“With disdain I will throw my gauntlet
Full in the face of the world,
And see the collapse of this pygmy giant
Whose fall will not stifle my ardor.
Then will I wander godlike and victorious
Through the ruins of the world
And, giving my words an active force,
I will feel equal to the Creator.”
-Karl Marx, “Human Pride,” 1837
There can be no doubt in the mind of even the most casual observer that Karl Marx’s influence had the single-greatest impact on the devastation seen throughout the of the 20th Century. Marx’s ideologies fueled the rise of the bloodiest regimes known to human history. The Soviet Union, Communist China, Communist Korea, Communist Vietnam, Communist Cuba … the brutality of the governments ascribing to the teachings of Karl Marx is beyond human reckoning. In addition to the tens of millions of people murdered in Stalin’s purges, Pol Pot’s exterminations, and the other slaughters that have taken place under Marxist dictatorships are the countless others destroyed by abortion. Lenin, the first Marxist dictator, was the first to legalize abortion. Later Stalin reversed this, when he saw its demographic consequences for Russia amidst the purges and wars, however, he maintained and even forced it on satellite countries like Hungary. The idea has always been to implement regulations on population growth in order to gain control of weaker countries. It used to be more covert, but it became “scientific” with the advent of the eugenics movement (which was fostered by committed Marxists).
Prophetically, the Church recognized the destructive nature of Karl Marx’s ideologies and quickly condemned them. Pope Paul VI reminds us of this fact in his Apostolic Letter On the Eightieth Anniversary of the Encyclical “Rerum Novarum.” In this letter, Pope Paul VI said:
“Therefore the Christian who wishes to live his faith in a political activity … cannot adhere to the Marxist ideology, to its atheistic materialism, to its dialectic of violence and to the way it absorbs individual freedom in the collectivity, at the same time denying all transcendence to man and his personal and collective history; nor can be adhere to the liberal ideology which believes it exalts individual freedom by withdrawing it from every limitation, by stimulating it through exclusive seeking of interest and power, and by considering social solidarities as more or less automatic consequences of individual initiatives, not as an aim and a major criterion of the value of the social organization.”
Later on in the letter, Pope Paul VI pointed out that some try to differentiate the various iterations of Marxist thought, erroneously believing that they can somehow be brought into conformity with Catholic thinking. To this, he said:
“While, through the concrete existing form of Marxism, one can distinguish these various aspects and the questions they pose for the reflection and activity of Christians, it would be illusory and dangerous to reach a point of forgetting the intimate link which radically binds them together, to accept the elements of Marxist analysis without recognizing their relationships with ideology, and to enter into the practice of class struggle and its Marxist interpretations, while failing to note the kind of totalitarian and violent society to which this process leads.”
Karl Marx’s hatred for humanity was rivaled only by the devil itself. His writings all had only one end; the complete and total destruction of mankind. In a play he wrote under the title, “Oulanem” (which is an anagram for Emanuel), he said:
“If there is something which devours,
I’ll leap within it, though I bring the world to ruins-
The world which bulks between me and the abyss
I will smash to pieces with my enduring curses.
I’ll throw my arms around its harsh reality:
Embracing me, the world will dumbly pass away,
And then sink down to utter nothingness,
Perished, with no existence-that would be really living.”
Given the satanic nature of Marx’s ideologies and writings, and the Church’s thorough condemnations of them, one would naturally believe that anyone adhering to such ideologies would never find themselves in a place of influence in the Church. While it certainly stands to reason, it is sadly not the case.
In April of 2014, Pope Francis appointed Margaret Archer as the next president of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (PASS). Since that time, Ms. Archer has used her position to invite population-control architects Jeffrey Sachs and Ban-Ki Moon to speak at a Vatican event and attack pro-lifers who were concerned about it. Just last month, Ms. Archer participated in an event sponsored by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences that was intended to explore ways to indoctrinate children into the Sustainable Development agenda of the United Nations (goals which have already been demonstrated to be Marxist in character and practice). These alarming trends from an individual under two years in her position are shocking, but after investigating Ms. Archer’s background, it’s clear that the philosophy of Karl Marx is driving her agenda.
Ms. Archer is one of the leading developers and proponents of a sociological theory called “Critical Realism.” The theory of Critical Realism was initially developed by the sociologist Roy Bhaskar, a deeply devoted Marxist, and is the bedrock for current streams of Marxist political and economic theory. On the Critical Realism website is a 1998 article by Hans G. Ehrbar titled, “Marxism and Critical Realism.” The very first paragraph of the article says:
“We will discuss here the connection between Roy Bhaskar’s critical realism and Marxism. Bhaskar is a Marxist, who did not write another exegesis of Grundrisse, but rederives Marx’s philosophical foundations based on today’s philosophical debates, by, as he says, “carrying the modern critiques of positivism to their logical conclusion”
In 1998, Ms. Archer co-authored a book with Bhaskar and three others titled “Critical Realism: Essential Readings.” Throughout the book, Karl Marx and Marxist ideologies are mentioned over 400 times … all as a means of explaining Marxist thought and integrating it into this idea of Critical Realism.
In 2004, Archer co-authored a book titled, “Transcendence: Critical Realism and God.” In the introduction of the book, the Archer and her co-authors say of themselves:
“The three of us are all academics. One of us is a philosopher, and two are sociologists. Similarly, we are all associated with the political left, the economic or Marxian left particularly.”
This book is also filled with Marxist ideologies and praise for socialism and Marxist economics.
Critical Realist Sean Creavan wrote a book in 2000 titled, “Marxism and Realism: A Materialist Application of Realism in the Social Sciences,” crediting Margaret Archer as the individual who suggest he write about the connection between Marxism and the theory of Critical Realism. In his acknowledgements, Creavan said:
“Special thanks are due to Professor Margaret Archer, who has allowed me to draw on her work with impunity, and whose advice on theoretical matters and on editing the final manuscript has been much appreciated. It was Professor Archer who made the suggestion that I investigate the relationship between realism, Marxism and explanatory theory, which forms the core of this book.”
In May of 2015 interview a journal of Social Theory at the University of Kentucky, Margaret Archer explained the strong influence and impact Karl Marx had in influencing her work. She said:
“We did a thing in England called the Coast to Coast March, which isn’t as terrifying as if you tried to do it here. It’s not a big walk there, the only trouble is you actually meet more sheep than you do people. So, we had long conversations with these academics and that’s where I first heard the words Max Weber (who at that age I thought was spelled with a ‘V’) and that fuelled the interest a lot more. Many of these Profs were Marxists of one kind or another, so they were theorizing, not just in an abstract way, but theorizing, as they saw it, for a better society. I don’t think that theme has ever gone away from my work, but it’s never been distinctively Marxist. I thought that far too formulaic and times had changed. Some of the concepts needed changing. We have no proletariat now, the poor are a heterogeneous category, the main thing they have in common is their poverty, not being members of the proletariat, and so on. No, I would never describe myself as a Marxist, but never deny that it was a powerful formative influence.”
Given her work in Critical Realism, the influence of Karl Marx is abundantly clear.
While Archer is currently the most influential member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences as its president, she is not the only problem. Another Marxist member of the PASS is Joseph Stiglitz. Stiglitz has been a member of PASS since 2003.
The most important thing to know about Stiglitz is that he is the Chairman of the Socialist International Commission on Global Finance Issues. The architect of the First Socialist International was Karl Marx, so the fact of Stiglitz’s chairmanship is enough to identify him as a Marxist who should have nothing to do with Vatican-sponsored activities. But there’s more. Stiglitz is on the Scientific Committee for an organization called the IDEAS Foundation for Progress. IDEAS is a think-tank for the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party. In the year 2000, with funding from notorious socialist George Soros’ Open Society, Stiglitz founded the Initiative for Policy Dialogue.
Here’s another member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences who has no business being anywhere near the Vatican. Partha Sarathi Dasgupta, a major proponent of contraception and population control, has been a member of the PASS since 1997. In 2013, Dasgupta wrote an article for Science Magazine titled, “Pervasive Externalities at the Population, Consumption, and Environment Nexus.” In the article, Dasgupta argues that population growth is placing an undue burden on available resources, decrying the lack of availability and use of contraception. He says:
“Family planning is not subject to the play of “free markets”; it is biased by restrictive laws, widespread misinformation, and rules not based on evidence (13–16). The unmet need for family planning is substantial. For example, the proportion of women in Malawi who either want to delay their next baby or stop having children altogether, but who are not using contraception, is ~25%. Women who have greater autonomy are better equipped to surmount the many barriers that often prevent easy access to family planning. When the barriers are few, as in Indonesia, the use of contraception and the TFRs (Total Fertility Rates) among the highest- and lowest-income quintiles are similar (15). When the barriers [to acquiring contraception] are numerous, as in the Philippines, the poor both have more children and a greater unmet need for family planning. Access to family planning can be increased relatively quickly compared with other approaches to lowering TFRs, such as improving women’s education (although the alternatives may be synergistic). Forty percent of the world’s population (including countries with TFRs as high as 6 as recently as 50 years ago) now has TFRs that are at or below replacement level. The aggregate demand for environmental resources is, in part, a function of humanity’s population size. Whether world population reaches 8 billion or 10 billion in 2050 and whether it reaches 15 billion or 17 billion in 2100 will depend on small differences in average family size, which could be highly influenced by rebuilding the focus on family planning.”
The call for a reduction in population growth and increased access to contraception is a concept he has held for a long time. In 1995, Dasgupta wrote an article titled, “The Population Problem: Theory and Evidence.” In this article, he actually looks for ways to lower the desire of couples to even have children at all.
“The analysis presented here suggests that the way to reduce fertility would be to break the destructive spiral where such a spiral is in operation. Because parental demand for children, rather than an unmet need for contraceptives, in great measure explains reproductive behavior in poor countries, we should try to identify policies that would so change the options men and women face that their reasoned choice would be to lower their fertility.”
A little later in the article, he takes this concept a bit further, even to the point of shifting economic policies so as to give the impression that children are a financial burden to be avoided.
“The most potent solution in semi-arid regions of sub-Saharan Africa and the Indian subcontinent is to deploy a number of policies simultaneously. Family planning services, especially when allied with health services, and measures that empower women are certainly desirable. As social norms break down and traditional support systems falter, those women who choose to change their behavior become financially and socially more vulnerable. So a literacy and employment drive for women is essential to smooth the transition to lower fertility. But improving social coordination and directly increasing the economic security of the poor are also essential. Providing infrastructural goods, such as cheap fuel and potable water, will reduce the usefulness of extra hands. When a child becomes perceived as expensive, we may finally have a hope of dislodging the rapacious hold of high fertility rates.“
Dasgupta’s involvement in population control is even more disgusting than this. Dasgupta is a “patron” and “endorser” of a population-control organization called “Population Matters for a sustainable future.” As a patron, his name appeared on a powerpoint presentation titled, “Why Population Matters: An Introduction.” Following slides indicating a push for increased access to contraception, decriminalized abortion, and even a requirement for pharmacists to stock abortifacient morning-after pills, Slide 28 of this presentation states the following as “Key Goals” for the organization:
- Universal access to reproductive health
- Reducing the incidence of undesired conceptions
- Asking people to have one or two children rather than three or four for environmental/ sustainability reasons
Partha Dasgupta has been a member of the PASS for nearly 20 years, and his clearly stated hatred for children should have disqualified him at the outset.
In April of 2015, Archer, Dasgupta, and the Chancellor of PASS, Msgr. Sanchez Sorondo joined leading population-control advocate Jeffrey Sachs in creating a document calling for adoption of the contraception-pushing Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), called “Climate Change and the Common Good: A Statement on the Problem and Demand for Transformative Changes.” It is interesting to note that while the SDGs demonstrably called for the spread of abortion and contraception, those measures were carefully omitted from the document’s summary of the SDGs themselves.
This brief look into the works of highly influential individuals in the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences is hardly exhaustive. What Catholics need to take away from this is that there is no doubt that the enemies of the Christ have found their ways into highly influential positions in the Church. We need to be watchful and aware that the current push within the Vatican to endorse the latest power-grab by Marxists at the United Nations is being driven by individuals such as these in the PASS.
The Lepanto Institute will continue to investigate and identify the infiltrators raiding Our Beloved Church, but the only victory to be had will be achieved by the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin. Pray the Rosary every day for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart.
While citing remarks of Paul VI rejecting Marxism, it is a certainty that he was a Communist sympathizer, even being removed from his position of Pro Secretary of State, which was one of the highest offices in the Church, when he secretly carried on negotiations with Moscow, and demoted on November 1, 1954 by being exiled to the archbishopric of Milan.
He was clearly in the camp of the revolutionary, a pro-Modernist. He presided over the Second Vatican Council which Fr. Ralph Wiltgen, CSSR vividly portrays as underhanded dealings, where documents were altered, reversed meaning language of ballot questions, and the “stacked deck” (Modernists) control of the agenda in his book “The Rhine Flows Into the Tiber.”
Paul VI ignored the December 3, 1963 letter sent by Archbishop Diamantina of Brazil, signed by more than 400 of the Council Fathers from 46 countries, calling for a condemnation of Communism. He never acknowledged nor replied to it.
Paul VI, as a revolutionary against the True Faith, signed and promulgated the “Constitution on the Liturgy” on December 4, 1963, which transformed the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass into a Masonic/Modernist/Marxist abomination of desolation, which began the processes by which the faith of millions of Catholics has been destroyed and replaced by Marxist/humanist philosophies and theology.
Paul VI, as a Modernist, used their clever trick of destroying the Catholic religion by always stating a Catholic truth but then re-stating it ambiguously to make it confusing, allowing the revolutionary the freedom to interpret the writing to conform to his heresies while not actually denying Catholic doctrine.
Paul VI was no true son of the Church and the first truly anti-Catholic pope ever elected.
One of the (many) reasons for my own feelings of unease about the pontificate of Francis is the “unholy rush” to beatify Giovanni Battista Montini. Yes, we can acknowledge and thank Paul VI for his truly prophetic encyclical, Humane Vitae. But why his refusal to proclaim it ex cathedra?
It is certainly a fact of history that Pope Pius XII dismissed Montini from his position as substitute Secretary of State for his clandestine, (and strictly forbidden) dealings with Moscow. So why did Pius XII bring him back and make him Archbishop of Milan? According to a senior member of the French intelligence service, “It wasn’t the pope’s own choice”
But we are also told that Pope Pius XII refused to bestow upon Montini the “red hat” because he (Pius) was determined that Montini would never be admitted into the Sacred College and so become a possible contender for the Petrine Office. History, however, records that Montini’s “good ol’ pal” Roncali (John XXIII) had other ideas.
Bless you dear ! And this misfit is up for canonization ? With the miracles waived I’ll bet !
Right about Pope Paul VI.
When Pope John 23rd was canonized one Cardinal asked another what the possibilities of Pope Paul of Pope Paul being canonized now. The reply was “The Church has to draw the line somewhere!”
The less said about Pope Paul and Communism the better. How many holy priests died behind the Iron Curtain because of information supplied by him? He was being blackmailed and the less known about the reason why the better.
The worst thing Communism did was destroy the great country of Russia. And when the Berlin Wall came down most of the top people in Russia headed to Israel. I wonder why …
That’s really thiiknng of the highest order
Thank God for the Lepanto institute.
For those who might not know, communism was created by wealthy apostate jews. Even the communist revolution in russia was planned and financed in east new york by wealthy jewish bankers, having Trotsky travelled to russia with a passport issued by US president woodrow wilson !! Communism is political talmudism in action, and it seeks world domination ! Communism never died as you heard, it was simply integrated in other agendas, suhc as ecology environment. No wonder all the spreading of global warming ideas (all false)….Through holism, they intend to condition people into building marxist sustainable communities !! It follows the pagan UN Agenda 21 on sustainable development and the Earth Charter !!
JESUS WAS/IS A JEW!! This Site is sounding like the Propaganda Machine in Germany in the 1930’s!!
Turn off your computers & start PRAYING!!
Ah…but no propaganda flows from the Vatican and Magesterium these days, eh?
It’s good to know who our enemies are.
Without fervent prayer? the wickedness and deceit of the devil is unbounded .
Saint Michael the Archangel defend us in this era of ! the great apostacy.
Jesus and his disciples were ethnically Jews. There still exists ethnic Jews. However, the Judaism after the first century is marked by a rejection of Jesus Christ and persecution of Christians. This why Paul calls them adversaries of all men. In 1 Thessalonians 2:14-15, Paul says
“For you, brethren, are become followers of the churches of God which are in Judea, in Christ Jesus: for you also have suffered the same things from your own countrymen, even as they have from the Jews, [15] Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and the prophets, and have persecuted us, and please not God, and are adversaries to all men.”
You’ve put a lot of truthful info into a short comment. Thank you.
Today I re-read parts of Anthony Sutton’s book, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution. It seems you might have read it also. (Sutton also wrote Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler.)
Today I also read The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Although written about 100 years ago, It describes what you’re already familiar with: Agenda 21. ‘They’ (i.e. a Swiss court that did not follow usual court proceedings and then the propagandists) say Protocols is fiction. I have mostly failed in my attempts to lead people to seeing how Agenda 21 and the Earth Charter, unquestionably real documents of the UN, are destroying souls and nations. I guess they are too preoccupied with movies and football to even care and that’s exactly what the Fabians want. My so-called ‘Catholic’ family thinks I’ve joined a cult.
On the weekend I watched an amazing 20 year old presentation on You Tube called The Communist Infiltration of the Holy Catholic Church. It’s 2 hours long but is one of the most honest and thorough presentations that I’ve seen on the subject.
Hitler used the book, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, as an excuse to exterminate six million Jews. This book is still used to promote hatred of the Jewish people. It has spawned much evil in our world.
Your’s is the inenlligtet approach to this issue.
Josephine, thank you for sharing your comment regarding [unsuccessfully, so far!] trying to raise wider awareness of Agenda 21 and your Catholic family’s feeling that you “have joined a cult”! This so reflects my situation and I found you words incredibly reassuring! Thanks, again, Josephine. John
Josephine, like you, I’ve had a difficult time waking people up to the pure evil of the UN & Agenda 21. It also seems as if a politician is branded as part of a certain party, people will blindly believe/trust everything they say and you can’t even point out their flip/flops. Interesting you barely EVER hear a politician talking about the UN problem and that there is a global Communist agenda. This communism has infiltrated both left and right parties in our country, so that essentially they both are the same behind the scene. All talk up front. Glad to hear there are others online who are not blind to the scam going on out there to subvert our country.
Yes, the facts that don’t make it into the news media. But we know who runs that vehicle.
What a great comment here as to the origins of Communism. I’ve found that if I mention this, I’m labeled as CRAZY. How we’ve been brain washed by our media! I have also looked into the UN (including its occult member origins and practices) and Agenda 21—pure evil. Funny, you never hear politicians talking about the UN or Agenda 21 and how we need to GET OUT OF IT…and run away from it as fast as we can and call it for what it is—Communism! It’s the most dangerous thing to Christianity and our country out there. The UN is where I believe “ObamaCare” came from as the UN is mandating that everyone in the world must have health insurance. ICD10 medical codes that the USA is required to use comes from the World Health Organization. Gun control? UN wants to disarm citizens. Immigration? UN wishes to eliminate national sovereignty and erase borders. Abortion/Sex Ed/Gay agenda? Also comes from the UN and what they want every nation to adhere to regarding their policies. Their “women’s rights” branch is as nutty as wanting to legalize prostitution everywhere and come into households to make sure that men/women have shared roles. That’s also where Common Core comes from to. You see it’s the UN dictating to the USA, not the people of the USA…and most of our government is either promoting / allowing it. Look it up and find out for yourselves. And sadly this stuff has infiltrated the Church. It’s funny, we get blasted from the media as how ISIS is our greatest threat, but no one can see the pure evil destroying our country from the inside. But have no fear, Satan has been defeated by Christ. He’s trying to get everyone he can as he’s on borrowed time and he knows it.
You left out the UN sponsored IPCC and “Global Warming,” one of the more successful Communist infiltrations of the school systems of the developed world. By the way, many GOP leaders, even John McCain, publically have advocated US withdrawal and defending of the UN. FDR was naive and Churchill was sceptical about the UN, but the hope was in avoiding another world war. But with communism, infiltration is the name of the game. The Vatican and the UN were number one targets. One of the problems is that, when the Soviet led governments fell worldwide, a purge was not conducted of the KGB (now the FSB) and the Russian Military. But Chinese communists are also busy infiltrating world organizations. When the wall fell down, one of the most costly myths was in believing we defeated communism. We defeated the Soviet control of east block governments. We did not defeat world communism. The KGB (now known as the FSB) is still busy and actively undermining all churches worldwide, Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant. It now occupies St Peter’s Chair in the person of Cardinal Bergoglio.
The hosteny of your posting shines through
Wow you are right. I just saw a movie like no other that explains this connection. The cover even has a old style communists poster of Lenin marching with a solar panel and wind mill. Look at it http://www.greenflick.com
Keep up the good work. Depressing reality.
God will triumph but not without a lot of hardship and battles.
I suppose it has never.changed since Jesus walked.the earth.
In 2006 I was studying at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Stiglitz gave a lecture. He blamed the worlds trouble on the USA and George Bush …. his venom poisoned the air …. he is a traitor!
Francis freely joined the young communists while in high school …. so that was his primary indoctrination …… therefore it is no surprise that he appoints demons such as these ….. the fish starts to rot at the head ….. look at the fruits of his tree!
Quis ut Deus? >>> SERVIAM!!!!!!!
Only God can save us From this moment of confusion. Jesus my Lord, I love Your Mystical Body, the Holy Church. I yearn to be proud of it.
Mary our Mother, please intercede for us! Amen.
Interesting. I wonder if when Fr Manuel Rocha and Mr Thomas Walsh were inquiring of Sr Lucia about communism overcoming every nation that instead of asking if it meant the United States too they should have asked if it meant Vatican City? After all, Sr Lucia did affirm by her “Yes” that all countries would fall to communism and Vatican City is a country. Coincidently, both the Fatima apparitions and the communist revolution in Russia have a 100th anniversary coming in 2017. Not to mention 300 years of freemasonry and 500 of the Lutheran schism, which the Vatican is going to commemorate in cooperation with the Lutheran church. Signs of the times!
Paul VI, whose cause for canonization is disconcerting to me, has on the one hand strongly upheld orthodox teaching, e.g. on the Holy Eucharist and artificial contraception while, on the other hand promulgated the Protestant-deferent Novus Ordo and promoted the democratization of Church governance with his endorsement of regional bishops’ conferences–which have run amok in our day in the West. While never overcoming his decided weaknesses as an administrator, I think Paul VI did, in the late autumn days of his pontificate, try to push back against the evils that were gaining residency in the Vatican [ironically, though, he may have helped these evils find and secure their foothold].
Pope Francis, sad to say, represents a more imminent threat to Traditional Catholicism with what looks–more and more each day–like an overt Progressivist agenda.
I don’t understand. I am new catholic after listening to EWTN. I know people give way too much credence to the rumor mongers as they secretly slander whom they please because they do so with authority which they get not from above or from a government ‘by and for the people’ but from Mammon. What goes around comes around : gossip. You can recognize the twisted half truths. Justice goes to court. You see who is saying what and why. You give your side and if it’s a legal case you get legal council. I know of at least one suicide because of what’s happening. Some say there is nothing that can be done, but I refuse to believe that. Others tell me it’s connected to Free Masons, Illuminaty, and Intellegencia. Does it have anything to do with Communism or the stuff you all are speaking of, please ?
Behind communism see the Illuminati and the funders e.g. the Rothschilds.
Please lay off of Pope Blessed Paul VI. He was by no means perfect but at least he believed in the Catholic Faith. The reason he was made a Blessed in 2014 was that he cured an unborn child in the womb of his mother. He made mistakes obviously. But if he is made a Saint this year I am all for it.I have studied his life his writings and his encyclicals. He was most likely ignored even by his own advisers. Thank you Michael for the excellent article on the Marxist takeover of the Church which by the way started in the twenties and thirties.