Statement Denounces Population Control Enthusiasts at Vatican Events
ROME, ITALY – A 12-page statement was issued today, calling on the Vatican to reform its administration of the Pontifical Academy of Science (PAS) and the Pontifical Academy of Social Science (PASS) due to the influence of population control advocates at academy events. The statement, which was signed by several prominent scientists and lay Catholic leaders in the pro-life community, spotlighted several matters deeply concerning to both science and the integrity of Catholic moral teaching.
“At the very heart of the matter is that the academies are being misused by major proponents of population control seeking to gain the Church’s moral authority for their programs,” said Michael Hichborn, president of the Lepanto Institute. “Our hope in publishing this statement is to seek meaningful reforms so the academies can fulfill their original mandates without the danger of being manipulated for political purposes.”
The statement warns about the key roles and particular influence of several individuals at Academy events, such as Jeffrey Sachs, who strongly advocate for the reduction of human fertility rates to combat poverty or global climate change. Pointing out that Sachs claimed at one PAS event that the Church’s social teachings were in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, the statement reads:
“There is a clear and present danger to the salvation of souls throughout the world by implying that there can be a common interest between the Church’s social teaching and secular goals which include morally illicit reduction of human fertility rates and population.“
Dr. Glenn Juday, who co-authored the statement with Hichborn said “The Church has great respect for the integrity of the scientific method. Resolving the serious environmental and human development problems that confront the world requires both the insights of science and moral and ethical guidance. The Church needs to reform her administration of the Pontifical Academies of Science and Social Sciences so that ethical shortcuts are clearly rejected, and the value and dignity of innocent human life is upheld. The proper conduct of science and the religious mission of the Church should be harmonious.”
Other signers of the letter include, Jay H. Lehr, PhD, senior scientist at AR Environmental Services Inc. and Science Director at The Heartland Institute; William M. Briggs, PhD, Professor at the Cornell Medical School and Meteorologist with the National Weather Service; Harold H. Doiron, PhD, Retired NASA Scientist; Judie Brown, President of American Life League; Steven Mosher, President of Population Research Institute.
To view the full statement and the list of signatures: www.lepantoin.or
When are the catholic bishops & cardinals going to get rid of this skunk called Francis?
Oh wait, he is just like them.
This is the heart of “social justice” and “the seamless garment”- a redefinition of the terms of our faith so that what is not Catholic is made to sound Catholic. The mission of the Catholic Church is to define and defend the Truth, and she has always steadfastly defended the Truth against heresy. What changed?
Well said. The Catholic Church has always been a staunch defender of truth, but under the present leadership, deception and doublespeak become the name of the game. Many have written about this :
Pope Francis: King of Doublespeak
The A – Z list of concerns with Pope Francis
An Interview with George Neumayr, Author of The Political Pope
The encyclical Laudato Si is a good example of this:
I no longer have faith in the papal system. I believe that a Pope should be dully elected by the faithful not a select group of cardinals. There should also be term limits placed on the length a Pope can sit. I don’t believe Jesus had the current system in mind when he called on St. Peter to be his first Pope.
“At the very heart of the matter is that the academies are being misused by major proponents of population control seeking to gain the Church’s moral authority for their programs.”
With all due respect, the academies are complicite thus they are not being misused. They seek the Church’s moral authority for their immoral programs.
“At the very heart of the matter is that the academies are being misused by major proponents of population control seeking to gain the Church’s moral authority for their programs,”
The academies are complicit and thus they are not being misused. The academies have invited major proponents of population control because they seek to gain the Church’s moral authority for certain immoral programs.