The following information was sent to Fr. Mark Hyde on Monday, May 9, explaining that we wrote him “in order to provide [him] the opportunity to address and correct the situation before we publish the information we have obtained. Our scheduled publishing date and time is noon on Wednesday, however we are open to suspending publication given a timely and reasonable response.” The Lepanto Institute did not receive a response from Fr. Hyde.
Dear Fr. Hyde,
As you may recall, last fall, the Lepanto Institute published a report regarding the Life Choices program implemented through the Salesian Missions’ Office of International Programs, whose director is Jaime Correa-Montalvo. In that report, we illustrated training manuals found on the Salesian Life Choices website showing that the program promoted abortifacient contraception, masturbation and condom use. We also provided saved copies of Salesian Life Choices newsletters, proving that students were not only taught this information, but that they repeated what they learned about abortifacient contraception and condom use in their own articles, which were published by the Salesian Life Choices program and distributed to over 15,000 other youths. As a reminder, here is a clipped image from Youth newsletter #4.
Since the publication of our report on this program, I have communicated by email with Fr. Francois Dufour, Provincial Superior of the Salesians of Don Bosco in Southern Africa. Fr. Dufour confirmed that the information I obtained regarding the Salesian Life Choices training manuals was correct and accurate. Fr. Dufour, in his own words said that he was “duly horrified when [he] got to examine the full training manual” and ordered that it be destroyed. He admitted that “I did not, when I took over as provincial in 2007, monitor the program – there never was any complaint against it that called more attention to it.” He also assured me that the training manuals the Lepanto Institute reported as having been implemented by the Salesian Missions in South Africa “have been banned from use by Life Choices henceforth.”
Unfortunately, the statement issued by your office is in direct conflict with Fr. Durfour’s admission as well as the facts contained in our initial report.
Related to all of this, some new and greatly disturbing information has come to light regarding your director of the Office of International Programs, Jaime Correa-Montalvo. As mentioned earlier, Mr. Correa-Montalvo was the one responsible for the Life Choices program implemented in South Africa. What we have discovered is that Mr. Correa-Montalvo has engaged in highly inappropriate activity on Linkedin, calling into immediate question his ability to discern and commit to Catholic moral teaching. The main page of Mr. Correa-Montalvo’s Linkedin profile indicates that he is a member of the Linkedin group, “Human Rights Campaign,” (the most prominent same-sex “marriage” lobbyists in the country).
In addition to this, Mr. Correa-Montalvo’s activity on Linkedin includes “liking” advertisements for male homosexual bondage accessories and images of mostly nude, male models. What follow are screen captures of Mr. Correa-Montalvo’s activity on Linkedin.
With regard to this post, “Mr. S Leather” is a male homosexual and bondage accessories shop. Please do not google this, it is extremely graphic and disturbing.
The link provided in the above post, which Mr. Correa-Montalvo “likes,” is to a male homosexual-bondage accessories store.
Fr. Hyde, it is difficult to see how an individual engaged in this kind of activity online can in any way be committed to Catholic moral teaching. Furthermore, when we consider this activity, the fact that Mr. Correa-Montalvo was the one responsible for the implementation of the Life Choices program in South Africa, and that the Life Choices program there most definitely included education on abortifacient contraception and masturbation, becomes all the more upsetting.
I am writing to you now in order to provide you the opportunity to address and correct the situation before we publish the information we have obtained. Our scheduled publishing date and time is noon on Wednesday, however we are open to suspending publication given a timely and reasonable response.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Michael Hichborn
This is so disturbing. Thank you for shining a light on this.
The barbarians are in the city and there are no gates. Mark Steyn
I was supporting Salesian missions for years. No more.
Somehow I do not hear outcry from American clergy. Most of them including Bishops and Cardinals belong to the same sons of the goat group – MASONS.
Do not ask me not to judge. Jesus said – if you not welcome, shake off the dust of your sandals. This is what I’m doing now !!!
God will forgive you but only when you remember what He said to sinners – Go and SIN NO MORE !!
Remember – what He said. Repent.
Not a penny to the Salesians. No one should support them in their present state. Debauchery.
Again, I say, disgusting.
Perversion………….sick, evil, perversion.
I am absolutely horrified by the evidence that is provided by the Lepanto Institute. They have done a great job of investigating and this matter needs to be addressed right away by Fr. Hyde. Him not responding to the materials makes me think he knew about this and supports it. This needs to be addressed immediately by Father Hyde’s superior. I will no longer supporting the SM.
Pray, pray, pray and pray….for repentance of these matters of sin!!!!
1 John 5:16
Should we?
1 John 5:16
SO TRUE a statement….very disturbed by this Salesian Missions of heterodoxy! DO NOT SUPPORT!
“For many, as I have often told you and now tell you even in tears, conduct themselves as enemies of the cross of Christ.”
Thanks for publishing this.
Goodbye requests for donations.
Mark Steyn’s comment says it all.
Shocking and disgusting. This man is clearly working to undermine Church teaching from within. In no way can he be committed to Truth. He must find another job. Bravo in uncovering such a situation so it can be dealt with appropriately and with charity. Prayers for Jaime Correa -Montalvo who so needs them, as well as Fr. Hyde that he may not shrink from doing the right thing.
I continue to be so very grateful to the Lepanto Institute for bringing to light this kind of disease that, like a stealthy and deadly virus, has infected various Catholic institutions to which well-meaning Catholics have contributed so much in the spirit of charity. It is not possible to exercise charity by letting people, causes or organizations that call themselves “Catholic” continue to inflict harm on us and not call out their sinful actions or cease immediately to support them. Like a deadly virus, sinful actions inflict moral and spiritual disease on us — the Body of Christ — even as we pray for sinners every day and seek forgiveness for our own sins.
Satan is alive and well and in the Church. Be aware who you are giving to, even those promoted by the Bishops.
Has Fr. Hyde replied?
No, he has not.
They have written to me a couple of times insisting that Anything you say or show them is untrue. I used to give them Many dollars monthly for many years . Not for months or ever again have I given them a penny. They, CRS, CCHD, and Coraid of Netherlands are Scandal to the faith. Saint J. Bosco must be spinning in his grave or in heaven at what his order has sunk to ,very sad to say..
I stopped sending my donation to Salesian Mission when I learned about this report.
Evil is as evil does …. is this a sin of omission or commission by the Salesians who were well aware of this …. Correa-Montalvo must be let go immediately ….. failure to terminate him is failure to protect children …. and we know what Jesus said about those who teach little ones to sin ….. a millstone around their neck and thrown into the sea …..
Chose heave or chose hell ….. we can plainly see what Correa-Montalvo has chosen.
Quis ut Deus ?!? — SERVIAM !!!!!
So very disturbing. Satan has made inroads in every aspect of our society. I pray for our Church and her clergy.
That’s awesome! Great Job Michael!!! It’s so ridiculous and funny that if he is not out of a his position by the end of the week, then we as the body of Christ are not doing our jobs! One thing for sure is there is nothing “stealthy” about this brazen man. Don’t get me wrong, he is a great advocate and appears to be excelling on his agenda…it’s just not the “Catholic” agenda he need be attempting to represent! I hate to ask this, but is Fr. Hyde’s lack of response something you need to investigate?? What does his LinkedIn page look like? Just askin…
Don Basco must be ashamed of these people.
Thank you Michael for your research. I only wish I knew this a year ago before I gave $500 to Salesian Missions.
[email protected]
Please contact the Salesians and ask them to become Catholic.
I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Without words to express. Praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy every day for Priests and Church.
I stopped trusting Salesians a long while ago.
Like the 1960s bumper stickers stated – “Speed on brother, hell ain’t half full!!! – or – “Dirve like hell, you’ll get there!!!”
Our Lady said to the 4 children from Garabandal (1961-1965) :: “Many priests, many bishops & many Cardinals are on the road to perdition, leading many souls astray. Less & less importance is being given to the Eucharist. There will be a crisis of Faith in the Church” . Our Lady begged that we pray for the priests. We must do what Our Lady asked! Do not despair but Pray& do not stop. “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph’ is what Our dearest Mother promised at Fatima. We are near the 100th year since Fatima. Pray the Rosary & have confidence that the triumph is very close!
Amen and Amen!
I pray that our Blessed Mother will protect the members of the Church from its many enemies, and that the members will grow in wisdom and holiness.
Sweet Heavenly Mother, please intercede for us.
Thank you, Michael, for showing us the truth!
How much more can this go on before the Wrath of God descends upon mankind? These ‘men’ are absolutely vile demoniacs. Satan has infiltrated all that was once holy.
It is precisely b/c of this type of perversion in the Church that I’ve joined Cardinal Burke’s monthly rosary chain in which we storm heaven w/prayers on the first day of every month to pray for the purification of the Church.
Please continue the good work! I will continue donating to you every month.
In the upcoming revision of my will, I will have to remove Salesian Missions as a residuary legatee if their response to your letter is not quick and appropriately thorough.
We will provide an update in the event they respond.
I wouldn’t wait! Death is certain.
It’s been over a month, and they haven’t responded. I doubt they will.
Thanks for exposing the Salesian Mission’s misuse of our donations. I’ve supported them for years but will not give them another dime until they prove their loyalty to God and His Church by immediately removing instigators like Jaime Correa-Montalvo and any enablers who failed to stop the writing, editing, printing, and distribution of such intrinsically evil ideas. This is especially abhorrent because of the poisoning of minds of at least 15,000 souls and the subsequent failure of the Salesian Mission to respond to your clarification request.
When I see things like this it becomes very clear why we are losing the culture battle. You can’t beat back the devil when the troops you are using are partners with him.
Things have gone from bad to worse under Pope Francis.
This has been happening long before Pope Francis.
For those of us no longer donating money to the Salesian Mission, let’s instead give those monies, and more, to the Lepanto Institute so that they may continue their wonderful CATHOLIC work and keep us informed.
I wonder how many more rotten apples there are in this bunch. Is there evidence that this is happening in the US as well or any other countries they have offices in ?
So horrific. That Fr. Hyde would not respond is astounding. He can’t “hyde” this evil. A slap in the face of Jesus. I have sent their latest mailing back saying I will again support them when they once again become a “CATHOLIC” mission and not support evil and abhorrent sexual practices. Mr. Correa-Montalvo must go. So sad for the truly wonderful and Godly missionaries of the past.
For understanding of how the homosexual abuse crisis became so severe among Catholic clergy that it has nearly destroyed the Church, look no further. Is anyone doing anything?
When an organization is approached with a serious concern, such as that which Lepanto Institute has brought to the attention of the Salesians, and the organization offers no response, one should ask, “Why is that?”
Two possibilities suggest themselves to my mind: either a) the organization doesn’t take your concern seriously (not enough to even respond!)–where you see a problem, they don’t; or b) they are so compromised as an organization that they prefer to let you do their job of policing internal conflicts of interest. One could even give the Salesians the benefit of the doubt and see in their passive non-response an intention to facilitate the needed exposure, which they themselves, due to internal obstacles, may not be able to bring about. (This speculation, however, requires the assumption that there has been a change of heart at the Salesian Missions since the time of their earlier denials of Mr. Hichborn’s findings and conclusions.)
Maybe there are other possibilities that haven’t occurred to me–but by keeping silent as to their true position when confronted with a problem, the Salesians leave themselves open to such speculations.
I hope the Salesians will now respond in a way respectful of the facts exposed by Lepanto Institute. It would be truly inadequate, and an insult to the public, to simply say–“you misunderstand” the clear evidence that has been presented–and that everything is perfectly in accord with the Church’s teaching.
The Salesian Missions owe the believing Catholic public (not the CINO public) one of two things: either 1) an apology and a promise to discontinue supporting programs that are contaminated with doctrines incompatible with Catholic teaching, or 2) (speaking facetiously) they need to provide a convincing Catholic defense of their support of “abstinence” programs that encourage condom use (that is basically what they have claimed–that these programs exposed by Lepanto Institute are actually “abstinence” programs!) and explain how identifying with the virulently pro-homosexual-agenda, anti-Christian Human Rights Campaign is compatible with directing the Office of International Programs which oversees their youth formation programs in Africa.
If it is truly the Salesian Missions’ intention to help the youth of South Africa to live a healthy, moral life, and discover the goodness and beauty of Catholic moral teaching, they should meticulously disassociate their programs and materials from any government-funded programs that promote a secular humanist agenda of LGBT normalization, and decontaminate their programs from any influences that undermine Catholic teaching. There is no way, within the current scheme of US governmental policy, to cooperate with that secular agenda, accept those conditional funds, and simultaneously maintain a truly Catholic operation.
Thank you for uncovering the truth. I have given to the Salesians and have asked for Gregorian Masses. I have to leave it up to The Holy Spirit and hope that they were said. I will support the Marian Gregorian Masses from now on. Thank you again for all you do for Christ and His bride.
I am no longer donating
to the Salesian Missions. I
gave to them for 50 years.
There is no excuse for their
support of anti-life programs
that are condemned by Pope
Francis. Where is the U.S.C.C.B.
in all this? Why are they silent?
Those poor little children!
I am literally crying right now!
Even on those examples you showed of what this priest “liked” online,
I see at least one or 2 photos which look to me like a frightened young person.
I think not all of those shown in these pictures are willing participants.
And it’s hard to know even if they appear to be happy.
Some may be putting on an act under duress.
Nobody is truly safe when evil is allowed to prevail!
We must not only pray and fast,
but also take action to intervene as much as we can!
Thank you so much for the great investigative reporting. I see the Salesian’s have a history of sexual abuse by some members, but I guess they didn’t investigate their problems widely enough…We need to pray for a thorough cleansing of our Church…
It is amazing that the guy is so public with his, uh, lifestyle. Could it be that the Salesians really knew nothing about it? Even giving them the benefit of the doubt, they know now! (Thanks Lepanto.)
Father Hyde, Father Hyde – children are dying! Souls are in grave danger of being lost!
God’s priceless gifts are being trampled under the hooves of Satan and his devils.
Why are you silent? Why do you not speak against this great evil?
Wait a minute! Where O’ Where is all the liberal (aka counterfeit) Catholics’ sanctimonious trolling?
No pompous insistence that we not judge?
What about all those lines about welcoming “all peoples”?
Not a single leftist whimper about how traditional doctrine (aka Catholicism) needs to be silenced, and those who propound it must pray for forgiveness?
Thank you for exposing the truth.
I knew about this (and other) perversions of morals and dogma years ago. I stopped giving to all Novus Ordo ‘charities’ years ago. In fact, I’ve also decided to stop giving to any organization under the jurisdiction of ANY Novus Ordo Roman rite diocese, which, unfortunately includes the motu societies as well. Why should I give my money to any organization, that at a moment’s notice could be shut down and the money removed to Rome (or Tel Aviv)?
This is really a matter of concern.
God bless you, Lepanto, for speaking out the truth about their big lie.
I will be putting this exposé up on my Catholic web site in India.
As a Salesian-educated man, I have witnessed the Salesian downslide into secular humanism.
In our country they are the absolute leaders in promotion of New Age psychology in the Catholic Church, putting up institutions to practise and disseminate these false and dangerous pseudo-psychospiritual techniques all across the sub-continent.
Michael Prabhu, Catholic apologist, [email protected]
After over 30 years of contributions to the Salesian Missions I am discontinuing my financial support. Like so many other organizations of priests and and brothers in the US and Europe some Salesians seem to be embracing secular culture because they are “openminded”. I believe that may be one reason why they may have suffered severe drops in vocations also. St. John Bosco must be rolling in in his grave.
We received the Perpetual Enrollment to the Sacred Heart Association from the Salesian Missions and called New Rochelle NY. We’re determined not to start contribution until Fr Mark Hyde responds to the Lepanto Institute letter and corrects the current misguided situation with the Salasian Missions.