In its latest bid for “Most Heretical Publication Since the 95 Theses of Martin Luther,” the National Catholic Reporter has really outdone itself. Bearing the headline, “Editorial: Our persons of the year for 2015,” National Catholic Reporter officially honored the plaintiffs behind the most immoral Supreme Court decision since Roe v. Wade, saying:
“For their historic roles as plaintiffs in Obergefell v. Hodges and for their faithful public witness as gay Catholics, we name Greg Bourke and Michael DeLeon NCR‘s persons of the year for 2015.”
What Bourke and DeLeon did, and have been doing in their “committed relationship” of 33 years, including their pretend “marriage” in Canada in 2004, is not only gravely shameful and supremely scandalous, but has forced a moral abomination upon the entire nation. By calling Bourke and DeLeon “faithful public witnesses as gay Catholics” and honoring them as persons of the year, National Catholic Reporter has made it abundantly clear for all to see that it is not Catholic, it doesn’t want to be Catholic, and in fact, it hates Catholic teaching and the Catholic Church. So the big question is, “Why is National Catholic Reporter still allowed access to official high-profile Catholic functions?”
The Code of Canon Law, 831 forbids the faithful from writing anything for publications that openly attack the Catholic faith or good morals:
“CAN. 831 §1. Except for a just and reasonable cause, the Christian faithful are not to write anything for newspapers, magazines, or periodicals which are accustomed to attack openly the Catholic religion or good morals; clerics and members of religious institutes, however, are to do so only with the permission of the local ordinary.”
The fact of the matter is the National Catholic Reporter has a long history of spreading heresy and attacking the eternal Truths taught by Holy Mother Church. Here are a few examples of NCR’s vicious assaults on the Catholic Religion and good morals:
- NCR Officially Promotes and Supports Women’s Ordination
- Editorial: Ordination of women would correct an injustice – “Our message is that we believe the sensus fidelium is that the exclusion of women from the priesthood has no strong basis in Scripture or any other compelling rationale; therefore, women should be ordained … NCR joins its voice with Roy Bourgeois and calls for the Catholic church to correct this unjust teaching.”
- Editorial: We need fearless discussion on women’s ordination – “First, we need bold, fearless discussion on the question of women’s ordination. Simple declarations that “the door is closed” cannot be the answer. Second, Francis and other church leaders must see that a ban on full participation by women in the church is obsolete and is no longer culturally significant. Many people — too many people — in the church are prevented from speaking on this issue, some through outright bans and directives, most through intimidation and fear of losing livelihoods and careers. Those of us with the freedom to speak up against this injustice must do so loudly.“
- NCR on women’s ordination: What took you so long? – ” I am delighted that the National Catholic Reporter has formally, on its editorial page, endorsed the ordination of women in the Catholic church.”
- 5 minutes with Francis: Women’s ordination – “I am a Roman Catholic Woman Priest … Women priests within the Roman Catholic tradition are shining a light on what the future holds for Roman Catholicism.” [Editor’s note: Our first contribution has special distinction, as it was originally submitted for the print publication. It is this opinion piece that gave NCR the idea for the 5 minutes with Francis blog series.]
- NCR Officially Promotes and Supports Sodomy and Sodomitical Relationships
- LGBT Catholics hope that synod on family will lead to welcome for all – “LGBT Catholics hope that the synod will recognize the variety of families in the Christian community and include all kinds in its pastoral ministry. After all, if Joseph was not Jesus’ biological father, the Holy Family was a nontraditional one.”
- What makes a family? – “I’m not sure that the church will ever change its views about lesbian and gay people, but I firmly believe my relationship with Honour is a blessing God bestowed on me. All the opposition we encountered from society and church teachings could never shatter my trust that our love is a gift from God.”
- Same-sex marriage: The sky is not falling – “On the practical level, how will parishes respond to same-sex marriage? … We will encourage them to participate fully in the life of the church, including the Eucharist. We will treat everyone with respect and dignity. We will allow them the right of their own conscience.”
- How the bishops should respond to the same-sex marriage decision – “It is time for the bishops to admit defeat and move on. Gay marriage is here to stay, and it is not the end of civilization as we know it.”
- NCR Officially Promotes and Supports Contraception
- The Catholic church should partner with Planned Parenthood to reduce abortions – “The U.S. bishops and their national staff are deeply and heavily invested in the view of Planned Parenthood as the evil opposition to a “pro-life” view of the world. Would the U.S. bishops as a whole be open to working with Planned Parenthood in a collegial, cooperative manner to reduce abortions? … Just this past month, the New York Times reported that dramatic success of the use of contraception in the reduction of teen pregnancies in Colorado. … Would the U.S. bishops deny this vulnerable cohort free contraception knowing that an abortion is the highly expected result of an unplanned pregnancy?”
- ‘Laudato Si” should have lifted the ban on contraception – “For the sake of the earth and of the poor, it is time for the church to admit that the ban on artificial contraception is doing far more harm than good.”
- Why isn’t anyone talking about the synod’s paragraphs on contraception? – “For the global poor, access to contraception can mean the difference between starvation and nourishment, poverty and stability, illness and health, death and life.”
- Francis, contraception and climate change – “If I could speak to Pope Francis directly, I would say: ‘Really? You are in the Philippines urging people to deal with widespread poverty and you include in your talk an anti-contraception message? Really? Do you see no contradiction in those messages?'”
NCR’s Michael Sean Winters even wrote a piece praising the anthem of the Communist Internationale:
“The other day, on the radio, I heard an NPR report on the funeral of the “dear leader” Kim Jong Il and the report started with masses of Koreans singing “The Internationale.” Wow. Not every day you hear that! The NPR reporter did not call attention to the music, which I hope every good leftie still remembers.
I could not find a video of that part of the ceremony but here is a recording of what is really a splendid piece of music in Korean:”
The code of Canon Law establishes that those who do what National Catholic Reporter does (established in the above list), should be punished with a just penalty:
Can. 1369 A person who in a public show or speech, in published writing, or in other uses of the instruments of social communication utters blasphemy, gravely injures good morals, expresses insults, or excites hatred or contempt against religion or the Church is to be punished with a just penalty.
In fact, the National Catholic Reporter was firmly condemned under the strictest terms by its local ordinary, Bishop Charles Helmsing, in 1968. In his letter of official condemnation, Bishop Helmsing suggested that NCR’s writers may be guilty of formal heresy, saying:
“It has given lengthy space to a blasphemous and heretical attack on the Vicar of Christ. It is difficult to see how well instructed writers who deliberately deny and ridicule dogmas of our Catholic faith can possibly escape the guilt of the crime defined in Canon 1325 on heresy, and how they can escape the penalties of automatic excommunication entailed thereby.
In fairness to our Catholic people, I hereby issue an official condemnation of the National Catholic Reporter. Furthermore, I send this communication to my brother bishops, and make known to the priests, religious and laity of the nation my views on the poisonous character of this publication.
IN AS MUCH as the National Catholic Reporter does not reflect the teaching of the Church, but on the contrary, has openly and deliberately opposed this teaching. I ask the editors in all honesty to drop the term “Catholic” from their masthead. By retaining it they deceive their Catholic readers and do a great disservice to ecumenism by being responsible for the false irenicism of watering down Catholic teachings.”
In 2013, Bishop Robert Finn reaffirmed this condemnation, adding that “NCR’s positions against authentic Church teaching and leadership have not changed trajectory in the intervening decades.”
Even in light of Canon Law, condemnation by the local ordinary, and a steady barrage against the immutable teachings of the Catholic Church, the National Catholic Reporter is given unobstructed access to official Catholic events, the publication is subscribed to by priests and parishes, and Bishops and Cardinals continue to legitimize this rag by providing NCR with interviews. Here are a few examples:
- NCR Interviews Cardinal Donald Wuerl
- NCR Interviews Archbishop Blase Cupich
- NCR Interviews Archbishop John Wester, former head of the USCCB’s Communications Committee
- NCR Interviews Cardinal Sean O’Malley
- NCR Interviews Bishop Robert McElroy
- NCR Interviews Cardinal Christoph Schonborn
- NCR Interviews Cardinal Francis George
- NCR Interviews Archbishop Mark Coleridge
- NCR Interviews Cardinal Timothy Dolan
- NCR Interviews Archbishop Joseph Kurtz
Right now, the Catholic Church is in the grip of a mass exodus from the Faith and National Catholic Reporter is leading the desertion. It will take courage, strength and sacrifice from the Princes of the Church to save the multitude of souls being led away by the deceits of this publication. Our prelates must defend the faithful against such vicious lies. Our bishops must collectively condemn the National Catholic Reporter and deny it any and all access to formal Catholic events and clerics.
[email protected] Bishop Johnston
Friends, Please send the Bishop a short email asking if he has given the the Reporter permission to call itself a Catholic paper. Respectful emails explaining this mockery can have a good effect.
Unfortunately many US bishops have also deviated from the true Catholic faith and they do not defend the Church not even defend the rights of God.
I support fully Kevin’s position.
The National Catholic Reporter is not the official publication of any diocese. It is an independent publication. The publication is free to call itself whatever it wishes. No bishop has any authority over the publication. And that is a good thing. The RCC needs an independent publication. Bishops should not think they have the authority to tell anyone what to read or what to think.
It doesn’t matter whether it is the official publication of a diocese or not, and yes … the local bishop DOES have authority over the publication:
Actually, no, the word “Catholic” is not a registered trademark and can be used by anyone for whatever purpose they choose – Canon Law has no relevance or force outside the church.
“Canon Law has no relevance or force outside the church.”
But it is binding on CATHOLICS. While the Catholic Church can’t sue the National “Catholic” Reporter for using the word “Catholic” in its masthead, the Church certainly can condemn the publication and forbid it entry to Catholic events and access to the clergy. The Church also has the ability (though is far less likely to exercise it) to excommunicate those who write or work for the NC Reporter.
Maybe not but the bishops could certainly call them out for what they are! Why don’t they, it’s disgusting that this publication is an anti-Catholic rag the bishops ignore while they lead hundreds of thousands of Catholics astray. Sickening.
And the NCR is definitely outside the church!
That would be catholic with the little c.
If the bishop yells, screams, jumps up and down, which happily none do, and do not contribute and funding, they have nothing to tell NCR. Also remember, thee Catholic Church is a big tent and can handle a MULTIPLICITY OF VIEWS. L,s, you do not have a lock on Catholic faith any more than Mother Angelica, Frs. Paquwa, O”connor etc.
Everyone thinks they are a canon lawyer.
They sure as H-E double hockeysticks do have the authority to tell Catholics that they ought to live by the doctrine and dogma of the Catholic Church. It is their sole job in the world to get the world’s Catholics to heaven. Heaven help those who lead astray or fail to properly teach.
Amen sister! Amen I say to you! Lisa, you are absolutely correct. I love the church dearly, but it needs to adapt to the times, as it always has, though conservatives are loathe to admit it. We once had female deacons AND a married clergy. Loyal dissent is healthy for the church and we need to understand this and embrace it, or we’ll continue to loose members and potential converts to “evangelicals” and “mainstream” protestants. I almost left the mother church myself, until the writings of Hans Kung convinced me otherwise.
People are so afraid of change and truth. Jesus said nothing about so many of the tenants of the current Church that frightened people cling to.
Jesus said to love God and neighbor. He chose married men to be the first apostles, including and especially Peter!
He wants the church to focus on love, not dogma.
And hoe does one properly love, but by following the Truths He taught? Those Truths ARE dogmas, as nothing taught by the Church does not come from Him.
No it’s time we return to the true Catholic faith the instituted by Christ. To say no to homosexual behavior no to abortion no to divorce no to greed no to all evil and yes to God and try to live in unity loving one another even if we have to give our lives!
I agree. Guess they are fearful that truth comes out?
Oh, but it ain’t QUITE as simple as you make it out to be, Lisa:
Well, dear ones, when you are burning in the eternal unquenchable fires of hell, we real Roman Catholics will not spare you a single drop of water to allay you well-deserved agony; indeed, we shall glorify the infinitely loving God Who led us away from such anominations as you have been led into by the National so-called Catholic Reporter. Donald Trump and the National rightly-called Catholic Register Forever!!!
I am troubled by the amount of spite and self righteousness in many replies. How often I think of Alfred North Whitehead’s remarks; “When the Western world accepted Christianity, Caesar conquered, ” and “The fact of the religious vision is our one ground for optimism and the last bastion of human savagery.” The purpose of my life is to please God; getting into heaven is a misprision and has nothing to do with it. When Matthew changed Mark’s “basileia tou Theou” to “basileia tou ouranou” he was not talking about heaven as most people think of it. My charge is to be a disciple of Jesus. Whether one is Roman, Orthodox, Lutheran, Baptist, or Methodist has precious little to do with it and my faith tells me that God is oblivious to such loyalties. Freedom is embraced as a cross. As Tomaso de Torquemada said to Jesus in The Grand Inquisitor, “We are not bad people. We relieve people of their burden, and they are more than happy to lay their freedom down at our feet.”
But it is unethical and immoral for an organization to misrepresent itself.
The National Catholic Reporter is the true voice of the average Catholic. Without it we would know little of what is really happening in the Church.
The National Catholic Reporter is a bastion of heresy.
Kevin Rilott, you think you are the first person to suggest this? It has no effect. The Church hierarchy does not listen. The only way to stop ncr is to stop its funding. That I am a loss to figure out.
I would say Rabbi Bergoglio and his minyans are doing everything in their power to continue the destruction of the “visible Catholic Church” started by Roncalli and his “successors”
But that lineup of N.O. “Cardinals” wow-talk about a gang.
Yes, the NCR is telling untruths contrary to the holy truth as taught by the Catholic Church.
It would be right and just to suppress it.
Or we could just track down their reporters, and make them an offer they can’t refuse to stop publishing.
Horse heads in bed get noticed !
Pray, first.
Don’t buy it, Don’t read it! Share your faith, pray for our priest, Pray, Pray, Pray. Don’t give them any attention. Share the good news, the many wonderful things happening. God is alive, JESUS has risen , CELEBRATE our Roman Catholic Faith! Pray alone, together, with our children, our parish communities. I have been traveling, attending Mass in many churches. I am so proud to be a Roman Catholic! God is GOOD!
You can’t get that stooge Dolan to attack the “Avatar of Abortion” Andrew Cuomo. But Dolan is again, just a more obsequious version of all the N.O. Cardinals since Cardinal Spellman in NY–who himself although a true priest and bishop contributed mightily to the evils from the NY Archdiocese.
PS: If you want to see an abject disgrace just watch any videos of Dolan at one of
“ecumenical” meetings with any Rabbis or other Jews. When I watch them I remember one of the famous lines from the movie “Goodfellas”.
“Go home and get your shinebox.”
When in power, Fascists and the extreme right often utilize the suppression opposing views as a political tactic. Good luck in your quest!
The liberal fascists and extreme left are in power and are utilizing suppression as a political tactic. Why not learn from them.
Shutting down a false Catholic rag which often defies or undermines the Church, and which sometimes spouts actual heresy , is NOT political suppression. it is disciplining errant Catholics by denying them access to Catholic events and depriving them of the legitimate use of the Catholic name. Of course, even in that scenario, you know as well as I do the response will be continued defiance while the amen chorus on the catholic left swoons over the “courage” of the scofflaws at the helm of the “other” NCR.
By implication, are you saying that left-wing types have never tried to suppress free speech and honest discourse. Whatever will we do with the concept of political correctness?!?!
With so many modern Catholics poisoned by modernism, false ecumenism, and other heresies, how do you really expect to fight back and save this Church?
How can the NCR be banned when so many Bishops and “faithful” are sympathetic to the causes it supports?
And that, my friends, is precisely the problem…
Dear Bishop Kevin Rilott
We would like to know if you have given the the Reporter permission to call itself a Catholic paper. Respectful emails explaining NCR is telling untruths contrary to the holy truth as taught by the Catholic Church.
Please order to suppress it.
In this matter, NCR isn’t catholic at all. Bearing the name ‘catholic’ doesn’t have any relevance for it doesn’t stand with the principles of being catholic which means believing in the same magisterium; the teaching authority of the church.
That the National Catholic Reporter has survived these many years with the countless transgressions against the faith is, in itself, the most apparent symptom of the utter failure of the Second Vatican Council. It is entirely symptomatic of a spineless clergy class, augmented by leadership that has simply abandoned the faith, reason and common sense.
The bad guys have won, at least for the foreseeable future.
If not now, then when?
If not us, then who?
The NCR is filth!
NCR is a beacon of light in the Catholic Community. One place where Catholics use their brains to think about issues and arrive at reasonable conclusions to difficult problems of existence.
Long live the NCR.
Heresy has no place in the Catholic Church.
Morgan, please take your meds. The National Catholic Distorter undermines Catholic doctrine at every turn. It misuses the name ‘Catholic’ because it is anything but! If you believe and support the NCR’s support contraception, women priests etc. then you are a Catholic-in-name-only.
Morgan, please take your meds? That’s the best you’ve got?
If you don’t like the NCR, you don’t have to read it.
As to the theology of the Catholic Church, I have read an awful lot of vitriol in these comments, and that, I am certain, is not part of our theology. Hate and casting stones is what Jesus was against, and he did not condone the letter of the law supplanting his mission of love and mercy either. Perhaps it is time for an examination of conscience and motive by many of the people making comments here?
And what is so scary about a newspaper bringing up topics for discussion? Read Acts of the Apostles – lots of topics discussed there. Our history as a church is one of revisions as a living community of believers.
Yes! Thinking with the mind God gave us is not “heresy”.
The idea of asking the US Bishops to ban the Publication is great only from a sentimental point of view. However, Jesus could never stop anybody from committing a sin because the gift of free will was already given to man at the beginning of creation. It is a grievous sin to cause others to sin (Matthew 18:6)(Luke 17:2)(Mark 9:42), and as children of God, we are commanded to love everyone, saint and sinners. So what we can do is persistently reprimand, educate and pray to all the parties.
You miss the point. That publication should not be presenting itself as Catholic.
The deceiver will always deceive. The grace (and our greatest weapon) given to us is discernment and prayer.
Truth is charity, all the USCCB has to is execute the laundry list of the things you suggested, but they don’t. One of the nine ways one can be complicit in another persons sin is by silence. In this case the USCCB has much to answer for.
Yes, this has been known for some time. Who, if any, funds this paper besides those who buy it. This is disheartening to say the least. Well, this is the Abomination that is in the Church. Homosexuality is an Abomination. Priest that do such things are an Abomination before the Lord. At one time, when priest in the old testament, offered up strange fire a pit open up and swallowed them in the earth. I suppose this means, in Gods’ language, they went to hell. So shall these souls go. Why are we afraid to say, “People go to hell for all eternity in eternal suffering” I tried saying this at and they refused to post me. The fact is all who oppose God will go there, a real place where the worm dies not, and weeping and gnashing of teeth. Perhaps if people are told the consequences of their actions they might stop offending God.
Can the Pope put an end to this by publically stating that this is NOT sanctioned or approved by the CATHOLIC church?
I don’t subscribe to them but I frequent their site so that I can give them hell in the comments section. It’s important to do so in that there are some vulnerable Catholics that have no clue that the news feed is not within the Catholic teachings. They mix some warm and fuzzy articles in and throw the Popes name around so it “looks” like they’re on the up and up.
I challenged Winters over his erroneous view of Catholic theology which got me banned for life. I’m kind of proud of that….banning me rather than debate me seems like a victory.
NCR is the voice of Jesus, the Christ, who came among us as a justice seeking human being.
I, along with those 100’s of men and women who attend the same Roman Catholic church community, thank God for the truth being published. Why not admit that misogyny is a grave sin. The Holy Spirit of God has spoken through NCR. Yes, the Holy Spirit is still speaking…Wake up and repent gentlemen. Ordain women priests or stop baptizing us. Let us TOGETHER become what God intended of us.
1) ” Jesus, the Christ, who came among us as a justice seeking human being.” False. Our Blessed Lord is the only begotten Son of God, both 100% man and 100% God. He came into this world to same man from sin.
2) “Why not admit that misogyny is a grave sin.” Sure it is … but exclusivity is not misogyny.
3) “Ordain women priests or stop baptizing us.” Impossible. Pope John Paul II infallibly declared:
If you deny this infallible teaching, then you deny the Church. It’s that simple.
The Catholic Church claims to be infallible. Therefore, it makes no sense for her to change her teachings. If you disagree with the Church’s teachings, you are free to leave. I do not recommend this, however. I believe that the Church is indeed infallible; therefore, it is impossible for her to change her teachings. And I believe God has confirmed that the Church is true. He has done this in many ways, including through countless public miracles such as the healings at Lourdes, the miracle of the sun at Fatima, bleeding hosts, incorrupt saints, etc. God has confirmed that the Catholic Church is the one, true, infallible religion, that cannot change, because the truth does not change. He is calling you to conversion, to fully embrace all of her teachings.
In Christ,
SK, you are a lost soul. The NCR is a heretical publication that opposes straight up doctrine and infallible teachings. For example, they promote the ordination of women but St. Pope John Paul II declared infallibly in ‘Ordinatio Sacerdotalis’ that the Catholic Church has no right what-so-ever to ordain women. That’s it. The NCR is calling for the ordination of women commits a grievous sin. Any people like you are being led along like a bunch of lemmings. #Homosexual marriage #contraception #abortion
You apparently are a progressive modernist that thinks that anything goes…….that isn’t the way it works.
And you are living in the dark ages when all this “authority” of the Vatican, the pope, and the bishops was presumed and accepted by an extremely illiterate laity. For that matter, the clergy weren’t much more educated or “enlightened” than those illiterate laity.
Start thinking for yourself. To begin that, go back to some genuine, objective history, both general and religious.
Why do you have to resort to insults to push your point?
Because you are a typical liberal who cannot discuss without implying everyone is dumb and unable to think. Perhaps you should look in the mirror.
The fact is that you are a stooge of your master – the father of lies.
From the National Catholic DISTORTER web site:
Our award-winning, biweekly newspaper delivers to subscribers in the U.S. and 59 countries around the world…
They spread their poison far and wide. If suppressed, they will just make it a headline and increase support for their dissent.
Seems to be fruitless to shut them down entirely.
I do think they should not use the word ‘Catholic’ in their name, though unless they change it to the National Catholic Dissenter.
May I ask why the USCCB doesn’t call them out in writing, in the press and from the pulpit. Instead all I hear from our dear bishops is crickets.
Accepting all the negative comments as true, we should probably be guided by Thomas Jefferson who said words to the effect that Error of opinion can be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it. If we move to suppress a publication we use the same tools as those we condemn when they try to suppress any religious involvement in the public square. Sometimes the best course is to just hold our collective noses and tolerate these writings because the alternative takes us on a far worse path.
For one thing, Thomas Jefferson was not a Catholic. For another, this isn’t just a matter of tolerating the publication itself, but the appearance of legitimacy given to it by the hierarchy of the Church due to permission for the NC Reporter to attend official Catholic events and conduct interviews with the clergy. No one is saying that the bishops should force the NC Reporter to shut down, but they should also not conduct business with it, either.
Michael…..well said!
The most impactful things you can do is not buy from the Reporters advertisers, and let them KNOW, and why….and support the National Catholic Register.
Seems it’s payback time over at Church Militant:
From the Archdiocese of Detroit in 2011:
The Church encourages the Christian faithful to promote or sustain a variety of apostolic undertakings but, nevertheless, prohibits any such undertaking from claiming the name Catholic without the consent of the competent ecclesiastical authority (see canon 216 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law). For some time, the Archdiocese of Detroit has been in communication with Mr. Michael Voris and his media partner at Real Catholic TV regarding their prominent use of the word “Catholic” in identifying and promoting their public activities disseminated from the enterprise’s production facility in Ferndale, Michigan. The Archdiocese has informed Mr. Voris and Real Catholic TV,, that it does not regard them as being authorized to use the word “Catholic” to identify or promote their public activities. Questions about this matter may be directed to the Archdiocese of Detroit, Department of Communications.
Well, that action that took place five years ago was no surprise to anyone. Bishop Gumbleton (poor, deluded soul) was the auxiliary of the Archdiocese of Detroit for years. Not to mention Cardinal Dearden, of Call To Action fame.
These sorry prelates have much to answer for. And to be so old, too.
What about an episcopal banning of The Lepanto Institute for harassing the Roman Catholic Church with idiotic allegations?
Go ahead and disprove the allegations, if you can. Good luck … Your attack on the Vatican’s declaration against Women’s ordination was a spluttering mess of incredulity without any merit. But I digress …
Get your parishes and Catholic schools and universities to cancel their subscriptions to the Reporter.
Michael Voris can’t use the word “Catholic” in his spots but NCR can ?
WTF ??
All those who go against Godly teachings will go to hell….the #CatholicChurch is a universal church but it cant go against ethos that it established.As catholics, we should riseup and fight for our faith.
Catholicism as a religion is for all.What the NCR should do is to nolonger use the word Catholic as its masthead, let it get another name to use.Vocabulary is wide.
The cause of all this is stupidity in the name of “modernity”
God knew you before you were born, then why would you abort.
Indeed Jesus should come back now
I’m really not sure why that website is even called the National Catholic Reporter. Almost every article on there could easily be published at the Daily Beast of Salon. It is all pseudo-intellectual Marxist inspired drivel that you’d expect to hear from college kids who just took their first sociology class. The writers clearly don’t have any knowledge of Catholic theology. And they never reflect on papal encyclicals or the the works of the doctors of the Church. If they were making an honest attempt to understand Church teachings, while also presenting dissenting opinions (which were actually well-though out and researched), then I’d at least respect them. But their intellectual laziness leads me to believe that they think Buzzfeed covers the “hard hitting” news, and that John Stewart is a legitimate political analyst.
Millions are leaving the church because of the sexual scandals, their Middle Age stance on birth control, their refusal to allow women to become priest and for priest to marry. The hierarchy of the church should take example of what happened when Jesus told his mother “it is not yet my time yet women”. Too bad the the New Testment did not report what Mary said to convince him otherwise.
Be a happy Anglican, they have all you want.
A church that is so scared of heresies.. so desperate to attack other people. All in the name of God.? If Jesus came down to earth, would he really think of all this. Come on folks.. use your noggins.
What would Jesus think of all this? Ask Carl Jung!
When will you decide that EWTN and the National Catholic Register also ought to be avoided. EWTN is the Catholic Fox News.
H based I do not get it. The Catholic Church has always looked to the development of its faith on an open full discussion. That is called learning. That is one of places the . Laity has a major role. The closed society you are calling for has given us a forever growing stain, the sex scandals and financial corruption. Rather than calling for end of a growing faith, why are you not putting forth your faith based arguments. Suggested reading: Models of the Church by Avery Dulles and Foundations of Christian Faith by Karl Rahner. BTW, declarations of your interpretations of Canon Law and calling for the silencing of those who happen to disagree with you dot advance your positions.
The Lepanto Institute is not about advancing its own positions, but defending the Truths taught by Holy Mother Church. What National Catholic Reporter promotes is heresy, scandal, and outright lies about what the Church teaches.