And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and surrounded the encampment of the saints and the beloved city: and fire came down from heaven and devoured them.” (Revelation 20:9)
Catholic authors have been known to be sometimes unwittingly prophetic. In my opinion, that is the case of the Spanish writer Donoso Cortés, of Fr. Félix Sardà y Salvany, and the Argentine Fr. Leonardo Castellani. For example, reading Catholicism, Liberalism and Socialism (1851) by Donoso Cortés, one can fully understand what Our Lady of Fatima said about the “error of Russia” that would eventually spread all over the world. Who could deny the predictions of that Spanish author and those of Our Blessed Mother, now that we have members of the United States House of Representatives who are openly Socialists, like Bernie Sanders or Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, among others?
Communism started its ascendance only weeks after the Fatima apparitions in 1917. That ideology has continued its expansion in spite of having been officially abandoned by Russia. Today, a surprisingly sizable number of young Americans look sympathetically to Socialist ideas. The three authors mentioned above sounded the alarm about the dangers of Liberalism. Donoso Cortés, warned us that Liberalism carried in itself the seed of Socialism because that was the only political direction in which it could grow.
The Liberal ideas that developed after the 15th century in Europe and later in the United States necessitate a growth of the role of the State at the expense of Man’s natural liberty and the guidance of the Church. From the beginning, Liberalism wants to “liberate” us from the moral constraints of the Church. That is the reason why all the young branches of that original idea are basically anti-Christian.
One important difference between the early Liberalism and modern Socialism is that Socialism now has the tools to complete the abolition of the Christian order. That mission has been accomplished to a great extent in the Western World. The Church has declined in influence and prestige to a point our Christian forefathers never imagined possible. But prophets do not have to imagine, they are given the grace to see. Father Castellani foresaw the final wave of iniquity and how it would fatally wound the Catholic Church:
the temporal structure of the Church will fall under the sway of the Antichrist. She will fornicate with the kings of the Earth —at least the visible part of it, as it has happened already in history — and the abomination of desolation will enter the holy place.” (quoted in Liberalism: Sin, Iniquity, Abomination, by Horacio Bojorge S. J.)
Our Lord warned us through the prophet Daniel:
Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.” (Daniel 12:10)
We can thank God for the wisdom of Cortés, Salvany, and Castellani who saw our present situation with clarity and sounded the alarm so that we can understand our times.
As the Church appears to careen into an even bigger crisis now, we can see that serious malicious infiltration has been taking place for the best part of the last century or so. The ultimate origin of the attack is, as usual, the father of lies, the enemy of God. It is a well known fact that the Soviets began to plant agents in the Church in the 1920’s aiming to use ecclesiastical influence for their own political purposes.
A labor union activist who later converted to the Catholic faith, Bella Dodd, revealed that in the early 1950’s the communist had infiltrated a good number of seminaries and even had men placed in the College of Cardinals. Many of those young seminarians got ordained and moved up to influential positions in the hierarchy, gradually creating a network within the Catholic Church.[1]
Ion Mihai Pacepa, a high-ranking officer in the Romanian KGB, revealed that the Soviet conspiracy even involved the creation of a specific theology designed to facilitate the intrusion. According to Pacepa, KGB officers were responsible for the creation of the so-called Theology of Liberation.[2] Other books and authors have added important information about the conspiracy.[3]
February in Rome
A strange coincidence, or perhaps an intentional joke by someone in the Vatican in charge of scheduling important events, made the Synod on Sexual Abuse begin on the day of St. Peter Damian, a Doctor of the Church and the author of the Liber Ghomorrianus, a treatise where our saint thunders against the spread of the vice of homosexuality among the clergy of his time.
The synod was, as many expected, a nothingburger and many called it “a cover up of the cover up” perhaps another page taken from the political manual of Peronism: make a lot of noise about solving a problem, create a committee, and keep the public busy with blah-blah until a new problem takes their attention away. In short, nothing happened but sometimes when nothing happens, everything happens. There was a great hole in the matters up to discussion. A hole named Theodore McCarrick the recently defrocked Cardinal, former Archbishop of Washington, DC, and fundraiser extraordinaire who was a major mover and shaker in the American Catholic Church for decades.
Theodore McCarrick
McCarrick’s treasonous activities should be examined –not only by whoever happens to still be loyal to Christ in the upper hierarchy of the Church– but also by American counterintelligence analysts, because it has become a matter of national security, something that goes well beyond a mere investigation on his many crimes.
McCarrick obviously infiltrated the Church, most likely with the help of Communists. He managed to form a network of men like him, he placed them in strategically important posts where they could wield power and use it to facilitate further infiltration and control. He was a master deceiver, able to manipulate those above and below him to further his aims while living a life of unspeakable vice. This is no mere Benedict Arnold. Rather, imagine had someone like James Monroe been a British agent during the War of Independence. McCarrick the operative likely trained by Soviet agents in Switzerland when he was young, has been within shooting distance of several American Presidents moving freely among the most powerful politicians in the country, sensing their opinions, inclinations, perhaps even hearing highly sensitive information. No one seems to know the full extent of the damage done to the Church and the country by Theodore McCarrick since many of the men he placed in high posts are still there!
How was a poor, young McCarrick able to travel to Switzerland and stay there for months? Why was he expelled from a Catholic High School only to be accepted into a seminary and later ordained as a priest? What was his relation to his ecclesiastical superiors? How was he able to have such a brilliant career while living a double life? Who enabled him? Who looked the other way? How did the network operate and how does it operate now that McCarrick’s cover is blown?
Honest Catholic investigators can do a lot to answer those important questions that the Synod so conspicuously ignored. A Synod that was announced to be the end-all and cure-all of the clerical sexual abuse, ended up being a big “nothingburger” with a side of air but perhaps there is somebody, now lurking in the shadows, who wonders “where’s the beef” and is willing and able to find it. If that is the case, well … “I’m loving it!”
[1] See: School of Darkness, Bella Dodd, Jerome Library Press.
[2] Former Soviet spy: We created Liberation Theology, Catholic News Agency, May 1, 2015.
[3] Good Bye Good Men – How Liberals Brought Corruption into the Catholic Church, by Michael S. Rose, Regnery Publishing, 2002. The Homosexual Network: Private Lives and Public Policy, by Enrique T. Rueda. (Devin Adair Co., 1982). More recently: In the Closet of the Vatican: Power, Homosexuality, Hypocrisy by Frédéric Martel, (Bloomsbury Continuum, 2019).
For reasons unknown, in my my previous two posts, several of the reader’s comments went to the spam box. In trying to recover them, I made a mistake and they ended up deleted. I apologize for the error. If you remember or have saved those comments, I encourage you to please post them again.
Thank you!
“Ion Mihai Pacepa, a high-ranking officer in the Romanian KGB, revealed that the Soviet conspiracy even involved the creation of a specific theology designed to facilitate the intrusion (into the Catholic Church). According to Pacepa, KGB officers were responsible for the creation of the so-called Theology of Liberation.”
If the above assertion is true, then it would seem that the Regime of Antichrist unleashed by the Russian Communist has sought for generations to reduce the Catholic Church to a mere department — a “Ministry of Spirituality” — of the New Order/One World Government.
The convergence of all of the available data says that this, or at least something like it, is true. We should also be mindful of the fact that Barack Hussein spent at least two decades involved with Black Liberation Theology, a derivative of the process described by Pacepa, and stood at the Brandenburg Gate (if memory serves) to declare himself a “citizen of The World.” All that before he participated in, and won, the only contest for the American presidency that was without a Christian candidate. And that his only legislative achievement prior to that had been to enshrine in the Illinois legislature the “right” to leave human beings that survived botched abortions in trash cans and storage closets to die, that he came into office declaring himself to be “the abortion president,” and that the most consistent policy agenda throughout his presidency was the promotion of homosexuality worldwide, which culminated in lighting up the White House in celebration of sodomy and the enshrinement of emotivism into national law by the SCOTUS.
That’s about as Antichristic a resume as you’re likely to come across anywhere.
Ministry of Spirituality. That’s EXACTLY what the institutional Church has devolved to. What a great insight!
I have wondered for years why nobody including the clerics knows the faith? Why everything is about soup kitchens instead of souls? Why the Church looks like the democrat party cloaked in a religious costume?
It is now fully obvious that we are living in those dreaded historical times so long foretold. Is it THE end or just a type of the end to come? Who can say? Mary seems to indicate that she has a few cards to play in the suit of Trump. If that is so, then the end of all ends may yet be in the future. The thing is, that we can’t know. WWII must have seemed like the end to those in Europe. Once again the powers are celebrating (prematurely one suspects) their complete control of events. But this is bad and getting worse.
Prayer is all we have left to count on. The center will not hold. The enemy has it.
The signs are all there and they will repeat — anakyklosis — in concentric circular cycles until we reach the end. Berlin 1945 meant the end of ends for little mustache and his homo friends… I see a parallelism there that may be repeated (remember “the Pope will have to leave Rome stepping on the corpses of his cardinals”?)
This time is not Berlin, it is Rome and Rome is the navel of the world.
Tell me how you believe it is possible that we have another pope who isn’t an apostate when Francis has stacked the deck of cardinals with his “friends” who are all enemies of Christ as he is? How will a man faithful to Christ and His Church be elected with this group who will also ensure the perpetuation of heretics/apostates are elevated to bishop and cardinal?
If Judas Iscariot could walk side by side with Christ, if Peter could deny knowing Christ, etc. it is perfectly possible that God has allowed this awful times to visit us.
What we have to ask is what have we done to deserve such a bunch of “princes” –we know that bad kings and princes are used by God to chastise His people– I will tell you how this came to pass: after centuries of lukewarm Catholicism, after decades of contraception, indifference to the doctrine, lack of chastity and charity, etc. etc. God has sent us the rulers we deserve. Our sky has turned to iron and our ground to bronze. I lament this sad state of affairs but I hope and pray I am not so self righteous to believe that I am not even partially responsible for what is happening. We have to move in three fronts.
1. Reform our lives and start behaving like the true flock of Christ
2. Show remorse and true repentance for our faults by doing lots of penance and prayer
3. Act, using all means at our disposal, to make sure that justice is done and these monsters are sent where they belong: prison
We can tear our garments all we want and point at the obvious shortcomings of those impostors but that has no value before God. In fact, it has some negative value because God wants to save the souls of those monsters also if they properly repent and go back to Him (unlikely if you ask me.)
What I am supposed to do? Gather an army and march on Rome? Yes, he has stacked the deck with well known creeps. Will he overpower God’s arm? Is that what you believe? Nero, Julian the Apostate, Napoleon, Stalin, etc. all tried to control the Church against God’s will. The last time I checked they were all dead.
This has to happen. God is still in control. He was in control in Calvary, He is in control now. No need to be anxious about it. His will shall be done.
Exactly right! We rightly condemn our vapid clerics but if a faithful priest did a homily on contraception how many laity would get up and walk out? Look at blue state pseudo Catholics voting for the party of death. Look at Massachusetts re-election of Ted Kennedy 62 months after killing Mary Jo. Look at Pew research data that says only 23% of Catholics can even be bothered with God one hour a week at Mass. The overwhelming majority of even them “dissent” from church teaching on pelvic issues.
Yup, not minimizing the horrors of the clerics but we laity have a few logs in our own eyes also.
Carlos: I believe you are on the right track. God is in control. No need to worry. Important that we continue to trust in Him and to pray, pray, pray. Our Lady’s Rosary is a powerful weapon. Let us not forget that. Let us pray for all – the good and the bad. God knows who we are. We can’t hide from Him.
Wonderful post! I would only add, we the laity, have a powerful weapon in this war between good and evil within the Catholic Church, the power of the purse strings. We can withhold any and all financial support from dioceses of corrupt bishops and cardinals the likes of Cupich, Dolan, Tobin, and all who promote immorality, heresy and apostasy.
The great anti-liberal Spanish priest Fr. Felix Sarda y Salvany, whose 1886 work Liberalism is a Sin was endorsed by the Vatican’s Sacred Congregation of the Index, that office of the Roman Curia that deals with the censorship of books (a liberal priest in Spain had submitted Fr. Sarda’s work to the Congregation of the Index in the hopes of having it condemned, but far from doing that, the Holy See turned instead to the liberal accuser and started investigating him, while highly praising Fr. Sarda’s Liberalism is a Sin):
In the fulsomeness of their flattery, [Liberals] hope to show that it costs a Catholic nothing to recognize merit wherever it may be found; they imagine this to be a powerful means of attracting the enemy. Alas, the folly of the weaklings; they play a losing game; it is they who are insensibly attracted, not the enemy! They simply fly at the bait held out by the cunning fisher who satanically guides the destinies of Liberalism.
Heresy under a charming disguise is a thousand times more dangerous than heresy exposed in the harsh and arid garb of the scholastic syllogism — through which the death’s skull grins in unadorned hideousness. Arianism had its poets to propagate its errors in popular verse. Lutheranism had its humanists, amongst whom the elegant Erasmus shone as a brilliant writer. Arnauld, Nicole, Pascal threw the glamour of their belles lettres over the serpentine doublings [tricks, artifices] of Jansenism. Voltaire’s wretched infidelity won its frightful popularity from the grace of his style and the flash of his wit. Shall we, against whom they aimed the keenest and deadliest shafts, contribute to their name and their renown! Shall we assist them in fascinating and corrupting youth! Shall we crown these condemners of our faith with the laurels of our praises and laud them for the very qualities which alone make them dangerous!And for what purpose? That we may appear impartial? No. Impartiality is not permissible when it is distorted to the offense of truth, whose rights are absolute. A woman of bad life is infamous, be she ever so beautiful, and the more beautiful, the more dangerous. Shall we praise Liberal books out of gratitude? No! Follow the liberals themselves in this, who are far more prudent than we; they do not recommend and praise our books, whatever they be. They, with the instinct of evil, fully appreciate where the danger lies. They either seek to discredit us or to pass us by in silence.
Si quis non amat Dominum Nostrum Jesum Christum, Sit anathema [“If anyone does not love the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema”], says St. Paul. Liberal literature is the written hatred of Our Lord and His Church. If its blasphemy were open and direct, no Catholic would tolerate it for an instant; is it any more tolerable because, like a courtesan, it seeks to disguise its sordid features by the artifice of paint and powder?
(Fr. Felix Sarda y Salvany, Liberalism is a Sin, Ch. 18)
I instantly loved Liberalism is a Sin.
He made so many cogent points, points that were irrefutable. My favorite, the one he kept coming back to time and time again, was that Liberalism ALWAYS knows its own … and ALWAYS instinctively hates and attacks those opposed to it. You can count on it.
Good people try to “dialogue”, “give and take”, make certain concessions with Liberals and Progressives … and it’s NEVER reciprocated. When you make concessions, you’ve already lost the argument and debate.
So how about we stop that garbage and refuse to budge on matters of Faith and Morals?! NEVER accept the premise of a Socialist!!!
If any pope in the past fifty years had deposed bishops who snuggled with, and slobbered on, and gave Communion to pro-abortion politicians, every single bishop whose name is now connected with scandal would have been gone years ago.
Yet people talk about getting millionaires to finance detectives to snoop into bishops’ lives.
It’s as if all Soviet agents were required by their bosses to paint their faces blue, and U.S. officials continued to fret, “How are we going to detect and root out the Soviet spies?”
I thought the same. At this point it should be like shooting fish in a barrel. We all know who they are.
A great error that has been stalking the world and has crept even into the Church and Her official documents since the 1970s is the false idea (promoted by devotees of that “scientific materialism of the soul” better known as modern psychology) that there is such a thing as “a homosexual” or “a transsexual” per se. There is no such creature. Despite the global attempt to invent a sub-species of humanity called “LGBT”, there is no “breed” or species-variant of human beings bearing this nature. The plain fact is we are all sinners — we are all born THAT way — and our *fallen* nature makes us inclined toward an array of evils shoved and smeared on us by the world, the flesh, and the devil. Creating a fake “race” of humans called “LGBT” is a diabolically ingenious way of getting people to ignore their own fault in embracing sexual disorientation and fetishism in thought, fantasy, and deed, while insisting instead that their sins and wicked behaviour and preoccupations are due to their being a special “kind” of human: an “LGBT person”, part of an “LGBT community”.
Human civilization in general, and Our Lord’s One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church in particular, will never be able to slay the multi-headed dragon of LGBTism (which is really emergent Transhumanism) unless they reject the fake taxonomy of “LGBT” and recognize sexual psychopathy and immorality for what it is: a problem of the soul that only the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Great Physician, can heal and cure. Until this happens, we’ll be fighting with one hand tied behind our back.
St. Peter Damian, pray for us!
Indeed. Very good comment.
As a psychologist with more than 35 years’ experience, I wholeheartedly agree and only would add that it is a problem of the soul and the will, both, unless that is a false dichotomy. Your comment is also what I was getting at when I mentioned that the Supremes bought into the emotivism at the root of the LGBT charade.
Great article! I think what could be added is that much was said(we will know them by their actions) by the fact that the key issues were never addressed by the summit. In fact, it was an obvious kabuki theater, or dog and pony show, with the unsaid theme of “to hell with all you calling for us corrupt hierarchy to step down! We won’t, and we won’t address homosexuality or even unchastity in the priesthood”. I think every breathing Catholic now has to decide if they wish to continue funding this atrocity. Redirecting our tithe to good Catholic organizations will shut down the facade of these unbelievers quickly.
Mary Immaculate Our Queen…as Mother of Jesus calls us incessantly to prayer trust and faithfulness to Christ our Saviour and Lord of all.
We must enter the sure refuge of Her Immaculate Heart
All will be well!
We must each make reparation for our own sins and the sins of our brothers and sisters from Adam to the Last, in the Divine Will.
In trust we can be confident that God knows what He is about..
Let us pray that the Holy Spirit will set our hearts on fire each day so that love and mercy will triumph.
“In the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph ”
Have a wonderful Holy Week everyone.God bless us all.
Wife and mother of 13(5 miscarried and now in Heaven )