Immediately I jumped over the 5 foot fence and dove into the water. I quickly got her out of the pool and my brother-in-law and I started CPR & called 911. Even though it seemed like an eternity before the paramedics arrived I’m sure they came quickly.
As I breathed into Joy I prayed that my breath would be the breath of God into her. In between breaths I begged for the Ruha of God to enter her. Her lips were blue and her beautiful blue eyes were wide open. I could see her pupils shrinking at an alarming rate. Then I started to pray in between breathes in the words of Jesus, Talitha Koum, which means “Little girl, I say to you, arise”. I knew we needed a miracle because I could actually feel her slipping away.
There was a man by us whom I don’t know but am indebted to [EDITOR’S NOTE: He turned out to be a policeman) because when the paramedics came street side he ran Joy to them & continued the chest compressions as he ran.
The paramedics were wonderful but they all had a disposition of gloom. The police wouldn’t let me drive so a detective drove us as quickly as possible to Phoenix Children’s Hospital.
I closed my eyes and prayed. I was suddenly in the throne room of God the Father and in filial boldness I told God, “I know she is your daughter but she is my daughter too. Now is not the right time.” Before I knew it we were in the E.R. and were escorted into a private room. Soon, the detective and a social worker were there. I still stood in faith and declared that my child would live. The E.R. Doctor came in and didn’t look good.
He bent down to talk to Kristin and me and said some things that I can’t recall now. But then he said, “she has a heartbeat.” That was all I needed to hear. That was all the hope I was looking for.
Matt told the Lepanto Institute that it was a miracle that the police officer who carried Joy to the ambulance was there; he just happened to be right around the corner when the 911 call was sent out over the dispatch.
Matt added that he had spoken with the Fire Chief recently, who told him that the rescue effort itself was a miracle. He said that in his 29 years doing rescue work, not even 1% of cases like these turn out well.
When the officer ran her to the ambulance, she was cold, her body was stiff and she didn’t have a heartbeat. Not only were the rescue workers not optimistic about her survival, but Matt told the Lepanto Institute that on the ride to the hospital that he knew she was gone.
Joy was without a heartbeat for at least 25 minutes.
While rescue workers were racing to save Joy’s life, family and friends put out an immediate call on facebook for prayers. It wasn’t long before thousands of people immediately began storming Heaven for the health and recovery of this little girl. On December 30, Kristin wrote a heartfelt thanks to all those who were praying for Joy and the whole family:
Dearest Family and Friends,
Matt and I want to thank you with our whole hearts for your prayers for our sweet baby Joy. I sit here holding her hand, praying for a miracle. The pain of this is so piercing I cannot breathe at times, but we are holding onto hope and God’s healing power. Please keep lifting Joy in your prayers. There are still so many unknowns.
Joy was put into a medically induced coma. Because of the likelihood of damage to the brain, heart and lungs, doctors needed to keep her temperature down to give her body the best possible chance of healing. And since Joy was on a ventilator, it was necessary to keep her as still as possible. But as if her little body hadn’t been through enough, it wasn’t long before doctors realized that Joy had developed a couple of blood clots, one of which would require major surgery. Kristin reported on her facebook wall on December 31:
Joy has 2 blood clots: a small one on her heart and one going down her left leg. The one in her leg seems to be causing a lot of pain and swelling in her foot. Please pray that the clots would dissolve and heal. Thank you with all my heart.
The clots would not dissolve on her own, and on January 1, Joy underwent a successful operation that saved her leg. Kristin provided the update on her facebook feed:
Matt and I are truly humbled and brought to our knees by your prayers for our baby girl Joy. You are lifting us and walking us through the darkest hour we have ever known. You have loved us into light and your prayers have literally raised our daughter from the dead. Our gratitude cannot be express in words. As we sit tonight amidst the humming of machines holding Joys hand, we are praying in thanksgiving for all of you.
Update on Joy- We are still praising God for the success of last night’s surgery, which in turn has saved her little leg. She has remained stable all day and is showing signs of healing. In the last hours, even though she is under strong sedation, she has woken up many times moving around, opening her eyes and fighting in pain. It hurts our hearts deeply to see her in such pain and fear, but at the same time we are encouraged that she is indeed fighting and moving! During this time I know that she hears my voice and is soothed by it. This gift of motherhood is wrought with such beauty and such suffering.
As Joy’s story of struggle and survival spread through social media, Matt began receiving hundreds of messages from people who had abandoned the Faith or who had lost hope.
“Suddenly, people from all over the country were telling me that they were praying for Joy, and it was because of their prayers for her that they were returning to the Church,” Matt said. “I got hundreds of messages on facebook from people saying that this story has led them back to the faith, revitalized their faith, and all because a little girl was suffering and being prayed for. Miracles do happen.”
Since the darkest and most uncertain moments of Joy’s accident, she is making amazing strides in her recovery. Matt told the Lepanto Institute that the attending physician who had been treating Joy told him that most of the time, people who survive a drowning usually suffer severe damage. But Joy is not showing any signs of permanent damage or lingering effects. Even now, she is awake, she is off the ventilator, she is not receiving additional oxygen, she is responsive, she has cried, and she even said “Mama” while caressing her mother’s face.
On January 9, Kristin said on facebook:
In the first week after Joy’s accident I didn’t think I would ever smile again. The darkness was so dark and my body completely shut down… but through your prayers God lifted the darkness and brought our baby girl back to life. I know without a doubt that God does indeed hear and answer the prayers of His children. His glory is being made known through our Joy and I am actually smiling again as I hold my sick, but very much alive baby.
Despite the fact that Joy is expected to spend the next two to three weeks in the hospital, just yesterday, she gave her first smile, and even a laugh, since the accident.
Though the world is consumed in darkness, Our Lord chose this family, the Lobodas, to send us a message and a sign. No matter how dark things get, He will always hear and answer us when we approach Him full of love and faith. As He said to the woman, the blind man, and the leper, “thy faith hath made thee whole.” And in truth, the faith of these devoted parents and thousands around the world who joined them in prayer, has made this little girl whole, also. Our Lord hears these prayers, and many prayers like them for one simple reason: He wishes us to have what the Lobodas have … a life of hope, with Joy.
A friend of the family created a facebook page the day after the accident in order to help cover the cost of the Loboda’s month-long stay. Please consider making a contribution by clicking the link here:
I am so moved and amazed by God and the faith, hope and love of this family. Truly amazed and inspired. While I do not know this family I have not been able to stop thinking of them and praying for them from the moment I first learned of their tragedy through mutual friends on facebook. I have laid awake many nights with my heart aching as if this was my own child. Signing into facebook at all times of day and night to find out how she was doing. Everyday wondering about her, her parents, siblings and loved ones. Their suffering has consumed me. I have been praying specifically to my mother, Servant of God, Gwen Coniker, to intercede for a miracle for this family. My heart is overjoyed by the miracle of Joy’s life and the love and faith of her parents and relatives. Glory be to God, our loving Father!
Their close family connection to the Franciscan Friars of the Holy Spirit in Phoenix should certainly not go unmentioned in this awesome testimony – Joy’s uncle Fr. Ignatius celebrated Mass daily at her bedside, bringing Our Lord most powerfully to her side and to her mom as they suffered through the difficult first hours and days – what grace, what a witness to the hospital staff, what consolation! Their charismatic intercessory prayer has been non-stop and has surely aided in this beautiful turn of events. Just wanted to mention their beautiful community and charism and how it intertwined with this holy journey – TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!
I know all too well the terror in a mother’s heart when one sees her child in mortal danger. Praise God for the miracles He chose to bring to this beautiful family! Truly we are all blessed to have Joy still in the world!
But I know there are many who follow this story and perhaps wonder why God did not answer their prayers as He seems to have done for Joy. Please be at peace – He has not abandoned you. Praise God for the times when His prayers seem to go unanswered as well as the times when you feel abundantly blessed! In the end, it is all in His loving hands, and He cares for you more than you could ever know!
That is exactly what I was thinking. Why didn’t God save my son- -were we not worthy of God’s love? My precious son died in 2009 from depression and despair after a 20 year battle with bipolar disorder. I am so happy for this family that their baby is recovering but cannot comprehend why one is restored and the other is taken.
God wanted him by His side permanently free from all infirmities, in Heaven asap.
I hope my statement gives you a little peace and hope.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters: As Fr. John Hampsch once said to us, The one left here is to spread the Glory of God, the one taken is to Live the Glory of God Forever! No other way to perceive it. The joys and sorrows here are unavoidable. Look at the life of the Blessed Mother and her suffering. I have a grandson Malachi, who was brought back from a drowning after ten minutes dead. I have a son dying on drugs. I have just lost my husband to cancer after a 50 year marriage. I cared for him the entire year, we did it together. I thought for sure I would die after he left me and went to heaven. but then ever so slowly, our Great Lord has given me the strength and the zeal to live to serve Him again.. My daughter and her husband have given me ten grandchildren. Many joys and sorrows with them. But the great news is that if we continue to cry out to the Lord for His mercy and healing, of which the greatest illness is a broken heart, He will gently give us new hope, always. Sometimes swiftly, sometimes, slowly. Praise God for Joy! I love you all. Teresa
I am thinking similar thoughts. I am so thankful for Joy’s recovery but am reminded of all the apparently unanswered prayers. As a good priest advised me, I will continue to pray Acts of Faith, Hope, and Love knowing it will make sense in the end. May God grant you peace until you are reunited with your precious son.
God is so merciful. I am sure Joy’s guardian angel played a huge part in this story.
As a pediatric ED Nurse at a Childrens Hospital, I understand and empathize with the medical professionals because recovers and out comes such as this are truly unheard of. Twenty five minutes without any perfusion of her vital organs including brain her chances of even gaining some small level of cognition are slim to none. For her to be making such mile stones as described in the video and post are truly without a doubt a miracle! I just want to thank you for sharing this, rarely do I hear or see such beautiful and miraculous outcomes it’s an incredible reminder that God is above medicine and man. It warms my heart to remember this! God bless and continued prayers!
Totally agree! I too am a nurse and this is by far an unbelievable miracle from God. There’s no way, first, that she should’ve even had a heart beat at the hospital , and secondly, the way she is recovering. It is mind blowing- her chances were absolutely slim to none. The chances of pediatric recovery are so so low. If someone didn’t believe in God before this- they surely do now!
After reading this I can now better understand how the doctors and nurses are shocked at Joy’s recovery, and are amazed and calling it a miracle. It IS a miracle! And I sincerely believe God does this sort of thing to show medical personnel that He does exist, and is present to care for His people. Because they cannot explain such a recovery in mere medical terms. The witness of Kristen and Matt, and Fr. Ignatius and the whole faith community, is God’s way of touching everyone to bring hope and His truth. “He shows the might of His arm.” God bless.
Through this journey with Baby Joy, there has been a spiritual awakening for me. As I am a believer, I am not perfect and often take my God for granted. This awakening has brought me to a place in my spiritual life where I truly love to be. Sometimes we need an experience like this to remind us of how truly awesome God is. I can’t imagine the broken hearts, the pain, the fear that this family has faced and through it have held true to their faith. They are the purest witness to God’s love. There is a purpose in each and everyone of God’s children and They have shown many that the power of God is alive today. What an awesome testimony. I know in my heart that if Little Joy could talk, she would tell of a beautiful visit with Jesus and His angels and how he sent her back to her beautiful family and all those who love her. Thank you God, for Baby Joy.
There are things we know not,
But God knows the why…
We must always trust Him.
Blessed be God in the good times
Blessed be God in the most crucial times.
God bless your family always
As He already has.
May we all see His hand
Through this blessed miracle
And take His hand
Walking with Him
And never letting go.
Thank You God
for Your grace, mercy, healing power, and love for us all.
I am one who is humbled by Joy’s miracle and yet saddened that our family did not receive similar one. Our grandbaby died at 8 months of age with severe heart defects. We too prayed for miraculous healing, but God answered our prayer by taking her into heaven where all pain ceases, all defects are healed.
I ask for your prayers now as our “baby” (the mother of this grandbaby) struggles with MS. We do not know God’s mind, but we know His will–always, always for His glory and our sanctification.
I was glad to see this happy story on your blog. To bring people closer to Christ, spread his word and celebrate his gifts to mankind.
Such a beautiful baby! I’m praying for Padre Pio’s intersession for her complete recovery. God Bless Joy and her family. She is in the palm of HIS hand!