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Quad Cities Interfaith
Quad Cities Interfaith (QCI), being an affiliate of the Gamaliel Foundation, is one of the longest-running grantees of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD). QCI has received $500,000 in grants from the CCHD since 2004 (the furthest back the online records go), including its most recent grant of $65,000 in 2020.
Quad Cities Interfaith is intimately linked to and directly tied to Quad Cities PRIDE, an organization that promotes homosexual and transgender ideologies through debauched LGBTQ Pride events.
In 2018, Quad Cities Interfaith was identified as a “friend” level sponsor of the 2018 QC Pride event.
This isn’t the only place where QCI was identified as a “sponsor.” On May 22, 2018, QC Pride identified QCI on facebook as a sponsor as well.
Being a “Friend” level sponsor of QC Pride costs $100, which means that QCI is a direct financial contributor to the promotion of this public display of grave immorality. As a benefit of being a “Friend” level sponsor, the sponsoring organization gets mentioned on social media, which is what we see in the image above, confirming that the financial exchange did, indeed, take place.
In addition to being a financial sponsor for QC Pride in 2018, Rich Hendricks, who serves in two capacities on the Quad Cities Interfaith Board of Directors, is a co-founder and member of the Board of Directors for Quad Cities Pride.
But the connections aren’t limited to Rich Hendricks. Quad Cities Interfaith’s executive director, Amber Bordolo, was the point of contact for anyone who wished to volunteer for the QC Pridefest of 2019. QCI’s tax form 990 for the year 2019 identifies Bordolo as the executive director and Hendricks as a board member. And this call for volunteers for QC Pride Fest for that same year identifies Bordolo as the point of contact.
Another of Quad Cities Interfaith board members is Joe Heinrichs, who is a donor to QC Pride.
The activities of QC Pride are beyond disgusting, both morally and physically. And yet, two of QCI’s three board members and its executive director are all intimately involved in the activities and promotion of QC Pride, and are responsible for QCI’s direct financial contribution and participation in QC Pride as well.
On May 22, 2018, QC Pride posted its week-long schedule of events, which included a “Pin-Up Contest,” a “Fast and Fabulous Drag Race,” a “Freak Show,” a “Family Day,” and the “Pride Parade.”
Images from the event are too grotesque to be published here, but for those with the stomach, pictures of what Quad Cities Interfaith has sponsored can be viewed here.
As further evidence against QCI, here is some additional information on QCI board member, Rich Hendricks.
Rich Hendricks is “married” to Jeff Transou:
Hendricks’ “likes” are filled with LGBTQ stuff:
And he constantly posts pro-LGBTQ stuff like this:
Quad Cities Interfaith has two out of three board members and an executive director who are directly involved in the QC Pride events. In 2018, Quad Cities Interfaith financially sponsored QC Pride week. This constitutes an organizational involvement in the promotion of homosexual and transgender ideologies as coordinated by the vast majority of its leadership.
It might interest the readers to know that Kent Ferris was recent ordained as a deacon in the Diocese of Davenport and remains the head of the Socialist Action department at the diocesan level.