It may seem like a joke, and while the image above is photoshopped in order to make the point, the statue of the demonesque dog from Hell is in reality a “monument to feminism!” I kid you not!
In June of this year, Fr. Zuhlsdorf reported on the placement of a new statue in London called, “She Guardian,” which is said to be a new monument to “feminism.” This more than appropriate statue can be more aptly be applied to Planned Parenthood, and could very likely be its new mascot.
With a face right out of Stephen King’s nightmares, the gaping maw of razor sharp teeth give perfect representation to the menacing death machines in daily use at Planned Parenthood facilities across the country. As more and more information about Planned Parenthood‘s cannibalistic fervor in seeking out the “choicest cuts” of preborn infant organs is brought to light, it’s clear that the voracious appetite so apparent in this hideous creature is a perfect rendition of the demon running the nation’s largest abortion chain.
It’s important for us to see the ugly truth about the fight facing us right now. The fact of the matter is that abortion is demonic, and the sale of infant body parts is purely inspired from the pit of Hell. But no matter how terrifying, how awful, how demoralizing, or how indomitable the beast may seem, the fact of the matter is that this beast is lashing about, frantically seeking souls to devour because it knows its time is short. In October of 1917, Our Lady promised three children that, “in the end, [Her] Immaculate Heart will triumph.”
Seeing this demonic figure that seeks to devour little children, and seeking recourse to Our Holy Mother, I was reminded of one of the dreams of St. Don Bosco. In the dream, the saint witnessed a demonic elephant trampling his students under-foot due to a procession in honor of the Blessed Virgin. What struck me about this dream, and why I thought of it in relation to the diabolical monument to feminism and Planned Parenthood is this: The elephant in St. Don Bosco’s dream appears completely indomitable, just as Planned Parenthood (represented by that horrifying beast) also appears indomitable. Planned Parenthood tramples children (born and preborn) under its’ feet, and just as St. Bosco saw in his dream, some who were spared the elephant’s wrath actually joined in its rampage and carnage. This is clearly evident among the Catholics who support Planned Parenthood’s ghastly agenda. But the point of all this? Those who ran to seek shelter under Our Lady’s mantle were saved! Furthermore, Our Lady sent some who were under Her mantle to run back out to help those in need. Today, Planned Parenthood and its supporters will ultimately be defeated by Our Lady, and if we are to be spared this beast’s gory rampage, we likewise must run to Her for protection, and when called to do so, rush out and help those trying, but incapable of escaping the beast’s wrath.
This is what the saint said, in his own words:
Down in the playground, surrounded by a crowd of boys, stood an enormous elephant.
“How did this happen?” I exclaimed. “Let’s go down!”
Professor Vallauri and I looked at each other in surprise and alarm and then raced downstairs. As was only natural, many of you had run to the elephant. It seemed meek and tame. Playfully it lumbered about, nuzzling the boys with its trunk and cleverly obeying their orders, as though it had been born and raised at the Oratory. Very many of you kept following it about and petting it, but not all. In fact, most of you were scared and fled from it to safety. Finally, you hid in the church. I too tried to get in through the side door which opens into the playground, but as I passed Our Lady’s statue beside the drinking fountain and touched the hem of her mantle for protection, she raised her right arm. Vallauri did likewise on the other side of the statue, and the Virgin raised her left arm. I was amazed, not knowing what to think of such an extraordinary thing.
The Elephant in the Sanctuary – Enemy of the Holy Eucharist
When the bell rang for church service, you all trooped in. I followed and saw the elephant standing at the rear by the main entrance. After Vespers and the sermon, I went to the altar, assisted by Fr. Alasonatti and Fr. Savio, to give Benediction. At the solemn moment when you all deeply bowed to adore the Blessed Sacrament, the elephant – still standing at the end of the middle aisle – knelt down too, but with its back to the altar.
Once services were over, I tried to dash out to the playground and see what would happen, but I was detained by someone. A while later, I went out through the side door which opens into the porticoes and saw you at your usual games. The elephant too had come out of the church and had idled over to the second playground where the new wing is under construction. Mark this well, because this is precisely the place where the grisly scene I am going to describe occurred.
At that moment, at the far end of the playground, I saw a banner followed processionally by boys. It bore in huge letters the inscription “Sancta Maria, succurre miseris! Holy Mary, help your forlorn children!” To everybody’s surprise, that monstrous beast, once so tame, suddenly ran amuck. Trumpeting furiously, it lunged forward, seized the nearest boys with its trunk, hurled them into the air or flung them to the ground and then trampled them underfoot. Though horribly mauled, the victims were still alive. Everybody ran for dear life. Screams and shouts and pleas for help rose from the wounded. Worse – would you believe it? – some boys who were spared by the elephant, rather than aid their wounded companions, joined the monstrous brute to find new victims.
Under Mary’s Mantle
As all this was happening (I was standing by the second arch of the portico, near the drinking fountain), the little statue that you see there (the statue of the Blessed Virgin) became alive and grew to life-size. Then, as Our Lady raised her arms, her mantle spread open to display magnificently embroidered inscriptions.
Unbelievably, it stretched far and wide to shelter all those who gathered beneath it. The best boys were the first to run to it for safety. Seeing that many were in no hurry to run to her, Our Lady called aloud, “Venite ad me omnes! Come all to me!” Her call was heeded, and as the crowd of boys under the mantle increased, so did the mantle spread wider. However, a few youngsters kept running about and were wounded before they could reach safety. Flushed and breathless, the Blessed Virgin continued to plead, but fewer and fewer were the boys who ran to her. The elephant, meanwhile, continued its slaughter, aided by several lads who dashed about, wielding one sword or two and preventing their companions from running to Mary. The elephant never even touched these helpers.
Meanwhile, prompted by the Blessed Virgin, some boys left the safety of her mantle in quick sorties to rescue some victims. No sooner did the wounded get beneath Our Lady’s mantle than they were instantly cured. Again and again several of those brave boys, armed with cudgels; went out and, risking their lives, shielded the victims from the elephant and its accomplices until nearly all were rescued.
The playground was now deserted, except for a few youngsters lying about almost dead. At one end by the portico, a crowd of boys stood safe under the Virgin’s mantle. At the other stood the elephant with some ten or twelve lads who had helped it wreak such havoc and who still insolently brandished swords.
Suddenly rearing up on its hind legs, the elephant changed into a horrible, long-horned specter and cast a black net over its wretched accomplices. Then, as the beast roared, a thick cloud of smoke enveloped them, and the earth suddenly gaped beneath them and swallowed them up. (Source: 40 Dreams of Saint John Bosco)
Our Lady, Protectoress of the Innocent … pray for us.
This satanic statue is placed here in London, almost on the spot where the Tyburn martyrs died.
It sounds like the spirit of Vatican II with the Elephant having its back to the altar.