We wish this was just a joke. It is not. It is pure sacrilege taking place in a parish in Brooklyn, New York. Not only does the Diocese of Brooklyn know about this abomination … it actually helped advertise it on facebook! The statement from the Diocese of Brooklyn says:
“On Sunday, Jan. 31, head down to St. Bernard’s Parish in Mill Basin for a very special treat: a #StarWars themes Mass! Kids come dressed as their favorite character and there will be snacks in the auditorium after the Mass. Be sure to be there at 11:30 AM and May the Force be with you!”
“May the Force be with you?” The author of that Facebook post may have been trying to be clever or cute, but there is nothing “cute” about using New Age terminology with regard to the un-bloody representation of Our Blessed Lord’s sacrifice at Calvary.
Since posting the announcement, a couple of Catholic blogs (Dumb Ox Writings and the Eponymous Flower) broke the story with articles on their websites and shortly thereafter, the diocesan ad suddenly disappeared. The Lepanto Institute called both the Diocese and St. Bernard of Clairvaux Church for clarification on the matter, but did not receive a call back. But despite the fact that the ad was removed from the diocesan facebook page, the sacrilegious “Mass” remains on the parish calendar.
It should be noted here that there are two separate events listed on the calendar. At 11:30-12:30 is a “Star Wars Mass.” From 12:30-2:00 is a Star Wars party in the parish Hall. So, the flyer wasn’t just referring to the party after Mass.
Hopefully, this atrocity will be cancelled, but even if it is, there are two deeply serious problems.
- The pastor of St. Bernard believes that this was a good idea.
- The Diocese believes that this was a good idea.
According to the advertisement, the Mass itself was to be “Star Wars” themed. Without further details, it’s difficult to say what this would entail, but perhaps it would draw inspiration from the 2013 Star Wars First Communion “Mass” that took place in Germany; complete with “Light Saber Blessing.”
What is about to take place in Brooklyn is a monstrosity, and should be stopped. If it cannot be stopped, it MUST be exposed.
If any Lepanto Institute readers live near Brooklyn, please consider going to an early or vigil Mass and then attending this sacrilegious event with a video camera.
The address for the Parish is:
2055 east 69th street
Brooklyn, NY 11234
In the mean time, please call both the parish and the diocese to respectfully request that this event not be allowed to take place. Contact information for the parish and the diocese are below:
St. Bernard of Clairvaux Church – (718) 763-5533
Diocese of Brooklyn – 718-399-5900
I’m besides myself. how could anyone take the Sacrifice of the Mass, Christ’s death upon the cross seriously ..since when does Mass need a theme, other than its own theme, let us proclaim the mystery of faith
I just called the parish (St. Bernard in Brooklyn) and spoke with the receptionist. She denied that the Mass had anything to do with Star Wars and stated that afterwards there was a Star Wars party.
I asked why the Mass was advertised as “Star War’s Mass” (forgive me for putting both of these together…) and she stated that it was a misprint.
……??? How can anyone think something like this is ok? Did anyone obtain footage of it?
Not only that, but if it was a misprint, then why are people who attended admitting that kids were dressed in Star Wars costumes during the Mass, allowed to process in with the priest in their costumes, and sit in the sanctuary until the homily? Doesn’t sound like a misprint to me.
A “misprint”? Really? Let me tell you; I’m Elvis Presley!
Someone should check out St. Francis of Assisi Church on West 32nd Street, in New York City. They don’t have “themed” masses but they have (what I call) Rock Mass, like the one they had a few Sundays ago and posted on Facebook a video of a woman dancing in the pew, “rocking to the music!” There was a band and all! I was horrified and posted and was told that the music and dancing was real “Church!” All this kind of junk is going on because we do not have a true leader for the Archdiocese of New York City! Dolan is the head and is so busy with his own agenda, like the gay agenda and that debauched, so-called priest, and his gay male prostitute, so the other radicals in the clergy are letting loose! There is no one to stop the Bride of Christ from being raped!
I agree. I wonder what sort of letter St. Paul or St. John would write to this church and others like her. I can not help but wonder if those we read in the New Testament were not meant for those such as these.
Fr. joe colletti
So-called theme Masses are totally opposed to any proper understanding of the nature of the Sacred Liturgy.
Excuse me but if this is a attempt to bring Evangelical methods of evangelization into a “Catholic” Mass ,then make this to conform to the “fall away generation” for the type of mass for the “Church of Nice” then this is the wrong way to talk about Christ Jesus and his message. Hey Diocese of Brooklyn and Everywhere else…GO BACK TO TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS WORSHIP!!! Leave “Star Wars” in Secular Disney’s Hands Not God the Father,God the Son & God the Holy Spirit.
I agree we need traditional Latin Masses only.
According to their calendar, the parish’s email is [email protected].
Aren’t you jumping to a lot of conclusions?
All you know is what is on the flyer. You haven’t spoken with the parish, the pastor, any parishioners, or the DRE. Nor have you spoken with the diocese.
This flyer says nothing, absolutely nothing at all, about the liturgy and only mentions a reception for children AFTER the Mass.
Yet you are automatically comparing it to the abusive “Star Wars” abomination you illustrate with the picture.
This may be dubious. It may be tacky. But it is not, as yet, sacrilegious.
You should hold your fire until you have all your facts.
What an absurd reading of events by Deacon Kandra – again. The parish’s own flyer says “STAR WARS MASS”.
Isnt THAT objectionable enough. Something doesn’t have to rise to the level of sacrilegious for the laity to speak up.
Why are you always defending this Church of Nice type garbage? You NEVER seem to encourage any questioning of anything – all you want to do is continually give a pass, ignore, look the other way, kill the messenger etc.
There is no way in Hades the sacrifice of the Holy Mass should have ANY theme to it – much less a sci-fi movie.
What is it that you and your modernist-minded gang just don’t see? The Church is imploding and you offer nothing but excuses and lame justifications.
Do you not think it is good to alert people to something like this so that it can be prevented. It isn’t JUST a “star wars snack after Mass gathering” as you suggest it MIGHT be.
The kids are invited to come TO MASS dressed in costume. The flyer says STAR WARS MASS.
Yep, this you’ll dream up excuse after excuse for, but for those who call out the Establishment crowd who permits this kind of thing – you have no mercy.
Michael Voris
Church Militant
We cannot give this Parish a pass, or the benefit of the doubt with this flyer associating the Mass with a Star Wars Theme. What sort of Catechesis of the Mass does this suggest when one is willing to allow this?
The only option is to correct it, not to just sit back and wait to see what happens. Haven’t we done enough of that? We have a 50 year track record of how these things end; now is the time to preempt this kind of activity, or call it out loud and clear. Thanks to all who’ve done so.
Let’s heed the deacon’s prudent caution and assume a less-than-worse-case scenario.
Nevertheless, based on the parish blurb alone, we ask:
Why invite children or adults to come to Mass deliberately attired to attract attention to their costumes and thus distract attention rightly due to Almighty God in His own house, while listening to His own voice, praying with our minds and hearts lifted to Him, and nourished at His own altar? Does He not deserve better?
You are exactly right. My son was a thurifer when he was young and people would comment about how reverent he was and what a lovely job he made of it while serving. He would say that they shouldn’t be looking at him, they should be paying attention to Jesus. True words from a young man.
Exactly right! Also, what people don’t understand, is that George Lucas was/is a New Ager.
This is pathetic. Where is the Bishop DiMarzio? I think he’s at
the 51st Eucharistic Congress where the heretic Fr. Timothy Radcliffe O.P.
is spreading pro homosexual evil DRIVEL.
The days of the CLOWN MASSES must end ! The Mass is a Holy Sacrifice
and not some type of entertainment show.
We wonder why our churches are empty on Sundays. My parish used to
have 11 masses on Sunday in the 1960’s. Today it has 3. Yet the population
of the parish has doubled in 50 years. People are tired of the BLASPHEMY !
Amen to that. Totally agree. Honestly, if Jesus Himself were to walk into your church while this Mass was on, I think He’d upturn those tables like He did at the Synagog all those years ago.
Thanks Michael. There was none of this hellish behaviour prior to Vatican 2. The presbytery needs visitors to confront the pastor en masse, and I would face him if I lived nearby. I live in Australia.
I agree we need traditional Latin Masses only.
It is a scam for the ‘Big Three’, as is all Vat.II: money, power, sex…in any order…as long as ya git ’em.
The Pro Soul Movement tm
SoulfromConception.com .org
Mr. Voris. I agree with you. Thank you for challenging this NO deacon. With the liberal wing of the Church, it’s always deflection, excuses, and failure to judge what is obvious. What is their “orandi” that leads to such a “credendi”?
Isn’t dressing as Star war characters a little weird. MASS ISN’T A HALLOWEEN PARTY.
Excuse me, but Star Wars should have nothing to do with the Church, shouldn’t even be mentioned. Leave all that garbage for the world outside the church and the Mass. Children and all people have the right to hear about the Holy Trinity, the Commandments of God, Catechism, and all things related to the Church and its teachings. EVANGELIZE!!!!!!! and leave mundane stuff outside the church, there is no need of that in the church. AND I DO NOT HOLD MY FIRE NOR I SHOULD, THE WORLD IS UPSIDE DOWN, AND YOU ARE HELPING!!!!! ALONG WITH THE PRIESTS AND THE DIOCESE OF BROOKLYN!!!! CATECHISE, EVANGELIZE , SPEAK THE WORDS OF CHRIST!!!! NOT THE DISGUSTING WORDS OF THE WORLD. THATS YOUR TASK AND OBLIGATION!!!! REMEMBER!
Thanks, Deacon.
Well, Judith, thanks for what?
For downplaying the themed mass?
For accepting what man wants rather than what Jesus taught?
Did you know that one of the most dangerous songs to the Catholic Church (according to a leader of the satanic church) is Frank Sinatra’s “My Way”?…
Man’s way is not Gods way. It’s all about choices. It’s high time we get back to tradition. It’s the only way.
We need sermons by some truly wonderful priests that tell it like it should be, to save our souls. That’s their job!
Love audio sancto!
Deacon, regardless of your personal opinion, perhaps you should sit down and read the documents from the Council of Florence, the Council of Trent or any of the other councils that firmly established catholic Faith. Maybe you should read some of the ecumenical letters of Pope St Paul V, Pope St Leo XIII, Pope St Pius IX, Pope St Pius X….mostly the ones directed at modernism.
I agree. I think you guys are jumping to conclusions.
With all due respect, Deacon, to even call the event a “Star Wars Mass” profanes the sacred even with the words alone. This isn’t just a matter of being “tacky,” but of denigrating the re-presentation of the sacrifice of Our Blessed Lord at Calvary. To profane that which is sacred is sacrilege. It doesn’t matter if the priest DOESN’T wave a light saber around at the Mass or if he DOESN’T wear a costume over his vestments … The very fact that he referred to a “Star Wars Themed Mass” is bad enough. But to then invite kids to wear costumes of characters representing a New Age science-Fantasy universe during the highest prayer of the Church in the House of God … If that’s not sacrilege, what do you call it?
And on top of all this … The Diocesan Facebook page ended the announcement of the “Star Wars Mass” with “May the force be with you.” Now, I’m not going to assume the author of the announcement meant anything beyond being “cute,” but isn’t that precisely the problem here? How much lower do things have to get before the clergy realize that “cute” has become sacrilege and blasphemy? What’s the theme for next year? A Harry Potter “Mass,” where kids will be encouraged to dress up like witches? Will the diocese announce it with a spell from the books?
Where does it end, Deacon? This isn’t “cute,” it’s not “tacky,” and it’s not funny. Our Lord is LITERALLY hanging on the Cross, torn, bloodied, beaten, and MOCKED while in the tabernacle and on the alter in the Holy Eucharist, and this parish priest and the diocese have the AUDACITY to amplify that mockery in His own house and by His own people? How DARE they?
If this isn’t sacrilege, then there is no such thing.
The flyer is sacrilegious in itself, Deacon. God save us from your religion.
You are so far out of touch, Deacon, that I won’t attempt to try and convince you of your abominable heresy. I just hope that people who read your comments understand that you are spiritually sick.
Star Wars creator, George Lucas is a far left new ager. He was raised Methodist and even once considered himself a Buddhist/Methodist. He has embraced all sorts of “eastern philosophy”
It is blasphemy to incorporate this heretical nonsense into the Mass.
I wonder if you even know what the Mass really is.
Deacon Greg Kandra
Re: “Jumping to Conclusions”
You posted in part: “You should hold your fire until you have all your facts.”
I guess you would be the guy to have all the facts.
Are you not a Deacon in the same Diocese that the Mass in question is to be said? Are you not a professional communicator and media specialist? Are you not what Pope Benedict XVI called a “professional Catholic” employed full time by a Catholic agency?
Perhaps you could gather the facts and enlighten us? Thank you.
God bless
Richard W Comerford
P.S. Are you posting in your official capacity and in so doing representing the Diocese of Brooklyn?
Thanks Michael. There was none of this hellish behaviour prior to Vatican 2. The presbytery needs visitors to confront the pastor en masse, and I would face him if I lived nearby. I live in Australia.
Deacon, it’s mere presence sews confusion. It is not the readers fault it is misinterpreted. It appears blasphemous on it’s face. It appears as though it is poking fun at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
What a wonderful tool to give Catholic detractors more material with which to denigrate The True Church, The one Holy, Catholic and apostolic Church.
It states “Star Wars Mass”, if you also look at the Church’s website on their calendar it states, “Star Wars Mass, it’s disgusting. You as a Deacon should be appalled by this. Last I checked the definition of Mass was as follows. God will not be mocked. Teach the true presence of Lord body, blood, soul, and divinity, there is enough love, sacrifice, wonder, and mystery in that, teach that. I will pray for this Pastor, what a disgrace.
the Christian Eucharist or Holy Communion, especially in the Roman Catholic Church.
Thanks, for taking a breath before hanging us. It really is very innocent. The Family Masses are always prayerful and respective of Our Lord. It just makes the children happy and wanting to come to Mass again.
Dear Kathy: These children learn about “getting” instead of “giving”. The Holy Mass is all about Christ. Not about fun. Please, don’t do that to these children or else you will want them to leave the Church for other places that have “star wars theme”, instead of going to receive Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. These children are now being prepared to drop their faith.
Bravo Grzegorz
You can’t reconcile a Star Wars theme with genuine reverence of the Lord.
Maybe the flyer could use a little work, I will give you that. But the Mass is just that’s, a Mass. When or pastor has a Veterans Mass, we might call it that, but we don’t worship in foxholes and carry granades. Your thinking this is bigger than it is. Your displeasure with bringing modern things into church is misguided. I think teaching our children that God can be in all aspects of our life is good. As far as thinking Mass can’t be fun, I’m never as joyous as when I leave church, so we differ there as well, if we can bring more joy and happiness into this world, by any means, I think God would smile.
A problem arises when children are taught that they are supposed to “get something out of Mass” or that Church can be “fun.”. I knew a middle school student who left the Catholic faith becuaet he wasn’t ” getting anything out of Mass,” and his mother encouraged him to attend Protestant services because they offered more for kids. Children should learn that Mass is for the adoration and worship of God. We go because we are asked to by God.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is to let us give honour, glory, praise, worship and thanks to God. It is not so that we may fell happy. It is for God from us because of what he has done and is doing for us. Bad theology, but you could say it is to make God happy, not us.
Dear Deacon: You must be kidding, right?
I have checked the bulletin, and indeed there is no mention of any Star Wars Mass or anything like that at 11:30am, but in the callendar it is. Both – Mass and reception
Click +5 more or scroll down.
Mass = Holy Mass = The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
It is Chirst who is celebrating it. Not Jedi. Jedi does not saves from sins. This “Star Wars Mass” is not only not giving nothing, but will take away from the people being there. It is sacrilegious. I is deadly. It is evil.
You are the only sane commentary on this page.
The article states pretty clearly that Lepanto attempted to contact both the parish and the diocese. Neither seems to have been willing to address the matter. I have little choice but to take this seriously.
I believe it is asking for children to go to Mass dressed up at Star Wars characters. Why not as Holy Saints instead? That is in line with Catholic teaching. Star Wars is not in line with Catholic teaching and I am sure that Our Lord would not approve. We all want more “bums on seats” but this is certainly NOT the way to go about it. They need to find another way. God Bless you.
Go to Deacon Kandra’s blog and check this abomination out: http://aleteia.org/blogs/deacon-greg-kandra/thats-the-ugliest-deacon-ive-ever-seen/
Is this supposed to be funny? Cute? I just don’t get it. Humor is important; but reverence for the sacred is more important. Perhaps Deacon Kandra should reacquaint himself with the second commandment? The catechism of the Catholic Church says in 2143: “Among all the words of Revelation, there is one which is unique: the revealed name of God. God confides his name to those who believe in him; he reveals himself to them in his personal mystery. The gift of a name belongs to the order of trust and intimacy. “The Lord’s name is holy.” For this reason man must not abuse it. He must keep it in mind in silent, loving adoration. He will not introduce it into his own speech except to bless, praise, and glorify it.”
Michael Voris is right: this guy is a big part of the problem. We have met the enemy and he is us…
It says ‘Mass”
of course you would side with the heretics!
From the dioces AND parish fb page:
Allow me to provide some clarification as it pertains to what is being called the “Star Wars Mass”.
At the parish of St. Bernard, we celebrate the Family Mass every Sunday at 11:30AM. At this liturgy, the children of the parish are invited to processes in with the priest and sit in the sanctuary until the conclusion of the Homily, at which point they return to their parents in the pews for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. At the Family Mass, different scenes taken from the popular culture and the daily experience of the children are used to assist the celebrant relay the message of that week’s Gospel to the children. The Family Mass is occasionally followed with, upon the conclusion of Mass, a social for the families held in the school auditorium or in the parish garden. Examples of such Family Masses include All Saints Day when the children dress in the costume of their favorite saint, Pumpkin Patch Sunday, Ice Cream Sundae Sunday, the Backpack Blessing Sunday which is held the week school begins, Monthly Class Mass, and others which are held for our children and families throughout the year.
In the instance of Star Wars, this is a very popular film series among children and their parents. The intention of this Mass is to be a way to enhance the children’s understanding of the difference between good and evil and the ultimate triumph of good over evil. The children were invited to dress in costumes of characters from Star Wars and participate in the same way they normally do at each Family Mass. Upon the conclusion of the Mass, refreshments will be provided for the families in the school auditorium, along with appearances by some of the characters from the movie in the auditorium.
At St. Bernard Parish, we are always looking for ways to engage our young people and instruct them in the ways of our Catholic faith and tradition.
If you can spin that into something that resembles CATHOLICISM, you might be named Charlotte and your bff is a pig.
Children have no business to be in the sanctuary. The sanctuary is for the officiating priest and the other sacred ministers – IOW, deacons, servers. The laity of either sex and any age have no reason to be in the sanctuary. Nor have teddy bears, clown costumes, red noses, or other such stuff.
It is not necessary to add gimmicks to the Holy Mass – it is *not* “Family Fortunes”, or other such mindless nonsense. Why is this so hard to understand ?
Deacon, you always make a good case…
for the abolition of the permanent diaconate.
Okay, perhaps as we only are speaking of the flyer, I know not of what happened at the mass, it may not be sacrilege, yet.
But, most certainly, it is profanation, which can lead to sacrilege.
Deacon Greg Kandra might well be fooling himself, but he doesn’t fool sensible people and he will have to apologise for his reckless words before long.
I would guess that this benighted parish doesn’t evidence much sense of the Divine or the Catholic faith, poor parishioners.
Parce nobis Domine.
You are a Deacon?!! Really?? We are jumping the gun, after the ad and a picture of the so called priest with a star wars prop and children dressed in costume??? You are and this “priest” is working with the diabolical to bring down the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass,The Eucharist, the source and summit of our faith!!!! ” Don’t jump the gun” really!
Even young children understand the difference between real and make-believe. A costumed/themed Mass tells the kids that the most sacred thing we have – the Eucharist – is a magic trick, make believe, and all in good fun.
I teach CCD to middle school kids in the local parish. Recently, the DRE said to me, we’ve lost the generation that is the parents of these students, we have to appeal to the kids. So what happens when these kids grow up after being fed a childhood of this drek? They have no inkling whatsoever of the deep and beautiful thing that is our Mass and they walk away because no one ever gave them a reason to seek it out more deeply. What a tragedy.
Nope, I drive right past Mill Basin and dozens of other parishes every Sunday and head for the celebration of the TLM and I take my kids [teenage and up] with me.
thanks for speaking up against it…Please continue the fight. God Bless you all who saw this and spoke up against it. There is a battle going on and we must do our bit. Enough of such secularism in the Holy Mass. Lord Jesus forgive us.
Stars Wars is new age
The very suggestion makes a mockery of God’s intention in instituting the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass — the reenactment of Calvary!
Deacon, I guess you don’t have a problem with a son killing his own father, that is what took place in the latest Star War Movie. You need to read the prophesies that Our Blessed Mother has warned us about. The devil has for sure entered the church beginning in the Vatican through the masons that have practically taken over!
Margaret, you are correct. Read AA1025. It’s available to read free online. Just google it. It’s about the anti apostles that entered the church.
Sorry Deacon, but according to the dioceses own Facebook page, it is described as Star Wars themed mass.
I’m deeply disturbed and saddened at the thought of the Holy Mass to be played out in the manner of being celebrated in a fictional theme. It is satanic to lead your sheep in any other direction than as prescribed by Our Lord.
Dear leaders and parishioners of this church, please do not proceed with conducting this Star Wars mass.
We are in times of uncertainty but what people are forgetting is that one thing IS for certain. That’s the battle for our souls. Good vs evil, God vs satan. The actions that you partake in will be imprinted onto your children and you will have to stand before God and answer to Him with the knowledge that you led them and each other astray.
Please, do not follow through with this idolatry or any mass other than the true Holy Catholic mass.
I care about you and the entire Catholic Church.
I don’t request this through misunderstanding, judgement or that I’m trying to hurt anyone’s feelings, but rather through love for my fellow Catholics and the end result of your souls.
If I say nothing, I am negligent of the same offenses. Please reconsider this mass.
Instead, teach the mystical beauty of the Holy Mass.
Explain how the angels surround the alter of our Lord exalting Him as He should be. (Imagine!!)
Explain how the prayers of the priest dispel satan and his evil spirits.
Explain how the prayers by the priest turns the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus.
That when we receive Our Lord, actually receive Him, that we need to be in a state of grace. That means to go to confession, often!
Imagine the children’s eyes as they understand that!
Perhaps you will believe Father Steven Shier
The church prior to the council and the church since the council, are not even recognizable anymore. The Mystical Body of Christ fades with each passing year, and in its place we have the modern body of man. Pretty sad. Keep saying JESUS I TRIST IN YOU. Make spiritual communions. Read lives of the saints. Pray for priests. Alter Christus!!!!! We can only hope and hold on.. The daily rosary and brown scapular?, our survival kit
The world is similar to the hamlet of ARS FRANCE before Saint Jean Vianney arrived
I hope they don’t proceed. This is for some people already, and can become for others, an idol. Please, focus.
This shows the thinking of the adults in this Parish, and greater diocese. It reflects the mindset of these people. It is greatly lacking in basic understanding of the Faith. The focus is on bringing people to the church under false pretense. Not to worship God the Almighty! But, to fill the coffers, and have a good time! Sad, yes. Pathetic, yep.
Dear defenders of the Star Wars Mass:
This is James Savonarola from Dumb Ox Writings, the one who posted the event on my blog a few days ago. I did not post it hastily. In fact, my friend who originally came across this and alerted me to it tried on multiple occasions to confirm this with the diocese, who ignored him and the parish again who ignored him. Prudence was observed in posting on this topic, but it is not prudent not to shine light on something that may be sacrilege, but that most definitely is a scandal to well formed Catholics everywhere. It is a “Star Wars Themed Mass” for crying out loud. I’m not even against having a star wars party after mass, great have fun. But dont profane the sacred, its a poison pill in the waters of life.
People wonder why the youth fall away. If you dont take it seriously, why should they? Please pray for us Deacon, but do rethink your take and do your own due diligence in looking at the evidence and draw the conclusions from the reason God has gifted you with.
In Christ,
James Savonarola
aa-1025 in effect
absolutely correct. In the end, as we know,Jesus will prevail.
This will be a regular mass < with an Event to follow please contact the church for the right information. That is it. There will be a stars party AFTER THE MASS. Nothing else. I don't understand why this is getting so much attention.
See the Calendar and the flyer … the Calendar says, “Star Wars Mass” and then lists a Star Wars event following the Mass. The flyer also says, “Star Wars Mass” and encouraged kids to wear costumes to it.
Also … repeated attempts to contact the diocese and the parish were made by this organization and others, and there were no responses. The diocese and the parish had plenty of opportunity to clarify the matter, and did not.
“This will be a regular mass < with an Event to follow please contact the church for the right information. That is it. There will be a stars party AFTER THE MASS. Nothing else. I don't understand why this is getting so much attention."
Maybe it's getting so much attention because that's not at all what it is.
– The flyer said for them to wear costumes to Mass.
– The parish calendar lists two seperate items: "Star Wars/Mass (church)" and "Star Wars / Party (Hall)."
Yup. Nothing weird there.
The Stars Wars event is after the Mass , Call the church , The mass is a regular mass with a Party for the kids afterwards. Whats wrong with that . Get the facts.
Considering both my inquiries to them as well as the author of this post’s inquiries have been ignored, we’ve tried to get the facts. They aren’t answering, most likely because they want to hide the facts…
Get the facts, everyone is jumping the gun. The mass is a regular mass, FACT. There will be an stars war event to follow Fact. You are all making things up. You really are. You are spreading lies. Jesus would be proud of all of you. He really would, lies lies more lies. We live in a world where people would rather believe lies then the truth. Call the church get your Facts. Mass then stars event to follow in a different building. Know your facts before you write something that cannot be taken back.
FACT: The Diocese said that the Mass itself was “Star Wars themed.”
FACT: The Diocese invited kids to come dressed as their favorite Star Wars characters.
FACT: The flyer itself said that it was a Star Wars “MASS”.
FACT: The parish calendar lists TWO separate events, a Star Wars Mass and a Star Wars party AFTER the Mass.
FACT: Both the parish and the diocese were contacted by several people (including this organization) and received no response.
Please explain how these facts are being misrepresented, or what specific lies are being made.
you are reading a Flyer ,
this is from the Church Allow me to provide some clarification as it pertains to what is being called the “Star Wars Mass”.
At the parish of St. Bernard, we celebrate the Family Mass every Sunday at 11:30AM. At this liturgy, the children of the parish are invited to processes in with the priest and sit in the sanctuary until the conclusion of the Homily, at which point they return to their parents in the pews for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. At the Family Mass, different scenes taken from the popular culture and the daily experience of the children are used to assist the celebrant relay the message of that week’s Gospel to the children. The Family Mass is occasionally followed with, upon the conclusion of Mass, a social for the families held in the school auditorium or in the parish garden. Examples of such Family Masses include All Saints Day when the children dress in the costume of their favorite saint, Pumpkin Patch Sunday, Ice Cream Sunday Sunday, the Backpack Blessing Sunday which is held the week school begins, Monthly Class Mass, and other which are held for our children and families throughout the year.
In the instance of Star Wars, this is a very popular film series among children and their parents. The intention of this Mass is to be a way to enhance the children’s understanding of the difference between good and evil and the ultimate triumph of good over evil. The children were invited to dress in costumes of characters from Star Wars and participate in the same way they normally do at each Family Mass. Upon the conclusion of the Mass, refreshments will be provided for the families in the school auditorium, along with appearances by some of the characters from the movie in the auditorium.
At St. Bernard Parish, we are always looking for ways to engage our young people and instruct them in the ways of our Catholic faith and tradition.
In other words, the concerns are verified. Thank you for providing this information.
Get a life and stop trying to turn people away from the church.
People like you are the reason that young people are running away from the church in droves. If you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say it at all and if this is not your parish then what business is it of yours? You just choose to see things from your side and impose your interpretation onto other people. WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE ANYONE? I think this whole smear campaign is being done just to get some comments on this STALE blog. Lighten up, there are much worse things happening in the world at this moment and you choose to target a CHILDREN’S themed mass! I’m sure that everything you do or say is soOo perfect and divine! I’d seriously like to know when GOD gave you the authority to decide what is sacrilegious and what is not? Interpret the “rules” however you wish but use them in your own life.
“At St. Bernard Parish, we are always looking for ways to engage our young people and instruct them in the ways of our Catholic faith and tradition.”
I don’t think you realize the depth of the error with this idea. I’d say this well reflects the mentality that has sadly dominated the Church since my teens. I recall learning how to serve Mass one year at my parish for a Mass for all people, including adults. A few years later, I began Jr High and became acquainted with All School Mass, wherein the school attempted to make the Mass “relevant” to us as teens. Many other teen-related activities had the same intent. As I grew older and ultimately began to find out how much had not been taught, but had been ignored, I became all the more outraged by the Church’s behavior.
If this typifies the Family Mass at your parish, I must warn you that this is the typical attitude, one that adamantly rejects any semblance of traditional teaching or practice, but insists on pushing “relevant” ideas at Mass.
Put simply, these are the attitudes that helped press me toward deciding to become a member of a traditional parish, wherein the Extraordinary Form will be celebrated.
I’ve had enough of the “relevant” Mass as fomented these last 40 years.
Devote your time to something more important and keep your comments to yourself. Msgr, is trying to do something nice for the kids of the parish, while bringing the community together. THE MASS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH STAR WARS. THE STAR WARS EVENT IS AFTER THE MASS. It’s people like you who get me infuriated to the point where I want to scream my head off. Leave us alone and keep your business in Virginia.
I live in NYC.
The flyer says “Star Wars Mass”.
As soon as I saw it I felt outraged.
anonymous……..at the marriage feast they were turned away because they were not suitably dressed……..the Mass is not a game nor a Pageant…..if you and others want the Mass to be spiced up YOU ARE IN THE WRONG CHURCH…..many churches these days seem to have children up to communion age go out for their own Liturgy…….why not have a Mass for teenagers At my age i lived before and after Vatican 2 dont anyone blame this for problems in the church today its how Vatican 2 was misconstrued by the clergy at the time …… remember general absolution …this threw confession out of the window THEY got it wrong and it would seem that the Deacon has got it wrong with all the comments HUGO
They cannot get the facts. Pastor and diocese will not answer.
Those in the vicinity: front up and knock on the presbytery door. I would but I am an international reader.
Vatican 2 did this.
I agree that the flyer is scandalous. I agree that there should be serious concern about irreverence and causing confusion by mixing “New Age” concepts with the truth of the sacraments. Clearly this parish is unclear on some basic concepts.. However, reading the posts, I am also concerned that the author has in fact jumped to some conclusions and in doing so heightened the feelings of outrage. The deacon was, I believe, correct to urge caution and to stick to the facts.
I think it’s important when pointing out scandal not to cause further scandal by losing the high ground. The tone of your remarks to the deacon was uncharitable almost to the point of being mean-spirited. What’s wrong with sticking to the facts and avoiding ad hominem attacks? Your later posts do focus on what you know, and that’s good but I think you owe the deacon an apology.
They cannot get the facts. The clergy are keeping mum.
Allow me to provide some clarification as it pertains to what is being called the “Star Wars Mass”.
At the parish of St. Bernard, we celebrate the Family Mass every Sunday at 11:30AM. At this liturgy, the children of the parish are invited to processes in with the priest and sit in the sanctuary until the conclusion of the Homily, at which point they return to their parents in the pews for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. At the Family Mass, different scenes taken from the popular culture and the daily experience of the children are used to assist the celebrant relay the message of that week’s Gospel to the children. The Family Mass is occasionally followed with, upon the conclusion of Mass, a social for the families held in the school auditorium or in the parish garden. Examples of such Family Masses include All Saints Day when the children dress in the costume of their favorite saint, Pumpkin Patch Sunday, Ice Cream Sunday Sunday, the Backpack Blessing Sunday which is held the week school begins, Monthly Class Mass, and other which are held for our children and families throughout the year.
In the instance of Star Wars, this is a very popular film series among children and their parents. The intention of this Mass is to be a way to enhance the children’s understanding of the difference between good and evil and the ultimate triumph of good over evil. The children were invited to dress in costumes of characters from Star Wars and participate in the same way they normally do at each Family Mass. Upon the conclusion of the Mass, refreshments will be provided for the families in the school auditorium, along with appearances by some of the characters from the movie in the auditorium.
At St. Bernard Parish, we are always looking for ways to engage our young people and instruct them in the ways of our Catholic faith and tradition.
In other words, the concerns are verified. Thank you for providing this information.
Mr. Smith:
Thank you for your explanation wherein you posted in part: “The intention of this Mass is to be a way to enhance the children’s understanding of the difference between good and evil and the ultimate triumph of good over evil. ”
However that is not the Church’s intention:
CCC: “1341 The command of Jesus to repeat his actions and words “until he comes” does not only ask us to remember Jesus and what he did. It is directed at the liturgical celebration, by the apostles and their successors, of the memorial of Christ, of his life, of his death, of his Resurrection, and of his intercession in the presence of the Father.”
Indeed the whole idea of a “Children’s Mass” aprt from the rest of the parish is contrary to the Church’s teaching:
“1322 The holy Eucharist completes Christian initiation. Those who have been raised to the dignity of the royal priesthood by Baptism and configured more deeply to Christ by Confirmation participate with the whole community in the Lord’s own sacrifice by means of the Eucharist. ”
Please note that prior to V II there were no children Masses and teh Faith was strong and Catholics were numerous. Now the Faith is weak and Catholics are few and far in between. Perhaps there is a linkage?
God bless
Richard W Comerford
Thank you Monsignor. We who actually live and worship in St Bernard Parish understand and deeply appreciate your stewardship agree with your intentions in this instance entirely. There will always be those in engage in fear mongering as they sit in judgement from afar. Such pedantic views should and will simply be dismissed. Keep up your creativity your parishioners love you for it.
What a ridiculous uproar! Monsignor’s Homily was impeccable and engaged the children and parish.
He is one who should be applouded for his work at our parish. His energy, fervor and compassion has awakened St. Bernard.
He’s not only a great priest, but great man.
I understand the concern that this may seem irreverent. However, please allow me to say that I am a religion teacher, and I often find the use of popular culture helpful in teaching my students and helping them to understand and take an interest in their faith. Many of the concepts presented to them are nothing more than abstract ideas and complicated language. I could teach them to memorize the facts, but they don’t grasp what it means until you put it into terms they understand. The point of an event like this is to make children take an active interest in their faith, and in my experience, if kids like going to church, they’re more likely to stick with it and pass it on to their kids. I don’t think the Carholic church is imploding because of events like this; I think it’s imploding because younger generations are moving more and more away from religion. If we don’t reach out to them, they’re never going to reach out to us.
Great, use such to teach. Time and place though. Mass is not a teaching mechanism in and of itself. Gimmicks will not keep them coming. Just look at the last 50 years of gimmicks to keep the kids in the pews, it did not work. But all the best to you.
James Savonarola
I don’t think all of these hateful words being shouted about St. Bernard and the “Star Wars” Mass are so Christian. Ignorance is a problem in our world today, from skin color to religion. If a person does not know what they are talking about , they should not shout so loud. As with everything it’s so easy to judge someone else and what they do. St, Bernard Parish is a family community. We have many great Masses where the children and adults alike get involved and excited about being at Mass. The Mass is always prayerful and respectful of Our Lord. We have an amazing choir and we all raise our voices in song and praise. Our Holy Father Francis would be proud of us getting people together in community , into Mass to hear Gods Word. It’s very sad with so much hurt and pain in the world, the place people want to use their energy is ugly talk about an innocent Mass. Why don’t you find something productive to do? Hey, try reading the bible maybe. Here’s a verse for you Matthew 7:1-5. You might find it interesting,
Somebody complain to the Archbishop of New York or the Papal Nuncio…. The Church’s greatest enemies are within it…not just without…. The priest of this parish should be removed and defrocked…….he is not a true priest anyhow….and he is leading his flock to perdition…
To those of you who have written negative comments about Msgr., have you ever met him. When one meets him the cliche, to know him is to love him comes to mind immediately. Msgr. is very charismatic and has done much to help the young and old.
Reading words like sacrilegious and be removed and defrocked were very upsetting to me. Kathy Somma wrote, “the Mass is always prayerful and respectful of the Lord” and these words can also describe him as well.
Msgr., your love of Our Lord is evident in all that you do. Keep up your good work!
Instead they should excommunicate you for spewing hate. You are shameful. Go to confession and repent! Congratulations on being the first Pharisee Troll!
The New York Archdiocese hath no ordinary jurisdiction here.
This is The Diocese of Brooklyn’s call to make.
To everyone who is ranting, raving and hollowing that the “Star Wars” mass is a thing of evil and sacrilege, I suggest that you get a grip. Trolling in the name of religion is still trolling.
The amount of hate in the name of Catholicism in these post and elsewhere is shameful and saddening. Whether or not the individuals writing are Catholic (or even Christian) is clearly open to debate. And by the nastiness expressed by a few people who keep saying the same things over and over on multiple sites they control is sad.
Seeking to disrupt, instigating the disruption of, or promoting the disruption of a Mass or any religious service by any faith is a violation of the law in the United States. Intimidating or creating the atmosphere of fear to any religious group is also a violation of the law.
Please worry about your own life, your own churches, or your own personal spiritual philosophy. Stop harassing people who are making an effort to evangelize. I have no more right to judge the good people of that parish than you do.
Use your energy, time, and money to make your community a better place by honoring the love of Christ you smear with your visceral, over the top noise here and elsewhere on the web.
I have seen no hate. Only love of God, which is the first law, above all others. When you adjust your worldview to put love of God first, you can see this does not help children love Jesus.
You must be a spokesman for satan!! You sound like him and all others, saying the same things over and over!! Your reasoning is diabolical, sacrilegious, evil and very twisted! Satan has a strong hold on you, you poor fool!
Being a parishioner of this parish you have this all wrong. Our pastor has made it very welcoming for children of all ages to come to church a place of worship. My daughter has been going to church since she is 3 months old and now at the age of 3, she loves going to church she even participates. We don’t and never have sat in a “crying room”. Having the children play a part in the mass and making it welcoming to them and all makes a huge difference. Nothing about the mass is degrading, it is respectful and prayerful. I believe our community has come together more because of our fabulous amazing pastor. Find something else to do.
Clearly they do not believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
As a parishioner of St. Bernard I think the publicity is ridiculous our pastor has brought the young people back to church and makes the children feel welcome and wanted as many of the older people don’t make them feel welcome! I have never sat in the quite room with my children because children are welcome. the mass is not effected! People always need something to complain about! Grow up and find something else to complain about!
The event is going on right now. With over 600 children showed up. About 250 to 300 adults and parents. What an amazing event. What other Parish on a cold January day would come out. People traveled from near and far. Smiles on everyone’s face, I spoke to a 75 year old man who was over joyed with happiness because he was able to attend a church event with this many people. He lives alone and doesn’t get to socialize. What a great event. Very happy I came, very happy.
600 children showed up?
600 children failed by their priest as to the TRUE meaning of the Mass.
600 children failed by the 250-300 adults who were also failed by the Modernism that has festered for 50+ years.
It’s a vicious cycle.
They don’t even know what it is they don’t know.
May God have mercy!
Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the antichrist.
-Our Lady of La Salette, 1846
Regarding your comment:
‘Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the antichrist’
This is not part of the approved apparition of La Salette. That was added after the fact.
Please remember in Sacred scripture Jesus says: ‘Thou art Peter, upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it’.
Regarding the 600 children who showed up, do you suppose they showed up to celebrate their liking for Star Wars and their particular favourite character? Do you suppose they came to Adore, give thanksgiving, petition and make reparation to Our Lord Jesus Christ truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament? Do you suppose the parents of these children did the same? Do you suppose these parents know what is actually being promoted in Star Wars namely New Age concepts like pantheism (the all encompassing force) the ‘God force’, the ‘Universal God within’, that kind of thing. What about the the reality of a personal God namely Jesus Christ one in being with the Father and Holy Spirit who died for our redemption? How many of these children and parents can distinguish between reality and fiction? Do they truly believe in the real presence?
The phrase ‘Star Wars Mass’ says it all, I don’t need to go any further than that. These three words should not be put together like this, words have power. There is only the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass or Holy Mass, Easter Mass, Christmas Mass etc. Putting it as ‘Star War Mass’ says this mass is about Star Wars. Why can’t some people see what is wrong with this?
Perhaps they should offer the mass for the conversion of those who produce such movies. I watched the 3 original Star Wars movies when I was much younger but haven’t watched any more because of the violence and the New Age theme. It’s more than just good versus
evil. We need to build a culture of life, that means producing and supporting movies that promote Catholic doctrine and are truly edifying.
I’m one of those poorly catechized ‘cradle’ Catholics who didn’t know what the Real Presence
really was until late in life (30+ years). Imagine that!
Place yourself on Calvary, that is what the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is all about, the representation, the renewal of that sacrifice. Do you think we would be dressing up in anything but our Sunday best for that? What a horrible way to die, crucifixion! It was my personal sins that did that! That’s what I should be remembering, no distractions with worldly things, just uniting myself with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as best I can. Remembering what Jesus did, remembering what I’m supposed to be doing at mass now.
It’s not about fun and games, it’s about the Crucifixion, it’s about dying to self and uniting with that infinite sacrifice. Like Bernadette said at Lourdes, ‘Penance, Penance, Penance’.
We are in a battle for our souls, working out our salvation with fear and trembling.
Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of Mary pray for us all that we may awaken from our personal darkness of ignorance and sin and charitably (mercifully) help our fellow Catholics to do the same. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us.
“The event is going on right now.”
Just caught that.
Were you ONLINE at mass?!
Obviously the liberal parishioners of St. Bernard have been organized to poo-poo the concerns of faithful Catholics regarding this sacrilege (which probably occurred at the time of my writing). God have mercy on you for cooperating with this sin of sacrilege.
I just noticed the phrase “comes a mass like no other”. Doesn’t that tell quite a bit? They actually admit that the mass is not like the first Mass, that is, the Last Supper. At the very least, it betrays an overly exalted, grandiose opinions that this pastor has of his debacle.
Stop reading into a flyer that a volunteer in the office probably spent 5 minutes on.
The Church needs more priests like Monsignor, and fewer of the hateful, judgmental Pharisees that troll this site.
“When the Catholic church goes, there goes the World” If you don’t believe this, see the chaos all around the world. Man has lost his moral compass and now, “what is evil is good, and what is good, is now evil.”
The Catholic church from the “Top down” is falling apart and you prefer blindness
I am a member of St. Bernards and both my daughters attend the acadamy. I assure you nothing was sacrilege about the mass today. As stated in the flyer the star wars party was after as we have many post mass celebrations. Last time I checked the bible teaches us to not judge, to not gossip, to love those who are not like us. I would urge you all to reconsider your judgements and attend confession. Hes done more for the church than anyone on here could possibly fathom
You tell us “not to judge” but then tell us to “go to confession”. Sounds pretty judgmental to me! The fact is we must judge actions and this flyer speaks of sacrilege.
Would you be able to recognize sacrilege?
Apparently not, as you defend it.
The bible tells us not to judge souls.
No one here is gossiping; we are scandalized and we are speaking out. We love you enough to care what you are doing to yourselves and your children.
The bible tells us to use discernment. The bible tells us to admonish one another. The bible warns of false prophets, of wicked men, of wolves devouring the Flock.
Paul warned:
Take heed to yourselves, and to the whole flock, wherein the Holy Ghost hath placed you bishops, to rule the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. [29] I know that, after my departure, ravening wolves will enter in among you, not sparing the flock. [30] And of your own selves shall arise men speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.
Therefor watch…Acts 20
Christ Himself said:
And many false prophets shall rise, and shall seduce many. [12] And because iniquity hath abounded, the charity of many shall grow cold. [13] But he that shall persevere to the end, he shall be saved. [14] And this gospel of the kingdom, shall be preached in the whole world, for a testimony to all nations, and then shall the consummation come. [15] When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place: he that readeth let him understand. Matt 24
What is the abomination of desolation in the Holy Place?
If it’s not the novus ordo beefed up with a secular star wars theme, then I can’t imagine what could be worse…but then again, the conciliar church is full of surprises, and 2017 is right around the corner.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
You apparently don’t know your faith and have been seeped in the American liberal church for quite some time now. In order for you to get on the right track, I suggest you start praying to the Holy Spirit for guidance and so you can receive the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit especially the gift of “Knowledge.”
God, forgive them for they know not what they do. I hope this is your case……
Your 15 minutes ended 6 days ago ……
I can assure you this Mass did not have any stamp of approval by Bishop DiMarzio nor from the Diocese of Brooklyn. The bishop, as the good shepherd he is, will deal with this atrocity. Anyone who has any knowledge of him, knows he would be appalled by a Star Wars Mass.
I called his office directly and spoke with his secretary, as did many other Catholics. She took my name and # and said she’d get back with me. She didn’t.
He knows.
Or he needs a new secretary.
We are looking at a problem which is almost 50 Years Old & began in 1967, a little bit after Super Bowl I. It began with the “Reform” of the Liturgy, which was still in Tridentine Format, only with the Prayers translated to Vernacular. And I, too, lived in Brooklyn.
Due to the bit about “Some Other Suitable Music” in Sacrosanctum Concilium & the bit about “Inculturation”, we began to hear so acclaimed “Folk” Music, of the Variety that would get someone kicked out od a Greenwich Village Coffee House, as well as cause queues at Parish Vomiteria(Times Vary from Parish to Parish), as there are enough ambiguities in Sacrosanctum Concilium, to allow this Putrescence.
By 1980, “The Tablet”, official newspaper of The RC Diocese Of Brooklyn, carried a story about a “Clown Mass.” The story treated this Sacrilege as a “Creative Expression” for young people. It was a period which cannot be forgotten, though many wish they could.
Are things going get so bad as to sing the “Alleluia” to the theme from “FOX NFL Sunday?”
Think about how far we have digressed to the point of the Advertised Liturgical Special, involving Secular Entertainment. This was UNTHINKABLE about 53 Years Ago, when Parishes had TEN Masses on SUNDAY & 38 during the week, excuding Requiem & Nuptial Masses including Sundays & Holy Days of Obligation.
Then again, In the Latin Church, Mass was in Latin. Doctrine & NOT Concepts, was taught. Religious began experimenting with Rogerian Psychology After the Close of The Second Vatican Council. Things did not change for The Better. The Liturgy was NOT “Reformed” unless one was a Fan of The Destructive & Prideful Martin Luther & Thomas Cranmer(Both Apostates). Since WHEN Does The One, True Church, begin dismantling Her Magnificent Liturgy, in order to win the Approval of The Secular Humanist & Protestant World?
I hate to say this, but this “Star Wars” Liturgical Special, is almost 50 Years in the Making.
I sincerely doubt that there was ever a “clown Mass” in Brooklyn. Neither the president nor vice president were available to attend.
this is about MATURITY…or lack of it. Now just think about all those children who will always associate The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass with some new age sci-fi movie.
And those children will grow up and eventually stop attending Mass because “star wars is for kids”..and the cycle continues.
The Church is rotten with a cancer that passes as the new cool incluuuuusive Church.
A lot of today’s Catholics are SPIRITUALLY BLIND and do NOT believe in the Real Presence.
and they will defend this viciously
Star Wars is fine. Try doing a Latin Mass and you’d be arrested. The church or I should say the church men keep going down hill.
Perhaps, if all of the nay-sayers will come up for air long enough to decompress and to consider just what they are saying. The vitriol, which they so abundently spout is far more noxious and anti-catholic than the so-called abomination (Star Wars Mass) which, they fear will destroy our Church. GET A LIFE. Our Church has been here for 2,000 years and withstood the most vicious assaults which Satan and his minions could throw at it. Perhaps, between the vasilating and sanctimonious hand wringing, they might actually read the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the entire Vatican II Document. It would be most enlightening for some. Our Church is under virulent and uncessing attack by the powers of Satan and his dicsiples of darkness and culture of death. I fear, that some of his noxious smoke has clouded the minds of some and their ability to see clearly, just how, they might be aiding and abetting this furious satanic assault by their petty personal condemnation, finger-pointing, name calling and sentencing to hell, those whom they find fault, real and/or perceived. Perhaps, a little more time spent in fervent, humble prayer and fasting may clear Satan’s smoke from one’s mind, heart and soul. Those, who so freely condemn Bishop DiMarzio, Deacon Kendra and the Pastor of St. Bernard’s Church are playing Satan’s slimey game of dividing our Church, rather than uniting it. As one person said, “We have seen the enemy and it is US”. Perhaps, instead of carping away with such self-righteous vehemence and indignation, we might spend some more profitable time in brainstorming on just how we might get more of our Catholic parents to make attending Mass with their children more of a joy rather than a weekly task. It is our Lord’s Supper and we are all invited. Those of us, who reject the invitation today, may well have to explain as they stand before the Throne of God in final judgment tomorrow. Now that might be something to get upset about. Personally, I believe, that Jesus would love to see the children in costume or not. I know that my sixteen grand-kids would have a ball and not be gobbled up by Satan. Peace, Bob Fallon
To quote Yoda, “A sacrilege this is!”
Why celebrate the Mass at all? I mean they obviously don’t believe anything they are doing so why go through the motions? Why don’t just do the party and leave the Mass alone?
They have no shame.