“Much has been said lately of the massive amounts of government money going to Catholic Charities, and some are beginning to awaken to the grotesque salaries taken by their CEOs.” In the 1951 film, “People Will Talk,” Dr. Noah Praetorius (an unconventional doctor, played by Cary Grant, who questions a medical industry that treats patients like machines) asks a colleague (Dr. Baker, played by Walter Slezak), “What is my business?” Dr. Baker responds with a rather conventional answer: "To … [Read more...]
Report: Political Donations by “Professional” Catholics Heavily Favor Democrats
In 2016, the Lepanto Institute conducted a review of political contributions from employees of Catholic Relief Services, finding that 98% of those employees contributed to pro-abortion candidates and causes.A new analysis of political campaign contributions, conducted by the Lepanto Institute and Complicit Clergy, updated and expanded this initial research to include individuals working for various other Catholic charitable institutions, namely Catholic Charities, Covenant House, St. Vincent … [Read more...]