The 2018 Association of U. S. Catholic Priests (AUSCP) annual assembly is being held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 25-28. This places the assembly in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, where Archbishop John Wester presides. As we reported previously, the AUSCP is a dissident organization pushing for ordained women deaconesses running priestless parishes among other abuses, so this couldn’t be an official diocesan sponsored event, right? Wrong.In June of 2016, Arcbhishop Wester agreed to … [Read more...]
Catholic Relief Services CEO to Participate in Initiative of Women’s Ordination Group
The outgoing president and CEO of Catholic Relief Services, Dr. Carolyn Woo, is slated to participate in new project initiative of the heretical organization called FutureChurch. According to a 01 November press release by FutureChurch: On November 1st, a brand new initiative – Catholic Women Preach (CWP) – launches in time for Advent. Using modern technology to bring the voices of Catholic women to the proclamation of the Gospel, will offer challenging, inspiring and … [Read more...]
The Women’s Ordination End-Run?
Female Deacons is the Hoped-For Launching Pad to Higher Offices It’s no secret that a dissident group of disaffected feminists, while claiming to be ‘faithful’ Catholics, are hard at work in remaking the priesthood in their own image and likeness. They operate through heretical organizations like Future Church, the American Catholic Council, Call to Action, Voice of the Faithful, and the Women’s Ordination Conference, and they enjoy the publicity given them by feckless and heterodox … [Read more...]
Victory Novena for the Synod on the Family
Today begins the 9 day novena to Our Lady of Victory. Liturgically, it's fascinating to note that this particular novena begins on Michaelmas, the Feast of St. Michael and the Archangels. It's beautifully appropriate that we begin the novena to Our Lady of Victory on Michaelmas for two reasons: 1) Our Lady is the Queen of all angels, and St. Michael is the Prince of the Heavenly Host, and 2) St. Michael won the very first victory in Heaven by expelling Lucifer and the rebellious angels.The … [Read more...]
Open Letter to Cardinal O’Malley
"Please Correct the Heresy Being Preached by your Priest" Your Eminence,As you are no doubt aware, the Church is currently in the midst of a grave crisis of faith, particularly with regard to the Christian family. As we approach the upcoming Synod on the Family, taking place next month, the faithful have been subjected to scandalous confusion at the hands of German bishops. Cardinal Marx, who is threatening schism if the Church does not approve the distribution of Holy Communion for … [Read more...]