The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) persistently claims to thoroughly review each grant applicant and that it never provides funds to organizations that act against Catholic moral or social teaching. Most recently, Bp. Timothy Senior, the current chairman of the CCHD subcommittee, told his brother bishops that the reports of the Lepanto Institute on CCHD grants are “unfounded,” and that: “All of the initiatives that are supported with CCHD funding have undergone a thorough … [Read more...]
Catholic Campaign for Human Development Grantee Collects Pornographic LGBTQ Books for Minors at Youth Center
Bishop Chairman of CCHD gives blanket defense of CCHD grants and grant review processOver the years, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development has provided grants to the organization called Congregations United to Serve Humanity (CUSH). From 2012-2018, the CCHD provided a total of $202,000 to CUSH, after which time it hadn’t received a grant again until the 2021-2022 grants cycle. The recently published CCHD grants list for 2021-2022 shows that CUSH received a grant of $45,000 for … [Read more...]
Catholic Campaign for Human Development Closes all Communication, Refuses to Answer Questions
NOTE: Action item at the end of the article!!!Over the weekend, the Lepanto Institute received a letter from Bishop Timothy Senior, current chairman of the subcommittee for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), slamming the door on any discussion regarding serious concerns related to CCHD grantees while refusing to publish the most recent grants list. Despite the CCHD's vigorous commitment to "operate at the highest levels of ... transparency," this letter from the CCHD's … [Read more...]
Report on Grantees of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development for FY 2020-2021
IntroductionThe following report on organizations receiving funding from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 provides a list of clickable reports. (Click here for the full chart of CCHD grantee Reports) Each of the organizations profiled received a grant from the CCHD, according to the latest reported list from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Next to the named organization is the amount it received from the CCHD for that year, … [Read more...]
CCHD 2020-2021 Grants Report
CCHD 2020-2021 Grants ReportWhat follows is a listing of all 66 grantees found to be in violation of CCHD guidelines and Catholic moral teaching. Click the name of the organization to read the full report. You can also sort each column alphabetically, either by name of the organization, by diocese, or by violation type.NOTE REGARDING DIOCESES NOT LISTED HERE: Most dioceses that take the CCHD collection only retain 25% of the collection money for local use. The other 75% is sent to … [Read more...]