Earlier this week, a friend of the Lepanto Institute who lives in Sweden sent a letter to Bishop Anders Arborelius to express concerns with Caritas Sweden. The heart of his concern is that Caritas Sweden appeared to be partnered with an organization called the Blossom Trust, which is actively pushing homosexual and transgender ideologies. A few days after writing to Bp. Arborelius, our friend received a response from George Joseph, General Secretary for Caritas Sweden, saying:
Dear Xxxxxxx,
Thank you for your message forwarded to me by Bishop Anders. Caritas Sweden has no contact with and has never had contact with the organization Blossom Trust. They use Caritas Sweden’s logo without permission. We have asked Caritas in India to contact the organization.
George Joseph
General Secretary through Marie Eidem
Caritas Sweden
The response is a curious one for many reasons.
On a page dedicated to its partnerships, the Blossom Trust had for a very long time indicated that Caritas Sweden was one of its partners, as can be seen here.
As Mr. Joseph indicated, someone from Caritas India must have contacted the Blossom Trust to request the removal of Caritas Sweden’s logo because it is no longer there. To compound the matter, the Blossom Trust shows on its website that Caritas Sweden established the Blossom Farm way back in 2002.
It is entirely possible that Mr. Joseph’s statement that “Caritas Sweden has no contact with and has never had contact with the organization Blossom Trust” may be technically correct, albeit somewhat misleading. Under the auspices of Caritas Sweden are many local Swedish “Caritas” establishments operating through local parishes. For our readers in the United States, it would be akin to Catholic Charities USA with many smaller Catholic Charities offices being operated through dioceses and parishes. And the reason we believe this to be misleading is that Caritas Sweden itself recognized in 2006 that one of the smaller Swedish Caritas organizations, Caritas Linköping, has been involved with the Blossom Trust since 2002 in Caritas Sweden’s “Asia Sector.” This Caritas Sweden Annual Report from 2006 says:
Jönköping Deanery • Caritas Linköping
Caritas Linköping has for many years been involved in Caritas Sweden’s Asian sector, India, and contributed support to an orphanage in southern India. In the years 2001-2002, Caritas Linköping participated in the project “Income-generating program for casteless women” through financial support to the organization Blossom Trust in southern India. Blossom Trust helps abandoned and HIV-infected children and women through orphanage operations. They conduct vocational training for women and agricultural cooperatives. From 2004, Caritas Linköping participated in the project with the aim of transforming the agricultural cooperative into a self-supporting unit. This project was completed in the fall of 2006. During the rest of 2006, Caritas Linköping devoted itself to direct assistance to the Blossom Trust’s orphanage Dayspring Home in Virundhanagar in southern India.
In March of 2016, the Swedish parish St. Nikolai Katolska Församling published a bulletin wherein it established that Caritas Linköping (which is operated out of this particular parish) sent SEK 10,794 (about $970 in US dollars) to:
“the organization Blossom Trust, which, among other things, runs The Dayspring Home, a school/orphanage for orphans in India. Caritas Linköping has supported Blossom financially over the years ten years.”
In May of this year (2023), St. Nikolai posted a fundraiser on its website on behalf of Caritas Linköping for proceeds going to the Blossom Trust.
Whether Caritas Sweden itself, under its own name, was involved in establishing the Blossom Farm or was partnered with the Blossom Trust is somewhat of a moot point because the Caritas (and therefore Catholic) name has been lent to an organization that is committed to grave moral perversion. The sad truth is that the Blossom Trust is deeply involved in the promotion of homosexual and transgender ideologies, and it is being financed by a Catholic institution.
The Blossom Trust has a published “Gender Policy” wherein it declares ideologies in direct conflict with Catholic teaching on human sexuality. What follows are a few key statements from the policy that include “core principles and commitments against which all parts of Blossom will be held accountable”:
- “Blossom recognizes that gender is not binary.”
- “While rigid gender norms can limit all of us, Blossom also recognizes that gender norms and hierarchies are constructed by people.”
- “These not only limit individuals who identify as girls, boys, women and men, as well as identities beyond the binary, but also individuals whose sexual orientations do not conform with dominant norms and expectations of heterosexuality.”
In addition to this policy, the Blossom Trust has several projects that are directed specifically at promoting transgenderism. For instance, in 2022 the Blossom Trust created a project it calls the “Rainbow Chasers Clan.” Boasting that the project provides “young members of the LGBTQI+ community with a safe, collaborative and supportive network of peers and educators to ensure their mental and physical well-being as well as protection and safety,” the Blossom Trust then expresses its mission as the following:
On a page titled, “Transgender Targeted Intervention,” the Blossom Trust indicates that since 2018 it has been involved in government-sponsored project regarding the transgender community. Through this work, the Blossom Trust states:
“Blossom Trust has sought to improve the socioeconomic status of the TG communities and empower TG individuals to become self-reliant and advocates for their rights.
Furthermore, community events and hot-spot meetings are set up to spread awareness about gender, sex and sexuality, and LGBTQ+ rights.”
In addition to this, the Blossom Trust is quick to point out that this intervention work includes condom promotion and distribution.
In November of 2022, the Blossom Trust posted a message on its LinkedIn page stating its intention to participate in the Transgender Awareness Week. In its message, The Blossom Trust announced that it is “celebrating … our amazing TG [transgender] community.” The message was accompanied by a multi-tiered meme showing someone in a leotard and boots wearing a trans-flag as a cape, a cellphone with the message “Trans Lives Matter,” a trans flag honoring those lost to “transphobic violence,” and a series of rainbow colored people indicating the intention to “commemorate the fantastic work of our TG community members.”
On March 31, 2022, the Blossom Trust boasted of its participation in celebrating the “Transgender Day of Visibility,” saying:
“Being able to finally say: “I am a transgender person” in public, means legitimization for #Transgender people and other people outside the binary “man” or “woman” categories. Blossom continues to promote transgender #rights and encourages people to think with an open mind and to allow diversity at any social level.”
This represents a mere sample of the radical push for sexual immorality being enacted by the Blossom Trust. There is a lot more that could be said, but the concern here is the fact that the Blossom Trust is receiving finding from a Catholic entity in Sweden.
This is just one more example of the outright corruption of organizations belonging to Caritas Internationalis. Year after year, we’ve exposed the issues with Catholic Relief Services – the American branch of Caritas. We’ve also exposed the fact that one of Caritas’ founding members called CORDAID, which is the Caritas affiliate of the Netherlands, is distributing condoms and contraception while partnering with Planned Parenthood, and even helped create a vile sex-education program called Jeun S3. We’ve exposed the fact that Caritas Internationalis is on the governing body of a contraception-pushing organization called the Sphere Project, and is on the governing body of the World Social Forum, an international communist organization that pushes homosexual and transgender ideologies, contraception, abortion, and even witchcraft. We also proved that Caritas Sweden is a member and funder of several pro-abortion, contraception-pushing organizations.
In the intelligence community, they say that once is happenstance, twice is a coincidence and three times is enemy action. The consistent and persistent pattern of Caritas organizations being heavily involved in the promotion of grave sexual immorality and abortion cannot be ignored.
Every Catholic donating to Catholic Charities or Caritas International must own these grave sins against God. And so must every bishop that continues to promote them in their diocese.