The Mysterious recent events surrounding the Sovereign Military Order of Malta took a strange and unexpected twist in the beginning of January when, in the middle of a bitter feud over the suspension of one of its members, Pope Francis allegedly tossed mention of Freemasons in the mix. As strange as it may seem, there appears to be some historical context that might shed some light on the situation.
According to a January 7 article in the National Catholic Register, written by the stalwart Edward Pentin, on November 10, Cardinal Burke met with Pope Francis, who “made it clear to Cardinal Burke that he wanted Freemasonry ‘cleaned out’ from the order, and he demanded appropriate action.” In all news reports on the matter, this is THE primary source for any mention of Freemasonry with regard to the Sovereign Order of Malta. It was a very strange, and seemingly out of place comment. However, there is some historical significance to consider, and remember … we are examining Freemasonry in this context only because Pope Francis is said to have mentioned it.
A little over 700 years ago, there was a rather tense rivalry between the Knights Templar and the Knights Hospitaller (currently known as the Knights of Malta). Some accounts of the rivalry suggest that the two knightly orders even came to blows while stationed together in Palestine.
In the very early 1300’s, King Philip IV of France found himself steeped in debt to the Knights Templar. At that time, the Templars reportedly had assumed a considerable amount of wealth and were in position to make financial loans through their holdings. Because King Philip owed the Templars large amounts of money and couldn’t pay, he began to circulate rumors, unjustly and falsely accusing them of all sorts of abominations, such as heresy and sodomy. In 1312, under pressure from King Philip, Pope Clement V issued the Papal Bull Vox in Excelso, formally dissolving the Knights Templar. Shortly thereafter, he issued the Bull Ad providam, which transferred the majority of the Templar’s assets over to the Knights Hospitaller.
This brief historical sketch sets the stage for Freemasonry’s entrance on the scene. The Freemasons claim (illegitimately) the Knights Templar as part of their lineage. The truth is, after the Knights Templar were dissolved, the Order ceased to exist. It was finished. There was no continuation of the Order after Clement V dissolved it. Be that as it may, the Freemasons, nonetheless, claim the Knights Templar as their own. Regardless of whether or not the Templars continued to exist in secret, later to come back in the form of Freemasonry is immaterial. What is important to understand here is that because the Freemasons claim the Templars as part of their lineage, they have also adopted the legendary, emotional baggage associated with the betrayal of the Order.
33rd degree Freemason Albert Mackey wrote the “Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and Its Kindred Sciences” in 1873. In his entry on the Knights of Malta, Mackey wrote:
“The rival brotherhood of the Templars was abolished by a pope and a King of France, and what of its revenues and possessions was saved from the spoilation of its enemies was transferred to the Hospitalers. There had always existed a bitter rivalry between the two Orders (Templars and Hospitalers), marked by unhappy contentions, which on some occasions, while both were in Palestine, amounted to actual strife. Toward the Knights of St. John the Templars had never felt nor expressed a very kindly feeling; and now this acceptance of an unjust appropriation of their goods in the hour of their disaster, keenly added to the sentiment of ill will, and the unhappy children of De Molay, as they passed away from the theater of knighthood, left behind them the bitterest imprecations on the disciples of the Hospital.”
As can be seen in this one passage, the Freemasons, through the legend of its association with the Knights Templar, holds the Knights of Malta in contempt. This feeling of bitterness and anger is even agitated and ritualized in one of the higher degrees of Freemasonry.
The 30th degree of Freemasonry is called the degree of the Knights Kadosh, which translates from Hebrew to mean “holy” or “consecrated.” This degree is directly assocated with the Knights Templar, so the Mason who enters into the 30th degree is indeed considered by the secret society to be a Knight Templar. Mackey explains in the Masonic Encyclopedia that “The Kadoshes, as representatives of the Templars, adopt the Beauseant as their standard.” The Beauseant is the black-and-white banner of the Knights Templar.
We must be clear here, we are ONLY bringing up Freemasonry and their beliefs because Pope Francis allegedly did, and we are attempting to make sense of what this could mean. In no way are we establishing the existence of a Masonic conspiracy with regard to recent events surrounding the Knights of Malta, but because it was brought up, it must be examined as a piece of the overall puzzle as it relates to the case at hand.
The entire Masonic initiation rite for the Knight Kadosh is a rite of vengeance for the dissolution of the Knights Templar and the death of the Grand Master, even to the point of stabbing a skull wearing a papal tiara, representing Pope Clement V, and a skull wearing a crown, representing King Philip. According to the Complete Ritual of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, the Grand Master explains the mysteries of the skulls to the candidate. Here’s what he says:
“In almost all of the rituals of this degree, nothing but vengeance is spoken of. But this is an allegory without meaning, for this degree contains all the philosophy of our sublime institution, which is nothing more nothing less, than the actual result of our Three Puissant Grand Master’s philosophy, and philosophy discountenances vengeance. Virtue alone and good examples, patience in energy in opposing evil can ensure triumphs. In this, no more than in the preceding degrees, have we to avenge the death of Hiram Abiff, (Just a side note … Hiram Abiff is a mythical hero in Freemasonry introduced in the lowest degrees) or even the slaughter of the Knights Templar, and the murder of their Grand Master. And if the ceremonies of this degree recall to our mind the catastrophe resulting in the overthrow of an illustrious order, it is true nevertheless that the commemoration of the bloody tragedy of the 11th day of March 1314, has not for its object to perpetuate ideas of vengeance against its perpetrators, which would be absurd and anti-masonic, but to make us feel the necessity of union, the better to resist tyranny and unmask imposture, and ultimately substitute both, even by force of arms, if necessary, the reign of liberty, equality and fraternity.”
It is impossible to say, without direct and confirmed evidence, in what manner Freemasonry is at work with regard to the Knights of Malta. What we can say is that:
- Pope Francis allegedly mentioned Freemasonry with regard to the Knights of Malta.
- Freemasonry claims a connection to the Knights Templar, whose assets were transferred to the Knights of Malta in 1312.
- The Freemasons have an entire initiation ceremony dedicated to revenge for the destruction of the Templars.
Whatever the case, what we can say for sure is that there is much more to this story than is being reported.
Great article! Well balanced. The article is a keeper.
It always struck me as odd that the Freemasons claimed lineage to the Templars. The ideology of the Masons (anti-Christian Social Order, anti-Catholic, anti-Papal) much more closely resembles that of Philip the Fair, who victimized the Templars than it does the ideals of the Templars themselves.
It’s all a wicked myth built on the name of a great institution.
Boniface VIII had come head-to-head with Philip, and published his Unam Sanctam against the French King’s machinations. That story is told well here:
i am a mason we are not antichristain anticatholic all we do is the selfless live works of Jesus Christ
No you don’t
Wrong. Freemasonry is anti-Catholic in its very roots, although lower -ranking Masons may not be aware. Read Pope Leo XIII’s excellent encyclical on Freemasonry…if you want the truth.
Freemasonry has been persecuted by the Catholic Church since 1738. It has nothing to do with templars and knights of Malta etc. also interesting is that under the english rite, there is both a Knights Templar and Knights of Malta order. So it seems masons claim lineage to both? Not sure how that affects this article? And considering that masons claim lineage to knights of Malta, it makes sense that are masons in the order today that the pope wants to clean out. Also, Malta is considered by masons to be a very Masonic place and that famous sites of historical importance to knights of Malta in fact contain Masonic symbols etc. not sure how well researched this article is…
The higher levels of masonry is not anti catholic. This is rumor,there are many high level Catholics in masonry. Freethinking is only dangerous for tyrants.
Exactly if they had a list there would never say anything about the anti-catholic and freemasonry only if they know
Of course they are anti-Catholic, that’s is exactly the reason why they infiltrated the Church, in order to pervert it from within. No need to have a PhD in whatever to understand this!
What you just said just raised a HUGE TON OF RED FLAGS!
Congratulations! you just spilled the beans! Or rather, you added to this ginormous can of worms!
That’s either what masonry wants you to believe, or if you’ve been a mason for a long time, what you want the world to believe about masonry.
In any case, it’s exactly the opposite of what you said.
As you advance through the degrees of initiation, you will see something altogether different, as your order’s “hidden agenda” is slowly revealed to you. You may be surprised at what you find out.
And what would that be because I’ve been through three the degrees of Blue Lodge, all four degrees in Chapter and all three Orders of Commandery. I’m also an officer of those bodies too. Truth be told, Commandery was the closest to Catholicism that I have ever seen. Never saw anything to what you are saying though. Either I was asleep or it didn’t happen. This “hidden agenda” is non existent except in the minds of skeptics or those who live their lives by fear and Fox News. So please enlighten us on what you think you know, and I’ll explain why you are most likely wrong.
An extremely good answer. Now in my 90s, and having lived through the 2nd WW and the Korean conflict, isn’t it about time that we ALL lived and prayed together, after all, when we pass away, who knows where we go, if any where.
An elderly God fearing Mason.
Must have missed something…What does FOX NEWS have to do with this subject matter
Exactly brother ☝????
A quote from Abraham Lincoln is in order. “You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time”. I doubt if you were asleep,
Anybody that professes a ‘I’-consciousness from a evolutionary perspective is essentially a Christian.
have you seen your comments from the head of the organization albert pike in morals and dogmas , they must spread luciferian doctrine they worship lucifer (satan ) as god . can good works come from the devil sure can. do it for Jesus not satan. you can do these works without the masons.
You do know who Lucifer really is right?
The answer will shock the **** out of you. ????
Hey? Who do you think you are trying to fool apart from yourself ? What does Jesus Christ has to do with freemasons? NOTHING! Until when He will show you people where you will share eternity with your master lucifer! Right in HELL! Except you repent of course.
Terry, who do you think you are trying to fool apart from yourself? What does Jesus Christ of Nazareth has to do with freemasons? NOTHING ! Until the day he will show you where you will spend eternity if you don’t repent, right in HELL!
hi ive always wanted to know about freemasonry
That tells me you are NOT HIGH up enough in the hierarchy of the Freemasons to KNOW their REAL GOAL.
There are those who have either left the order or divulged – both of which are forbidden – their secret satanic intents.
I have done enough research over the years and finally come across sev’l documentations of this fact.
We masons do not claim lineage to the knights Templar. We are also anti Catholic, Catholics are anti masonry,from medieval bigotry and superstition.
Pope Francis mentioned the Freemasons simply because he needed a smoke screen to distract the attention of the public from his power grab. The Freemasons of today are everywhere in the Vatican and at least qua mentality Francis is one of them.
Yes. Mmmh. No. Freemason is a Low hanging fruit topic. Todays gospel marc. 7 14-23 should Open eyes
Pope Francis knows all about the Freemasons in the Vatican pope Benedict knew abou them but nabbing them was a big problem it had been going on too long long before the second Vatican counsel the blessed virgin spoke to the girl visionaries in Garabandal in Spain in 1961 about ecclesiastical free masonary in the church about cardinals opposing cardinals and bishops opposing bishops many souls will be lost because of these clerics and she warned of a Shiism in the church she warned that the holy father would suffer much . We need to pray for pope Francis and the courageous stand he has taken against these evil men who act under the cloke of sanctity . We must pray and do penence for the protection for pope Francis we must back him in this stance against the demonic forces of hell .
Silly bigot
No I won’t back that man. I don’t see the difference between the freemasons’agenda and the liberal one Francis is promoting. If he cares about saving souls and about the warnings of Our Lady, he should be doing the opposite of what he is been doing since he is in Rome. Besides, his election was imposed by a gang of openly freemasons cardinals. And when he was elected, freemasons worldwide congratulated him and confessed this was their time. Nope, no way I waste my time backing him. Whe
You took the words right out of my mouth. Fr Jorge has proved himself by now as a deceiver of incredible subtlety and illusion, sleight of hand, and yet clearly arrogates to himself not only the takeover of a sovereign and independant society, but has also arrogated to himself the right to take over the Church with his “New Communist Insurgency,” with only the conceit imaginable of Satan himself, who would love to wreak havoc with the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony. With this iniquitous enshrining of “irregular unions,” we can tell what game he’s playing: he’ll have the fags and effeminate practitioners of sodomy, without repentance or chastity, all lined up to put the next and greatest Holy Sacrament in their hands, that Antipope Bergoglio would attempt through Satan to destroy if he could – the very Precious and Life-Giving Mystery of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, sealing the doom and damnation of countless souls, where there will be “wailing and gnashing of teeth.” So his legacy will be the ultimate insult to God on High – the attempted glorification of faggery…
Pope Francis is not an antipope, and you have no authority to declare him as such. Go back to whatever sedevacantist site you came from.
Justin: PF has now convened a comittee to “reinterpret” Pope Paul VI’s encyclical Humanæ Vitæ “in the light of Amoris laetitia”; does that not concern you? (LifeSiteNews, 6/16/17)
Well, I don’t think you have any authority nor power to prevent the faithful followers of Jesus from exercising their right as children of God. The spirit of discernment is free of charge you know, just ask the Giver.
Catholicism is aligned to the Masonic order, it was the Templars who were aligned to the Masonic policies of the Catholic Church for years DECADES EVEN! ????
Correction: SOME Catholics are aligned as such, but the Church Herself is inviolable.
Sounds like P. Francis’ typical MO – smokescreens, ambiguity resulting in mass confusion.
The strategy has worked thus far.
Most likely. Second time he’s brought topic up. Something Masons do sometimes. Reverse demonic mind games.
At least “qua mentality”. yes, it seems so.
That’s true! Otherwise why is he promoting their evil agenda in the Church?
I am agreeing 100% with Ronald. I have long suspected that if Pope Francis wasn’t a freemason himself, his ‘heart’ is with them. He is literally surrounded by freemasons. And, if you recall, the freemasons were OVERJOYED at his election to the Papacy. If it walks like a duck…………
I agree that Pope Francis is Freemason, since day one, now even the persons who before said that He is not, they are confused. All we need to do is pray for Him,….. and we have to be careful what He says, we want to follow the Ten Commandments.
The Church has always had hidden connections to the Hermetic Tradition call it what you may. That is a good thing.
Oh, and interesting that the ‘reinstated’ condom distributing Chancellor is speaking out against President Trump’s immigration initiatives. (along with the Pope’s ‘disapproval’ of Trump and his policies) The Chancellor is walking in lock step with the freemasons and the globalists’ mantra. (of all indications, the freemasons and the globalists are one in the same) And the ‘Pope’ orchestrated that whole bait and switch in Malta. Very telling.
In my opinion Pope Francis is a communist and political power grabber which is equal to EVIL in fact SATAN ANTI-CHRIST himself
He came to US to talk about climate change – no mention of Jesus – how dare he – very evil conmunist is what he is
Exactly right Frances Barrera You nailed it. That is exactly what he is.
Emeritus Pope Benedict has expressed very strongly that there is only one real pope , Pope Francis .
I will insist on the importance of that before telling what I just read in a book in french language about Dom Paul of Moll (Flanders). It tells without pretentions about ca. 500 miracles that he wrought. It is called
Quelques traits
de la vie du très revérend
P è r e P a u l
de Moll
Bénedictin (1824-1896). “Third ed. 1921” (in fact 1922)
As very last “addenda”, rather a “addendum” on nearlast page 212 , it says that the writer Fr Edouard van Speybrouck, in 1880 had a conversation with Fr Paul about abbot ‘St’ Malachias .
S :”After (the then reigning ) Leo XIII there will be no more than 10 popes. ”
With a typical expression in his face he asked
PP: “Well, what will there be after that?
S: “But I don’t know!”
PP: “Maybe there will be three popes.”
Two remarks . I always stress the fact that the end of the list of malachias not necessarily means that not a series of popes could follow.
Secondly : PP not only did an endless amont of miracles , the predictments he did were very precise and never failed . The enormous amount of testimonies must be a certain guarantee.
Speybrouck goes on positively that the coming of a Triumvrate of popes is the reason of existence of the prophecy of St Malachy. “Not the least doubt on the subject of its (possibly his) authenticity.” (Words of S.)
“In most cases of his predictions , always fulfilled, the humble monk that was PPaul, de Moll, had the custom to say : I think that…, Perhaps.. And never there were with him futile sayings. ” (Words of S.)
Difficult to judge these last two alineas , I tend to the opinion it is a personal interpretation by Fr van Speybrouck.
Why did PF mention, “Equality, Fraternity and Liberty” at the beginning of his pontificate?
The pope mentioned these words ao at 30 november 2016 in a speech to French politicians . Thereby he has asked that Republican values of “liberty”, “equality” and “brotherhood” (liberté, égalité et fraternité) should not “merely be recited in a ritual manor but be deepened and understood in reference to their true foundation, which is transcendent.” It was not long after the terrorattacks in Paris . The words, the motto was heard a lot then in the media , pronounced by politicians , to defend the french values against the jihadists . Now the pope encouraged them to deepen these values in their transcendent foundation , i.e. the good , the beautiful and the true . In the end the pope will have been conscious of the fact that the human rights historically are bound to the realization of the awareness of the infinite value of each human soul by the apostolate of Church.
Of course the triad is an opposition of Faith , Hope and Charity and has a strong connotation of French revolution , Filosofes, and Freemasonry , but let’s give the pope the benefit of either a low historical consciousness, or the meaning to reach out to these politicians in their own language and ideas , and bring them from there a little bit further . My guess is that Pope Benedict would not have used these words , but I am not convinced about Bl. JohnPaul II.
By the way you cannot evade this triad in France . It is everywhere in public buildings , monuments and in french education . If you ask me : I see them as a (former) tool of combat in the history of the country and ideas , and I detest them therefore . But you don’t necessarily have this counterrevolutionary view and explanation , especially if you want to use them in a certain tactic . Without takkyia of course , raising their meaning openly. And if you read the original french , he stresses that there are chances for french politics i f o n l y the words are not merely incantated etc.–pope-francis-tells-the-french-to-mean-it
People who have not a proper understanding of Church-history should be warned against the site , mentioned a foregone reaction . Example: while the site gives a lot of notes and sources, it interpretes the name ‘Ancient-catholic’ and ‘Ancient catholic church’ in a way, that is entirely contrary to history, thereby giving the wrong interpretations a what-seems-to be an approbation by the Congregation of the Faith .
Well hi everyone, ide like to say that I’m anti everything, haha
Question of Ciao: Why did PF mention, “Equality, Fraternity and Liberty” at the beginning of his pontificate?
The pope mentioned the three ao at 30 november in a speech to French politicians . Thereby he has asked that Republican values of “liberty”, “equality” and “brotherhood” should not “merely be recited in a ritual manor but be deepened and understood in reference to their true foundation, which is transcendent.” It was not long after the terrorattacks in Paris . The three words were heard a lot then in the media , pronounced by politicians , to defend the french values against the jihadists . Now the pope encouraged them to deepen these values in their transcendent foundation , i.e. the good , the beautiful and the true . The pope will have said so having in mind the fact that the human rights historically are bound to the realization of the infinite value of each human soul by the apostolate of Church.
Of course the triad is an opposition to the triad Faith , Hope and Charity and has a strong connotation with French revolution , filosofes, and freemasonry , but let’s give the pope the benefit of either a low historical consciousness, or the meaning to reach out to these politicians in their own language and ideas , and bring them from there a little bit further . My guess is that Pope Benedict would not have used these words , but I am not convinced about Bl. JohnPaul II.
By the way you cannot evade this triad in France . It is everywhere in public buildings , monuments and in french education . If you ask me : I see them as a (former) tool of combat in the history of the country and ideas , and it has for me that negative aspect in the first place therefore . But you don’t necessarily have this counterrevolutionary view and explanation , especially if you want to use it in a certain tactic . Without takkyia of course , raising up the meaning of the words openly. And if you read the original french , he stresses that there are chances for french politics i f o n l y the words are deepend not merely incantated etc.–pope-francis-tells-the-french-to-mean-it
As a non-Masonic Knights Templar, I can assure you that we bear no i’ll will toward the Knights of Malta.
People don’t realize that there are over 10,000 Non-Masonic Knights Templar and that’s just counting the top 3 largest Orders:
1) – Over 5,000 members in over 40 nations.
2) – Over 3,000 members in over 30 nations.
3) – Over 2,000 members in over 10 nations.
As a Catholic, I do support Cardinal Burke as a modern Catholic hero for hodling to what we believe and question the sanity of Pope Francis. In my view, Pope Francis loves Muslims, refugees, Environmentalists, and Marxists, and really everyone except actual Catholics. He has declared war on rank-and-file Catholics, especially those who believe in Catholic teachings.
Templar Ball
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I’m a convert to Catholicism ( I was a Muslim) and very much aware what is happening in the church. I love my new faith, The Lord Jesus and His Bls Mother Mary. Please pray the rosary, powerful weapon against the enemy of the church, ( remember the battle of Lepanto, the Muslims were defeated by Our Lady thru the rosary ). I think we should do the same too. And please open Verita Vincit website, a very good Catholic website, it will open your eyes, who Pope Francis is. And please pray for him very much for his soul, and those of Cardinals, who support him. God please help us. Mary our mother, mother of the church, please protect our beloved Catholic Church. God bless.
Nen Higgins, thank you and God bless you. I’ve visited the Verita Vincit website and it reminded me that I urgently need to read Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich’s Prophecy on the “Two Popes.”
Some extracts:
May 13, 1820
“I saw also the relationship between the two popes. . .
I saw how baleful (harmful) would be the consequences of this false church. I saw it increase in size; heretics of every kind came into the city (of Rome). The local clergy grew lukewarm, and I saw a great darkness…”
…”Once more I saw that the Church of Peter was undermined by a plan evolved by the secret sect [Freemasons], while storms were damaging it…”
POPE FRANCIS IS AN ILLUMINIST – and since he was before becoming pope, he is an apostate Bishop who has visited a villa belonging to a head Mason:
“28) To the journalist, Andrea Scanzi of the newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano, in 2014, Michela Scolari (the sole custodian of the memories of the Mason Licio Gelli), declared that 6-7 years ago, Pope Francis (then Cardinal Bergoglio) visited Licio Gelli at the Villa Wanda in Arezzo. Gelli, head of the famous P2 Lodge, was a Mason with excellent connections with Freemasonry and the Argentine political class in the 1970s and 1980s. To Scolari, Gelli revealed that he knew Bergoglio since 1973 when Gelli was the Argentinean Plenipotentiary Minister and a great friend of Peron. – Why do the Freemasons Love Pope Francis? Part II –
Hasn’t anyone here comprehended the concept of the grand and masterful deception of claiming your best friends to be your enemies and therefore hiding your true alignment?
In reality, although they fought amongst themselves like bickering brothers, the knights hospitalier and knights Templar may in secret have been collaborating, colluding. What better a way to have complete control over a situation than to plant an agent at the top of an organization you call your enemy and then if they fall from Grace, have all their treasure sent to you. That is after all why they call them secret societies and that is one of their main tools, creating a villain that you can fight against and selling both you and their puppet the weapons to do so.
Thank you , my brother nen Higgins , for your precious contribution .
Adrian Davey, yes we know this but we also know God created lucifer and we know that the fallen lucifer has his agents all over the world, including in the RC Church, as we know that the antichrist will rule the Church one day. With regard to the evil direction the current hierarchy is willing to give to the Church, it’s a bit more about just “disagreeing” with what they want us to accept as Christians. We are clearly saying NO to them! Love doesn’t mean lacking discernment and saying Amen to everything.
As a child that has died and seen , that which no one here has, I will tell you
1- proclaim the blood of Jesus Christ and you will live
2- follow anything else is the satanic fake zionist masonic ,jew, communist,feminist gay islamics shit storm to hell
3- Prepare for the final battle and we all know by history and what Christ said “destroy the synogogue of satan”, and we are about to support true not fake Christians who twist history to support “supreme being lies in fake secret organisations ie all illuminati luciferians-satan devils and their twisting of history to validate fake history has consequence and its a tortuous death!!!! WATCH AND SEE!!! REPENT TAKE THE BLOOD OF CHRIST DENOUNCE EVERYTHING ELSE AND YOU LIVE!!! IF NOT KILLED BY DEATH!!! AMEN SUPPORT THE TRUE CHRISTIANS AND TRUE KNIGHTS OF CHRIST WHO PROTECT US ON EARTH!! AMEN THANK YOU FOR YOUR ARTICLE AND THE ABILITY AS A GENETICS AND HISTORICAL TRUTH EXPERT!!!!
..”we must remember that our religion is of Oriental origin, and that every book of the Bible is written from the Oriental point of view. Next it must be understood that when we know what is meant in Oriental thought by the name of anything, we discover that to enter into the name of anything or any being, or to pray or act in the name of anything or any being, is neither more or less than to enter into the spirit of that thing or being, to make the meaning of that thing or being our dominant motive, to express our thoughts and words and actions the full significance of that thing or being. ” [some the esoteric teachings of Christianity the will eventually become exoteric]
As a Freemason of nearly 45 years, a Masonic Knight Templar for more than 40 years, having seen the horrors of war and of malfeasance by ”religious” people – clerical included – and looking at the long history of religious slaughters in the name of Christ or of God himself, I can safely say that those who write the most about Freemasonry, Christianity (and other religions) including what Christ ”said”, are those who know the least.
No need to have a hundred or thousand years of freemasonry in order to know about them. As Christians, we believe in a living God. One word of Him or of Our Lady is more than enough to know who they are, why they have infiltrated the Church and where they and those who follow them will end eternity if they don’t repent.
Study Minnesota and the corruption of the Oglalla complex.
Link the Minnesota flight training center to the KKK.
Find the images of the old man giving the White (Isle of Wight) Power sign.
Understand the evil nature of the Law of Jante.
Apply yourself beyond the means proscribed and you can completely trash the Masons.
Italy is already doing it. Masons are going apeshit.
Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich’s Prophecy on the “Two Popes”
September 12, 1820
“I saw a strange church being built against every rule…No angels were supervising the building operations. In that church, nothing came from high above…There was only division and chaos. It is probably a church of human creation, following the latest fashion, as well as the new heterodox Church of Rome [one world church of the False Prophet], which seems of the same kind…”
“I saw again the strange big church that was being built there (in Rome). There was nothing holy in it. I saw this just as I saw a movement led by Ecclesiastics to which contributed angels, saints and other Christians. But there (in the strange big church) all the work was being done mechanically (i.e., according to set rules and formula). Everything was being done, according to human reason. I saw all sorts of people, things, doctrines, and opinions. There was something proud, presumptuous, and violent about it, and they seemed to be very successful. I did not see a single Angel nor a single saint helping in the work. But far away in the background, I saw the seat of a cruel people armed with spears, and I saw a laughing figure which said: ‘Do build it as solid as you can; we will put it to the ground’.”
“I saw that many of the instruments in the new Church, such as spears and darts, were meant to be used against the living Church…”
Hay muchas historias del origen masónico todo pudo haber comenzado cuando los judíos no creian en Jesús Cristo. Salvador. Hoy en día es una secta muy poderosa que se infiltro desde Martín Lutero para llegar a esta llamada gran apostacia si hay persona que tenga mas luz que yo me diga esta gran crisis de fe hay que ser realistas y no dejarnos llevar por las emociones hay una verdadera misa ve tus ordo no la misa novus ordo de Martín Lutero
En el futuro, vamos a estar sene un Shepherd. Vamos a estar como orphans pero nuestra fe nos fa a sustener. Que Dios te bendige!
I hope you can understand my terrible Spanish!
El gobierno es totalmente masónico con su democracia comunista capitalista democratizaron el evangelio de Cristo con la teología de la liberacion b ergogliana protestanizada lo que usted le quiera llamar.
Muy bien decho Jorge.!
Upon doing some research, the Masonic Order does NOT claim direct lineage to the medieval knights Templar. The name “Knights Templar” means they were knights of a certain temple.
Thus meaning the Masonic Knights Templar are claiming to be knights of a certain temple.
I have so appreciated the right on comments of Jona Joannes, Maggie, Ronald Sevenster, James Francis Travis, FW and Templar Ball. Did you see the article from May 4, 2021 by the Italian Journalist Andrea Cionci re: her interview of Pope Benedict XVI. It fully clarified the situation because Pope Benedict said that he never abdicated his Pope position. He never stated that he was giving up the munus which would have made clear that he was no longer going to be Pope. He only stated that he was giving up the ministerium which means “practical functions,” which can be carried out by any Bishop. Why is no one speaking about the fact that 2 men held a gun to Pope Benedict’s head and when they did that they knew that Cardinal Bergoglio was going to be made “Pope.” These 2 thugs told Pope Benedict that he had 2 choices: He could announce his Resignation as Pope on that day or they would shoot him. He announced in Latin his giving up the ministerium. I am very worried that as a result of Andrea’s interview and article 2 months ago, that Pope Benedict will be shot, but they will announce that he died of a heart attack. How can the Catholic masses all mention Pope Francis’ name etc. when it is very clear and made public by Andrea’s article that Bergoglio is a phoney. Pope Benedict is now in a much more awkward position. If he were to become tough, strong, vocal and bold, I’m sure he would be shot. We need to pray a lot for him, and since we pray for our enemies, we also pray for Cardinal Bergoglio and all the Freemasons in the Vatican. Nadiya July 16, 2021.
To become a Knight Templar a man had to be of noble descent, had to be born out of wedlock and was already a knight.
From the start as in modern times no Freemason will qualify to be admitted to the order of the Knights Templar. Even most of the Knights of Malta through te ages and now could not and cannot be admitted to the order of the Knights Templar.
The Knights Templar were the intelligence of their time.