On January 12, reports began surfacing on Twitter that Lilianne Ploumen, former Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation in the Netherlands, was honored by Pope Francis with the title of Commander in the Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great. The Lepanto Institute was able to confirm from a December 22, 2017 Dutch radio broadcast that Ploumen indeed received the honor. In a brief video clip promoting the broadcast, Ploumen displays the medal while saying that she received it from the Pope.
Here is the video:
Here is a crude translation of the exchange:
BNR – And this is the umpteenth prize that Lilianne Ploumen observes, won in 2017 and from whom they came.
Ploumen – Yes, it is a high distinction from the Vatican; from the pope.
BNR – From the pope.
Ploumen – Beautiful.
BNR – Yes.
Ploumen – It is Commander in the order of St. Gregory.
BNR – And that despite that you are pro-abortion.
Ploumen – Yes you can check.
To say that Lilianne Ploumen is “pro-abortion” is an extreme understatement and doesn’t even come close to the scandalous reality of her activism.
In January of last year, after US President Donald Trump reinstated the Mexico City Policy, Ploumen launched a new NGO called She Decides to provide mass amounts of funds to organizations that would no longer receive funds from the US government. The Mexico City Policy automatically denies US funding for international organizations which perform or promote abortion.
Referring to the Mexico City Policy as a “Global Gag Rule,” Ploumen stated that the intention of She Decides was to continue support for existing programs being run by organizations such as the United Nations Population Fund (UNPFA), the International Planned Parenthood Federation and Marie Stopes International. She said, “These are successful and effective programs: direct support, distributing condoms, making sure women are accompanied at the birth, and making sure abortion is safe if they have no other choice.”
By July of 2017, Ploumen’s program had raised over $300 million.
In October of 2017, Ploumen wrote an article for the Financial Times, in which she emphatically stated, “America’s regressive policies on abortion are a calamity for girls’ and women’s rights that the rest of the world must counter.”
Ironically, just a few days ago, Ploumen was awarded the Machiavelli Prize “for her campaign for the safe abortion fund SheDecides.” The article on the award indicates that “The Machiavelli prize is awarded to a person or organization which the jury considers has excelled in public communication. In particular, the jury praised the speed at which SheDecides was set up and went global.”
It is worth noting that from 2004-2007, Ploumen was the Director of Programs and on the Board of Directors for CORDAID, the Dutch Catholic aid relief agency that was caught funding Planned Parenthood and dispensing contraception.
But Ploumen’s anti-Catholic activity isn’t restricted to abortion. In September of 2017, Ploumen participated in the United Nations LGBTI Core Group. As the first speaker at the event, Ploumen noted that “LGBTI rights are human rights.” In her opening remarks, she said, “We cannot be complacent. [Today] in more than 70 countries homosexuality is still criminalized…stigma against LGBT people continue all over the world.”
In 2014, Ploumen ended foreign aid to the country of Uganda for passing a bill banning sodomy and same-sex “marriage.”
In February of 2010, Ploumen called on LGBT activists to descend upon and disrupt Mass at St. John the Baptist Cathedral, wearing pink triangles with the words “Jesus excludes no one.” The reason? She and other pro-LGBT activists were protesting the Church’s moral teaching regarding homosexuality.
The Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great was established in September 1831 by Pope Gregory XVI. The honor of membership in the Order is conferred on individuals for their “personal service to the Holy See and to the Roman Catholic Church, through their unusual labors, their support of the Holy See, and their excellent examples set forth in their communities and their countries.”
It remains to be seen what service Lilianne Ploumen has provided for the Catholic Church or the Holy See, given her staunch support for homosexuality, abortion and contraception. Given that the one thing that Lilianne Ploumen is known for in the past year is the establishment of a fund that provides hundreds of millions of dollars to organizations that commit abortion and dispense contraception, it is difficult, if not impossible, to separate her recent Pontifical honor from this grievous and scandalous act.
Time for Pope Benedict and red hat Cardinal majority to take action. Luther statue and stamps in the Vatican . Honoring pro euthanasia gov. Brown and now this.. Enough already .
we must pray for ploumens early demise.she is
satan inspired
And those that support her, including the scandous Vatican ‘ll!
Catholics , please return to the true church of Christ, that is pre Vatican ll
Pray for her conversion. Jesus desires the salvation of all; therefore, we do, too
Does everyone think that Pope Francis knows this person is a pro abortion/gay advocate. Or has Pope Francis been lead astray by his appointed confidants. I don’t know. We all know the Catholic Church has been infiltrated. They want to tear us apart. Divide and cause havoc. Watch “a wolf in sheeps clothing” EWTN. And another story from Church Militan regarding Saul Alinski. Let’s continue to speak up, but discern on whom we blame.
No one is leading Pope Francis astray, but Pope Francis is leading millions astray
Ed, sadly I don’t think there is a red-hat majority that would unseat Pope Francis. Else, he would never have been elected. Moreover, Francis has since then stacked the College of Cardinals with like-minded progressives.
Unseat the Pope, why is hat authority? By what point of canon law? By what previous example in the history of the church across 20 centuries? According to Vatican I that is a form of concilliarism, and conciliarism is a condemned heresy.
Conciliarism is a heresy condemned at Vatican I. Holding the opinion that Pope Emerirus Benedict (you forgot the Emerirus part) and a majority of cardinals coupe de tat Napoleon style, would be conciliarism. Therefore what you are advocating is heresy condemned by Vatican I.
its only HOAX not more
What’s the Catholic Church action when this happens?
What in the world is this Pope thinking? I feel he is the wrong person to lead us. Please do something about this. It is so wrong. What can I do as a practicing Catholic?
Stop putting money in the plate.
Money talks.
Your local parish needs the money. Hold back on second collections that go to Rome if you wish.
That’s exactly what I’m going to do starting next week. Thank you. Impeach Francis!!!!! Make the Church Great Again!!!!!!!✝️✝️✝️
The pope is not following the teaching of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
I believe he is a false pope.
From the beginning of his appearance on the scene to the supposedly voting to the whisking away of the previous pope.to the lightening hitting the Vatican… he is popular …the antichrist was to be popular too.
Pray, that’s what we as Catholics should do.
Pray!! Pray for priest pray for the church pray for our pope! Then pray some more!! If all people prayed for the clergy as much as they criticized them we would have good ones!!
Keep yours on Jesus! Pray fervently.
It’s hard not to be sedevacantist with such monster seating on the Chair of St Peter…
No sedevacantist will lecture us on our belovedvpope Francis. Worry about the serious sin of schism. The you can start worrying about us or Pope Francis.
What were the Cardinals smoming when they electex this clown Pope?
He doesn’t care that she is a vicious and brutal baby killer…….
Can this possibly be a mistake? Could he have really done this??
The mass slaughter of prenatal children is the most horrific and vile perversion ever conjured into existence by our species. The number of lives killed by abortion has eclipsed every other unnatural cause of death in recorded history combined.
All five million unborn babies alive in America today can be killed tomorrow, legally and unstoppably, on the whim of their mothers.
First, I am finding no other sources for this. The video says she received this award from the Pope, but she doesn’t say when or why. Second, there are various lists of people who received this award and she isn’t on any of them. Thirdly, when I chose various names from that list and googled their name and the title of the award, various articles talk about it. Thus, I can’t help but ask: “why this video is the only hard evidence,” and “why did she receive it.”
After searching the web, I found out that on May 20th, 2015, there was a conference called “the new climate economy.” Pictures of the even show Pope Francis with various leaders, including Lilianne Ploumen, some of whom are holding little white boxes. Given that his event anticipated Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato si,” and the main purpose of this conference is regarding climate change, it would not surprise me if the Pope gave them this star as a sign of gratitude for their work regarding climate change — not abortion.
In the video interview, the interviewer indicates that she received the award in 2017. She then acknowledges that she received the award, despite the fact that she is pro-abortion.
In addition to this, “Jan Peeters comments in Catholic Weekly @KNieuwsblad: Ploumen says (and logically so) that she considers her decoration by @Pontifex as a recognition by the Church of her international #abortion politics and initiative @SheDecidesGFI’.
yes indeed you are right!
Thank you
Agreed – I think this was concocted out of thin air.
What a great comment!
“May God rebuke him we humbly pray.”
“And do thou Oh! Prince of the Heavenly Host by the divine power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits that roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.”
It is obvious that Bergoglio is a creature under the control of Satan .
He is not a Catholic or if he is then he despises what that church stands for.
No normal catholic should have anything to do with him.
Regularly we observe this wretched man debasing his pontifical office. Yet almost all of our bishops and cardinals remain mute in the face of his outrages. The faithful laity grows increasingly alarmed and confidence in our episcopacy erodes at an accelerating pace. Grotesque and diabolical.
JMJ. Doesn’t say why she received it?
If these Knights are chosen for “their excellent examples set forth in their communities and their countries”, why have none of them left the order over this? I fully expect 100% of them to do so forthwith leaving Bergoglio with his lone abortion-promoting member.
This is an incredibly misleading article.
Oh, good, another Catholic who wants to out his fingers in his ears rather than confront the truth of what is happening in the Church. So instead of facing up to facts, he resorts to shootsing the messenger.
Please enlighten us as to why it is misleading.
Fake news you say? If we only knew the truth of this institution we would walk away – but we have such a religious mindset, frozen in our brains about the “holy” Catholic church.; I think it’s called brainwashed.
The Catholic Church is not to blame here. The Pope, while protected from error under very strict conditions, is just as human as you or me. This action reflects on him alone, not the Catholic Church.
I don’t know if fake news or not but I do know the Catholic Church and it is One, Holy and Apostolic. Even if this Article is not misleading, which I suspect it is, it would reflect the judgement of one man, not on the Church. Saint Peter made mistakes and Paul told him so, and we have had numerous Popes over the centuries who did not honour their Office. We also have had saintly Popes , but even saints get it wrong sometimes eg St Thomas Aquinas re Soul ‘ implantation’. Suggest we await further information as if true this will be headlines in secular press.
Did Pope Francis honor such an aggressive, totalitarian pro-LGBTQ/abortionist (in large or small part) to spite (from deep bile) President Trump?
First the Pontiff praises abortionist Ema Bonino.
Now this papal nonsense.
Well, I think time has come to set on a paper all the anti-Catholic actions and initiatives of Pope Francis and ask him his demission. This pope is Catholic only in name. Pope Francis is an impostor.
Be very careful … no one has the authority to determine an anti-pope other than another pope or a council. It is very dangerous to our own souls to try to make such a determination of our own volition. Be aware of the actions, but also be mindful of the pitfalls.
I hope some of the virulent anti-Catholic comments on this blog help you to see that you are promoting divisiveness in the Church and Pope hatred among your readers.
To reach your goal of defending the Catholic faith, follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and accept the guidance of his Vicar on Earth. Jesus is about forgiveness, compassion, redemption and love for everyone; and not about catching people at sin, criticizing the Holy Father, or bringing back Latin in the Mass. Yes, the Latin Mass is beautiful, but it is to the Catholic Faith what a silver chalice is to Communion. Beautiful but not essential.
The Tridentine Mass is ‘beautiful, but not essential ‘? That’s like saying that Jesus’ crucifixion is not essential to Christianity.
The Mass is essential; the Latin is not.
May I suggest you read up on Vatican ‘ll creation – major change from Catholicism. Call is just another Protestant church in in sheep’s clothing. The seat IS vacant!
If Bergoglio is the the vicar of Jesus Christ, i am Saint Paul.
Pray that Our Holy Father. Pope Francis, will soon revert to the Catholic faith.
This is not the chair of St. Peter. Praying won’t help; get out of this corrupt institution
Again, the Catholic Church is not at fault here.
I think the pope is playing with fire. He is trying to modernise and review the teachings of the Church. He will upset millions of Catholics who will start to feel they have lost their guidance. Just a thought!
Just a thought also from me. Just wonder… if the pope who is doing it all (rewarding abortion and homosexual activists) against Christ church teachings is the the same person who is called Pope Francis? We know (from history )that masons imprisoned the pope Paul VI and his “looklike actor ” was operating as a pope doing insane things…
We commoners, really are not in the know but I’m pretty sure that apart from Heaven there are people on earth who are in the know…
We only know (from various prophecies of the mistics) that anti-church whithin the catholic church will advance greatly to destroy the church of Christ on earth. And for me it looks like just that is happening now. And I’m pretty sure Our Lord will allow that satanic church to fall and will establish His own true church of Christ Jesus. He is Almighty and knows it all!
We just have to stay near Him always!!!
Obama received Noble Peaceful Prize
World is insane nowadays.
No more proof needed for Francis
He is wolf in lamb’s wool
End of story
Real Pope Benedict XVI
The Pope is trying to modernise the Church of Rome. In extreme cases abortion is used as a contraception. That is to say when a woman becomes pregnant when not planning such, she aborts. This is abortion as contraception by any other name. This is wrong. Clamouring that ‘this is my body and I do with it what I like’ sounds fine but has horrendous implications. Abortion is fine under exceptional circumstances. It is not a decision one takes over the breakfast table.
Who says it DID happen? All this article shows is HER holding it and SAYING Pope Francis gave it to her!
I have seen this “thumbs up” picture of Pope Francis many times, it proves NOTHING! It’s clearly stated in the article she is EXTREMELY ANTI CATHOLIC, so just how believable is she?
“Some scribes, who were Pharisees, saw that Jesus was eating with sinners and tax collectors and said to his disciples, ‘Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?’ Jesus heard this and said to them, ‘Those who are well do not need a physician but the sick do. I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.'” (Mark 2: 16-17)
I have determined in all things Pope Francis to not rush to judgment.
The false prophet. Who can rationalize a Marxist as the vicar of Christ? Lunacy
I was a dedicated member of the RC Church for decades when I decided to leave it. I have no regrets about my decision. I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ which gives me the strength I need to live each day as best I can in communion with Him. I believe that the Church will be rebuilt by the Holy Spirit and that the faithful will recognise that when it happens. In the interim I pray for peace in my heart and soul and for peace in the world.
That said, I am absolutely stunned that Pope Francis would bestow a Papal Honour on anyone who advocated for abortion. It is beyond my comprehension but it has happened and I have no more words.
I heard/saw on computer a long time ago, that Pope Benedict, was shoved out by progressive cardinals who wanted a more liberal Pope. So they put him in retirement. (This is only the 2nd Pope to whom this retirement business has happened to.) I also saw awhile ago Pope Francis giving this or another award to this lady. I am very disappointed with this pope. He was going off on President Trump, for being pro-life, and yet not accepting illegal immigrants as the Pope saw fit. In the history of the Catholic Church, there have been BAD POPES! J Green, RN Ret.
oh source this news??? only her word and video .??? same things is too many on ebay …
It was confirmed by card. Willem Jacobus Eijk.
See dioecese website:
Wolf is a shepard…
Is there any Corroborating evidence besides her own claim that she received this?
So far all I can find is her own claim, and someone who dedicates their life to trying to get women to kill their babies isn’t the most reliable witness. She couldn’t even really say what she was “awarded” the honor for and cited lobbying. This smells like a sad attempt to legitimize her wickedness, but please let us know if there’s anything concrete. 90% of the things people claim pope Francis did or said have been blatantly false, so I need some real evidence before I believe this especially considering his actual statements regarding abortion.
Yes. The Vatican confirmed that Ploumen received the award, but claimed that it was a matter of a routine exchange of honors between diplomatic delegations. This very much seems like an admission that a prestigious Vatican award, which had previously been reserved for individuals who conducted a worthy meritorious act for the Catholic Church and the Holy See, is being cheapened to the level of a participation prize or a snow-globe. But if this is a routine act, one has to wonder if Obama, Pelosi and Biden received the award when they went to the Vatican. Pelosi, who loves to wrap herself in the Church to promote her anti-baby and anti-family agenda, never said a word about having received such an award. Her silence is a bit strange.
In any event, here is a link to the National Catholic Register article with the Vatican’s official statement: http://www.ncregister.com/blog/edward-pentin/vatican-papal-honor-for-pro-abortion-politician-not-a-sign-of-support#article-join-discussion
This is more evidence of darkness spreading rapidly across America and the world — the forces of evil are doing all they can to
destroy the foundations of a morally healthy society.
The luciferian ascension is real as exposed by the democrat aka communist party that are determined to destroy
ISRAEL aka the united STATES OF AMERICA. It is the last bastion of JUDEO/CHRISTIANITY and Rule of Mosaic Laws.
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” Isaiah 5:20
Toleration Is Compromise – Ignorance Is Complicity – Inaction Is Approval
To live at this time is an inestimable privilege, and a sacred obligation devolves
upon us to make right use of our duties to GOD, Family and Country.
Veritas vos Liberabit — Semper Vigilo Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
“The truth will set you free — Always vigilant, strong, prepared and faithful”
A P. Henry et al
Save Our American Republic