Now Joseph and all his brothers and all that generation died, but the Israelites were exceedingly fruitful; they multiplied greatly, increased in numbers and became so numerous that the land was filled with them. Then a new king, to whom Joseph meant nothing, came to power in Egypt. “Look,” he said to his people, “the Israelites have become far too numerous for us. Come, we must deal shrewdly with them or they will become even more numerous and, if war breaks out, will join our enemies, fight against us and leave the country.” So they put slave masters over them to oppress them with forced labor, and they built Pithom and Rameses as store cities for Pharaoh. But the more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and spread; so the Egyptians came to dread the Israelites and worked them ruthlessly. They made their lives bitter with harsh labor in brick and mortar and with all kinds of work in the fields; in all their harsh labor the Egyptians worked them ruthlessly. The king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, whose names were Shiphrah and Puah, “When you are helping the Hebrew women during childbirth on the delivery stool, if you see that the baby is a boy, kill him; but if it is a girl, let her live.” (Exodus 1: 6-15)
A friend of mine reminded me earlier today that April 7, 1994 marked the beginning of the Rwandan Genocide that ended the life of hundreds of thousands of Tutsi and Hutu civilians. Some estimate that the criminals exterminated nearly one million people. That includes the lives of ten Belgian peacekeeping officers that were assassinated in the early days of the massive slaughter. Although the intervention of a small military force could have stopped the senseless killing, the international community decided to watch the carnage while officially deploring the atrocities. Most notably among them, the United States, at the time under the first Clinton administration. Later on, President Clinton regretted having done nothing. My friend believes the United States should intervene in such cases. After all, the country has the power to enforce law and order in places where the basic rights of so many innocent human beings are blatantly violated. What other human right will stand if the right to life is denied? Genocide consists exactly in denying the right to life to a certain human collective. According to The Encyclopedia Britannica, genocide is “the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race.”
If a country has the power to stop that kind of bloodshed, it follows logically that the right thing to do is to save as many lives as possible. Few would deny the moral right of using military force against criminals. The polish jurist Raphael Lemkin, who advised the United States Department of War in the wake of World War II, created the term genocide to describe the actions of the German National Socialist Party mainly against European Jews, Romany, and other ethnic, social, religious, and political minorities.
I think any reasonable individual would agree that a minimal international intervention, led by the United States, was justified to stop the killing of one million Rwandans. But nothing was done. Now consider that, since the days of Roe v. Wade, the United States political establishment has allowed the assassination of much more than a million Americans. Not content with that murderous achievement that dwarfs the Rwandan Genocide, a good part of the same political establishment has allowed a yet undetermined number of criminals to invade the country by the simple device of walking through a porous southern border. The same illegal drug dealers, thieves, killers, sexual predators, and knaves of all kinds enjoy the protection of “sanctuary cities” where they are killing innocent Americans and committing other crimes against life and property too numerous to list here.
The “system” works in a very effective way: if a young American survives abortion, chances are he will be killed in the commission of a crime, or die of an overdose of some illegal drug provided by said foreign criminals, or perhaps perish in the many car accidents caused by the same group. Add to that the many diseases imported into the American population by illegal immigrants from poor countries where little or no public health care is available to them. Economic, political, and criminal aggression have been the daily fare of American citizens for many years now.
Should none of those disgraces befall the luckiest among our youth, they will happily waste a good part of their life attending schools that will educate them poorly, denying them and the country the benefits of being well-educated, productive, moral citizens. Ignorance has its own way of killing. It is easy to see that the powers that be do not want our young ones to open their eyes to the genocide in progress.
Am I imagining things? Have you noticed how the various elements described work together for our destruction? Have you noticed who is inflicting this genocide on all of us?
Wake up. We are all Tutsis now.
Carlos, your article was very good! Unfortunately, I do believe it will take Divine intervention to stop the madness here and throughout the world. We can do our part by continuing to love and help our neighbor, pray our Rosaries, be a sign of hope to others and proclaim the Good News, but because so many are gripped by darkness, it looks to me that God, Himself, will show the world that HE IS in order to bring us out of this madness and return to Him. God bless you, my friend.
Thank you, Ann. I agree with you 100%.
“According to The Encyclopedia Britannica, genocide is “the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race.”
Of course the genocide of the unborn, and no one knows how many millions of their lives have been exterminated, which is the most demonic form of murder, would not be included in this definition because the world approves of this form of murder.
It would be the epitome of hypocrisy for a pro-abortion president and government, including the UN, to interfere in the genocide of any people in any country when they approve of, promote, and fund the intentional murdering of millions upon millions of unborn children.
We must fight against the darkness, by turning on the Light… all we have to do is simply “KNOW” the Truth to be set free! By knowing the Truth of our true nature and God’s_____ our lives can become amazing! Genesis Chapter One spells out That Truth! It says clearly that our true nature is purely spiritual as we are made in the “image and likeness of Spirit, who is God! And it says that we are made “very good” and we are to “behold” that good. And most amazingly it says we have spiritual “Dominion” over matter, or “the things of the Earth”. And Bible figures who often had the worst material odds discovered that man’s God-given, spiritual “Dominion” was indeed supreme over troubles, illnesses, and horrible “hopeless” cases. Jesus more than any other, was sent to us from our Father, to demonstrate healing and love overcoming hate and even overcoming death. He ultimately was sent to “save” us from the ravages of a life based purely on material things, and the material body. He said, these things and greater will my followers do”. Jesus beheld the spiritual perfection in the lepers and thus could heal them. He didn’t heal matter, he healed our sense based ideas about matter. Quantum Physics, a hard science has come to teach us in a scientific way that indeed our beliefs are the most powerful things in our lives… and that we can transform our world by our beliefs because at the subatomic level of anything in the universe,”…. THERE IS NO MATTER AS SUCH” (Max Planck) and that our material world is a reflection of our beliefs and thoughts. God is Love and wants us to have “Life and that more abundantly”!