The following report on organizations receiving funding from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 provides a list of clickable reports. (Click here for the full chart of CCHD grantee Reports) Each of the organizations profiled received a grant from the CCHD, according to the latest reported list from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Next to the named organization is the amount it received from the CCHD for that year, followed by the diocese that approved the grant. The final three columns on the report chart indicate whether the violations discovered were Direct, Coalition, or Leadership. A Direct Violation is one where the organization itself was found to be the principal actor in the offense. A Coalition Violation is one where the organization was found to be a member of a coalition which was either acting or had taken a formal position in direct opposition to Catholic moral or social teaching. A Leadership Violation is one where the leadership of the organization (Board Member, Executive Director, or Key Staff Person) had acted or proposed ideologies in direct violation of Catholic moral or social teaching. The types of violations are clearly marked as follows:
- Abortion
- Contraception
- Marxism
- Occult
Each report (which is accessed by clicking the name of the organization in the chart) provides visual evidence accompanied by a website link to the source. The visual evidence is kept in the reports (as well as saved copies of each page on our hard drives) for two reasons: 1) To give a quick and easy-to-see reference guide to the gravity of the problems we’ve discovered, and 2) To have a visual copy of the evidence in the event the offender decided to attempt to delete the evidence from the internet.
(Click here for the full chart of CCHD grantee Reports)
Summary of Findings
Of the 214 organizations receiving grants from the CCHD in 2020-2021, 66 of those organizations are ineligible for Catholic funds, which is 30.8%. Those 66 organizations received funding approval from 46 of the 196 dioceses of the United States. Some other figures of note:
- Of the $11,249,000 distributed by the CCHD in FY 2020-2021, $3,430,000 went to organizations acting against Holy Mother Church, which is 30.4% of the grant total.
- Since 2004, the organizations identified in this report have collectively received $16,633,000 in grants from the CCHD.
- The average grant to an offending organization is $51,969.
- 47 out of the 66 organizations profiled in this report are in Direct Violation of Catholic moral or social teaching. That’s 71% of all offending organizations.
- 22 of those violations are Abortion related.
- 6 of those violations are Contraception related.
- 37 of those violations are LGBTQ related.
- 10 of those violations are related to Marxism.
- 51 of the 66 organizations profiled in this report are members of Coalitions which violate Catholic moral or social teaching. That’s 77% of all offending organizations.
- 47 of those are Abortion related.
- 37 of those are LGBTQ related.
- 19 of those are related to Marxism.
- 26 of the 66 organizations profiled in this report have Leadership violating Catholic moral or social teaching. That’s 39% of all offending organizations.
- 16 of those are related to abortion.
- 3 are related to Contraception.
- 20 are related LGBTQ related.
- 9 of those are related to Marxism.
(Click here for the full chart of CCHD grantee Reports)
The CCHD has been at the center of controversy ever since it was created in 1971. At the very heart of the CCHD is its philosophical father, Saul Alinsky, a Marxist radical who literally wrote the book for community organizing and class warfare: Rules for Radicals. It could be said that the spiritual father of the CCHD is Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, an accused homosexual and rapist who pre-arranged for a homosexual choir to sing at his funeral and who posthumously received a Masonic award reserved for members. The CCHD is Marxist at its core, as it has financed Saul Alinsky’s Marxist community organizing groups from the beginning.
In 2009, a coalition of pro-life Catholic organizations began examining the grants provided by the CCHD, finding many of them to be organizations promoting abortion. After a great deal of publicity and outrage by faithful Catholics, the CCHD was forced to undergo what it called a “Review and Renewal,” which meant a review of its policies, and a renewal of its efforts to maintain strict controls over the vetting process. As a result, a new policy was put into place forbidding organizations receiving grants from the CCHD from belonging to organizations or coalitions that take a formal position or public actions that are counter to Catholic moral or social teaching. Apparently, this was only a short-term answer in an attempt to get out from underneath the microscope. We have discovered several organizations that were denied funding in 2013 because of previous reports on those organizations, but despite the fact that the conditions which caused the organization to lose funding in the past have not changed, they are once again back on the grants list.
For instance, the Chicago Workers Collaborative (see the report in the chart) was given a choice in 2013 by the Archdiocese of Chicago to either withdraw from a coalition of which it was a member (because the coalition had taken a formal stance on same-sex “marriage”) or lose funding from the CCHD. The Chicago Workers Collaborative chose the coalition and was denied further funding from the CCHD. And now, even though Chicago Workers Collaborative is STILL a member of the coalition over which it lost CCHD funding, it is once again receiving CCHD grants. To make matters worse, not only is the coalition now promoting abortion as well as LGBTQ ideologies, but Chicago Workers Collaborative is a member of several other bad coalitions AND it has been promoting LGBTQ ideologies, itself.
Another organization that previously lost CCHD funding has to do with the leadership of the organization. In 2013, the Women’s Community Revitalization Project (WCRP) (see the report in the chart) was profiled by the Reform CCHD Now coalition, showing that the executive director for WCRP was an LGBTQ activist. In a 2016 interview, the executive director said that WCRP lost funding from a “significant funding source because [she’s] a lesbian.” This is a very interesting development because it indicates a loss of funding for the sole reason that the leadership of the organization was shown to be a bad actor. Even Bishop Jamie Soto, former chairman of the CCHD, recognized this as a serious issue. In January of 2012, Bp. Soto removed funding from an organization called Francis House as a direct result of its executive director’s support for abortion and same-sex “marriage.” Even though the executive director claimed that she never gave support for these things in her capacity as the leader of Francis House, Bp. Soto saw fit to defund the organization anyway. And now, despite having lost a grant after being exposed in 2013, WCRP is back on the grants list. Incidentally, this same executive director is a donor to Planned Parenthood.
(Click here for the full chart of CCHD grantee Reports)
Worst Offenders
Oftentimes, organizations desiring to promote abortion or LGBTQ ideologies try to be subtle in their approach, preferring to do so either through coalitions or behind the scenes. For instance, the Ostara Initiative gives no indication of its pro-abortion advocacy on its website, but its leadership has spoken openly about the fact that as an organization, they do advocate for women to have access to abortion information and services while in prison.
On the other hand, organizations like the Ezekiel project openly promote rallies in defense of “reproductive rights,” such as the “Rally to Defend Roe and Reproductive Rights” they promoted on social media back in May.
And then there are organizations like Stand Up Nashville (SUN) whose organizational members and leadership are so corrupt in their active promotion of abortion and LGBTQ ideologies that it is completely indistinguishable from the official activities of the organization (SUN), itself.
(Click here for the full chart of CCHD grantee Reports)
Coalition violations
One of the key reforms of the CCHD in 2010 was to insert a new rule for organizations wishing to receive a grant from the CCHD. As one CCHD grant application put it:
“CCHD cannot fund groups that are part of coalitions or other organizations with purposes or agendas that conflict with fundamental Catholic social and moral teaching.”
This statement is followed by the following requirement for the applicant:
17) Please list any national, regional, state or local coalitions, networks or other organizations that your group has membership in and the nature of your participation.
If the CCHD were doing its due diligence, it would have denied funding to all organizations that are members of Faith in Action, the Hispanic Federation, the National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA), the National Day Laborers Organizing Network (NDLON), Jobs with Justice (JWJ), the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR), the People’s Action Institute (PAI), and the US Human Rights Network (USHRN). Each of these organizations is directly and actively promoting abortion and LGBTQ ideologies. In 2020, we produced a series of reports showing that faith in Action (FIA) was directly involved in electioneering on behalf of Joe Biden and other Democrat candidates for public office. We also proved that FIA was directly promoting LGBTQ ideologies and its leadership was promoting abortion. The CCHD rushed to defend Faith in Action, denouncing the reports from the Lepanto Institute as “inflammatory.” This year, Faith in Action took a formal and very public position in defense of abortion, vowing to fight to access to it as a “right.”
Another coalition mentioned in our report is the Hispanic Federation. This organization is not only pro-abortion but hosts an annual near-pornographic LGBTQ festival.
As it stands, our report shows the following figures regarding the worst of the coalitions we’ve profiled in these reports:
- 13 grantees are members of Faith in Action.
- 8 grantees are members of the Hispanic Federation.
- 7 grantees are members of National Domestic Workers Alliance.
- 5 grantees are members of National Day Laborers Organizing Network.
- 5 grantees are members of Jobs with Justice.
- 4 grantees are members of the Heal Food Alliance.
(Click here for the full chart of CCHD grantee Reports)
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development was created for the sole purpose of financing the Marxist Saul Alinsky’s community organizing groups. This effort has led to fifty years of Catholic funding for organizations that work directly against the Church’s moral and social teachings. In 2010, the CCHD formally conducted a “review and renewal” of its vetting process, even adopting a rule that forbids grantees from being members of organizations that act against Church teaching. But instead of denying funds to such organizations, the CCHD has chosen instead to defend the coalition networks, as it did with Faith in Action.
We have said for years that either the Catholic Campaign for Human Development is absolutely incompetent and therefore incapable of properly policing the organizations to which it is providing funding, or it is completely corrupt and therefore complicit in the gravely immoral activities we’ve discovered. As we examine the case now, in light of the last 10 years after the “review and renewal” process, we are finding it harder to believe that this is a matter of mere incompetence.
Whatever the case may be, the fact of the matter is that the CCHD is providing Catholic funds to the enemies of the Church. No bishop, no priest, no layman can morally or licitly give any funding to the CCHD after reading these reports without endangering their own souls. We encourage all laymen to show this report to their pastors, and we exhort all priests to show this report to their bishops. And we call upon all bishops to formally withdraw completely from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development and work its total shut down on the national level.
Michael, Excellent work that no one else appears to have the courage to do.
Do you have info on how the funding decisions were made within CCHD? Do you have the names of those involved in those decisions?
You can search on usccb grants cchd and find all sorts of information, like how the grant applications are “rigorously” reviewed, names of officers in this usccb department, etc, I’ve worked in the grant world for 29 years and believe that their grants are pretty large as Catholic organization grants go–mostly $30,000 to $75,000. I see that for 2020-2021, New York dioceses, at $770,00 in grants, were the big winners. Diocese of Chicago, the single biggest winner, at 14 grants for $577,000. Diocese of Boston not too shabby either, with 7 grants totaling $450,000. Not all of these were suspect grants. But still, when you think of solid Catholics out there across the country donating to this fund and huge amounts are going off to New York, Chicago, and Boston, it makes your heart hurt. I quit donating to this fund years ago, thanks to Lepanto.
Michael, well done as always, sir. Accountability starts with every layman presenting this evidence to his parish priest and reminding him of his priestly vows. We cannot sit idly by while Marxist infiltrators take our money, simply to attack Holy Mother Church with it.
Thank you for your diligence!
Do the parish priests know about this? I’ve heard nothing from them.
I contacted my parish priest several years ago when the Lepanto institute first exposed this. My pastor asked the parochial vicar to look into it and contact me, which he did. The response was that there are some groups that have done things with money that they shouldn’t have, but these are exceptions and in other dioceses, etc. A punt basically. Its pretty easy to put language in the grant that disallows things in contradiction with the Catholic Church teachings, i.e., you have to give the money back if you do those things; you are forever banned from receiving funding if you use the money to promote causes that conflict with Catholic teachings – but they don’t. I am going to contact my pastor and the archbishop again about this. Makes me so mad.
Who created the icon/logo image with the gentlemen face on it for the USCCB?
If I am not mistaken, that image is of Saul Alinsky a known communist and Satanist.
Can you confirm whose face is in the image for the USCCB above?
We created the CCHD icon with Saul Alinsky superimposed on the USCCB logo. We did this to illustrate the intimate connection between the CCHD and Saul Alinsky.
I stopped contributing to this initiative years ago when I discovered they were funding an organization with a name that started with an “A”, unfortunately the name escapes me. They were a political organization that was relating to elections.
I am much in favor of contributing to local organizations like Catholic Social Services, St Vincent DePaul, etc.
Thank you for making this information available to us.
The organization you’re thinking of is ACORN.
Thank you for all the hard work to give us this information. Last year a couple of us from two parishes sent the information to our parish priests, with little response. We plan this year to go straight to the Bishop and are getting a group together to meet with him, if he agrees to see us. Our prayer group stopped giving to CCHD several years ago.
The Diocese of Saginaw is listed as giving $45,000 to a local political community organizing group called the Ezechiel Project. I got three replies from a priest and a couple newbies who don’t know anything about the Lepanto allegations. What is the evidence for the Lepanto allegation against the Ezechiel Project?
Here is the link to the full report on the Ezekiel Project with all the details:
AP: Catholic Church lobbied for taxpayer funds, got $1.4B
“Also among recipients was the Saint Luke Institute. The Catholic treatment center for priests accused of sexual abuse and those suffering from other disorders received a loan ranging from $350,000 to $1 million. Based in Silver Spring, Maryland, the institute has at times been a way station for priests accused of sexual abuse who returned to active ministry only to abuse again.”
Monday, October 17, 2022
6:30 pm | Apostolic Nunciature
3339 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.
Washington D.C. 20008-3610
Host: Archbishop Christophe Pierre, Apostolic Nuncio
2022 Saint Luke Award
Rev. David Songy, O.F.M.Cap., S.T.D., Psy.D., President and CEO, Saint Luke Institute
2022 Benefit Committee
12 people
One of them:
Rev. Msgr. Stephen J. Rossetti, PhD., D.Min.
Donors and 2022 Annual Benefit sponsors:
Father John Enzler Fund at the Greater Washington Community Foundation (john enzler is CEO of DC Catholic Charities.)
Most Rev. Timothy Broglio
Rev. Msgr. Stephen Rossetti, Ph.D., D.Min.
[email protected]
I just recently found out that rossetti is the exorcist to Archdiocese of Washington, Gregory Cardinal Wilton.
U.S. Archbishop Tells Transgender Catholic: “You Belong to the “You Belong to the Heart of This Church”
August 30, 2019
Gregory Cardinal Wilton
“You belong to the heart of this church. There is nothing that you may do, may say, that will rip you from the heart of this church. There is a lot that has been said to you, about you, behind your back that is painful and is sinful. I mentioned my conversation with Fortunate Families. We have to find a way to talk to one another, and to talk to one another not just from one perspective, but to talk and to listen to one another. I think that’s the way that Jesus ministered. He engaged people, he took them where they were at, and he invited them to go deeper, closer to God. If you’re asking me where do you fit, you fit in the family.”
Saint Luke Institute Foundation Inc
Silver Spring, MD|EIN: 26-0581595
Silver Spring, MD | WWW.SLI.ORG
Principal Officer,FR DAVID SONGY
Main address
8901 New Hampshire Ave
Silver Spring, MD 20903 United States
Saint Luke Institute
Silver Spring, MD|EIN: 52-1082730
We are a licensed (JCAHO, State of Maryland) private institute for treatment and education specializing in promoting the health and well-being of women and men religious, clergy and others involved in church ministry. Clients come from all over the United States and more than 25 other countries. The core values that inspire our mission are compassion, respect, and quality service. Our focus is on health … persons from other countries and other faiths. Saint Luke Center provides psychological and spiritual care for Catholic clergy (priests and deacons), men and women religious, and those in formation. Services include individual and group therapy, spiritual direction, candidate assessments, risk assessments and education (in person and online). Saint Luke’s Centre provides psychological and spiritual care …
EIN 52-1082730
Main address
8380 Colesville Rd, Suite 300
Silver Spring, MD 20910-6264 USA
Rev. David Songy O.F.M.Cap., S.T.D., Psy.D.
Ms. Marianne Durgavish RN
aka SLI | Silver Spring, MD |
Going back to the exorcist stephen rossetti:
Professional expirience:
President and CEO, St. Michael Center for Spiritual Renewal
One of the publications:
Main address:
1317 8th St NW
Washington, DC 20001 United States
EIN 84-2649725
“Learning from Our Mistakes: Responding Effectively to Child Sexual Abusers”, Toward Healing and Renewal, ed. Charles J. Scichuna, Hans Zollner, David John Ayotte (2012); 39-46.SLI: Leading the Future of Care
msgr. rossetti recently published book “Stephen J Rossetti, Diary of an American Exorcist” (2021).
In overview of his book msgr. rossetti stated: ” Despite all their bluster and arrigance, demons are cowards.”
To see a coward msgr. rossetti just can take a glance at the mirror.
Fr. Ripperger names six levels of diabolic:
1. Ordinary diabolic presence.
2. Dolor of external pain.
3. Oppression.
4. Obsession.
5. Posession.
6. Subjugation (pact with the devil)
I say “stephen rossetti shook hands with the devil himself long time ago”.