The Lepanto Institute was recently asked by a supporter if the Salesian Missions was a “safe charity” to donate to. Not knowing the answer, Lepanto Institute conducted an investigation of the Salesian Missions’ program called “Life Choices,” and discovered that this program is quite similar to just about anything Planned Parenthood would publish. The program recommends masturbation, encourages condom use, employs emotionally dangerous “role-play” exercises, promotes contraception (including abortifacients like the morning after pill), and even provides contact information for teens to acquire condoms and contraception. According to the Salesian Missions’ website, over 375,000 kids have been exposed to this program. Click here for the full report in PDF format.
The Salesian Mission Office, under the guidance of the Eastern USA and Canadian Salesian Province, seeks to provide for the material and spiritual needs of poor and abandoned individuals, especially the young. The Salesian Missions belong to the order started by St. John “Don” Bosco, the Society of St. Francis de Sales, commonly referred to as “Salesians. Given what has been discovered, imagine what St. John Bosco would think with the order he founded contributing, not to the sanctification of youth, as was his own mandate, but to their corruption with these immoral programs.
In 2007, PEPFAR reported granting the Salesian Missions $56,599 for HIV prevention programs. Page 259 of this report shows that the Salesian Missions were responsible for providing information on condom use.
The Salesian Mission website verifies the implementation of the “Life Choices” program, focusing on reducing teen pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, substance abuse and violence.
The Life Choices website for the Salesian Life Choices program in South Africa indicates that the Salesian Life Choices organization is operating “under the Salesian priests and brothers.” In fact, one of the board members is a Salesian priest who is also the “Property Administrator of the Archdiocese of Cape Town, South Africa.”
The following information will come directly from the Salesian Life Choices, “Youth Friendly HIV Counseling & Testing” manual. In this 65 page manual, the word “condom” is mentioned 71 times, and always in promotion of condom use.
Page 9 of the Youth Friendly HIV Counseling and Testing manual makes the intention of the manual clear with regard to the promotion of condoms, saying that “it is crucial that counselors change the stigma around condom use.” Page 36 calls on teens to “condomise,” which means to use a condom every time they have sex, including “anal, oral, vaginal, male-to-male, and female-to-female.” Note the word “choice” on the pictures of condoms. On the same page, a note says they encourage youth to use condoms, “not based on moral reasoning,” but “purely good sense.” It also encourages dental dams for oral sex and finger condoms for mutual masturbation.
Page 37 explains that the Life Choices program includes condom demonstrations. The note goes so far as to instruct counsellors to inform teens where they can obtain condoms. There are many other references to condom use in this manual, but these examples suffice to show an immoral encouragement coming from a an organization attached to a religious order.
Now, we’ll switch to the Salesian Life Choices, “Dream 2 Be” manual for 9th grade peer-educators. In this manual, not only are condoms advocated for, but so also are abortifacient birth control pills, injectables, and the morning after pill. On page 16 is an extremely dangerous role-playing exercise where a 9th grade boy is paired with a 9th grade girl, and the two are supposed to have a discussion on whether or not to have sex, specifically stating that they should NOT discuss the morality of having sex outside of marriage. The danger in an exercise like this is that strong adolescent emotions will be evoked by this kind of role-play, potentially engaging immoral thoughts and out-of-class curiosity.But that’s not the worst of it.
On page 17, boys are encouraged to masturbate in order to satisfy sexual urges, and then to use condoms if they choose to have sex.
On page 18, in a discussion about HIV/AIDS, is a near pornographic image and young teens are told to “use condoms at all times.” There are many other serious problems with this manual, but these examples suffice to show the gravely immoral nature of this program.
Forgoing Catholic moral teaching altogether, rather than telling these kids that sexual intercourse is an act designed by God to be reserved for marriage, page 19 tells young adolescents that they should wait to have sex until “they are ready.” It also encourages them to use contraception, including abortifacients like the birth control pill and injectable contraception along with a condom. It also tells them where they can get condoms and contraception, and even suggests obtaining abortifacient “emergency contraception” if they ever have “unprotected” sex. On the next page are phone numbers indicating where to obtain contraceptives, including emergency contraception.
In addition to promoting contraception and abortifacients in their program manuals, The Salesian Life Choices program publishes a youth newsletter, distributing about 15,000 copies to targeted schools. Several of these newsletters include STRONG support for contraception, including abortifacients.
Salesian Life Choices’ youth newsletter #1 includes a flow-chart illustrating that using a condom can help to avoid contracting HIV/AIDS.
Youth newsletter #3 warns that “unprotected sex” or sex without a condom, increases the risk of contracting HIV/AIDS.
Youth newsletter #4 has an entire article devoted to encouraging the use of all forms of contraception, including abortifacients.
The website of the Salesian Missions indicates that, with funding from USAID, it has exposed 375,000 to the Life Choices program.
The project of the Salesian Missions called “Life Choices” is clearly not in line with Catholic moral teaching, however this report illustrates an even greater issue that merits further attention. It should be noted that the Salesian Life Choices program was only made possible through the donations from and partnerships with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), and the Global Fund.
This isn’t the first time Catholic moral teaching has been compromised by Catholic aid agencies after receiving funds from organizations that promote contraception and abortion. Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has been caught time and again implementing programs against Catholic moral teaching through the funding of such organizations. After receiving funds from PEPFAR, CRS implemented a condom-promoting video series and a contraception-promoting curriculum in Kenya. In Rwanda, CRS tested a Planned Parenthood-style sex education program with funding from USAID. The problem is obvious: Funding from agencies intent on spreading immoral behaviors always come with a cost.
At this time, it is clearly not safe to contribute funds to the Salesian Missions until they divorce themselves from funding provided by government and immoral organizations. This report serves as further evidence that the mandate of Pope Benedict XVI in his 2012 motu proprio, On the Service of Charity, MUST be obeyed. Pope Benedict said that the “Bishop is to ensure that charitable agencies dependent upon him do not receive financial support from groups or institutions that pursue ends contrary to Church’s teaching.” Let us pray that Catholic aid agencies follow this mandate, providing for authentic charitable works that pew-sitting Catholics can be proud to fund.
This report has been sent to both the Salesian Order and the Salesian Missions six days prior to publication and no response was received.
Sadly I can’t say I am surprised. Will your report be sent to the Vatican? If Pope Francis wants to do some good, he needs to clean up rogue orders like this one. God have mercy.
I will not give them any more money. Shame on them
Shame on what? For helping human beings?
Got Christmas cards was thinking of sending a little but now not so sure..all about sex..need to teach more about diseases also. The drawing where someone can win 10,000 .use that for feeding and clothing children.if having sex condoms some kind of birth control also
What is your concern? Is it that the Salesians are saving peoples’ lives, instead of watching them die from AIDS? Do you have a problem with sex education, and providing helpful, vital information so that people can take care of themselves? I will continue my quarterly donations to Salesian Missions, as I have done for the past 25 years. Perhaps, you should donate, instead of griping!
The concern is that the Salesians are leading souls to Hell by encouraging them to commit evil acts.
What evil acts are you speaking of?
Masturbation and contraception. Didn’t you read the article?
Thank you for your educated, thoughtful and loving response.
Best, Joanne
Amen! I wanted to know if the Salesian Missions use donations wisely. Knowing they offer not just food, clothing, etc. but also valid advice to address real world problems is encouraging. Chastity is a spiritual choice I encourage. For those struggling with it to protect themselves and others through use of condoms and masturbation until they are able to achieve celibacy are sound and loving choices. May God bless us all.
We pray,that the Holy Spirit will guide everyone to make things happen positive on our side.Holy Mary pray for us.Amen.
In a nation where about 10% of the population is infected with HIV it’s irresponsible not to urge young people to use condoms. Good for the Salesians!
Countries that pass out Condoms, Thailand South Africa and NYC USA that pass out condoms have a HUGE increase in STD. Countries promoting chastity East Africa and the Phillipines have had a Decrease in STD’s in ALL cases.
Encouraging condom use is immoral. Doesn’t the salvation of souls mean anything anymore?
I work in biomedical research, When working with HIV infected tissue we have full face shields, water proof smocks and double gloves. A thin layer of latex and drunk people (with wine or passion) is not a recipe for safety.
Alleluia! A group of Christians with the courage & vision to actually help youth stay safe, & ALIVE; long enough to actually fulfill their destiny. Working w/the world & it’s children of God, as it IS. Meeting them where they live. One of the most positive developments in the world of relief agencies; caring more about eradicating HIV/AIDS, than utopian ideals. Jesus walked WITH the poor, sinful, misguided human beings, & LOVED them, drew them to Him w/understanding. Don’t even get me started w/the arrogance of the Catholic church; feeling their right to speak w/moral authority, while sweeping the filth of wholesale rape & destruction of children, under the rug.
Thank you. I find it so very refreshing that there are people that really care about human beings. To love and help all is what god is all about.
I concur! Thank you Salesians.
Thank you Lepanto for again exposing the culture of death.
So, could you update us on who the responsible Prelates are? Heads of the Order or the provincials, and any other supporting Bishops, so we can do some Canon law 212 stuff?
This is truly sad. I have donated and supported Salesian Missions for many years.
I am supportive of The Salesians and have been for many years. Their work in the countries cited in the Lepanto “investigation” is admirable when viewed in the light of the prevention of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. “Education” is far more instrumental in these countries in guiding the youth than is the ignorance of their present set of circumstances. Consider the flip side if The Salesians were not involved in these types of projects. Human beings are human beings whether they be Catholics or the populace of these countries where missions are active. The nature of human beings is such that there is the sexual urge and the outcomes of these sexual acts will bring far more problems if the populace remains uneducated than they will with a little dose of common sense: masturbation, condoms, etc. The Lepanto Institute is sticking its nose in something that they should abstain from altogether. The world changes; the founder of the Salesians would, if he were alive in these circumstances, adapt as The Salesians are doing in an admirable fashion.
Are you related to Helen Gurley Brown of Cosmopolitan Magazine?
You write as she would have.
Yes of course the Church should conform to the world. What kind of out moded thinking would promote morality and chastity? Get thee behind me. You are of this world. You have abandon reason for madness.
Promote chastity, continence, and self control. In every case these programs lower HIV transmission. More importantly they are the only moral choices. Funny how God’s instructions work best isn’t it.
Since you are obviously apostate or heterodox why bother commenting on a site like this? To lead others to sin? To encourage the work of the Enemy?
What enemy? What sin?
Trying to urge common sense here appears pointless.
Pre-marital sex is immoral according to the church – if someone is engaging in this act, they should be protecting themselves and encouraging them to do otherwise is enormously irresponsible. The responses are delusional – do you genuine I believe young men and women will not masturbate if you tell them not to? Abstinence based education is proven not to work, despite the comments here to the contrary.
As for why someone would come to comment on this when they disagree… Probably because this dangerous attitude kills? You can claim to be pro-life all you choose, but these stipulations (nothing more than remnants of a religion aiming to expand its numbers and control their women) kill – I suppose those lives do not matter so much as a potential life prevented through condom use (assuming you have sex in the maximum 25% of the time where pregnancy is even possible – otherwise condoms act solely to protect you from disease)? It’s idiotic.
What a cowardly absence of wisdom. When you separate the procreative from the unitive dimensions of sexuality you obtain increases in illicit sex leading to a greater disposition to accept the utilitarian ethics that treats inconvenient lives as something to be thrown away. How depraved, cold-blooded, and cowardly to not understand this.
Education, coupled with thoughtful love and kindness, will prevail. Thank you and the Salesians
I must disagree with your opinion that the great St. Don Bosco would “adapt” to the times by going against the teachings of the Catholic Church. The Salesians are betraying his great heritage by dispensing contraceptives, etc.
I see the influence of the secular – humanist programs on the Salesians. Our culture has been inundated by that movement for decades and it has found fertile soil. May God help us all !
I agree with Henry Gurley. Teach the people to sin. Sin is what they need to solve their problems!
If this isn’t the work of Satan himself!
Does anyone else see how this work promotes a racist agenda?
The Salesians are clearly no longer trying to save souls,
What does the pope think of all that crap?
In my opinion the eternal salvation of thousands of young people is more urgent than discussing the way to deal with the climate change.
Did he already enforce disciplinary measures?
I was both saddened and angry to learn this shocking news. I have sent the Salesian Missions contributions periodically up to now, but I will not be sending any more.
As a Catholic, I find that while it is bad enough to be attacked by the “usual suspects,” ( i.e. non -Catholic bigots ) it is far worse to be deceived and betrayed by those who actively rebel against Church teachings while continuing to call themselves “Catholic.”
Truly, these are devils preying on vulnerable children. If you don’t believe the Gospel then get out of our Church!!!
I agree this report should be sent to the Vatican. Wake up world, for if the Mother of God was sent to warn us as she did in Fatima showing us a vision of Hell and telling us that more souls go there because of sins of the flesh and sin is the cause of all wars, we better listen to her and teach our children morality, not sin.
Evidently they have not read “Dreams and Visions of St John Bosco”.
I appreciate so much the work which you are doing, I humbly invite you to go more ‘in depth’ regarding this search and to find out the truth. I have heard and I know well the Salesians program in South Africa, but I have never seen what is invented or modified in that information. I have got there original program and is much different. If you wish to have a look at it, you could contact me too ([email protected]). Please look for the Truth without keeping anyone’s part. Odise Lazri, Israel
Thank you for informing us about these awful activities of the Salesian Missionaries. I will no longer contribute any monies to them!!
It is heartbreaking and shocking to see how even “Christians” are part of a generation that simply seem not to care what God demands of all of us. Today, as always, conversion through prayer are the weapons we must practice and be shining exampless to others through the intercession of Our Blessed Mother.
I suggest that we start calling them the Sleezians.
I sent Salesian Missions a letter asking to be taken off their mailing list. They sent me a form letter denying the report but not specifically explaining how the report was not accurate.
I was going to enroll in an annuity for about $45K. After reading your Life Choices it is
contrary to what we have been taught and we are shocked to learn that it even exists in
our Church???
I’m glad we could help you to see what is going on at Salesian Missions. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask us.
I am so shocked to hear of the education of youths, etc., about condom use, abortifacients, masturbation, etc., all against the teachings of the Catholic Church.
I have requested many Masses to be offered for my love ones and others over many, many years and have contributed to what I thought was helping young lives and not destroying their souls.
After reading about what has really been going on with donations and how they are being used, I feel in the depth of my soul I cannot support this organization any longer as long as these practices are being taught and pushed on the needy.
May God have mercy on your souls for promoting such mortal sin behavior.
Before anyone takes this information as the gospel truth and before you stop supporting this ministry don’t you think it fair to see what the Pope and Vatican have to say about this? I would think that had these allegations been properly reported an investigation into them would have been initiated. Don’t believe everything that you hear or see. Keep Faith in our Catholic Community until you have factual information from the Vatican.
All of the documentation in this report came from original source documents, including the Salesian Missions website and the Salesian Life Choices website in South Africa.
Get off your collective high condescending moral horses hippocrytes.
No wonder millions of people have AIDS that do not know HOW they got it!
Do you honestly believe that continued suffering is in HIS will?
Is leaving people in ignorance of their reason for suffering a Christ like act.
What happened to Love God? Do you think that God WANTS his kids to suffer?
What happened to love your neighbor? Do you believe that your moral superiority counteracts this command?
IF any denies Love for his neighbor in favor of even a GOD guided MAN promulgated belief, that belief’s application is in doubt of meeting its purpose.
And if the effect is a continent of suffering, its time to re-ask Him who Fathers us ALL. With as direct a contact as can be had.
Yours in His Love.
Pat Ambre
I think Jesus would say to you Get behind me Satan!
None of those things are against the teachings of Jesus. Some Pope decided they were wrong.
Who CAN judge one’s actions? Only The One who absolutely KNOWS the motives of one’s heart… When someone gives to help (donor/provider) only God can be certain… only God can judge… ‘Following the rules’ by itself is not enough… Without love there’s nothing… That lesson was taught in the CROSS…
Thank you for this review. Prior to reading it I was unsure if I should contribute to this charity. Now I feel confident that this charity is following the teachings of Christ. I will donate as much as I am financially able to.
Are you referring to the Salesian Missions as worthy of contributions?
I must disagree with your opinion that the great St. Don Bosco would “adapt” to the times by going against the teachings of the Catholic Church. The Salesians are betraying his great heritage by dispensing contraceptives, etc.